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fptë&J pitte j-rr-TIIE CAUSE AND CURE OF CONSUSÍ1'TION. - Thopriinary causo oí Cougumption ia dorangenMBt of tho digestivo oani. This ionDfonicnt produces dellcient r.iurition mvd nssimilation. By assimilation, linean Ihat proco iSy whlcli tlic nutrimcnt oí the foodiaconvi'rtetl intoblnod.aud tlicncoInto the solids of tho body. Persons witli dlPOVtigiIi thus lmpalred, baring the allghtcat pcedlapnUion ti pulmonary disoase,-or if they tako cold, will boTery liablo to have Consumption of the Luus in aomc oC its farms; and I üold that it will be ImpoMiUfl ti care any case of Consumption withont filt r.ioriu a good digestión and hcalihy ai&lmilatlon. The vcry flist tliin to bc done i to dranse üic Btonraahi and bowels from all diseneed mncut and liiuc whicn lts ■logglDg these organs bo that they cannot perform thcir function?, and Ihen rousc np and restore tho livcr toa healthy action. FortliU purpure, the surest and beet remcdy ia Scheuclt'ö Uondrftke Pilis. Tlieao Filis clean tho etomach and bowell of all tho deait and morbid tlime that iscaasin diícavo and docay iiv the whole eystem. Thcy illclunr out the livcr of all dlaeaud bile that ha acciimiilated tlicro, and nrouso Hup toa ncw and 'hcaUliy action, by which natural and healthy blla fa oersted'. Tho stomach, bovrcl?, and livcr are thns cleanm-d by the aso of Schendt' Jlandrakc Pilis ; but thort rcmniiis in tlie rtomnca nu excusa of acid, the orijnn is torpid and the appcrite poor. In Uie bowale.thoïactcato are-wcak. apd reqnfiilag strength nnd npport. It ia in a condition like thii that Bchanck'a Beaweeo Tonic provea to bo the most valuallü reraedy ever discovercd. It is alkaline, and its use will aentralln all exccs3 of acid, making the stomach Bweet and' ffesli : it will givo purraanent tone to thiB important orsan, and créate a good, hearty appetito, and prepare üie pytem for tho flrst procens of Aood di;r' k-m!, and ultiinatcly makegood, hcallhy, living blood. Afterthia preparatory treatment, what remains to cnro most cases of Conenmption is the free and porsevcrin nse of Schenck' Pnlmonic Syrap. The l'uhnor,ic Syrnp nourishes the pystcm. purino.s tlie blimil. and is réftdily aboorbodf into tho circnlation, and'thcnco :r"cd ti the dUeased lungs. Tlu-ro it rlpens all. morbid matlors. whether in tho form of abtooeses er tubcrclps, and then aUta X.ituro to expcl all thedis" eascd matter in tho form of freo expectoration, when once it ripens. It 1.4 then, !y the great hcallnL' and pnrifvinï propertirs of Scbenck's Pitlmonic Syrup, that áll hlccre and caTitiea ara ucalud up aound_and. mv patiënt is cnrerl. The essentlal t:ii:i!i to be done in enritag Consnmption is i.o getnp a jrood (ippeliteandagooddiestion, 80 that the body rtll ijrow in fl'-M and get Btrouff. If aperson has diseastdlune, acavityorabsress tiicro,. tho -caviry sanaot hcaLtlie inattcr caunot..rip8n,.so tone as-the syetem la beiowriar; wlial ft necetsary toeïire isanew order of ttring, a cood aopetlte, a good nutrition, tho boIy te ;:row In flosh and pet fat ; then Xatnrc íj hrlpcd, ilic cavitlea " i il he.-il, tin; matter ill rlpen and Be thronn "ff in hir-e ojnnntities, and the person regalo healtli and trengtUi Xhw is the tina and oisly plan to,,am3 iL' a peruon is very Baü, i f tho Ihngs are not enttroiy deptrovcd or evon If one lun?; i cntlroly gone, if thcro is cñoiih vitólity left in tho otlier to heal up, thcra La hope. I hftveseen many persons cnred it;ion!y one ponna lang live a:id ejijoy life to afriiod old o:;'e. This i 'u-nck'.-' Medicines wïUdotoCure Conslunption. Ttiy wilï cr;:in out tlie ptomnch, üweeten and ■trcn"tl!ca It, get np a good digestión, nnd give Nature tbe assistance shc iiceils to clear the aystcm of all the diseaio thal ia in the lungs, whatovcr Ulo form may bo. - i i It i's important tlmt, wliilo using Schcnck's Medicines, care should'be exercUedJiot totakc cold ; kecp ln-dotjrs in cool and damp wcaíher; awld nilit-air and take out-dor cxercise only in a genial and warm fiunshine. -"' ' , Ewiiftftdtst&ietTy nnderstood tliat when I recommond a patiënt to bo carcinl in regard to takin' cold while timing my medicines, [ do m for A special roapon. A raan wlio has but partially recovered from tho effects of abad cold is brtnoro Hablo to a relapso than one wlio bas been cntircly cnred, and it to predserjf the same