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The Ringing Rocks Of Pennsylvania

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juc oí mo most curious una t ing places in Eustern i vunia is the looality kaown as " The Ringing Rocks " or, more popularly, "The i Ringing Hillfi," situated aoout tbree miles cast of Pottstówn, Montgomery eounty. i That which has g ven rise to this name is a huge maflg of dark-colored stonea varying in weight fromafew poundsto many tons, sitnated uponthe brow of a high and extensiva hill, noversd witli oedara and oaks. The peculiarity of these rocks is that apon being strook with a hainmerorstone tlicy ring with suc'i a olear and prolo gouiid that the curiosity and interest of the most iudifierent visitoris immediately aroused. One sends furth a sound like that producedby astroke upon an anvil ; another ono that resembles a clear sounding bell; another the prolonged rinj of a dinnui' glass ; anolhur tlie heavicr and duller sound of the tinsmith'a hamnier, while some ring out but little or none at all. It is no diffcult matter to find sevcral Btonea giving sounds that will pcrfeotly chord with eaoh other, kuü h mugician might Btandr'among them and by Btriking different ones probably play an air upon theui. These stonea are far heavier than ordinary onos, iron, no doubt, entering largely into their conipasition, and it has boon iniagined that ;i short distance uuder this v;i-t pile a hollow space exi-ns. On some of the large fiat ones eurious marks are observad. Borne bear tho impressions of borses' hoofs, wbich appi have sunk sevcrul i:.(.-hcs; one, leveral marks shaded like hearta ; and another, :i mark that would lead us to Buppoao that soino animal had struck its olawa apon it beforo it had hardened, and &lipped buek for want of a faold. A peculiar fact is thut tbo rocks tered t;.ic:kly among the surrounding cedara and oaks, und in larji? piles on adja1:1 ut, bilis, do not possesa this n projerty, nor do they difEer in wtiglil and appeanracê from ordinary ones.


Old News
Michigan Argus