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Board Of Supervisors

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Monday, Oct. .'10. Board met pursuant to adjournmeut. The Chairman, Mr. Thateher, 7eing absent, the Board was called to order by the Clerk. Itoll called, present a quo rum. On motioA of Mr. Wall, Supervisor Lazelle -was elected Chairman pro tem. On motion, the Board adjourned until ï o'olock r. ir. A1TEUX00N SK9SIO3Í. Board met pursuaut to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman pro tem. Koll called, present a quorum. Mr. Cook, from Committee on Criminal Claims, reported the following, reeommending their allowanco at suma stated : B3 r. UoEemao. juslico, 177 77 17 1 88 ..Hl E. Lamer, dvi)u: bidt 3 74 3 (0 383 ï'hos. Ij. Jiowitt, dcpulyshtiilf and C";illr, 211 20 147 84 ■ I u'i j.nii Hmwri, wlfe 2 9G 1 % .s; Jcmall B. (we, deputy Sheriff, 137 00 10a no oti$ Fredrick, " ' 13 74 12 74 889 L. -granar, witman 60 60 31) lt. Mntthcws, " 60 60 :;:il John Elaole, " 50 60 3U2 O.Bmtth, " so 60 3Í)Í Jumes P. Avery, " 5U 9M E. Chwter, " 1 50 1 60 8 " J, E. BnmnWj " 50 SO 890 F. Bross, " 60 50 317 (j. E. (iiiberW '4 1 00 1 ;0 398 H. Billeon, ' 5:) il 89 John Kucuiin, ' 60 60 400 II. TDWBCr. " 60 50 401 -Juhn UaiTia, " 60 60 401 1'. Jlivmuui, " 60 50 403 1'. Kyan, " 60 60 lul ![ Wilaou, " ÍU 50 1' A. BunaR, " 50 51) 106 M. lllir.n, " SU 60 407 N. SekoB, " 1 00 1 DO 4; Om. Uogk, ' 1 00 1 uo un i. i " io j lm u. 1 arpéotar, " 60 Et 411 J. II. Andi'nion, Í 50 50 412 (;. II. Warner, " 60 50 413 M. II. (iooclrich, " 60 50 iu 11. Blackman, " 60 50 ■il.) Juhn J)o-, " 60 Í0 4l(i J. 11. Maynnri, " 60 60 117 Janics iiuvi,, " 60 60 On motion of Mr. Oloofct, the repjrt viis accepted and adoptod. Mr. Arms presentod the following fruni he Oouaty Treasurer : CuUNÏÏ TllKASL-itlJK's OlTIOE, WA8HXUUW Co., ) Ann Arbor, Mloh., ütt. 30th, 171. i ro the JJonorable Board of Supervisors. Oexti.emex : - I would report to your ïonorable ljody that the aiuouut of fine aoney roceived at this offiee from Oct. Tth, 1870, to dutc, i.s as ibllows : amiiiry l-t'.b, 1871, from J. ti. A. Sessipiis, $15 00 Isroh (iJi, " " J. J. M" 75 10 pril 24th, " " Blaneoa üjudyear, 30 0i) ept. 8th, " " J. K. Bowore, ' 17th, " " M. W 4(i o 1 " lsth, " " 3. Q. A.i-osions, 10 00' V. W F. li . 2 1Í 11 " ' " } MoKemaa, " " " ' " Ezni Suaxa, in dp " 2Jth, " " J. u. A. .■■■ions, " ' " " C'. H. Vmcleve; wuo 267 75 All of which is rtspeetlully nubmittctl. ■ b'AIKCHILD, t ■ ■ j Xre isurer. On motiou of Stf. "V;i!l, the communiation was accepted, and ordered entered n the Journal, leraent wïth Coühty Oflibers, bè insiructd to burn all paid County Order3, Ditch Orders, Vorontoai lluliel' Orders, and uroi-s' Certiiicates now in possession of ho County Treasurer. Adopted. On motion, the Board adjourned to jioet at Firemen's Hall to-morrow mornng at half past nine o'cloek. Tuesday, Oct. 31. Board met at Firemen's Hall pursuant o adjournment. Called to order by the jhairman. Eoll called present a quorum. fournal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Millard, from the Coramittee on Civil Claims, re'orted the following reeommending their allowanco : 418 Rice A BoaL couit alendare, &., 289 01 2S9 01 41'J Wm. Lewitt, medical servicus at uil. 10 L.'' IB : 420 Jeffrios & Cor.ill, do 3 00 1 W ■121 uihnorc & Fwke, ttionci-y fur couit report r, 11 901 1 50 '" N. IC. I'iLTOi.ftttcndnncconcoi'Oncrt lnancJt 4 00 