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The New License Ordinance

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Our readers have already beeu udvisec tlmt tlic Coinmoii Couucll has taken i n im po t ut and decided step in aduiiuistprin, the uffair of the ily. tfirst, OD iKe petl lion of a Urge number of citizens, a specla pólice 'orce has been ordered, and then to outain, without resortlng to inereased tax ation, the funds necessury to pay the pólice orce au ordinanee has been cnactcd taxlnf or llceoslng bllllard rooms, saloons, eating houses, etc Thit the interested public may know just what has been done, am why lt was done, we append the full repoit ofthj commlttee recommendtng the pass age of the ordiuiuce, and also the ordl uance Itself: OOMMITTKE REPORT. The coinimllcc to whoin waa reTerred the ]uesllon CK einploy lug a pólice forcé sub naltted the followlug report. Tliey recommend the passaze of t!it; (ollowlug resolu; ons and accompanyinj; ordinance and rogulstloiMi lst. The pólice forcé is requlred ior the irotecttou against burglars. Situ:ited as we art'i on one of the great tliorou!i!an of the State, and wltb a large floatlnp; popïlation coiiccrning the character of which at best we eau kuow bat littlc, our city s.'cnn to funiish a coinpHratively safe re,1'eut for desperate clu nieters ag.iinst wliose lepredaltooa we have iittle or no protection. 2d. A poüce force is reqnlred as a proection agaiust incendiary as well as accidental üres. lt is unnecessary for your ommlttee to caH attention to the fact that our supply of water and lire appiratas is nlirely In&deqaate to the wants of tiie ity, and that any geueral coulligrution nust result in the destrnction of the RIOM onipactly settleJ portions oí the city. Our only saiety is iu the discovery of üres at their inception, which can ouly be done through au efficiënt and watchiul poiiee. 3d. A police lorce is requlred to supress disorder and secure t!ie enforcing of he ordinanees of the city and laws of the State, and it is justly due to our generous patrón that wc sliould execute our gnardlansliip faithfully, and secure to our city a reputatiou as being a model town n all thut relates to morality, sobrietv and orderly conduct. There is no interest In the city that requires our fostering care to a greater extent tliau tliat connected with the University. Our future prosperity or ruin wiü turn upou the suecess or lailure of tliat institución. The committee havu bewi Informed, and believe, that the burdoii of the coinpUint of the committee of the Legislatura that visited us last winter was the moral sentiment in our mlcUt as sliowu by the great number of saloons, b.liiarcl or gamblhig rooms, and the riot and disorder that prevailed aml was reported to prevail on our streets during the nlght, and uot unfrequently far into the inorniug. 4th. Other clties in our State, of far less pretensions than our OWD, support an efficiënt pólice forcé, aud consider it a uecessary element for their protection. 5th. Your committee are of the opinión that the reyenue derived from the tax on billiard tables, and the fines iniposed for the violatiou of ordiuauees, will be suiïï cient to nearly if uot quite support the police lorce recommended, and these sources of disorder may thus be made to pay i'or their own rfigulation and control. We, thereforc, recommend tlie passage of the ordiuauee aud resolution. S. Jl.DOUGLASS, O. B. PORTER, J. Ü. LELAKD, J. l'EEK, Committee. THE ORDINANCE. Ordixanck Relative to Billiard T.ibles, jaloous, fcc. Bi it Ordained by the Mayor, Itecordcr aud Aldermen of the City af Aun Arbor : Skction 1. No person shtll keep a bllliard labio vvithin the limits of the city of Auu without a liceuse from the Kecorder. öiicnox 2. A keeper of a billiard lable is one who o.vus, possesses or keeps a billiard table whereon others are allo wed to play, aud for wliicli any muney or its equivalent, or any check or counter lu heu ot inonty, is paid or recelved. Sectjóx 3. The Recorder is hertb authorlzed to urant a license to any person to Keep a uiuUrd table on Ihe.payinent intj the ctty treisury ol' ten dollars per qaartor in advance, and the Recorder's lee, for eacii table proposed lo be kept by auch person, and iii.s cxecutiug a bond to the corporatiOD, ti the suni of one hundred dollars, with tvvu or more sullicient Bliretles, to be approvt-d by tiie üommon üonncll, conditioucil tliat such persou will faithfuüy ob serve the charter aud ordiuauees of said city. Section It shall not be lawful for any persou to keep any rlctualLng house, saloon or othcr house or place lor f urnisiiing meals, tood or drink, without llrstobtalniog iicense Iberefor from tlie Recorder lid pay I Dg for tlie sanie at the rate ol weiuy-live dollars per quirier, payable leu obtained, and thereaiter qaarter yearly In advauceon the lst Monday iujauury, April, July aud October in each year, nd glviug boiuls, wlth three saretles to be ccepted by the Mayor aud Recorder, in ie sum ol t'o hondred dollars; that sach .iloon shall not be open on Sund.iy or reaal n open after 11 o'cloch atulght; and iat no intoxicating drink shall be sold or ven awa; to any minor or persou iutoxiated at the time. Í5KCHOX 5. No person liccned as aforeild siiall at any t:me permit or sulfer any amlDg for money or other value on auy llllard table kept by hiin, nor shall any person be guilty of betting or gamlng lor ïoney or valae thercon ; nor shall any erson so Itcenaed permit or suffer In ar bout the establishment; where such table s kejt by hini any drunkenneís, quarrel■A, Bgbtíng or other disorderly conduct, or keep, permit or suffer auv such estabishment to be open or any playlng on such able during any part of tiie lirsi d ly of the ■eek calleil Sunday, or after the hour of 11 'clock in the evenlug or before the hour of ix o'clock In the foreooon of any day, nor ermit to play thereon or thereat an; mlor or student after the paren', guardián r teacher of the school at which such stu ent atteids shall notify such keeper not o perinit or sulfer any such minor or stuent to ply. Sr.cnoN 0. Any violatlon of or (hilare to comply with the provisions of tliis ordlnance shall be punlahed by a line not ex ceedlng seveutyflve dollars and costs, to be recovered before any justice of the peace of the city of Ann Aj-bor, and in the linposition of any such flne and costs the said usticc of the peace m.iy make a further sentence : that in default In the pay ment thereof wlthin the time flxed In such sentence, the offender be committed to the Detroit flouse of Correctiou or the Washten a w County jail for a period of time not exceedlng niuety days. Section 7. Thls :rdinance shall take effeci from and alter ils passage. Made and passed in Coinmon Council, thls tweuty-fourth day of October, A. D. 1871. The Council is on the right track While the constitution and the State laws will not permit the llcensins of liqnor saloons, they both, with the city charter, warrant the Council in lleenslng billiard rooms and cating saloons. And it is certainly wlthin hc province of the Council to make such censes conditlonal. This is What the prdlauce doe. Enforced, it will prevent a ast deal of disorder, demoralization and onfusioiii will insure peacerul nights and undays ; and will protect the youth of ar city and those sojourning here for the me bcing. We hope that every good citicn will encourage the Council In its good vork, aud insist that the new systera have fair trial.


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