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Board Of Supervisors

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Thursday, Oct. 9. Board met pnrsuont to adjounmiont. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll ealled present a quorum. Minutes of yestorday read and approved. Mr. Millard, from Committee on Civil Claims, reported iho following bilis and rocommending their allowauce ut suma named : 120 J. Keek & Co., desh forClcik mtin and repnirintr furnitare for ermaty, 86 4 8fr 56 121 Dr. J. K. ivrlïr, services on post mortom oxaminution, 10 00 Sf GO 122 Dr. M. E. Munjjer. uerviceii on pont nuTTtom cxiiminutmn, 10 00 5 0(1 123 Wicks & McJntjre, broom awl lnil for court room, 2 10 2 10 124 J. C. Watson & Co., lationery for Cleik 9 85 9 S5 125 P. Horr, painting and giftzing, 25 !0 24 50 126 U. A. fieal, blank boot for Ueghf tor's office, 130 0 130 00 127 K. A. Heul, blank hook for Tteghtcr' oöioe, 25 00 W 00 128 Kichmond c Backus, blimks for Clerk' oölce, 8 63 8 3 Tho claim of Dr. B. F. Root, services at the post mortcm examdnation on the body of Geo. Coleman, wo recoioinend be not allowed, as thcre is no evidenee that ho was called for that purpose. On motïon of Mr. Armsy tbc report was accoptd. Mr. Yeckleyr oved that Dr. Boot's claim be re-comroitted to the Committee on Claims,, with instructions to allow the same ni $5. Lost. On motion of Mr. McCbllum, tho report was adopted. Mr. Wall moved that this Board receive the report of tho Superintendents of the Foor at 2 o'clock P. M. Agreod to. Mr. Arjns, from special committee, to whonr yras rcfeïrea tho matter of PracteontóSohool Distrio-ts, roported as follows : Tour Committee on Fractional School Districts, has had the subject matter referred to him under consideration, and would respectfully report as a basis of apportionment in the sevoral fruction! districts of this county, as fullows : I ] p:}t 11 l i 2J 2_' I . Augusta, 5 J6,28s ce.68 Ann Arlr, 4,621' oa.92 A. A. City 1 & 2 w. 3,92300.45 3&4-., 570. oo.ij " " 5&6w. 21,63.) 7-85 j BHdgewater„ ; 1519: cw.49 I te. 32,537 04.31 Kreedom. 9tS2 ;o2.82 Lima, 67,458 1 18.09 Lodi, '43,401 9-7$ I.yndon, 273! 00.123 Manchester, 694 06.123 Northfield, 9,611 0303 j Pittsfield, 14,326! '02.59 Salem, 4611 00.104 Scio, 8io 00.123 Superior, 12,465 O2.86 SaUne, 15.741 O2-67 Sylvan, 503 00.12 Sliai-sio, 51,527 15.21 Webster, 34,577 7-37 York, 10526 02.2 YpsiUuiti, 655 00.122 Ypsilanti ist (tist., 1,150 00.14S " 2d " 13,201' OO.31 The committee would recommend that that tho iiulividual Supervisors interosted in Pr.ittional School Districts, apportion the various taxes to be levied in said dis tricts in accordance therowith. AU of which is respectfully sub-aiitted, and your committee asks to bedischarged from the f urthcr considwation of tho subject. (fSigoed) GEO. C. ARMS, Committee. On motion of Mr. Olcott the rupoxt was aGcepWd and uíli -tt-dv uod the committee discharged. On motion of Mr. McColVum, tlieBcard went into committee of the whole to examine the jail. The committee of the whole, after spendfng some timo