3 00 On motion of Mr. Arms, the roport was accepted and adopt :. Mr. Fleming, from Committeo on Criminal Claims, reporfed the following bilí, recommonding its allowanco : 423 Andrsw.T. Brnmiin . ConbtaUo, 18 91 18 91 'Mr. V.ilsey, from Coinmitteo to Cancel Old County Orders, mado the following report : The committeo on the dostruction of County Orders, would respectfully report that they have examined all orders whioh have remained uucalled for and on filo for a period of six years and upwards, and flnd orders designated as lows : V.rmt. Í'18S2. Aame. Aml. e Rodmon A A City ï 34 31 Wm. Johuson, 4 J(i l'lá Vm.L. Jones, 106 49 N. Murray, 118 218 J Kicellan, 110 HU Shultz, 4 18 „-,1 ■ 75 A Brown, 4 14 27 D. E. Amsden, 1 10 88 E l'isk, 1 3ó g.i g (. s 00 -vt Francw Hanaon, 1 9i) 78 tra Báasett, 1 00 7 OhasMawton, 1 W -i T Jlunt, 1 Ou ll W Faraón, i U -', T Clmrch, 1 M !ll M lx-wis, 3 21 70 J.Witaey, 1 nu 03 A s]„-, 1, y, 3 21 78 (i Moore, 1 00 i H B r ttifrriaon, 6 o 79 .r. C. Vovce, 1 (xi 122 D Btepheo, 1 71 184 11. A. Corr. 2 1" Bü'í 1 5U :. 2 (Ml 144 i'imce, I M 88 N Wooloott, 1 00 142 M L Kilwanls, 10 6u 2SO l-Sj, ..;,, 1 0016S Wm JoI,i,m,m, 1 (._' 173 J xLenderson C 8ü Scllera 1 00 173 SAniuel Dubois, 3 00 SI J-.' Murouna, 1 M W P1"? llurtua, 1 00 47 J. Cook, 1 22 1 D MJ(liei-, 1 o ■ igg4 178 JonS h-irginson, 1 00 S0 ,! 1! 'WooUson, : Si 178 ■' ' iOutï, 1 00 ■85 ' 180 1' Wutoon, 1 00 3.C.rhelp, C,1M HClark, 5 00 227 A C Koot, 1 00 WO .1 aankon. i :i ,)fl ' 19] a .1 Weiden, l 95 59 j rorin. 60 1M É Worden', 1 95 (KI J.' Wintou, M 83 Wiitson, t iij CA Ut'-'. 801194 C T Sooüeld, 1 VS 62 M Howarf, 5 l" Alfred Crampton, 1 M M j jhn, SI 223 11 ü Muaeott, 50 65 R. Cutter, 8 228 .1 I' Biwery, H 8J V 11. M-llcrB, aiíílJDoan, Jo 83 0 Boodwin, 3] 235 1' Toban, I 2'J si John. Watt ' .._.,. BS .1. Brisning, 5u : "■v"1 Bmjth, 1 8.1 '.ij II. M. llainilton, 100 S8 HogbCaarfdT, 171 84i A. M. Beratoeker. 1 Uüi 4ti Ds rwitehell, 81 352 Geo. Wncker, 184 82 Oeo Leonurd, M iSoheUar. 1 -m WQwHopkiwh 2 04 SCH Wc-uck, 1 34; 7u Vlnli]) 1 hompson, 2 01 1850 I 71 i' Thompson, 2 04 1 D. Bernard. IS 50 73 A Jolmson, 81 g i.. ii. k inolda, I ■ M '■■ ' "7, l 10 Anuua Mooroe, ou 99 H W 1u)■, 8S ,1 i. ii. Biu . M K I' w Mooie, 2 ?■ y ! i,,.;, y, 90 II' Kalii-iiiii Militll, Jl 2 12 13 O. Lu., "win, W]lJ Jone Jïarbep, ia ia W. U.Michocl. 50 l'i 0 Ii k'inney, V 16 Clan-isa jackson, 60 1M P B Jlilltr', 100 1T Jame. Field, 60W UTBiwn. 1 OU 18 M. Blackman SO'214 H 8 Wurncr, 6ii ui O; Goodwin, 60 - ■' " Rodgow, 51; ,,, ;, 68 216 E 11 ki-llln-y, .'(■ 00 llem-y lir.imm, B8 117 M ltee i ■km Louiw iOler, 58 219 W Uruwn, 3 Si Í68 O. Ötolsticmer, 1 16 241 I ■ Öleon, 1 J. Bohwawk 80 W John UolmMi 1 '■' [■ KaPDi 1 00 260 j nb Shultz, 40 ;75 A. ' 1 0B88S S A Uuriind, 60 "ir J llii-.i-s. W '-1 K v Binghami 1 ai jjg A 60,428 John i;-.k.. 1 H ";u .1 Hanss, 6u );'..' i:. B. W'imcr, i ii go . Tayloi ■'"■ l;' " Btomt, 2 !t , E. M ." I ■forost, 31 484 .N luiilap, 2 tl J9J 1". ltomliill, "I I8 Chas N 8cott, 3 8( 293 Mre. 6. Bohtford, 31 1W. nh simitï, 1 Ou 5 Homer Warner ,3 2f . Albricht, 1 00 9 1) H tloese. i'i F. liuDtt, 1 00 21 A.nui].-m, 1 dl ; o n. Bierman, 08 60 11 Brooks, ,'( Amburator, 68 K ü lialt, 1 ! hnrine Meyer, 62 135 K II Hum, y, 2 5 61 40 li 11. 18 8S7 John Bcbnsider, MU ThcwSmith, 18 r,s 1'. M. i 7 1 E Balpl s i' 1' Sausier, - l 23" Klijfth Jomwon, 1 6 .7 J. Zueklör, ti ; Smith, 2 .r :. W hits. 7 '■ incobe, 3 9 :,...,. . : . 