in regard to Cousuniplion. So long as tlie lungs are not porfectly healeif, just so long is thcrer iminincntdaujicr of aftill return of thedistjase. Heneo it ia thatl o streimouelycaiition pulnumary patlenta aipiinstcxposinK'themsclvcstoan atamphera that is not genial anti plcasnnt. Conörmed Consumptives' Itongs are a intina of sores, whicli tlie least change of atmosphere wfll Inflamo. The grand secret of my tnc - ce?swith my medicines consista in myability to Mibdue inüammalion instead of provoking it, as niauy of the facully do. An inflamed hing cannot with lafety to the patiënt be exposed to the blting blasts of winter or the chillmg winds of spring or autuniii. It shoald ie carcfiilly shiolded from all lrritatlng inffnences. The utmost caution thoiikl bo observed inthis particular, as withont it a curo undertümoBt any circumstauceB is an impossibility. The person ehould bc kept on a wholesome anti rntritious diot, and all the medicines continucd until the body has restorcd to it the natural quantity of ftcshandBtrength. 1'wns-rayself curedby this treatment of the worst kind of Consumption, and have lived to get fat and hearty these many years, with one lung mosily eone. I have curcd thousands eincc, and very many havo been cured by this treatment whom I unve nevel seen. About the lst of October, Icxpcct to takc posseseion of my new building at the uortheast corner out Bixth and Arcli Stroots, whero I ehnll bc pleascd te giveadviee to aliwho myrequire it. Pull directions accompany all my remedies, po tlmt a person in any part of tlie world can bo rcadiiy curcd by a etnet obsetvaaco of the name. J, U. SCHE-TCK, M.D., Philadelphia. HUIiBURT & EDSAl,., 3Z Lak - irlreet, Chiear, 111., Wholesale A:;ents. PRINTS FAI3TTS Oils O; Is Oils Varriish Varnish Varnish Bruhes Brushss MIIVEHAL FAIITS, &c, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AXD CALL ON . W. ELLTS & CO., BE FC) RE PUFgiTASING A ÏALSE REPOUT ! THAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOF TRADE HE STILL UVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PBI0B8 'I'O SUIT THE TIMES. AIO AFÜLLLINBOÍ GENTS FTRNISHING GOODS-l DON'T PUnCHASE YOÜR SPKÏNG AND SÜMMER OUTPIÏS ÜNTIL YOTJ GIVB I-ÏI3VE -A.C-A.XjXj. 15 South Main St., Aun Arboi. lSïl-tf. JAM, B. REVENAUGH, PHOTQGRAPHER f RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGATIVES BEFORfi PllINTING, SO THAT FRECKLES,MOÏHSANDTAN Do Xkoi show ín any oí Lis Picturos. Xo Extra Charges. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'f for strictly Pure Drugs and ; Medicines',Faüits,Oils,&c. ■ .': ! 'rnE argus i FIRST-CLASS PRESSES K.KT8T, JtXjy IX GCOD OKDEE, KEW STÏL5S OF TÏPE JO GOOD WORKMEN. A SPCCIAI.TY MADE OF ■ BILL HEADS; I3LANKS,. CARDS, CHECETS, C1KCULA1IS, LETTER HKll.] PROGRAMMES, RECORDS UB BKn:í-, 8.TIALL BILLS, ETC. ALL ORDERS FROMPTLY FILLELl WORK WARRANTED TO PLEASE. Qr PNCES REASÜNABLE. LAWÏEHS, HKRCIIA?iTS, AND AF.IC'liAr'.si;s or itrs[.M;ss mes Allí-: INVITE TO FAVOR i;s with TIJDIK OltDWts. i - ,-. i ;; mü OF MAIS Aíü WKOK SI'S, , s e Sí M I 3 3 H Í I SU la i 1 S 'N cq - UI h H H 1 1 8 i ia S I ! 0 X M o M u Q. e 0 3 gë ÜJ h CD H fl 5 ! f cc 3 o ■ f f To any porsoii prodoctOf any Modicinc nble to show ouu-tliin! ns man; living, permancot curea as Dr.PiTLBH'a VkmiuKiictiimio Rkhedtí and n fmrthur rtmtrd (100 for any caso ofchronfc or fnflamraatory Rhenmatlsm , NeiiralglA, HhcamarW Acne, Scaticji. and RhcamatUvn í thc Kídueja Et wül notcure. Tfid lili nniiUic Sjtnpis wedinwardl y on tv plrrtsi'ii to tUf MMo and jrn.iranícíi iree ffolnorkiw Draga it i Dot (i-ick Medicina but theceienilflc preecrlpiion of Jos. f. FUler, S. 1.. lrolesur u! Toxlcolog; aad Ghemlitry, gmdtt;üi- of tha ceU'bratt4 Uuiverity f Peaofylvrtoia, a L. 186&, wlioso t'iiiiic urufeastona] life h&s beesdevotod peciftlly to thla die%sa l'his preparatlou andor sokrnui oth id conact uftUxusiy belloved eo be the ciJy .'po.-Jtive, reltablo, InfaiUolo spedflc ever (1 Mnvrivd. f liO pi'OHÏ that DO it nr 8{KO4flC 6Xi-.ts i.s fouud in övery coromuuity in porsouü .iili-ie4. foi in.Hiiy vivus past aml till BUiTcrli)g fphyaiciarü comí ■ pqra tó, a spwiïc W ftwhtf, IAÚ wwuW not .