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Board Of Supervisors

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Thursdüy, Oof. 2G. Board nut pursuant to ndjonrnuieni ; oalled to order by tho chairman ; roll ctilled, piostmt a quorum. The jouraal of tho preceding day was read and apived. Mr. Tuomy, f rom Committec on Criminal Claims, roportcd tlio following reooiuuiending tho ir apwaaoe : 27 MiutUlo Warner, jntticc, 1 7 S 'M VI ■J71 v in. K . Met iityn. leputy Li-riff, : "" 21 XI Beasijua, justice, 7 08 3 82 .', I ( . li. Vanolouvo, ' 7.'. i;; ',: (i; ;, E. Looier, deputy City M uahnL 2 Uf 2 'J On mution of M . Yockluy, tho report wu-i ooepto i and adopfced. 3Ir. Goer, f rom Committee o:i Civil Claims, roported the followiag bilis recomtuending their ullowancu. :. .■ ' . il. llieliiiiimd.jiiror.minuuc.t, -i 12 4 12 J7M Philip Kuch, do 4 12 4 li :;7 1Í. .1. ilimy. il. 4 IJ 4 1 27S e. II. Worden, do 4 IS 4 1 S U H Dl. Al'uliy, fln 1 12 4 1 2M r.. c. Biadqn, úo 4 12 4 1 181 Jortin Forbcn Cndcr Sheriff, board iorprboni ■ . 1.SU 89 1,83 8 K3S.&.P l).iniirlly. sniili -forjiiü, 4 50 4 6 28J Joriin Fortes, l irier olwrifl, attouda intoourt 138 56 129 i .'si ! . üavi, Couuty Supt. of the n; o in o. 289 Dr. J. K'.-ipp. mediad errioos at the . ■ 1 e. M ■''■ 24 5 280 i . HuUierlnnd ft Oo., lnmberatjall, lí I i jn7 Jortin b'orbea. tepairéoo jaü. 72 2s 72 2 KdwiitdDuffy, atrppliciforjaÜ, 4.1o 18 2KU (. W. Browii, tunikey, 5U 75 15 ; 290 J. W. l.ovciund, depoty city Marshiü, 2 00 2 oo 291 Wulib & Huil, uppliae fto jnil, 1150 si forc oourt, 3 20 3 2 2DJ lr. W. '■■'■ Breaky. witnea and modlcalMTTioesatJau, 3 00 li ■231 Kilwiud UuUy, L'onnty Supt. uf the POOT, 117 24 Ut 2 On motiou of Mr. Arins, the report va. accopt.'l and ftdopted. 1 r. AVilsey offored tho following resolution : ,'i i hed, That a committoe of three bo appointed by the Chairuian to uaaoel couuty orders over sixyearsold, pursuant to the statute in such cae uiade and pro vidad. Adopted. The Clükir appointed as such conimittoe, Messrs. Wilsoy, Huir ;, and Arnis. The Couuty Druin Couimissioner, D. SI. Finluy, ïuado his anuual report) whioh, on motion of Mr. Haire, was ao!, and retened to a coinniittee of three. Tho Chail appointod as such committoj Mossrs, Haire, Osborne, and Lazelle, On ïuotion of Mr. McCollum the Board adiourned U4til this aftornoon at i o'elüiii. ai ri'.::xcK.)N BESeiON. Board Slot pursuant to adjournment ; ïulled to order by tho Cliairmun ; roll Oalled, quorum present. Mr. Shurtleff, trom special eomniittee, to whoul wlis loieired the elaini of Jortin Porbcs, rpspectlully reporta that be has examinad said bilí, and finds it cornet as reponed by the Coioraittee on Criminal Ciaiiunuad recommenda allowance. On uiotiou the report wusacceptcd and adopted UU .!■■: .:i !'ui1k-s. Umlcr Sheriff, 12S 30 128 90 Mr. Cook, trom Couimittee on Ciiniinal matteis, roported the fol'.owing, reeoiamonding tlieir allowauce : - I '■'■ i ii' y éheliff, 16 30 12 58 -j; Dunte JLelloñf, coniscubie, 20ii (il 203 &„ On u'otion, the report was acoepted and adoptod, and the oladms allowed as reoomuisiidod. On motion of Mr. Sliurtleff, the Board adjoorned until to-iuorxow morning at 9 1-2 o'eloek. Priday, Octobcr 27, 1871. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Iioll called, present a quorum. Journal of yestiiility read and approved. Mr. Fleming, from the Committeo on Criminal Claims, reportcd the following bilis recoiumending their allowance at Blims stated : 29f Kurotua Morton, justice of the DM06. 