theieia, rose, and through its Cbairman, Mr. McCollum, reported that the oommittee of tho whole Board had visited the jail and examined it thoroughly and have in&tructed ne to report that, although it giires evidenee of being vrell ke-pt and in generally good condition, still wo would recammend that a drain bo constructed from the water closet with pipe not less than six inches in diameter ; and that the well be sunk deep enangh to f urnish a supply of water ; and that an India rubber hatb. be provided for clcansing the prisoners. On motion of Mr. Geer, the report was accepted. Oa. aiotion of 3Ir. Millard, the Board adjourned until 2 o'clock r. IL AFTERNOOX SESSIOX. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called, present a quorum. Dr. P. Davis, for the Superintendent oí thí Poor, uiade fcllowiikg; report ! To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Wn.shtcnaw Oounty : - The undersigned, Superintendente of the Poor of said Caitnty, woutil rcspectt'ully submit tho followiug, their animal report for the year ending Oct. 18th, 187 1 . The whole expense incurred for Temporary Relief is as ; Ana Arto City,. - - $,300 3Ï " " Town, - 198 04 Augusta, ... 64 25 Dexter, ... 37 25 I,odi„ .... 10 00 . 14 Cft ... 60 07 Manchester, - - 217 67 NorthricUJ, - 87 77 Pittsfield, - - - 18 9fc Sylvau, . - ■ 357 34 Slmroii, ... GS, 2.0 Ssio, - 15 S& Saline, ... J7. 03 Webster ... 9 96 ïpsiiauU City, - - 2,145 06 " Town, - - 18:! 55 York,. .... SS 88. - $6,LHW 15 For Supirvisors Servic - Aun Acbor CUy, - - $1.'9. 14 " " 'lown, - ít 7Á Augusta, ... 6 OS Manchester, - 4 50 Northfleld, - 12 50 PiWsjeia, - 1 73 ytviiD, .-- 9 7,5 Saline, .... 5 ÍJ0 Webster, ... 1 41 YpslUnti City, - - 33 75 Tovr% - - IO18O York, - - .-- - 1 25 $á5G 55 For Iransportation - Aou Arbor Citv, - - $11 25 Fredt, 2 80 Northfleld, - - - V, W Salem, ... a Scio, - 4 01) Saline, ... i 20 Ypsilantl City, 11 25 - - $42 70 For Supplies- $7,245 09 For Help- Ivicpi'ï,, . - - 500 00 Turra httnit. - 2U3 4fi Cook. - - - -. 243 88 Miilc alteiidant ou lDane 180 00 Femalu " " "■ 130 00 l'Yuialc help iu Keepers' house, - - - 130 00 $18.; 04 Medioiil sv.f vi:rr.;il coun ty housa, - - - $. 27 63 rrüiispuctationoflijiuu; ''i 40 BtpaiW, - - - 364 49 Xotal expeuditwe,. $16,419.95 CllEDIT. iy coutingent fund, $15,000 (XQ. ;.v oaRh l'rom uale o liorsa, .... 138 00' By cash fr. m Rogew on iusanc account, S9 SS By cash from üiitnpus on iiiMiiie account, - lï'O 00 liy cisli from Kositr on insune acooiiiit, - 27 30 liy e:ish from BllfdAD ou Intane account - - 23 25 Uy cash fïom (jooriwin on iiis:me iirr.-innl, - 30 00 Bv cuh ["rum Xorth on Insanc account, - - 3? 15 By cash I om Webster 'frr bonrtl tnil e:iiv of Mary Sugcr, nt county, ... 25 00 $19,447.71 Am'l to he provlrfeii for fl2 2( The wholc numlvr of persons ndmitti: into the poor house dufing tho yuar i In sane 3' Idiotie i Blind ; M utcr ■ All otüers 224 Total 266 HATIOSALH-Y OF FAUI'ICIM. American 10! Irish -. . 6! I rrnnan 3 Kimlis!) '■ C:urfli;m Frinch : Öwclc Si 'm e ii ........ ...... ' G'olored j Unknown " Number of paupers in poor lumse Oct 18, 1871, 84 ; number of insane, 31 ; av orage nuinber of persons supported (lur ing the year, 90 3-4, at an average cos por week of $1.71 for euch person sup ported. Nunibor of dths during the year, 13. The farm consistí oí 120 acres, the estiniatcd vulutof ivhlcli is$28000 0( Stock on firm, 7 twrs estima tuu 280 (X One lieifcr, eslimateil, ü. 0( One buil, " 25 01 Fonrcaivc, " 3 00 Ten Hou-., " 100 00 One iin rf hMWf, cstiimted, 200 0( Oue Dlftrc, estim.Uecl, 1M 0( One old colt estlmnteil, Ü0 0i Thlrteen Ntwep, estlmated, 3-5 0 tor poultry, " 30 00 FannhiC iinp'emcnts, as per 51 0( llojsciioltl furniture, 2Ml 71 Total estiiaatal vaJue. 31,394 71 ltSUDUv1'S OF FAUJI. 76 boshels wheat, #1.40 per bu, $ 980 0( S00 ' ears cora, 25c per u, 200 0( 181 " oats, 73 4i 10 " tmrlcy, 7 00 23 tons ha?, 276 00 liütVhushels potutoes. 120 0( AH cxlssrr vcg.vf.We, 1)0 00 fruius 5(J 0( ÖO 11 wool, ;W (W Lot brooni coni, 88 ( 18 busilis beau, ' 27 00 Tottl valué, f 1,887 40 UHTIMATEO ICXI'ENSK KOU THE COMI.vG YEAU For keeper, $ 500 00 farm band, &KI 00 " cook, 800 0( " altcii'Uuts on lusanc, 31') 0( " Ik-'p n keoptr's huuse, 130 0{ Uiivporary rt'litf, 6.5nO 0( mppHen, 7,:oo oo repairs, WO Ot " medical servícs at poor house, 52 00 Total estiinatcfl expenses, $16,01)2 U0 All uf whicU is renpeet(MT siibriKtteil. P. D.WIö, BKN.f W. VVAirE. EÜWAUD ÖL'FFY, Sup'is of the Poor Mr. W;J1 oftbrod thoïollowing resolution : Jt'-iolavL Tbat tliero bo raixl by tax on the fcixable proporty of the county tlie sum of Seventeen Thousond Seventy-Two Dollars and Twonty Cents, and placed to the credit of the County Poor Ilouse Fund, for the purposo of paying present indebtedness, and for meeting the expenses of the county pooi house ior the year. The resolution was adoptecL On niotion the Board adjourned nntf to morrow morriing at half past ninc o'ülock. Friday, October 20, 1811. Board met pursuaut to adjourumont ; called to order by the chairmim ; roll called, present a quorum. The journal of the pieceding day was read and approved. Mr. Wynkup offured1 the following resolution : llcnohel, That the Snporrisore' coinpensation for the return of births and deaths for thv conaing year be paid ireau the contingeut t'iuul. Adopted. Mr. Geor movod tlvit. this Board do oow procced to tho appointinent of a County Superintendent of the Poor. Agreod to. Mr. Lazelle moved that Edward Duffy be appointed Superintendont of tha Poor for throo yoars. Adopted by the following vote, the ayes aud uays being called ior : Yeas - Messrs. Fleming, Forbes, Geer, Granger, Haire, Lazello, Leouard, McCollum, Millard, O'Heam, Os'iurn, Sage, ïuomy, AVa)l, Wessels, Wynkup, and the Chairman. Tfuyi - Messrs. Anus, Cook, Alcott, Smith, Wilsey, Yeckley, and Yosfc. Yeas 17 ; nays 7. Mr. Tuomy moved that the vote on the appairitiuent of Cuuuty. SuperLatendent of the Poorbe reconsitfered. On motion of Mr. Wall the inotion was laid on the tablc. On motion of Mr. McCollum the Board adjourned until this afternoon at 2 o'clock. AFTERNOON 8ESSIOX. Board met parsuant to adjournment ; eitlled to order by the Cbairuian ; roll called, quorum present. Mr. Flertúng, f rom on Criminal Cfaims, reperted tho following, roconuncndSng tljtsr allowance at soms statcdl : 129 B. F. Ilioo, firtHUB jurXce couit, !!