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The hotos of th 8nbêcriberi on North Street, two doora uast of the C'athulic Churoh, Toimi enr. M. (J TTLEB. November, 7th, 1871. TOST! On the 17tb of October, betweyi Ann Arbor an Lima ('enter, a bag with somo bugs und u pail 0 dra wen In it. The flnder wül be suitubly rewi.rdud by tovtng thom ut tlu: Ajunn olücers. düííO.OOO For ale AT A. BAEGAIN I HAVE 1 1,000 invested in a Fruit Farm in Mouthcm Illinoi; SlO.OOOin Houscs, luis, and land iu Vinclttud, . J., And lis mueh mom in detached parcela west , uny of which I will scll at a bargnin, nnd on timo to[suit pnrt'hiuicrs. Vineland is a delightful placo to Uts in, and a rreat rrawrt for 'inviilid. Thcy produce nbunduncc of fruit, and have ill tho Atlantic citios und watering PlaOM for a maiket. The fruit fnrni3 of Southern Ulinnu llave tvcrnl weeks advantago in tho eurly market of Northern btatea, over our own latitude, with ucarly doublo the net profita. A friend wants a house, and -I want a farm in this vioiuity, oithqr of which I will take in exchange at a fair pi'ce, uut ño speculative prices will lw toleratcd. ipropaity is unincumbuied, and title perfect. AnArlw, Ncv. th, Wl-MBAEIi HA11U r Q. A, SESS1OWS' INSURANCE AGEHCT. His Companies Are Sound. pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFOKD, CONN. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, Jult 1, 1811 ... . Í1.T81 ,000 CHICAGO LOSSES 750,000 TUK PHCENIX is tbe best comluctec Fire Insurance Company in the l'ui t- States. Alway prudLeut and sumxl and intuís proiupt in i:i ) ïueut of los HtS. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. Tho first Conipnny to pass the orden! of th" ïw York Inauru nee ('ommUsioncra üinco the Chicago Flro, comiui; out Trom the severo tcat TEIUMPHANT ! Aesociatcd Press Dispatch, November 2,lST1f THE INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. The Superintendent of the New York State Iaeurance Department, who is inaking acareful official examlDHtius of the Nrw York City Coinpanies to day, certifica thnt the International Conipany' assets of ft ,360,4:00 are securoly invesled, oud U capital oí $.'.00,000, after pr' fldtng tot :l liabiíítieSt incluíiln the Chicago flre, ia wholïy unimpnirt-dTIiíb ('nnij.tMiy U n,yr.i all its Chicago osnea and isioundiuui reliablo. Policiea issucdat fiiir rates at my ofllce, No. 11 Kat Ilnrou Htreet, Ann Arhor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Agent. I347tfCominissioners' Noticc. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, U 0 Thcuudereiiined.havins been tppolnted by the Probate Court for said county, Ci-nimif-tionuiei to receive, examine an! adj'iRt all claims sod demanda 01 all persons kgaloBt th oslato of Sterling .shipman. Inte of n:iid county, doosaaod bereby givc notice thiit ttz monthj from are llowcd, by order of Hüd Probate Ooart. for credtton to present thcir cfiiims iettint the ettHtfl ol ald deteued, and tha' tbey viilmi'ct tt the iorcof J. Kitcïu-n, in the citv of YpsilftuÜ In siüd connly, on Sftturdny, the ihirtecnth day of Jt nuary, aid Wediesday the Üiht dny of May next at ten o'clock A. i. oi eacb of Buld dïtys, to receive, exnmiue, and adjutl said cl&lmt. Latid, October :-iOth . 18T1. 1347 w4 ÏJLAJSU FOK SALE ! PRICE, $175. Inquirc at No. 20 MAYNARD STKEET. Ann Arbor. Oct. 2d, 1S"I. lMStf Sheriff! Sule. ITATB OFMTi J 1 ■ N. ounty of Washtennw, ns. J Ily vntuf Of a viit offlCUOUtlOD, lamed out " :uid ■ s'mI of the írouit Court tor the OOUDty of Waahtenaw, Stute of Michipnn, dntcd the 26th day ' tl May, A. D. 1871, and tome dlteoted and dettvereo, ifMinst t lio gOOdjh ehiittels, landt "n'l ttnn menta of B. Atcltison and üron A-ttsiiitson, d-'tendiints thered na me 1. I did, on the llfth day of July', A. I). 