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Local And Other Brevities

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Ouiy f"r more l1aJ's "l's ra0lltn_ Kn-n boily is cryiii.s for protcctlon- fia fire. __ The ncws in polirc ?!i-cli:s Is blgbly col. _ It utoi! to ram ycsterdny, bot ilMn't - Nlght wütchmen have beeu placed npgiQtbe prlnclpul ijlocks in tbc ci;y. _ffM. K08BBT8, ofiSalem, ias a Vine,ui of twenty acres, set out to as manj '{j,n-ut varletlcs pigrapps. „ïlie" Civil Service Beforui " is to b;1 Ütsilijtct of Cahl ÖciiURz's leoture on jjtnrda}" cwniiig ol next week. -Tiicsuli.rct oflluv. C. il. BuaUAM's nat Sutuiuy eveulng lectarj, is '-TUetou iv::mi ui.Iul.iis:ii WItll ('Imstianil y." _KawAiiili -ffï v:isii'ilocU'il C'onty FuorSuptriutciklciit, last l'Vklav, kg tin.' JiiarJ o( Supurvisurs, by a voto of 17 to T. „Kelt Frklay, Nov. 8d, Wii.t,. M. BmnoK te toread ome ofAia poema at lanctn-sicr, (x the beseft of tfco MLlcbi piMfftrye hyfire. -Ao attempt wu made a few eventnga tlucc to tlrc the Ami Arbor Agrtcnltntttl fforts. lntlii! Jtlt WiiU, but was frustraMbjtbe watchmn, -Fir ihc hcïoSt of soiuc wio iH.iy have lijrgutku it, we wlll state tliat tlie wiealau ell"lrai.s" Btill repose tranquilly Bpoii: lat bosom eftuc C. Jl. sanarO. - The Utrai priee l$26j paid by the Su lervlsors tot publisUlug tbclr proctie rnkes il ;i ttluncUI ntcewiilj Wr u. Our Mden iil pksme cmj.isc tuu loom so cipicd. -U'm. II. Fdller, of Chicago, who has tatinploycil by tbc Directora ot tiie 'F. N. H K. as englueer, comes t;My iromxntüilc'i hv railruari authori Ha, - Tlic rumor lint au inceudiaiy w 18 mgktBttardiiy nucía wus fateo. Au old BUfniin was placed iu tliat niglit Mosaid he liad been setting lires, bul tluy glnrj ones. - Thuj'-RMist have cauirht our eilitor out "oiuily'ih Deuvcr, foiywe miss, this "ft'k. uur usiial'CuirmuiiicatieK iyx)i tliat Blouuloglcul specimen. (We baveu'tgot tbi ' fly " business mixed, liayo we V) - Workmcn have commencc I operationi wtlic ruius of tliu o!fl store of O. M . .Ma U ;! S. laiu Street, wliicli v;o' Hratdlast winter, and we understand l m tottrebaik.after ite former stfie. (Jood ! lishosbcen ancyr-sme for 8OUe tiinr. -ffewwtwo mar Makiag puilistic {' tmisti-aUuiMj toward rcli other soms time siace. An oflicer B3.VI theai aL the ametime we dld ; tlicy saw tlie otllecr ; the erran; the men ran; we ran ; tiie naeii 'n fastcr ihan the oHieer; tbecefuTu the tBctr lost a feu ; the j;ii!or lost gome MrJer3; but wc gaineU tliis item. Bully br tu. Thelarm of flre last Batarday evc■'-. .iscansed by t!ic setting uu lire by """ie person of a lot of old papen iu au "Wldlngadjolnlns í. C. Risdoh's barn. wlUmes vv.ere oriunately discovered in aeio prevent ay damage. 3fwo men Wttld tu have boen mbu leavlug Hj tebuta moment beibre. These Ineenwcsmay tarry longer thuu wlU Ue "W tor themsotne time. Itta djourned meeting ol the Coramon woncil last Tut-sday evenlng, the reporl "wminUtee in lUvor of eswbüshiug a forcé n the city, consisting of Slx ""'lers, was accepted imti adopted, and tcessary ste)6 takeu to accomplish rtlnaoce was also aJoptcrl laclng "'se of any "victoaUng liou&e, n, or otlier house or place for (tiroJah"U, feod or drink," at $100 per year, fevcry billiard table ut áO per year. 4lnucealso states thaf'such saloons . "ot bc open on Suuday, or remaln J U o'clock at nigüt, and that no drink shall bc gold or glven ' l0 'uy miuor or person iutoxicated we time. Í,r'leMto be derlved frora these """Kpatelwillquitc or nearly Pólice forcé In the city. [feu, "lverelty Medical and Surgical %JS ' at t!u; Medical College every Wu'ciV1'"""' Ul term' comraencl In. „ A' for llie purpose of afford ratuii,Jlls treatraeat to all patiënt wllllng to come before the MediPernales Buffering from dis LV.m, ' ;"'V U"; ladie8' c1" The iffi, i "iU'iK n"" ul a" Ul". '"Uhoo, , "'ap a'"' comfo"ble (marters ment, '"ay R"lliu ""m HwtlÍÍin"":in")l0 that a knowWg. of lL"' tend thia notice. LL' lustitute commeno" " Cnton school Hall last t=lreK, Our S KlV': '""" SUe tllr' !Vco,,r„ itr iiM ":t beeu "■ 2ytttuuolgveal.cportí


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