■ :s'- rci thut niu?t by uulTenaliy admlttod, The üfi decotved afferer may wteelyask. what acenrity rr vidnnc6 haa ic that Dr. BÜfi9rs Rtusumatic Syrup win cnre hlscasö. Tim protwctloo amrcd to paticutH aaiust impui-ition is i-i n logally Higued con. trau whlch will bc forwarded without ohargu to any satterer sendloK by UUora deaprlptlun of aitli Uouj tiiis juirantee vutstiite the BSAt( yumh-r gLbottlea warrant cd to cie. and va '.as oï toïï&r'e tttv mouey paid will bc rcíurut-d to t.lio patíont. No otfcitf.r rashsdy hns evor boen offerod on eucli liberal and honorable tenue. Medical advice, with certtflen toe fioin prominent l'ü fsici.iiis. CUrstymea, etc, who have been cured after ml other treatm -nta have iniled, sect by letter, gr.i Ü-:. Afflicted cordial - y lovlled to wriïc foi :uh ico ti 1 1 ' piir;i;ip:il oñicc, 48 South Fourtfa Street, PIill 'il.-ip.t-L-i. la. Dr. Fi:ler'-i RbènmaUc ByroJb i& sJrl Uj wugUts lí. Vi UIav íi. i. o,, bolo A--it ■■„ Auu Arhor, Mich. 'SAH. B. KEVEN AÜGH , PfiQTOGMPHER, MAKES ALL KIIN'DS OK PIDTÜRES F KOU 111V. SMALLEST LQCKET TO.TIIE LIFE SIZE, a.n;i i-i M-.ii i:s;hk:i'.-: INDIA INK I Olla, OÍR, WATEB COLCRs ! IN A SUrTEUIOR MANNER. S:9-ly. No. 30 XIIKOIV STU13ET. TUMBËrT YARD. C. liRAPF, Has a largo and W9Ï ftoüc. Lnmbei anl on JeflbrBon Street, in Ukeaonfh part of the 'itv aud will WjVt'V fojisiatit i on hand uu cxccUeat voricty of LUMBER, SHINGLESjLATH&C which wlllbesAld wlowtseuc b nffordd iujthte rniirkct. Quality and vííccsmicIi that N0 ONE NEED GO TO DETK01TC. K9AFF. Ann Aphoi.Jniiuttrj 2dth, 1ST1 OSO Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by 1i,JD.Lil3&e0.,Lrnggií$fe. Sheriff Sale. QTA1 I . County of "Wntfrten 0 ! -. .i tuo ai i ni nt esi cui ia Circuit for I tate of Mirbígim, ñnU J i he i weni diiy of Mari Ij, A . ! . 1871, ■ i, againmt tht goods, clmttela, landa muí teñementa ü -t. Brown, úvn.bmt thcrein ■ twcntv-niuth da) oí Maich, A. D-. 1871, Fartho tmul oí ■■sil "-i ; ■ í ( VYiÜiuu M . ' h'mr in the foüowlng í scnbedroal rit: All 'n. lmir, iv. , ■ i ! i-i-.;ht,inHicklm er Sc Mm 'md'h Addilii .. to Uie il Vfatícheuter; alao nouthvesi quai i storen, uorter rf uortawest &aa BCCÜOll I . HÜ in tow. -: , hU wt' tlie beiii couttty ■ ■ , and Btat oi liigim, wimir ■ ■ir HUCtíOB, fn 1 he hiifl . . v 1 1 : i Ari-or, on UiO 23d clttj OÍ November, A. i. L871, ai lOo'cloofc snidday. Datvd, Aun Arbor, 8epL 2Qh, 1871. S] Vi: iN IVEBB, Sheriff. 13-10 Uy Jo&Tis IToftB . i.i.-rilf. Real Betate Fot Silo. Sri ECHI6AK, Countyof Wtujhfc nw,w, ''■-- ■.-' ■■■ i i' ■m:m i;, f r.tiru, deen, bal Ln nmoi on ordos granted to the undendgned, aaministarators ui' the eetate of ssiid deoea ed, bj .i Vrubiitt; for ti.rmw, on thefbnrth . fptember, A, D. B71, tb re wül be sokl al pnuhc vendue, lo the higheat bidder, ;ti che dweIUng iioLiaíj un the p ■ ■■ ' ■ ri thecounty of Waal ín sftid ■■ . ■ .'. ■■ uiglith ií;iy oJ X 1 1 - rember, A. [). 1871, ul one o'elw k Ui the aftornoon of thnt noy (salacot to ;tl encu le exintiog at the time t' tüm d : dower oi iiis widow therein , the folio ■ I L estáte, to■ . . Che wel bolfof the aouthoast quartei the oflst lmli' of tlit' Botithwevt 'i utvtei ai thSrty-twe) jatovnhii 1 sro in saíd Btate, eontain&ig one hnndred and bíx muró oí lei . A.10O the land on which fin hoL Ibll&wg : com noeneing ou tbe town line at Uiesouthou il corner of the west huif of the sontheasi quut 1 1 of said lection iiiivty-tv', nad ruuB outli riity-fi nnd lifiy links, tuexiceaoul I cight degreee west ftnr chaina wifl ninctcen ünks, :!.■:,'■■ Tï-uvii twenti ■ tante and seventy-flTB Knks, to tli1 io.;n Un6, thenco oust on the town Use eleven abatas to the iaee of bcginning, oont.i-.ini." two ai jof land lying the mrth md "t Uie nrrtli-if-; ■ &V&, in 0:c townáhtnof j nel Btut4 aAresaid Dated, Beptmbi r IMi, A. f. I ... l'ï-fo RDTB A. 0A( AdminwtratoiB. Huul látate for Sale.. SÏATÉOÏ MICnXfJAN. oounty f Wwhten w. 1 11 thi matter oJ I ■ '■■-■ riek S banf de: rii. 1 bnt in putsuanoé "i' un order (crantfd to ■■ m.1, Adininistrator . . Bed, by (die jj.'ïi. Jndgeof frobute for the ooimty of Wafihtiethe ftf th day 01 Bepíomber, A.D. 1871 ■ d n% puXriic ■ the south door of theH ■ ■. in chr -ity of Ann Arbor, in tin; county of Wb lid y '■■■.'■, on WedueüUay, tl ■ lij emb p, A. D, l s7i, ;ii ti 11 o'clo k in Uie fon nopii of dny. [subi--. ■: ten ■ . rae exidting,a1 leath oj said deoeaeed, and ■ Liód, iv ing pnri of lot two in block two norib ■ 1 ■. the i-i'.y of Ana Arbor, deaèïibéd :. menemg tt n weM ffom the aoatheost romer tA saifl Urt, .'fïil running tJi'.'iii:e north paiaUel with I lt,i slxty fui'1 to t!io 1 e brink; uïli OnO foOt. SOUtll ji;ir:ili. i te the norfh line of -m ' i ' -i nc t ■ :■!:■■ ulf of tlie bri' now standing on said strip of land. September I6th, A. D. ■ ■ Aili-1 hmtik !