1871. ovy apon uil the interest Onon McIiíkju has in the toliowing desrribcd ñfü WtatO, to wit; Bcin tho s)iitliL';ist quaitcr of tho novthwost quartur Of section fiixteon, in township one south of range sern èatffe ; HidthAouth part of the wal hali oi the northeast inarter of seotlon wveoteen, and the mqÜi half uf the weflt hult' of tlio noxthwest quarter of scotiui; sovcnteon. township ons tonth of rtinge sstbh et, in the 'iMinty of Waahtenaw. State of Michiffn; vhSeh abore dnsoribed premisei 1 sbaï] exposa for sule, nt public auntion to the liiifht'dt bidder, ;it the south door of the Couii Eïouse, in the oity oí Ann ATbor, on the Mth dnv of December, A. 1). 1S71, at 10 oclock A. M. of suld day. Dated, Kor. Gth, A. D. 1871. MYIiON WE BB, Sheriff, 13'lTtd By JonxiN l-'onnEs, Undtr-Öhorg. CoiLfinissioners' Notice. STATKOF MICHIGAN, Coimt? of Wasfctenaw.M The underslKned havuig baeo appointed by the Probate ('ourt lor said cuunty, CoiumisHÍoiifr to reo i vi-, examine and adjiistaileíaiinsanddBnxandsof all [)-r)is aainst the etttute of John Kheinfrank tate of iiid eounty, decejused, hereby ,'ive notice that sis; montlis trom date nïQ allowed, by onlcr of iid Probatfl ionrt, for oroditon to present their claim- aainst the estáte of said dt-c;ased, and that they wfl] meet at the raddenoe of said deceawi, in iiridpewater, in said conntv, .on Saturduy, the tliirtc cntli day of .'uniitiy, and MondLay, the th day of Muy next, at lOo'clok A. M. of each of said day, to reouive, examine, aud adjiist taid claims. Uated, NOT. Otti, A. 1. 1871. Á á BON L. FF.l.DKAMP. SIMÓN NIB8LBT, 1347 w-i# CouiniissionerB. Conunissioners' Notice. CÍTATE OF M 1 1 ■ 1 1 10 AN, County of Washtonaw, as. The undersiiieil, havttg been appointed by tlio Probate (ourt tor said couuty, CftmTnintrionOTD v iceive, examine and adjuat all claims anl Aemandl of aUpetsons :i.;; theestuteof Williain Bradshaw, late of aaid eounty. deceased, heieby give notiee that six months trom ante tiro allowed, by order of suiü 1 robats Coort, for creditors to present thcir claim ivjiuinst the cstiite of said deceased, and that thcy will meet at the office ui 0. Joslin, Ín the city of Ypsilanti, n said couutv, on l-vifurday, the tMrtM&tfa day of anuary, and Tueaday,. tno sevuuth ilay of Muy ext, at ten o'clock a. m. of e:ieh of said dfiya, to recoivc, examine, and n'ljust auiJ nluinis. Duted, Nov. 7th, A. 1) 1871. PUINCE BENTÍKTT, 1'ltAN'K JO8LIN, 1347 w4 Cominijsaioners. Estáte of "SVilliam E. Martin. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Woshtonaw, sa. O Nottee is hereby given, that by un order of the Proate Court for the Ootmty of AVashtoiitiw, made on tho twenty-seventh day of Octobcr, A. D. 1871, sixroonths 'rom tliat nute werc nllowed tur orodlton to present .huir claims agfliast tin wtftto of Vi!iiim K. Mnrtin. late of Kild eounty, decetuadj nnd that uil creditor of aid deoooacd ure xuquii-etl to present tln-ir claims to aid Proba! e Court , at the Probato Office, in the rit y ! Ann Arbor, ibr examination and atlnvnnce, on or before tlie Iwcnty-scventh I(iy of April next, and that suuh claims will be heard Ik.1 f ore SHid Probate Court, on fciatuvüay, the thirtieth duy of l)econiberf and on Sivtuidny the twnty-sovvnlh dy of A pril ntixt. at ten o'clock in the toieuoon of eacli of thoee Dated. Anu Aobor, October 27th, A. D. 1871. UlliAtfJ. 11EAKF8, 1327w4 Judge oí l'rcbate. Estáte of John Rorison. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of WasMenaw, ss. Notice i hereby t;iven, tfaat by an order of the Prubate Court for the County of awhlt-naw, made on the :.hirty-ilwt day of October, A. 1. 1S71, ÚX months f rom that date wei e allo whI for crertitors to jiresint tlieir claims agslzist the estáte of John Unriaon. late of said county, ilccwcd, and tbat uil ert-UitoïS of sakj dcocascnl an raqtlireil tO priWtWlt thf-ir cluime to said Probate (Jourt, at the Probate Ottiett, in the City of Ann Arbur, fur (rxj'.rniniitiun iwnd iillowance, on or before the first duy of May next, and that 3eh claims will be henrd before &aid Probate i.'ourt, on Saturday, the thirtieth dtiy f le!embijr, and on W'edncsday, tlifr iirst day of May next, at ten o'clock in tlio fucoioon of each of tho3e dnya. Datud, Ann Albor, October, 31att A. T. Vftl. H1RAMJ BEAKEfl, )&17w4 Judge oL Proixite. Real Estáte For Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wwhlcnnw, S8. 