276 üttvi I i iidy, 3 00 W. ïhomion, li S ernon tVenoh, 7 17)271) II H 3 6 Mor-iinCMw,, ?Í7 28Í P BKewton, 8 Win. IJc 9 42 2HG 3 P Mnrtin, 81 Ja. B. FrnzCTi 4 83 2S8 Wm Wycoff, 81 B. y. Wütster, 7 17 289 II 3 Bacon, 1 23 A. Hunt, " 17 291 Amoa Hicks, 81 97 Lewi Sherwood, 1 SS 2C8 At. A. Bhulti, S11J?5. 'í.. TíaksoD, SI; il Jacob T EetiR, 100 211 JInry.I. .Jacot, 31 ' Ï6 Mra A Davia, 81 22j n. Lathxop, Sf Benjamin Millor 4 S9 226 B. A. llount, S9 Mrs I YJolmnon, 2 04 243 M. FaulkDr, 1 as 78 F Uohmstreich, 1 10 2-10 C .T. inu'tuiiain, 1 5C 79 JohnGross, 1 94 241 Tho. W efib, 1 5c! 85 R Hobison, 2 00 w. K 1 351 98 A D Hotfman, 3 00 ■■, 1 98 189 -I B Ncwland, 1 06 m(ji!e7, 3 60 133 Warren Jnckson, 1 06 4Ii Chus. Sialtb, 1 35'379 D liloilcmer, 2 64 Arnount, [$387 62 All of which orders your Commttee recommend be destroycd. Gko. C. Arms, ) f. D. Wsey. [ ComOu motion, tlie report was accepted and adoptod, and tbo old orders wera destroyed by buniinjr. On inotion of Mr. Millard, the' County Clerk was authorizod to purchase gas burnc r with flexible tube and shad. 4ü 1 l'i'Iíl & Kunt, .Argund burner and siuide. 8 50 8 60 Mr. Wynkup offerod the following resolution : licmhul, Thnt the County Clerk be, and he is hereby instrncted to procure Ibe printisg of two handred copies, in pamphlet fonu, of the proceedings of this Board for tho present year ; one hundred f.nd fifty copies to bo equally divided among the soveral members of this Board, to be by them distributed in their respective townships and districts, and tho balance to be distributod by the County Clerk as he shall deern proper. The resolution was adoptcd. Mr. Arras cffcred the following resobation : Ilexólveil, That the Cotmty Clerk be requested to report to this Board the amount of fees report 'd by the Probate Begistcr 1 o his office since his appointment, and whetber tho fees eo reported, togetbeT with the six himdred dollars salary, eiceed tho sum of one thousand dollars. The resolution was adopted. On raotion of Mr. Wynkup, Supervisor Yeckley was added to the Committee to settlo with County Officers in placo of Mr. O'IIearn, now absent. On inotion of Mr. McCollum the Board adjourned until this afternoon ai 2 o'clock. AFTKRNOOX SESSIOX. Board niet pursuant to adjournmont ; called to order by tho Chairman; roll called, quorum present. The Clerk, in answer to the resolution of Mr. Anus in rulalion to Probate Eegister's fees, read tho following : The undersignod, in conformity with the requirements of the Board of Supervisors tixing the salary of Probate Begistor of the County of Washtenaw, makes the following statement and report : Tho amount of foes receivcd by the undersigned, under Act 70 of the Session Laws of 1869, (exclusivo of the salary of slx hundred dollars fixei and allowod by saiil Board of Supervisors,) and for services rendered in connection with Probate busi■1 proceedings, exclusive of such salafy for the year onding and including üctober 12, A. D. 1871, has been the sum of slll 27 'out of which the undorsigned has paid for boSrfage and internal revenue stamps used fn connection with the discharge of his duties as such Kegistor $13 34 leaviiigasbalancu uf nolroci'ipts, $iU0 93 J. 11. CHASE. Snbscribed and sworn to before me, this lith day of October, A. D. 1871. D. E. McINTTEE, Xot:iry Public. ön inotion of Mr. Fleming, tho report spread on the journaï. Mr. Millard moved thatïlon. Chauncey Joslin bc