■■" YUt witli the wül ansexetl. ' l Ési - tlö. CTATE (XP HICHIGAN ■'.vn-, se. j n 1 -i and Mary Muhoncy, minors; Notíce i n. tlml ■ II pvnilAQM '■-' :■ '■- ' ■ ■ 1' -l" guardia - Ron-. ■) udge of Pro ir tlie counfy of 'a mdday of Oötob ■:■, A.'. 1 .!■-. 1, thoro wili hc sol l at p ■ ■ ■ ■ ; i [ou e i.: ' '-:■■ i ■ y erf Ann A pbor, unty oí" W ifiiy thè twcnty-Beoond' Aiy November, A. I1 I '■■il oclook in 1 . oí tli;ii dtiy [ajbjwJ to :ül encumbrancoA by moitwae or otherwiis ex i tbe time of Bftle] tho followi I wal ewtatei to-wil : Lotaeven ín ■ trmb - Pa ■ ditlon the city 0 Ann Arbor, insoid coúnty and State. lHtti5 0otobcr, M, A. 1). 1871. !. .Gvndftufc Keal Estáte For Sa QTATEOFMlCÖTQAN.couuty of Washtenaw, se. kj Iü thii natter of the estáte of Henrietta Buck, minor : Ño 1. thai i pu ordes gxanted to I '■■ 0 undi n iiito (jA ' siiiil niiimr ly tlicJIon. JudJfc OÍ Probate for tbc county of Waahienaw, 1 bet A. i. IB71, thexe xill b Front door of the Posi 1 liïïce anty oi Y. i il;l Of November, A. D. 18ï ( at ten iclock in th 1 ofthttj i . t all onciimbrancea by morttrogt or othfrwiM exialiiig undivided one a veni h oi each oí the Gollowín - dc.-cribed par1 '■■. to-wi : Lol eli ven and I h tliir 1 tt' 1 de west half o!' lot t".i ui t'u: vili.i : psilanti iT said couniy and B( Daiiod, OctobcrSd, A. 1). 1S7JU Beal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN,) '■ tuhtenaw, ss. In the matter of tbe estaré of Jobïi L'. H ri hardt, Beuiur, dece ised. Noti w her' by ;!i. that in pursunnceofan order prunted to tlie u minütiiitor oi : I be il-u, Jodgc f TrahAte ie the Cousty tJI Wiwhtciwiw, m Üe uinth day utQeteber, A. I). Ih71, thti wijl bosold at public vunduc, to 1 ■ ., at Uu &outh tho Court LUm e, in tliecilyof Ann Arbor in intyof ';i.-!:: . Pt Al i , ".1 9 ■ the twei ■ } ui Noy Ril r, A. J1., 1S7 1, at ten in '. !.i 1 1 i ;-i 1 1 on oj to ;'il : ■:■ ex öthci we exiating at the t iniu ij' the (um h of u '.. and ü-o Bubject to theiighti rdowerof lus wi . the tVlio.wing ■■ - -' : I '],■■ :i i ïit ; -' qttavtef of ■ iUj oi 1 110 ftve east in s;iii Stwto, Kscepting nnd reseY ing ■ ■ '.a tbe north n elvi Dated, Oetober91h, A. I. i--n. EMANUBL MAN, 13-13 A lminÍ8mior. Estato of Joliu Frisan, Senior. STATE üï MICHIGAN, ountj - ï' Waahte&aw, as. Kotioe ii b rebj given, thai bj uu order of the Court for tno ountrof Vnditenaw, au the tenth dayofOolobcf A. D, as"1. itit rrtnthn Erom v.tit; nJ on to their claims agiiiii&i 1 !:'■ eal Frc.'iuj, Si ij., i . I, nnd thatnll creditoi ... in preseni their elainu to said Probate f'ourt. at the P OflioSi i the City of Aun Ail'or. Par examimttion and ' lUiowanoe, on or befoio the te&th day of April ui-xt. on ■ taima wül bo heajd uaid Probate Couxt, on Satuitluy, n.'■■ bar, nul on TV tenth day of April next, itt K jhVlocJi 'm the loveaoon oí eaoh daj sl, Ann Ailx)i-, ■ 1 b, A . I. W71. UJ ■. UKAKKS, 1348wJ ■ of rxgMt. AMh B. RfeVKWALGH ftBBPfl ON.ffiANT l LARGE STOCK OVAL AA;D SQÏÏARE BL-VCK WALNÜT AND GJLÏ FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. QOMËTHINO KUW Ar.r 50 Main Street ! TLOUIS WA LZ3 GROCER &CONFECTIOKER HAS A LI, STOCK IM HTS LINE, AND VII,L PIÏ"MrTI.Y SERAfE TifB PUB, l.h WITIl S ft, -ARS, TBAS. COFFKKS SHOKS, SYPJl'S, CANDI US, ETC.. Païties Supplied WITH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE, OP TUK :(l Al ITY. Ni AT TlUíMCVS'f L1BER4L . TERM8. CA.LL .jSTID SEE TÏI3VC BEFORB PURCHASING. JüSOlllB. GotoR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquort I íbr Medical Purposes . Chanctjry Notice. THBClRCtTIT CÓURT for thu counfy of "Wash.. . In b incery. MAHY i!.a I5Y, (Jompliiiiuuit, ) VS. [ :r.i;n:, U FEAVKY Defcndnnt. ) earing to thia Coarfby the ilfiduvit oi tnrnuf thtiSlieiiü for ilio County of V e, that [Q I.. Peo v, tho iVjI end unt, is unUimwn, :uk1 thíií liio aaid subpouui cuultl aut be ■erved n; ou tl lefoi r be tboute ]■■■:■!