5 25 4 14 299 J. 8. Cose, deputy uherifl, 5 23 5 25 300 N. H. riera.1, constable and deputy shurilf, 181 03 155 30 301 E. M. Wallaoe, constable and deputv sheriff, 2" 87 27 6; 302 l'reilrick Krniise, deputy sheriff, 67 90 5J 'J0 303 Aifrad Milltr " ■' il 26 M 2; On motion of Mr. "Wall, tho report was acoopted and adupted. Mr. Lazollo, froui the Comniittee on tho report of Drain Comniissioner, made the following report : Tho Committee to wkom was referrcd tho report of the Drain Commissioner, would respectfully report that thcy have examined the report of aaid Commiasioner, and iind it correct, and that the ditch taxi's havo been assessed in the several townahipe of Washtenaw County as follows : Biidgewater, - - - - $ OIO.ÜO Northüeld, - - - - 584.01 Ypsilanti, .... 728.22 Sharon, .... 1,031.43 Freedom, ----- 720.99 Sylvan, - 16.-18 Ancl your committee would roconunend that the report of the Commissioner on Drainage De adopted. All of which is respeotfully submittiid. Elias Haikk, i W. B. üsiiouxE, ■ Com. Geo. ) On motion the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Ilaire oft'ered the following rosolution : lleiohcd, That tho Supervisors of tho several townships of Washtenaw County in which ditches are construeted, and lands and highways in the adjoinmg towns have been benefited by said drainage, and for the payment of which assessments have been made by tho Drainage Commissiouer of said county, be, and they are hereby directed to assess the same npon tho several townshijis and each parcel of land as set forth in the report of said Commissioner, and that the Township Treasurer be directed to collect and pay the same over to the County Treasurer as the law directs The resol ation was adopted. Mr. Wfnkup oifured the following resolution : Resolred, T)iat our reporter, in view of the larg i amOuut of lnbor he is compcllcd to perform as reporter of this Board, be, and he is hrrAy allowed twonty-five dollars additional pay for services as said reporter. The resolution was adoptod. ■30ï P. Wim-iiar, repoi-ting proccedinys of tho Board, $50 CO Mr. Wilsey moved that the rosolution in regard to building a new iiiu-proof building for the Eegister's oflice be taken from the table. Agreed to, and on motion of Mr. Wynkup, was referred to Committee on Public Buildings. On inotion of Mr. McCollum, tho Board adjourned until 2 o'clock r. M. AFTFKNOON SES8IO.V. Board met at 2 o'clook r. n., pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Eoll callud, present a quorum. Mr. Fleming, from Committee on Criminal Claims, reported the following, recommending thoir allowanco at kuuis Htuldd : : uy I'U'ur, witnese, 61 fio üOG Amt-liu, Fleur, (0 CO :j(!7 BUxaMth Conoaiii " f0 ( ate Notan, " 60 co SOS Eliía MoCafferty, " 60 ai : 1" Mniy ('i'8?y, " (o . :;ll Mis. Burt, " II (!0 919 II. bwi I !, " 02 6' :n:i Chat. bweet, (2 U2 :,ll Chus Collin, ■ :m M ::I.'i l'.dw;inl Jlinds, " 5ii g I :üii Wri(tlit Kiwiuict, ' 56 5r, [olï LdiudOi.iut J6 ia ; li '''" ipSp witnatfSi 5fi 5f .., .1 : ' ei ; l'ui lis, " sü ƒ-,(} 3 ' .lumrs [.aini.i ■ -, 60 vï 3.1 Jabta iVortley, " M ;,g Donton, " 1 54 1 64 ';■..; ir. F. Dentón, " i 4 i 54 324 Mr. Andonon, ' 1 yo 1 00 MS Mm Kenter, " 1 i- 1 v 320Mra. Baker , 1 12 1 12 3J; .Suaau tteeder, " 1 12 1 12 ; l'li. 11 NYiit. '■ 6( ',ii :;j; Úcorge Earl, ' 50 50 :í:uj Joliu Scbiodi ?, m 1; :i:;i Trum.111 1 " 50 f6 S3S Wm. Bliiin, " .'ui mi ■'■ -i M.Cutler, " Sö 6 ".il John Marvin, " öc M ; ■ 0. stonc, " 56 Wl 3311 MicltMl Lcytoo, ' M M 0:17. John Hhiin, sf, jii :;;8 iiagdclain l'.i;:o, " 7.-, -,:, 33U Loonan] Friuk, " tt 74 WO ("hna j'. Patteraon, " 68 50 Ml Clinton V Cook, " 75 ?.i :H2 1 i.iii .1. Jïuilow, "■ 75 7i Mí reterM.Uodfñn, " 75 7.1 344 Dennis Clieerur, ■ 7.'j 7J me Bhornuui, " 7.') 