invited to make his explanation in reference to tho twiao paid old county order. Agreed to. "Mr. Yccklcy, from Committoe oa the matter of Stenographer, made his report, as follows : Your committee to whom vras referred the matter of Stenographer for the Circuit Court of this County, would respcctfully report that they have had the matter under consider&tion, and have made the following estímate: By Stenographer there is a saving by court of 8 ilays por yoar, which for JuryiDUD, 24 at $2 per day, amounts to - - $38 ( 00 Oltkers, 8auysattiperday, ... 80 00 Colleoted i:U-rk in civil caaes, - - - M W Tola!, tl O FaUl to Stenographer by Connty, - - - '-6 :irc airainst County, - $255 30 Tour committee roxild recommend that the sum of ;t!00 bo raised and placed in the contingent fund for the purpose of meeting the expense of said Stenographer. Geo C. Akms, ) c W, Ihvi.vq Yjsckley. J On motion of Mr. Wynkup, the report was accepted. On motion of Mr. Millard, the report waaadoptadi Mr. üranger, from Committee on Compensation of Members, reported as follows: The Committee on Compensation of Members, subiuit the folio wiug report and reconnnend tlmt tho suins stated be allowcd the different Supervisors of the several towns and citieá oí AVashtenaw County, viz : U (ieoie C. Arms, }f? ■,; Peter Cook, '! 27 l'atrick Fleming, ) oS .Imhuii Forhos, "f" 29 Williiim Ueer, ' „ 10 [i ewman (runger, 33 Roln-rt Li onard, ' ' ! "' vidT.McCollairi; JM (■ ■;.-, WÍIH..U. Millart, g '' ;■; PaaickO am, ' 37 John Ö. Olcott ]s-ï J 40 SeldcnW SUurtlefl; } 141 EbenoüCTl i ? e !:i riek Tuomy, ]" ' 4i;{ ovrin Xhtoher, J "; l!l PatrickWnll, ? ' I4S Willin v:. tteaeéU, ÏSni .dWilwy, JJ UT [macWynlup, "l"1. lis Wanhington L,y ? MS Lic Vost, 18J N'KWM ■ N ÖKANGKR, j 1 SX, 5 Committco. . 61, On motion of Mr. Shurtlcff, the report, was aocuptoil and adopted. Mr Joslin made explanation in relation to the eomity onler njade to D. A. Wi-r. stutiiig that ïuoiniy had beon paid to Mr. Wisn, &o. On motfon of Mr. Yecklny, the Board mljourned until to-raorrow rüorning at ü 1-2 o'clock. Wêdnesday, Not. 1. Board mof pursuimt-. to adjournment. . Ciillcd to order by th, Chainufin. Eoll . present a quorum. Journal of yrstt-rday read and approved. Mr. Flemiug, from the Coniraittee on Criminal Claims, rc])ovtd the following bilis recommomling their allowanic. ■1,-jO Fivderick Vogel, witness in justico 451 Adnm VTutster, do li 6 U 6 453 J. U. A. 86KJÍOM, Justice ol tho Onm'otion of Mr. Wilscy, tho report was acoepte3 and adopted. Mr. Tuomy, ftom Couiinittee on Public Buildings, to wliom wasreferrod the matter of erecting a new buildiiifï tor Register's Office, made a verbal report, and rocoinniended that the subject bo indêfinitoly postpwed. report is accepted and adopted. yiv. Aiins, fritan ('i.iniiiitteetosettle with County Officers, reportfd the following : The Coinmittee to settle with County Offioors, report tho balance yctremaining in tho County Treasiry belongs to the various fuuds as specifkd bclow :■ Fine moncy, ♦' J Primary School moncy, - - J } Jlirors und witness fecg, ïl ii House of Correction, ----■ Board uf Judgc - - -- ""-? BloDuKniplii'r's Snlary, . . Ï7 7 Kcturn of birth uildMcirtli, - - .2S 2i Salnry of County Oöbel, - - - - iln 33 And' we fiirtier report that we hare destroyed the old orders as per resolution Of the Board. Geo. C. Arms, c W. Ir ving Yecrlëy. (u Also, Mr. Arms, from Same committee, presented the