_? un:.' fore, ii motion of 1. Cronaer, of tUi i for complaioant, il Martín , pauso hia fort pobllcationof I ú m ciiae ut hú uppearm;■ - bifl 1. filod, irding to the and ■ ourt, and in dtfanli theri of tbat tlie said büi bti halws ua oonfemed; nd it U turthcrortlornl. mi, within twcuty pubtished i ík in the Mt n oontinue for the ttTïn 01 tnirti n t.iiii'i eompfnii] ■ Rsonully servet] oh Ihe ilefeiulant .:ty iliiy bcfoie the time ■ . "ii fuv hia iijpeuraiiei!. Oct. 170i, 1871. r. ti:ahax. Circuit Conrt Coramissioner, VVa htonaw (Jounty ili ■'■ D Ckamí:k, , i:ii On; of tlic Solicitor for Coroplninant. Estáte of Homietta Wagiier, Stati;o Mi' ttIG AÑ, Coatrtj oí Wbd&tehaw; m Ata iteCourt ior the (Jounty of Washtenffw, hoidcn it tbu Probate CrttiÓe, in the City ti1 Ann Árbor, on TimmIu), tho twcnty-tDmrth day of Qciober, in the year me thftTHffftnd eight liun] ' ■" 1 1 l 1 í ii-:iii -i . Beukte, Tact ' ' ' i matter of the Éstate oi i I ugñer, Ou vi 'tilir-jí and fihiiK the petitïon, duly yexified,oi . Blue} . vvju Ing Uj ed ftdmmiet] a Therenpon it isonli , the twentieth day of NovemUi nor.. at ti-n ofaloofe ju the i ned for thi -., um! that the hoiis at luw of af i Coart, cheè to bc holden, at the otlio1, in tlio City of A : dflhov r.;ii.-'-. ii' any tnere be, wby the pniyerrf should Titt bograittéd : Am d, th'at saiil petiiijiivr vd in iidency of siid bctition, and the i oi'flcr to fe nndoironlattnia Ba? eoruaty, ihre suo previpidb to s:iid day ut heai (twiéctopy'.l fCES, bö of Iliimiah Lyon. STATE OF MI''ii!(;.X. l . . Lt) ■ VV"a I h naW,w. Ai .-i B6qfáon of tJie r ■■.inty oi . Office, in . of Ahu Aruor, on ■ twwnticth dny oi . i7i the yeuv ou thoueand eight hundsi seveni ) -óiie. oi i'robutc. In tin: muttei erf fcue (-.i-i'.'1 oi (Juinnab l.;'"n, i ii. ding ;ind i. . ! .. ;;- ad, pruying tb il ! iini n I B. Li VpeUunCJ ma) i titoroí the ea-1. tljni Blondi ■ of Novemb t aext, al - in tb e i':mii for the hearing ; lukI fcbe heirü al law oi - i au dth■ lio up" ' -irr, uren lo t e i.i thu riobate (Jdict', ia tht City of Aun Ail show civusé, if any Inere In?, why thp prayer of.thi erahouldnot bu granted: And it is furthér . that saiii peti uotifio io the [ tion, and tbc heuxing Utoreof, by oatt&ing a oopy tl I hu ■ ( f publiilu ■. . ■ ;"'" ..i'j'W!, ■ . ing iiü haid couüt í, tluotí v,. olt m - ■ di' f t heariiigi (Atrnecopy.! 11II: W J. 1849 Judyeof Probate. Imcr Eiliott. Si At a fledtftun of nu Probate Coart fin the CüudIj oí wnshtunaw. hoTJcntit tle Probate üiïue. In tbjf ( ; vol AnnAri;or, mi Tii'.-liv tttt) tweiïty-fblirch (jtuiu-r. in the year one thousaud citftil .i and sevcilty loqe. i ■ -i-hL Jl Beatles. Jndge of Probate. in tb Qü tu U tte i Durend agnnd fiïint'i pctltlon.dalj m ParmcDÏo ':ui-. prnyfnc that certa! u intnimryt Daurt, pB'purifntf to )■ tbo last v.-M! and tcttment ol nal '■ dece k d, may be adoiitre I to probate, and that he uiay be appolnted Ex ecttt í l uore t'. Tnertupon il tsordú'Mi.tKtit fe)iHlrxy,thtw'i ytleth day oí November uext, attttflco'clocklli t-he foceDoonbeatsigiifd for thcheailuuui eaid petition.auri that tiic leñatees helre nt law dl ■ eaeetl. aad :il! ottaer persoue lutereeted in ttald etttn , ilred to tfppear atajea mrt, then-to ■ -■ tbe Probate Offlc In the City of Aun Arlvw, ajjd i . i i any tlieru be why the prayei tê pettttimersboafQ not be graoted: And ir i-1 ñirther ordured that BaW ■ ■ BOtlce to t-i1' uersona Interested In tAil ftst;itu , of tbe pomieDcy of snitl petUKo aud , iii then-ol by caueing a cop uf tale ordr to be pufoïishwi ïnj tho .v '■ . a oewpaper prinloi ' "inty,three tuceeM Lve reek rreviou ■ ■■ - ■ il heariop. (AtraeoopyO HIRAJI J. Bfi.KKS. j;,4) Jadge oí 1üijiite. Estáte of John Reyer. O5AT' ■ uaw,M At a seaaia oi thi tft for the iCountv o enav, holden al ihe Pn 1 ote ' ölc , in I of AnnArhor, on Monday, thé t'Bsaaty-tliird i October, in the year onotnousaxi Lrcdaod bow oty-one. I'iv.-.-üí EliraiD J.B 'róbale. In the avttov of tlw estáte oi John tteyer, deon, auly vfiiiii.i. ; ohn Mili i ■ uitilto ui wiú .li-Thereapon it ia cnderecUthat Mondt! the wenti 'lid iv of ffovemb t ni s . al tel ndfn. bc aasigned ftr tho hearing of said tli Ui ■ heira itlavi ■ : - ■ iiid all o bei intereBtèd is tred tappaar ;it íl sosaión erf j-; l i : l oiirt-, then ; ' ■ holdei . at the Probdtc Otüou, in tho I ity Of Aiui All show cause, it' añy thi tv bi , why the prater of tiüoner should not be grjintert : Anu it is ftirthej itQrfered.that aaid peti acíiee to tuO j ,id otate, of tho pendí ncyc tion, and the hcarinjj thereof, b; i .ftl:is order to be published in the 1ifAij qowspíilicr priuted i ' ouuly, tluee live weeks preious towiid dnj ;' hcari (Atmecopy.] IU1ÍAV J.B yj-j of P] Estáte oí" Agutlui Vil1;-. STATE OF Uil EUÖAN, eounty of-Wi Ar a - r o te i '■'i t foi the eounty of Washtenaw, holden ut the . hecity cí Aun Ai-Hor, oti i'iiiia;, the iwuQtiotli day ol üctober,in the y. ..r One tLousiuiS eight hnnuwd imd ■'V ■:■. - ■ '. Hiiaiii J . l'';;!...