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$25,000 ■WOKTH OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Ti GiK Adv ! ■ .■ MUNIACIh S. SONDHEIM IIA3 RKCEIVKO THE LARGEST AND BEST SSLECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS CENT'S FUWISimC GOODS, CIIILDREN AND YÖITÜS' CLOTIÏIXG TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCIIELS, &c, &c, &o., THAT HA3 EVEU BEEN BRODGIIT TO THI8 CITY, WHICn HE WILL SELL Oheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A PISE ASS0RT11ENT OP CASS1MERES, C O ATI N GS, and VESTING8, WH1CH IIE WILL MAKE ÜP TO ORDER [tf THE EEST STYLE, AMD WAKRAXTED A FIT OS NO SALE: wacner IS NOW ÍIEADY FOR THE FALL TRADE Ilavlng Kccelvcd a Lrge Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ïxcixniXG CLOTHS, CASSTMERES, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES, WH1CH HE WILI. MANUFACTURE on tcrms to sait. Also a fnll line of REAÜY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods. BEST STYLE. ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21 Soulh Main Street,- Enst Side: CALL AND SEE THEM. AVlí.I.iA.n W1ONKB. Ann A:bor,Set ,1811. TUST EECEIVED! FIIMLEY $c LEWIS have rccclvcd a arge nnd ■wcll sclectcd Stock of New Fall Goods ! BOUGHT FOR CASH, All of wlilch must be solil inside of sixty days to inuke room for our Second Full stock. Wc can show our customers the Best Kip Boots ever broiight to tliis market, botli for men anti boys. CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. We have the exclusive sale of J. M Burt's line liaod made work - conceded to bc the best work to vvcar in the market. Our stock of LADIES' AND MISSES' WOKK IS COMPLETE. t3P We have the exclusive ssle of tbc fihe goods of E C. Burt, of New Vork, nnd Kt vnolrls Bros., of Utica. We guarantee cutiré Fatisfaction ou tli.f. work. 1334 Qt tl. MILLEIST OPENS FALL TRADB WITB A LAMÍ Al COMPLETE STOCK o m FASHIONABLE GOODS ! EMBRACILO ALL TIIB NIÍWKST STYLES ÏOÜND IN THB KASTERN AND EUROPEA MARKETS. I Offer Streng Indncements to Piivchascrs of Dry Goods. 500 Tards of Blark Alpaca at 2Ï and 30 Cents. Best ♦ools lor (hc .iloiiry Ever OQcred iu ttiU ilty. 400 Yard3 All Wool Empress Cloths and Frerch Merinos at much Lower Prices than one Year Ago. - ALSOPlaids, Sattkens, Camimekes, Poplins, Plain and Fancy 8ilks, Ladies and Ciiildmsn'b Furnisiiino Goods, Hosiehy, &c, &c. IN ADDITION TO MY LARGE STOCK I OFFER SOME N0VELTIE3 IN LADIES' CASHMERE, BEAVER AND CLOTH SACKSAND BASQUES wmen are The Most Stylish Garmonts Ever Brought to this Market. Tfae Abovo, Forniii: tfae Kicbcst C'ollection of Goods Ever Offcrcd iu tliis City, are to bc sold at Prices Loncr thaii tbe l.owisi. C. H, M1LLEN. ANN ARBOR, SEPT. 15, 18T1. 1339m3 JEAD THISJ I AM NOW TR3PARED FOR THE FALL TKADE ! I HAVE TUK I.AUGKST A"V1 Finest Assortmcnt OF OP KVI'RY PESCRIPTION EVER I5ROUGIIT T0 TUIS MARKET. EVK1ÍYTUINO NEW, AND STYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A LINE OF GEATS' FDRMSHÍN6 GOODS ! EVEBYBOD-5T WISHIXQ FALL AIÍD WINTER CLOTHING WILL FIND IT TO TTirSIR INTEREST p'O OALL ON JAMES BOYD, 1316lf 24, flüin Street. LOYEJOY, TOBACCONIST I Doals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SnuíF, [Pipes, &c, AT X0. 7 EAST HUROX STREET, Next to the Express Office, AWl ABBOR, HIOBU i345tr PMSICIAHy PKESGRIPTI01R I u:i:i:katei,y aní CAREFULLY PHEPABED BY R. W.ELLIL&ÜO.,l)KUOaiBlS. S XÍ.T f Subscrlbcrs to 'eters i I I ll I-T Mnsiivil Mimthiy L-otvil A üag their Itnslc tor lesa Ibnn twO cent-i :l pi CO. B Those who havo not peen j I this MmmchI Mngarlne ' BJ I i shoñld seDd SO cents f..r a n I I inpleeopy. The imisic ia -s-1 m ■ I p'.v Nays. Thomas, KInXrf I kei, Peralex. aai', other , Two bftkk uumbor8 lor i A New School 4üenl. Pnnr back nam ( $7.50 per dzen. rontnini - -ii w i over two hundred ntnv ;ind T jjl ' i bciitiruls(ini;c duule, itc ij H' 1 J by Wil] S. Ilays. H 1 ster, Thomat, etc. Kvery I T j ' hing is ï-.cH-, freeh, and X BV ■parkrlDjr. Contcnlp rad _ ... . . H! BpedmeD pagea ent free. jij I j j ' mmple coplee mailedlree a i l of postagc to tenehers for Iflïlili .1 JLIKJ S cents. Liberal ternis fuiiutrodaclion. Wortb of Music for S3. Adilress, J. L. PETERS, 509 Bioathvav, ?i. Y. Tcnchora trading nn thr ir ordr.r fnr fïfl wnrth o Dtiuslc can clnim n yaiiB BQbeCflptiQTi (o r. ■:■ iJ Mueicnl Moutiily. Jöüöif pEOPLFS ÜRÜG STOiïfii R, W.ELLIS& CO. .rjosr ARtoR I -----■ ' A VALÜA1ÍLE STOCK OE Srain Farm for Sale, The ahorc farm is eUunted In the Towmhlps of [-x;er and rmuain. Livingston and Waehtenau nuntius. Ten miles I'rom Dfstcr, ñipe miles f rom í.iul úw miles trom ein-kny. It contalns FiTfl irundred and Twcnty Acres. [t is well watcred and picntv ofttmber. Abnitone1.1I runder a irod cultivation. Termsol Ie cwy, littli' money wil! b roqnircd on flrat pnymont. P. 8.- If not sild nooii, I will lcnue saiil form ïf I SU üud thu rlglit man. G. W.f'OOKE, PostolHceadircss, rtnekney, Mich. 1348m3" ■rVARM FOR SALE. THE BRASB.I. FARM, Sittiatca three miles norlh of Ann Arbor, contaln. incel htv acres. thïrtv-flve acres Improvrd. t'r.e b:lance wll tlmbercd. Soil varlorl and unsurpnswd for whent KTOWhlff. t'nr fnrthcr informntion ntily to nraddnM FHBDKRIOK P. CONWAY," With Drmlv & Oo.. fimt of Wootlward Av , Detroit. Detroit, Sept. HÈ, I8TI1 lS4'2w4' GotoH.W.ELLIS& CO'f forstrictly Pnro Drngs and Medicines, PaintE.Oils.&c.


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