■ .V) HO Abram Uuwkins, " JO 50 131 ChaneT Branch, " " S so 132 David Webster, " " SO jo 1 Jolm O'NcU, " " 50 ao rn ( 'ha. Kmton, "" 50 50 135 Williiim Wallaco "- 40 ' in 13C E. Chcster, " 50 13t C W. Vuil. " SO 50 i:8 Jottn F. Millor, SO 50 139 Dennid llorín " 50 50 14') Uco. V-. Mogk. " S0 51 141 Gcorge Oilbrt. " " 50 50 UL T. l'orter, " " 50 143 N' Al. Sehoff. ' J 50 .mW Vi. Urrimon, " " 50 50 14.1 A. II. ltoys. ... 50 50 H6 M V. K.. Innen. ' ' 50 50 147 Fred. Kruimc, constable. 17 40 11 00 148 Munson Goodymr, .luntioe, 3 99 3 24 149 T. Hewitt.conntnble 31 50 SJ 50 'ÏM K. lSuer. dep. eity nrsba2. )3 64 M 64 UI O. L. Untcdtirslicx, litlilev 39 80 S9 80 'lM lyeonaitl üruner, juror, jtiBticc court 50 S0 153 lídíccr Matbew, do 50 M) 154 William Kurk. do 40 50 tU W.nvf 11U. do, 50 40 !.'■'■ 1 W.Huüdi, da. 50 50 1.17 Tliomu Hoopcr, üo 3 50 158 K. ChcstiT, do 3. 50 15!) Genrgc l'iilmor. dy 50 50 160 Qañgo W. Smith, do 50 50 161 N. ÍÍ. KchotT, do 50 SO 162 K I'. lA'Onnrd, dl 40 5o 163 J. l'eebles. d 50 50 164 .7 II l'fcblcif, rily mnrnliM, U 25 11 25 165 William Oxtoby, mutable, 24 31 23 bl 1W A. W. (,1.:;.m.ii. fl.jiity shiiiff, 32 88 32 88 W7 Hiram J. lleftkea, u.sifttig proaccutinir atiornpy in Kneislt'js enne, 50 00 50 00 148 Oirin A„Wiii(, dfïty KhcrilT 34 20 25 1.0 169 ClnirlcaUfï, 43 ïl 43 71 1Ï0 .1. U. A. Seasions, juntiofi i& 52 213 58: On motion of Mr._ QJHearn. thfi report was accepted aikd adopted Mr.. Geer, from the Gouimitto on Civil Claims, regorted the following bilis, ( commending their allowance, viz.:. ( O. W. TumlulU jutiC:, aiting co.' oucr on inqu f. 6 09 5 88 172 William Judtm. juior inqa t, 2 06 5 06 173 f-sortte W. (nwaJ, do 2 06 5 0(1 174 AaroD Duraud, do ! (Ifl ! flfi 17 JURUujiU'i, do 2 6 2 Oi 176 ''"-o. I. Gould, Juiwr on in.iueoí, 2 i; 2 t; 17T .' .-.nii'.i llndilli r, do 2 UG 2( IV8 K. II. Qnle, witne, üi K 1711 Eddié Cook, (lo SG JG 190 J. 1!. UassPtt. lio 6l :,l ísi Kliziilu-tli Connety, do ba 50 1S2 Jromiali l'ock coronar, 1145 7 4í 183 ltcnminm W". Wiiiii', Sup'tof Poor, 14 28 140 2S vi B. E.DougluM,pot mortamex., id oo lo (X) 1." H. Ii. Gnu;, (lo 5 00 5 Cü 18G WiUiam Burk, BnppUefl for court rooui, V 85 7 85 17 Jcieminh Peek, cnroner. 7 52 5 52 188 Jiunes Clancy, juror un inquest, i 2 X 189 John Bfnckburn, do 2 0i 9 00 ki" st.-i.i-.rn ii. -i .-.-.. uo '. ge 2 on 191 W. il. Baiuou, do 2 M 2 OG 92 A. UawkiiM. do S 08 2 08 'i).i olbort Howaxd, do 2 00 2 oí; 194 Oilmora iV l-'iske, stutiuncry fuiDrntn Committloiier, H 49 1' -r 199 Jumo Kelly, dopntjr shoclff, ,2J tso 23 su MM I'.. H r.nul pi-iutiiio for Co. $}4. Rcfcook, J7 oo 17 0" Ifrr BeOi Sumner, juraron inquest, 2 (Kï 2 Of! IM M. II. Be ■■ la ' do ; 08 2 08 180 C. ü. Thompaon, o 2 08 2 os 2Oi) .lolm W. Ihíimpuon; do 2 (K! 2 0-i J01 Andrew CumpbcU, do 2 00 2 "l 202 ".■..