-s, Ji;n;;i of Pi In tbo iiLiUtt ot : ■. h Alter, fleOn roadins nnd fllinff tho ptüfo, duiy rerincd, of John M. Albec, pruyüig thu n ertoiii Mtroment i ia '. ■ iouri purpoifcingito bo the lautwül taatHmflnt of sai iifty th' fcdmiltedto , ;ui'l thttt he oz BOnve othor suil n;ip-.inttd iviministraf or witb the wil) .- i Í : - : l L ■ 1 .ii'ii'.l-i.i. Thcroui on il is onictcd, tlmt Monday, the tv.. day ut EiovoBibar oext, ;ih ten oc1upH in the foreil for the houiing of .-au i peUI i ■ :: !jL'Í;s ;i1 :lW ( t Uld ÈlOcisl, iiiKi uil iiïbsr persons mlcn :nl i:i aid lired tu oppear ;t a aession of :tiil ' looj tb 'be iiolficn at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann A i b'.jv. IU1 1 .--iv'' c:uim-, t' jijjy tiitiv be, v'hy Ihe shouMBOt be grantcd : And it isfurtln rordi red, that said petitioner d iasaid ütftatc, ol of .-.:tiil petition and t copy t)i' thia oider to be puhlished iu the Uh ' pan Ir'ííí, a !!■■;. ,ii, r prlnte l ai I ':i said county, threi m eka previou toaolddoy ot !u;umeoopj.) ilOV.M J". BBAKB5, r-i; Judgoof l'robatc. Estáte of Goodyear - minor. CIT ITÉOF WICHIGA1Í, Conntyof Wahtf ij At :is,-;ii.n ut the Probate {'ooft (br the Ooonty of V:i-lit.-n:iiv, holden ut the Frobati Office, inthe City oi Ann Arbor, on Sntnrdtffi the twenty-fliil 'I iy r, in the yoai onu thoiwond eight huudred and seronty-one. -ut, ihiiu'u.i. Beoki -. Jodge of P In th mat ter of the ■-..;■ of ' halles A. Gopdyeur, minor. . iinjr and flling the petition, (!uly verlfled, oi John Go raian, praying l V t hc may be liimisiiKl to' üiill cert.un real i-t:ii'. tfilonging: to salu minor. Thereupon it isoTexedfthil iitonday, the twentieth dayof Novemb k inUiefon assigncd for the heañng of s;iid petition, and that tinri'Kt o kin .'i Baid Eoinor, and all other persons interLtired to appear at ;%- oi asid (V.nrt, then (o i holden r( the Probato Office, in the 'iiy of Ann Arbor. and ihow oauso, if auy therebe, why the praver of the petlt(onei hould ut bo granted : ' And it is furth . l ititioner give notice to the 1 1 ■ t of kin ol said minor, aml all oUier persons intermtbd in wid estáte, of the peudencyof i&ú petition, and the hearing tin . a eopy of this order to bc pu: ra Argtu, a neuspaiier, ruinted oud oirculutins in said connty, three I day of hi'annjr. (A tnw copy.) HIÜAM J. BE kREB, IS t'i Judso of M llt;ito uf Jime BrigiXs. QTATEOJ MICUIOAJi Oonnt] Ol U'.-ishtounw.s O Al :i soSslon ir the Próbaie Cotirl rot '.Uu cvjntj of VVashtcnAW. holden At the Probate Öflrte, 'm tin City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twenty r.rli day of October, in the year one thouatt&dekght bnudred and - Picsciit. Itiram -I. Boakes.Jnde of Probate. In tiit; matter of tbe Bátate of Jane Brlggs, deceased. Oii readlDgBtinllngthpeMtlon,dqlyTerlflea,ol Hiram Brlsge. praylugthnl Walluc oi ;ic oi!u iin, m:iv be. nppulntvd A(liniuisftor oï the eMte of sW eo Thereaponlt Isonlcred, thatTnesdny, the twenty; il da ofMovember ter ó'clock In tnefottnooii, be assljrned tor the hearing of said tion, "i"l tliui the beir at IO deceaaed., aadnUotheruariaMlutereMoalDsaldestate, ai. reQimred to appeai t a sesston ofeaiuCourt, then to be holden ut thn Probate Office. Inthe City ol Ann Arbor, ;usl s'.io-.v cansaif any there be, why the prayci of the petitioner sboulil not be "ranted : Ad R tfarthr ordcred. thnt ialdpetitloner Ivo notice to the pereoni Interested in aaid of the pendencji ó-fenld petition and the üearinethereof, byenwkit a copj ofthla order to bepubiished in th. '- Ni Argut, neivspnper, prliited iml circnlaiiiiir in wid ( onnty, thne snewveks prevlom !o saWdni c'. lu-nrïnir. CAtruccopv.) 1IIHAJI J. BKAKE9, 1W6 ' JndL'e ot I'rolmtc. P1IY8ICIAR5' PRESCRIPfïOKS lOCtTBATELT ANU CAREFÏÏLLY PREPABED BY ! R. W. KLL1E & C0.,DEU0GIS7B. Estiiti! of Lelaivl Walker OTATK(i]'Jiini;AN.,..r,lvt..r . O Ata w,n .i HTaahteuaw, holden at the l'iui.ii.ntf MlJtT ity of Ana Arbor, .... (Vednwdtty, ,iv ,T' ln % laj ofOctober, in theyeaxcrctlvcWul y-one. e'u lm. Ut llirani J. üeake, Judgc of fuini. ■ matter ol thé estáte or Leland 'wr,j(, Ou reading and ülinx the petition, duiy „. i A. Walker, that lMvi-J ifi"H loappoiated administra tor of the estáte cí 1 ■ HM) 1. Q i. tpon il ocdered, tbat Tuesday tint ir.