foliowing : Your comiuitteo to settle with County Officers, report that they have examined the books and accounts of John J. Eobison, County Clerk, and find them as follows: John J. Robivm, in account with WtoMtnav) County Dr. To amount of ontrjr {Msi ■ %MJ J' " " ' Rcporter's fee, - 8' ? ' " " 3vij fe, - - - ' u0 %iiï 00 oonntA. Cl. Sy nmount paid' for atóreos, frpig1tr postaRe, certif j-ing births, fflarfiagea, and deuths, and Secretary of Board of Canvassers, &c , - -316 18 To fee in criminal matters, - - 213 "0 529 8 Leaving a balance due the County of U AU of which is reapectfully submittcd. GEO. C. ARMS, 1 „„t... W. IRVINO YECKLEY. ( Committee. On motion of Mr. Fleming, tho reports were occeptod aad adopted. " Mr. Blum ex-County Treasurer, came lefbre the Board and made a .stateraont in relation to a $20 counterfeit bank noto left by him in the office. Mr. McCollum moved that the $20 (counterfeit) received of ex-Treaeurcr Blum by Mr. Fairchild,. the present incumbent, be destroyed, and that tho amo should be loss to the county. Which was agreed to Mr. Olcott moved that the Coinniittee ettlo County Officersbe instructed to tho said counterfeit $20 note. Agreed to. Mr. Cook oflbred the following r ltesohed, That we raise by tax for contingent expenses, $2,000. Por jurors and witness fees, - - $3,500 " House of Correction, - - 1,400 " Insano Asylum, - 800 On metion of Mr. Yeckley, tho resolution -was referred to Committee on Unfinishcd Biiiwss. On motion of Mr. Wall,, the Board adjourned until 2 o'clock p. MV AJFTFBNOOS SES8ION. Board met pureaaat to adjonrament. Galled to order by the Chairman. Eoll oalled. present a quorum. Mr. Wall, from Committee on Salaries, reported as follows : To the üonorahlt the Board of Svpercisors of Washtenaw County : Gentlemen : - Your Committee would respectf ully report that they have had the subject of salaries undor consideration, and would recoinmend that the salaries of County Officers be paid as follows : County Treasurer, l,20O 00 County Uerk, 1,000 00 Prosecuting Attoraey, - 1,i00 ' 0 Bugerintendent of Schools, (275 daj-s) - 1,200 00 AU of which is rcspcctfully nubmittl. 1'. WALL, ) D. WILSEY, 5 Committee. W. B. WKSSELLS, ) Mr. Tost, moved as an amendment that the salary of County Superintendent of Schools be flxed at $1,350,. the yeat to consist of 300 days, The yeas and nays being caïïed for, the mendincnt was adopted as follows : Yeat - Messrs. Arins, Cook, Fleming, Collum, Olcott, Osborne, Shurtleff, Tuoruy "Wilsey, Wynkup, Yeckley, and Yost. Nays- Messrs. Geer, Millard, Sage, Wall, Wessells, and Chairinan. Yeas, 16 ; nays, 6. The report of the committee as amended was then adopted. Mr. Millard, from Committee on Civil Claims, reportad as follows : 465 John Hoore, stationery for Probate OJice, il 10 H 00 444 Dr. Wm. Lewitt, post mortemn exaimnutions, 25 00 10 10 Your committee would respectfully recommend tho allowance of said bilis, nd ask to bo discharged from further consideration of the subject. The report was accepted and adopted and the committee discharged. Mr. Arms, from Committeo to Bettle with County Officers, reported that they had bumed the counterfeit note ($20), and ask to bo discharged from further consideration of the subject. Beport accepted, and committee diseharged'. On motion of Mr. Ereerf the Board adjourned. un-til to-morrow morning at half past nine o'clock.


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