■ - ni Booth, do Ï (Ki 2 0G On raotion of Mr. Cook tlie report was occepted and adopted. K. F. Ubi, Prosocuting Attornoy, presented tho followíng: lo the Honorable (he lioard of Superviton of Wuahlenaa Couniy : The undersigned Clork and Prosocuting Attomey of tho county, your com ■ mitieo to wlvoni wivs refcrred t!iu mattor of the examination as to tho issuing and paymont of certain oíd orders dnring the year 1870, would reipeotfully report that tlny huvü carot'ully oxaminml tho jouinal of the fffpeeedinga oí tho Board of tíupervisors, and aLso all thü othor roooruB Ín the office; of thc County Clurk and Tren- urur which cun thruw any light on the subject refened to, and asovituin as thu result of sneh tixaiuinatiou as follow.s : That ull wi;ru properly paid with tho exception of an order hereto attiM'.hi.'d, lx;ing an order dated üetober 17, 1SIK), drawn by thc Clerk, coujitersigned by Chuü. Sliior, thon chairman of the Board of Supervisors, ín favor of D. A. VTis: qi Iwavor, for orte hunrlivd autl sovcn and eighty-six-hun.lvedths dollars, and deliv ered to C JoslLn, at his request, December 00, 18(39. On tho 7th of Octobor, 18(50, thoro was allowed by the Board of Hupervisors to D. A., then a deputy-sheri(F, the sum of one hundred and sevuii aivl cighty-sIx-Uuiidi-eiltlis di)ll;u-.-t, lx:i)jg the; same anixmnt as that of the order rcferred to. This was the only allowance to the said D. A. Wiso of that amount. That as appears bj' the siub in tho order book in the Clerk's office (a copy of which stub is as follows : " Jiu. % D. A. Wise, üct. 9th, 1860, $107.88 "Van order was drawn in favor of tho said I). A. Wise, dated the 9th day of üetober, 18(0, for the exact ainouut allowed a abovo stated. By referenco to thc books in tlio office of the County Treasurer (Lcdger No. 2, page 256) we find the foÜowing entry : " 1861, Feb'y lst, By paid order to I). A. Wise, No. 2. $107.8(i," showing the order last aforesaid was paid to D. A. Wise tho very day it beoame pnyable, being for the full and exact amount allowed by the Board of Supervisors as aforesaid. The order hereto attachud is of the same mimber, to wit, No. 2, tbr the samo sum to-wit, L107.00, as thu oue paid Pebruary lst, 1861. It is the praotice in the Clerk's office after the animal meeting of the Board of Supervisors, to begin numbering order.s for tho paymont of claims allowed with number oue, aud proceed in regular order. By reference to thu order book referred to it will be diacovered that in the yuar 18(0 tle clerk began the first pago with No. One, and onterad thoreon also and fillcd out uumbor two, being tle onler horeto attacliud, and for some rcason, doubtless by inadvertence, began the next page also with number one aud proceeded thorefroin, No. Two on that page beLog the order paid to D. A. Wiso February lstr 1861, aud omittadto destroy or cancel th( duplícate on tlx; prior pag.e but allowud it to remain in the book. It remained there iroui Oetoberr 1800, until December, 1S6!),. a periocf of more than nine yoars, whwi it was deliberad to C. Joslin. At that timo in a coovcisation betweert the present Clerk and