7Ï .4i. i hwter TownMnd. " 7j 70 ■Ü7 Win. ,la!-l;ii:i, " VS 7i W8 Mis. Leonora Eludí. ' 75 7ó ':i John !'. Urake, " 50 5i 3ju .--= neer C. Orïüca. '■ Mi ' :i Clark Wortley, ',,; H ■- I i.;il Outlor, 5G 5U 363 Joalah üaunderaj 51; !n ■■')! .luim Tiirmituu, '■ 6( Í ■■■' Nolly Smiili, u 50 M JM latrick Tnrroll, " so 56 347 l'iilrick Kirk, " J6 M 15" C. A. Kiehuda, " 56 56 ram EVllliHm, . 66 46 SM CJuw, UtUnpaogh, " 66 :n ■] BcnrTYagB, 56 60 IW John Mano. 56 o 363 Eihiin ilinJa, gg 5:1 '1 1 harlos IMnt, H 'i S61 JIyiv;l 'ÍN'eW., Sheriff, ;5 oj 25 03 S80 llyiüii B. 1'ortiT, cxhcriffin Jolin, .. ' u 55 14 ím St, N. H. I'iírce.ilcputj-aherilliii Juhu■on cuse, 24 70 16 70 ji8 'J tio3i J. rTonhini. ücputy sheriff in Juliusuu casu, 147 21 00 11 On motioii of Mr. Wynkup, tlio report was Hocepted and adoptcd, and tho claims allowed as recommendod. Mr. Millard, trom tho Committce on Civil Claims, roportcd the following rocommonding thuir allowanco : 308 li. Linier, Ooputy ty llsnhel, 3 üo 3 00 j.'ii webbet blirniture Co., lumiture tor Pros. AttyV olboe, 51 Oü 51 00 "71 V. lt. lVnit!, Hlutinii.-ry for Pruin I onuniabioner, 47 io 47 50 37J -N. A. 'Waiigh, deputy ilui-shul, ÏWllautl, 27 00 20 26 373 Alunzo Koyl, bourd of iriatmtrs at YlBilttuli, 57 io u 10 ■ 1 .lortm lornes, T'nder-Shcrilt ;i os 2. US Ï76 Leroy Ff tzgvrald, la 150 jiiii i. C. Vrccluad, 1 50 150 ;;;; :. u Gidley, deputy Morahal, 3 oo 2 uu :.'; ï. Ii. Howott, CouataUc, 3 w sou Ü73 'J'. !'. XjCuiiura, ■' 7 00 7 00 380 H. li. Jenkio, dapnty UanhaL 3 00 2 00 381 D. KierslLuJ, h. nies lor J.'1'im. Atty's. olKce, 5 82 5 S2 On ïuütion of Mr." Wall, tho report was aeceptod and adopted, aud the claims allowed as recoinmcndcd. Mr. Anus, froru thu oommittee to settlo with County Oflioers,. presentcd tho following : To the JUonorahlc the Board of 8uprvüori of Wushlenaio County: The undorsigned, Committee to scttlc, with County Officera, rcspeotfully report that wo h:iv(! scttled with Stephen JKairehild, County Treasuror of Wushteintw County, and have comparecí aud cxamined th(! books and vouchers of his office and find them true and con eet, and wo also find the balance due said county to be as pur statement, herewith subinittad : Stephen Fhirchüd, County Treamirer, in ' count icith Washtmato County : Dr. To bal on December settlcment, - - - U.C0S 39 " Statu Ux, ---.-_ -2,975 00 " Couuty tax, ...... 50,025 01) " Ditch tax ------ 3,fí67 (Í " Eejeotod tnx, ------ " cuah receivcd from Supts. of tlic foor, I.iao 00 " " " on l'wbato fces, - - 1.303 14 " " " teem tiucs - - - - 2U7 75 " l " '' l'iMnaiy Seliool Fund [Interest) - - 6,2.'7 90 " " " " Bedomption of Tuxes, 1.6 41 " " " ' " Dcliuquuut Xasaa, - 55'J 28 ?104,182 SI CONTRA. (.. y taxrs rcot-ivfil ly ex-Tro .--uror Blum, - $11,083 67 ' "ali on uccountot tatir taxt-rt, - - 20,000 0 11 Delinquent and mlrmiitiou Laxes, - - !M IJ " Jiu-ors and witneaB feea, - . - 2.2. ü ■; " County onlers, - 15,478 51 " '- " on contingent fund, - 5,221 48 " Ditob-Ordsn, ------ 9,20 y " Orders on poor fuml. - - - . 23,832 51 ' rrinuiry scliodl interest, ... 6.083 B6 " House of Coirection tund, - - - B43 46 " Jnsalic Asyluin. ----- ;J'.H[ n " Fine money to town beaanien, - - 26!l 57 %i Yolunti'iT famüy Belief orden - 15 35 ' Delinquent taxoa retunied tu Auditor General, ------- 2. 171 63 " Miscellttueoua diabur.sementa, - - 3,804 41 " Cash on hand to balance, ... 1,497 C8 (104,033 81 All of whiob is reapeotfuHf Bobmittad. On inotion of Mr. Bh%rtleff, tho report was acoeptcd and adoptod. On motion of Mr. Miïlard, the Board adjourncd until Monday ncxt, at 9 1-2 o'clock A. il.


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