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Dr. Augell's Lecture

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The flrst o!' t!io course of lectores bcfore tlit; Sttulents' Lecture Assoclatloa was de llvcred last i iK-sday evenlng, by .f. i!. Angelí., LI.. 1) , Pri -NUK-iit of tlie Uulverolty. The M. E. Churth was Blled to folluoss uu tl ie occasion, and wc feel justitieel in saylug that a be'.ter satlsfled audlence uevef left that audtence room than the one wlilch iveut away tbat nlght after listeulug to what was satd. "Tlie Tülukers and t lic Doers" was the subject, and it was haudled in sucli a in. iiuioi' tliat uone coukl fall to be Intereated, aud mauy, very many, wc doubt not, sllently thanked the lectnrer for the kiml and instnietive thoiiii!its so plens expressed. He commeoced liis lectora by snylng that the world vvua dlvlded into twoolaisos: the tliiukers and ihe doers. There were sevei'al kinds ot' tliinkers, the Brit noted beliig'ouo wlth :i oivl-IIke f.ici, who sar pclKd ns by hts sik-nee aud non commlttol ïiisun-s, ar.d lio ofteu ga'.oed art i!óh lor wiá.li'in by hts otter igaorance and consequent grave süi-nee. Tisen there was the fmsy, BUgety thinker, w'no was foruver picuini; fluws and making wooderful dlscovcriea of popular errors, who knew that Soaxspsabx Wasn't wrltten by Shas ■iMCAiiií, and tanda rcady toglveyouth ■ame of a second liouteuanl who planned jil ihe groat battlea fonght and won by SttERMAN, GUA.NT and ÖHKliil'Afi. TIlCU carne the real, solid, profound thinker; the one who dld the bralu work of the wor.d We aleo had the fussy, ídgety úoer, who was here, there and everyvvliere, foreyer attendlng t ihat wliich concerns others Dore than himself, and dabbllng tn everythldg, biit proflcleutlu notbing; wliilc tltc al doers foagat onr buttios aml built np uur natloDB. Wiiat was needed was ;i more ntimatc rclatioiisliii) bctvveeu t!iec two lassea. The real Liiiiikei'a aud th real loers were too far divarced, and n )rlnj?log closer togoMicr; and by so iloins gl'ealer worfcs and deeda could be acconipllsüed. Time aml apaoe will uot pcrinlt as exlenüed a noticc aá we should llketogive. Suilicu t to vyas excelleut, and spuki: Volumes of pralse for thu niastcr miud wlth wliich it originated. The eecoiid lectura iu the course wil! bu glen bj C.Mti. SonUBZ, the 4tli j:' ïTovembér.


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Michigan Argus