Mr. Joslin in reference to the great number of old orders that were let't in tbc office not called for, Mr. Kobison mentionud tbis order, not DOtioing that a soeond or duplic.ito bad been drawn aud delivered, whereupon Mr. Joslin n niarked that he was entitled to that, and finally it was deïivered tö him, tho Clerk noting, both upon the stub and the order itsolf, " Delivered D;c. 30, 1869 toC. Joslin at his request," which order was subsequontly paid by tho County Treasurer, as will appcar by referenco to Ledger No. 4, page J70, in the Tltiwr rer's office, and knowing that Mr. Wiso had, in thc year 1861, (intered tho army, and remaincd absent froui tho Stato for somc time, thought that porhaps ho might havo forgotten it. Your eommittee hus canfered with Mr. Wise but is unable Vo obtoin any satisfactory explanaitioii, his recolloction in regard to aiiairs, as. is very natural aftel a lapse of over t?n yoars, being very inilistinct. Ho statos thit he ktiow nothiag of it uutil called uport ly ono of tha SujMirvisors, and had no-t learned till then that the ordevliad been delivered to M r. Joslin and tho amount paid to him. He states furthor that if the order was improperly issued it should be repaid, but thinks that if the mattor could be fully understood it would bo foundto be correct. Yourcorauiittco, from tlip fullest examination thoy have bo;-n able ti ïuakc, can èoBM to no other conclusión thau that the order was left in the book by mistake and nover intended for delivery, and that the amount paid. should be rufuudcd to tho county. Your eommittee would reeoiumcnd thai all orders remainingin the books one year after their date beregiüterod, cut out and placed in the safe, as the partios in whoso Pavor they aro drawn are entitled to them. Thcy must be preservcd, and this, in thu udgmont of your committoe, is the most prudont dásvositioíi to bo ïuude. AU of which is rospectfully subnrittted. (Sigued) EDWIN F, UIIL, Pros. Att'y. JOHN J. EOBISON, Clerk. Oa motioii of Mr. Tuomy tbo report was aeceptcd and ailopted. Mr. Yeckle-y moved that tho County Clerk and Prosecuting Attoïiijey bo in.structed to roquiro Mr. Joslin to wïinid ;o the county thc amount paid him on ;his old ordev. Agroed to. Mr. ILiirn, from t'oo te redistrict tbe coanfcy, offüred tho following : Your eommittee to whom was referred ;ho gabjeot of dividing the county into representativo districts would reepsctfuly roort that tboy havo had the samo under owwiáoration, and have divided hc county into three districts as lollows : The Township of Ypsilanti and the City of Ypsilanti, tho 'Jfownship. of Ann Arüf (} the City of Ann Albor tooom prise the First Distrie-t. PojMil'h, 13.77S. ' The Second District to bo comjirised of towuships, of Sunoricï Salem, Northfield, Webster, Dexter, Lyndon, Sylvan, Lima, Scio, and Freedom. PopUlation, 13,211. And thc Third District to he comprised of tlie townships oí' Augusto, York, PittsfieldLodi, Saline. Uiiilgowater, Manchester,, and Sliarort. Ipulation, 12,lö3 Total population, 41,412. (Signed) EX.IAS HAIRE, Chairmaji. TATTiTCK