-.; fláj oí November next, al leu uVlúV'u j„' j, . loon, 1 assigned lur the haaringof sak! i,.; ■ "5 that th bei at law of soid deceasod, id Sí'N penon iaterested in sid estáte, nr requinS , [.i;r ;it .i (-..íí.ii of smid Conrt, then to 'i. ?,? li.c l'robote Office, in th. rit] at A„i, A,i,OT . ''? ny Uure I, why the praycrof tho Sí I jr should .iü! tv grantcd : Ai, ! it is f,:1thtt ', tionei give notie to Uu of the penrlcn.;y o' su:] indth Iw.u-iiiii thereof, by euuaing n ,L ?"■ I .rdertobepuMfahedia .i;,. „,,„ -,,„;■ ■■ paporpnnted i rirculatinp; i„ .,„„1 c,,..,',, 1 sucoetxrve weeks prerioun to aaid day of lu. J2' I wy.f niiiAJi jJ ihÍkI1!?U4i Jude"f Itii. I Estáte of John Lewis. OTATE OF MICHIOAN, coanty of Watht-, 0 AtatseisioB of Probate Courtfortl . of Washtcnaw, holden at J "i ...1 ..,-.. 1,, '" "-r city of Ann Arbor, on Snturday, the f,,,111' iVi.v 01 ir.tolx.-r, in the yt-ar mlü ll.ousMido0.i?? Present . Ii ....:.. .; Beate ,Jah.'r f l'raba! In i)n: nutter M tl., cstiitc of j.n i'i eeaned. ■ . Ëlipbatel LewÚL Bxacntor of tbc last ■■n ■ !, nBOi intuCoartniwi1'1' rcscnls tbat ho i now pcpaivd to rícr ju Zit cnunt lis stti li KxeCYttOC. -.■-■'.'. Thareonpon i1 ■ ■ thetfiirt dayói . ■: . . iu t) ■ tw!!?? ut il for examking and .iHokíhj! su',.', r0". legatecs, ctevi - „ JT". ied, and ill other persooint -.-.i, „ J-.11 'mi. , are reqai ir itt asc-wMnof ajj7 then to be holden t the Probate Offi in tt "" Ann Arbor, iu sitirl couiitv. und show rauïe ' th-.ic le, wliy the suid account shonld nol 1 "f lowl: Atul it i furthcr ordered tlint Mid t ' lor gt BOOM tothe persous intprestcl aM"" tatti, (.1 thu pendency of said account, ana (uTj"' in thereuf, by causing a cupy of this mfar?' jinhlishc-d in the Michigan Ar,)'is, o vL, f il und tn-oiiliitiixi in said CO'.iDty, lhr ?"'T we ks ]ttr iun lu Baid drty oi' liea'riiii? ' (A truc copy.) H RA M -f. BEAlu l Jndieofhj Estáte of Ulricli Kt eder. OTATFOP MICHIGAN, Countj 01 WMht, Ata si'ion oí the ('i-oIkiI. Conn fnr theivÜ 6tWoíhtcu:i-.liolJoD! Ihe Pruimt. Offi„. I, "J I CKyof Ann Arbor oa Wed e?day. the w2ïï! I dij of petober, ji ihe year me thowïïnS hundrednd Mventy ore. eli" I Procent ilir:im.] llcfikes,.'tlilge of Pmbit In the mnttcr of th estatu of Ulrich Ki!T K.:i!:ii K.i.i'r. BxeCUtnx of ulo, !"-iti:i o! 3Hid (lec'-nwd; ci,nn- ïiito Conttiul reprewuta thnl he is iiow prrcj 10 roitoS flnal account as toch Eïccuciix, ' fhtraopohritlíOrdered.tUstMonday. tbètHrlwMi Lsiy oí N 'vember uezt ut ten ..'cfdi iu ,),,., doom, be as?igncd fur ex.iminini; ;iml alimi,, such account, and Itiat ihu Icïiu-o, j,"; an i heil m law ui saici ilcceafd l0) 'T ttli.-r .cr]w totreted Iu foid rtmt m rt' qulrei lo apf.esr uta eioii ofsnidi.o be holden at the Probate Office, in ih i ■; atdCDQnty and how rmw. ifaw tb be,why tbe said acconnl Bbocld uot ieSoJS; And it i (urther ordered scid fI( glvi: notice to IJtc pcrsiiut nitemn-ii ia fiif, , ..;,,, of the peadency .f:iii nccount. nnd tbekaiiw thereof. by cavMng a copy f t.hin nrAer i t,. ',{ Hshedintbe Miti vh'líi and circtllatlDg in saiii Cmtnty. il,rec suiwhi weeks ïirevioiiKtu saiddnym lieran" CA tniecopj.) 'IlKAM.l. r.IAKi?. 13-1J Jn i_'t' of Pi Estute of WillidTu Kobeit?. STATE Oí M K lü'rW. Counly of Washto ■ At aesaion ot the oí Washtaawt-bolden at the l'iobsite vu Ot A:m Arbor, on 1 ÍOT, in thu yt-ar Wie iKousnHil eight .-.; seventy-oce. -. Judge of Probate 1.' '-'■■ ta aitLeeaiU of Wilüam itai I Waltei s. Btch, Executor of the lust willnndWh ment ofsuid dt-ccased com sinto ( om-i .-nul i.-]'j(bi l that he is iiow px-epitred to rendt-i . au(-h K:-. 1, tlwt Mondar, tte iiri dn$of iiyi-!üiv r iu:.i, :ci u.n ;(. noon. b for ex;imining aud ali inatht 01 -;:i-; deceased] nd ui - mteratei saiil, are requijcd to appear Ull ' at the 1 ruimte OSn in the City ui Ann Ail.ur. ji'i sli th' re b l0W( 1 : And .1 ü ík: tl,.-! !■:.:. 1 ijf tor gj . tato, of Üw pendeucy oí ■ . .uilthpfcMri thereof, bv umkig eopy of thi ■ -M Midtiitnt ryux, a 111 la'ili'-r in .-- mi ( iiuiily. thrce sui eubire w-ks ;: to --:iiii doy of heartÖGU (A ti-.le copy.) HIUAM J. BI-AKES, lui" J,;. ■ Estute of Raiii-aei M. Fsy, k-'V VTKIJK.MlCl: r,, At a -..