3 In the mat i ui il.c lutu of Tliomas J. lirooks, deccaaed. Notice is her-.-by Riven, tliat in pursuance of an order grauted to the undersigned, administratoi of the est na of Hdd decensod, by the Kun. Judgc of Probiite of tht: ('oiuity of Washienaw, on the sixieenth day of Oclobor A. D 1871, there will bc raid at public vendue, to the highcat bidder, at the dwellirii? house on thepM&kiaM hui-einafter describe 1, in thu County of Washtemtw in Bftld Stnte, on Weduesdriy, the twentyseventh day of December, A. D. 1871, t ten o'rlick in the foienoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by jnortga;ie or othutwise emstinff at tbe time of the Uuatli of iüiid deccaaed, and also subject to the right of dowerof his widow tbemda), the fbllowing describcd real estáte, to-wit : Twa and a half acres rr.ore or less in the villime ot Cheleen in saH county, bonndedon thcnorth hythe Micliiïan ('eniral Baitroad lands, on theewtby the MfchJmui Central EUilroed lands and the lands of Edward Winter, on onth by e :iter of the John C Depcw ruad and on the west by lands dewlcd Oetober '7th, A. IJ 18C4, to Condón L. Jngraham. ai! on tieiaion twclve in township two, south of ronge three oast in ; - otate, beiog tíw same parecí ol IhkI OOOVeyed by James M. ('onifdon and wife toand Tbonuu Brooka, by ded recorded iu líber M) of dewls in the office oí the Register of Deeiis in snKIcountr.on page 212 ; exeeptinj; and reserving llie followiu desoiited prcmises, viz.: Commenong ata RSM;iWJll6fArrte"aiW1?fi.5' 9ki8&WI!e StSfö cast comer of lands owikjiI by Charlotte S. Houcr, runn ing thene? cjusterly long tlie center of auid roiul ihrtíC rods ; thence northwardly at riglit anales with Riiid road si.x rcxls; thonee WMtwardly pnralk-l wtih sjtid road three rods; thence wutberly ai right anales with fiiíid road siat rods to tho place oí' beainning. CSXBLS8H. KBWfF, Aduiuistrator. Datea Ocíober 30th, 1871. lili Bual Estáte for Sale. QTATE OFMICÍIIGAX, County of yaBhtenav. ss. i? [n the nutter of thcestato of CaMn K. lïeckcr, dceeased. Kotice i twtvby, that m Tursuance of an ortler Kranted tu tiw uiidcreiírucd. Excutor of tho esírtte or sfid dccensofl, by the Hwi. Judffe of irobuteforthe Counry of Wauktenaw( on tho fcwentytliird duy of Üctobcr, A. D. 1871, tlicre wfll be sol t iit l'ublic endue, to the hlghest blader, at the dtore of Iïoyd & lirother, Syhan ('entor, in the ('ounty of Washtenaw in siid St;ite, on Wodnesday,tho twentyseventh dy óf Deoemlier, A. D. 171, at one o'clock in the afternuon of th:it day (subject to all encumbra net s by mortfiage or olhcrwisf existintr nt the time of tl e dt-ath erf aald deeeued, and also subject to the riprht of dowor of Lorana Kruin n.- widow of Xathan lf:cker, I the foUowing deacrlbed xnl estáte, to-vit: The uorthwest qimvter of aeotion twunty-one, in townsliip two tun'Ji of range threo wwt, oontafniiui one hundri d and ixty aeres inore or less, in said State. A Uu a ])aicol oí land comiuucing on the east line of Bud DOrthweet qu tttei on the Hoeker road, and running thenco castcvly towarda Sylvan Centra twenty chains thunce woutli ciht chains and fewonty-flve links to a stakc and BtanM thenos Vflftt tweiity cli.'iïis to a stuke and stoni's, thencc north eiïit ohftins and twentr-flve lluks to tbo plaoe of beginning, rofttaiuing nxteea d .50-100 acres more ur lees ; and also i parool of land coiiniicnciui? at the northwest corner of the sonthwesi quart4?r of the northeast quartei of aaid aecrion tweniy-one, benig twunty cluiiiu hl tongth and eighl chaina and Bfty linlu in width, oon toining aeventeen aeres, beingland known to be a ])irt of ihc old farm formerly owned by Josoph Pea i y, and the same as oonveyed b] deed Erom Olive Tichc nor, Lewü . Beckei and wift-, Ootober 14th, A. D. 1867, to smid í'ulvin K. Beoker nooxded on pago 220, of líber (34 of dtieds, in thu ottice of tho Xiegister of Deeda of :iiiï Oonntr. Dated. Octobcr '23(1, A. T). 1fi71. vii.i:v BITBCHABD, I347td lxecDtor.


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Michigan Argus