WALI P. O'HEAH.V, JOSII. FORBES, Oommittee. On motion the report was acoeptud. Mr. Yóst pre-sentud thc following. : Wp„ tho undersignod membors of (1 jommittce appointed to re-district the ;ounty, beg leave to offer thc following vs a minority repoit :; Che First District consistsof the ' ing nam.'d towjis,. viz.. Salem, Superior, . "iipailanïi City and Town, .Augusta, ' York, and Pittsfield. Pop. 13,6Sö 2d Diatriot- Jíorfhfield, Aun Arbor City and Town, Scio, Webster, and Dexter - Popularon, h,ioi 3d District - Lodi, Salino, Brirtgewater, Freedom, Lrbia, Lyudbo, Sylyan, Sharon, and Manchester. Pop. 13,358 (Signéd) LEE YüST, ISAC WYNKUP, PETF4B COOK, Of tlie Coinmittcn, dn motion t'io report was acoepte Mr. Wynkup moved that botli reporta be luid on the table and made the special order for Monday next at Í o'olock, P. M. Tbc motioii rlid nut prev&il bï following vote, Üiö Ayus and Nays being called for : Vwaë - Messrs. Anus, Cook, Leomird, MoCollum, Olcott, Oslmrn, Sliurtleff, iSinith, Wilsey, Wytikup, TTackely, and Yost. JVrty.s - Messrs. Fleminj;, Porbes, Goer, Gianger, Haire, Lazelle, itillunl.O'IIearn, Sgo, ïuoruy, Wall, AV essells, and Ciiaiiïnan. Yeas, 12 ; Nays, 13. Mr AVill moreel the adoption of the report of the oomuiittee, which was agreed to by the following vote, the Ayes and Nays being called for by Mr. Wynkup : Teas - 'Messrs. Heining, Forbos, Geer, Granger, Haire, Lazello, Millard, O'IIearn Sage, Xuomy, Wall, Wessells, aud Chairman. A'ityx - Messrs. Anus, Copk, Leonard, Mc Collum, Oleott, üsburn, Shurtleff, Kmith, Wilsey, Wynkup, Yuckloy, and Yost. Yeas, 13 ; nays, 12. Mr Geer moved to reconsidor tho voto lost taken. On motion of Mr. Wall tho motion of Mr. Goer was laid on the table by the following vote, the yeas and nays Ixjing called for : Xeas - Messrs. Arms, Fleming, Forbes, Geer, Dranger, Haire, Lazello, Millard, O'Hcarn, Sago, Tuomy, Wall, Wessels,' and Chainnan. Xiit - Messrs. Cook, JLeonard, MeCollum, Oleott, , Osburn, Bhurtloff, Sinitli, Wilsey, Wynkup, Yeckley, and Yost. Yeas, 1-1; nays, 11. Mr. MeCollum inoved that the Board adjown until Monday next at 10o'elor:k, A. M. Mr. Forbes inoved as an nmendnient that the Board adjourn uiitil tomorrow at 9 o'cloek, A. M. Tho amendment was adoptod by tho following vote, tho yeas and nays boing called for : IVt- Messrs. Fleming, Forbes, Geer, Grangor, Haire, L izulle, Millard, O'Jle.u :i Sago, Tuomy, Wall, Wessels and Chairmun. Jfaya - Messrs. Arms. Cook, Loonard, MeCollum, Oleott, Oeburn, Shurtleff, Sinith, Wilsey, Wynkup, Yockley, and Yost. Yeas, 13 ; nays, li. Tho question rocurring on tito original nxjíion. as amendod thc same was agreed to. Ori iuotion tle Board adjouxued uutil to-morrow at !) o'elock, A. M. OKRIN THATCHER, Ch'n. Jobs J. Iïobisox, Clerk. SaturtLiy, Octobcr 21, 1R71. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Called to order by the Chairmau. Koll called, present not a quorum. On motion of Mr. Osburn tho Board adjpomed until Monday next, at 10 o'clocK, A-M. ORRIN THATCHER, Ch n. Jonx J. Ronisox, Clerk.


Old News
Michigan Argus