-;jii ui tUi l'robate (Jourt for Ik úpni r, bolden at the Probate Oêa, iz lis I rui Arbor, on ï-ui 'hdtjtl '. .ar urn; thou .. JW ud -011e. e at CtoWt In the matter of the esUto of fc'umuei Llqlh Ni ■ A-bicei ourt and rcproseiits tliut he tg now piBpiRdtt rentier I1Í9 iimil 11c n1 a.. 1 it i 1. Uu'ii Uouduy, ib noh w 2v(v( next, at ten o'eiock in thcioreiiKa, . ::i i allowing sucli ukuu.1 imd 1 ; the h ira ar iu .- other peloii. . -ale, are requiiedtl dea,i4 . :i Ült 'ity ,-: I'! Uti I OUnl . ..5.I.V. i: ■ I sLoiild not be allov.vil : Aniï il ed, that soid '. . ot tlie pem'wcyrf .nunt, and the .hiavin thereof, bj cauriaff % ;i l'i putilislml in tr.c t,LA:( Ar;tx, a neVBpupar printed nnd circi; '. . ilili.ü BUCCCb-'ivc v...s 11,-viutlS tüSaidtlT ■4Í h-i-' (A trueeone) SH1AM J. ItfAKES, IJ 13 . Jiulci. i't ïroUl. Estáte Oí'CorneliusIomghlin. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty oí '.ishtcni. '!. 0 At ascísiou of tin Probate Conrl fortheCnt of Wa-htiMuiw, holden at tlic Probate oljice i i.v - f Ann Arbor, on Saturdny, tbe pewiuil ot October, in tUe j jar thoueand tlfï W drod u . '■. fresen!. Bira.I. Beakes-. Jndpe i f Probate. In the matter of the estáte ol toii.cliit LaajiBi de '- a ed, Williain linrke Admtnistmtoi of s.-.M ■ - luto Coort and repreernte that hf is I pnpa;e 1 rentier his lïi:ai account as such Adnn ïlratttt. i to Ordcwd, tat Vouday ihfiul day of OLovember Deit, at ten o'clork-tt"' forenoon beaxsluned for examioing andallwat snch acconn!. and tbat the heirs 111 lw ofsra ceaaed and all otberpersnneint. ■ ofaairi tlwait.iwo to be h.iWei. at tne Proba(cOi. In lhc CÍIidIÍJ Ahyr iHa.ii'ICoiinly indsbuwca:is' mbjrthesftidacconnj shonld not bcallow fUL'lhur ordeSAd, tllat ftaid Adin;nistrtiWr2iVatl to Ihe persons interest d Lm s:::i1 estáte, olfP' dency of said accWQat. aj-i t3e stesritii: tliíí"1'. J? canslDg a copy of this order tobe ;. U ■ . - jirfntetl ..uiLic::fulitilZ in saidOounty, three successive weeJii prcvioni al ■ day of hearing. f A tniecoBY.i H1RAM .1. ISEAKhS. 13 J Jiulaod'r Estáte of üeorgo S. Fr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 'ounty of V AJ ftiessionol tbe Probate Court tor tbclwra of Washtenaw, holden at the ' 1 Ann Arbor, om Th.. I ■ "' ' Of ó.-tobor, )n the yi-ar ono tliouhaud cigii'. "' J Prosont, Hirani .;. Bai, Judjse of VroWttIn the Qptte) 'ii tlie estuta ei Uforge f. '"" ,a , j Ou reading and fijinp the petition, dnlj Jonas ! in. s (' Kit', r. A.'.mii Ing tbat th.ynia} belieenseil 10 soü ci-vritinrrti1 1 ilittl Kized. ji Thereupon it is ordcred, that Jtn:. doy of Novsinber Bxt, jt Uu o'clock 11 npftQj I for the liiariiijj X hal the heirs al law of 8aM deecmed, BoW'r .■i [i-i nr.s iir.i in s:iiil ,--: .11 1', ure rriiniw10 K pear at a session of said Court, tben to ue mm2 the Probato Oflice, in tho City I Ann Arbw. "" use, it any thorc be, why thepniyaJ'S petitioner sliould o be pmtbted: Jmd rt n ww oriktt'd, tl.Atajul ltitioncrive uoticetotlie i lntereeted ui Ud estáte, of tbe ] "];j nd the hearing thereof, by eoueing - tliis order to 1 publiahed in tl iper printed and eiroulating in naui -S fonr suceessivs wcct preuwss to saia doy "t,.ISwr (Atro iili:AM 1. BEAKK 1338 ' JudïO of PW1Estato of Johia llhiinfwnÈ. STATE OP MICHIGAN, county of WaliWi' of the l'robate t ourtfor ""iJS, -., hold. o at tlic l'robate V i oeÉ 1 ' 01 n:i Ar! OT, on Monday the nintb "iiyW, bar, in the year ouo thousanii trt'ht hundrto nt, Hiriun 3. Beab, JndgeoJ PWfc.jJ Jn tho matter of Uu ostoto 1 -i Jobu BOW l.tition. duly W :,. prayiBS that a f54Tfci ment nowonffle in this oourt, - " & lust will and testament of said de m '■ I . :.iltlu;l„'lii3!Ua['!tJ1" 'rnr-PMs , ■;L ■ J Ül "' :I1" 1"':i;-"':,!;iiiw' Ü „rlu-r perwns-inteiWed iu saidcstW " j, . touppearal fi session ol .ido urt, .'■' j,. Solden. -■"""■"l;r bot, ai bc 'v!-1 vna it ,,1 the petitioner 9ïoM nöt be grnnteu: a j, 1 0rdereda.ataidj)eitionergiTe ";-,( ntcrcetedüi wnd stU, t the 1 iw ,ndthe bearine ■■ "„„-üM „op, ,,, this i" bo ,..,1 n: "!.n. 11 ■ 'jnrt,J a neM.sf.rer priuted l1 oonnty, three saoeowve wcets previou to M'a hearing. . , ,;l kiCommissioncrs' Kotioe. ,,. cyï V ri' OF M tCHIGAN.l ount of W Slhe underaipod. huvi , Probai ■ ' ourt for suid county, i ,l'iv.:-iljiisti.lK-lan,,, aml , ": . il ci-i ona agninst the e gitooi Mary I ,(„ml;, ,;,,-.,;. hcebypve ipm, n.a . a( ten.o'elk a. dáy, torea-i examine, and ndj...Bt ui ]i(, C1IAHI.ES BOSTEDOl!, -


Old News
Michigan Argus