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- 'i i . the öupreiue I o:' tl.i.' District of Colunibia have made a wise disooverj : thal wouaau -under tliü XIVili iind X V; li amendjnonta are, bul that all citizcns aro not voterst and that legisl; tion by ( ongrss or fül s ;i ea is uo o sar y lo mi ko thom Wtrj noi v. men just ■■■ ■ much oii before the two auiendmcnta uaiucd wei :.i ':i;,il as now ? - The suit of Bickuo! r. tho City ti' P Et IIu:oi!, bn ■■' ■ ■■ : in tho 1 tes C'.rciii) Court at !■■■ trolt, iit-.l invoh ity of rajlroad I mda and the dcuisiou i' om1 Supr i i lourt, i ti I io iic Unitod 81 ' luurt, and is e i be argued in Junuary. - ïheodore Tilten wastheonly man with courage to introduce Sire. Woddbull t" an audienoe oonven d Steinway Iln!1, i few evtninga :i), to Bicli." Theoáoie said lio had rather be callod botn a lunatic and fuolthan a coward. - Jiilin Gribblo, Senretary of the Total Ab3ti to i ty of Eixhara, La k mg iu loyftlty to tho Qiioen, cliargsd hur with intoxication. Consoquence:i: arrest on 11 criminal proseoation and ;i rofiis il of li.iil. Let uil slaadsrers of tho Rjyal Olyssos or the Duke of D.iiroit bewaro. - A writer in the Baraboo (Wis. isopposed 1" rotiitiou of school teachers. Ho tbinks tlint a now stepi or step-mother two or threo timos a yr ir would be bad for the young, as 1 thata froquent ohange of lea her i ;s jnet aboul ;is demoral'zing, - 'Tom Murnhy has resignad, and one ter A. Arthur, known only as h:s " bassooi frend," lias boon appoioted bis sncocss(.r. ïhf! oorrespondence betweèn Murphy and Grant gavora vèry inuch of a " oooked dish." - Tho N. Y. Tribun says that Arthi r - successo-r to Toni Murnliv, who was a partner of Tweed- lately held a $10,000 office undet Tammany. IsGrant a membor of the " Tanimany ring ? " It looks like it. - Goo. "W. Peck, one of Michigan'a most uneasy Detaocrats, has become associate. editor oí' " Briok " Pomeroy'a D'morrttt, at Laorosse, Wis. No tears will be shcd in this Stato over Bis " ncw departure." - Col. James Fisk, tlie irrepressible, mot Alexis hnmediately on his arrival in New York, and " offered Lim tbc froodoin of all ho poosoasod on tho American continent." Helmbold has the floor next. - Sincu election it has been disoovered that C. C. 1'. Iïolden, of Chicago, charge I during thé canvaéi with appropriating relief mon. y waa not guilty. l'retty lato: the intended mischief being done. - The toadyism manifestod in all our " higher cholos " whonever a prince or duke visits our shores, i'ui u.s'.i ia gronnd for Bospioion t'i i.t the lovo of titles is not extinct in this llepublic. - M. W. Reynolds, of the Parsons (Kansas) S in, formcirly of tliis State, a:id a gradúate of tho Univorsity, has been appointed Beceiver of Public Moneys at ilumbolclt, Kansas. - Tho N. Y. h'cniiny Pott says that the t and spsetliest way to dispose of tho voxed question of woman suffirago is to havo a law enacted " doclaring that :ill women are mon." ■ - The only woinan who suocecdcd in ffettinac her ru;ht to voto at tiio late tion ín New York, voted the Tweed tcket. How womaa sufïrago would purify polit'oa ! - Hou. Thomas 2ï. Norwood han been olectcil United States Senator frotn ia, to sucoeed iiiü, whose tenn wil! empire March 4th, 1S7-!. A Democratie gain. - - Groolcy has decline;! the offer of Mayor HnlL to appoiut hiiu a Commisgioner of Parks. Ohuroh, t'ao iríist, has ippointed. - The corner stono of fcho Odd Pellows' Liistitute, at Lins'n,", wslftid wit'a appropriatc ceremonies o;i tho 1 - A fitting biographor of A. 1 i. Btephons Jias been sclcctcd. M'sa Ev;is, author of " 8t. Elmo," is to " d j " him. - Alexis was "roecived " in New ■ i i Tussday, wl Jea'cina was in his clom ut. " Muoh ado about nothi - The " H oyal BIuo3 " is tha nuaa ot a Grarit and Clayton goorst military orgsniaatiou just ixp : ■ 1 i i Arkansas. - Report haa il tliat T. T. - shorthand for Theodore Tüton - was recontly liissoil down by a Pennsylvama nudienco. - Il I : rand jury camo to tho conclusión thát "nobody was to blamo " ttft killing Orosvo:ior. - Vi-!cy Woodhull i.-i to "toot her horn" or that of Deirosthenos, inDotroit, to-morrow evening. ■ - Gilmore and Boston threaten another pen blow-out next y ar. - The Prince of Wales is r portad indispoaod, To what, not stated. - Disraeli has bean elooted Rector of tin: Univorsity of lisgow. - Itobert Collyur Baved bub twenty manuscript BecmóO ■■. - Isn't the fuss modo over Alexis a big boo for fi siiiii.n bear? - Alexis went to Washington on Wednesday. - llrigham Young is still non est. Tbc Comm:.s-ioHcr of Entorna] Bqtoihi rules that thfl principal and interest ui uew bonds ure exauipt from taxation in l'.'.A i !i:ll ! UÍ8 i r x. í . ■ : 1). included in Ihe amount on whiofa dÏTidend or otbot taxes are required to be paid. - l Is the public to andarstand by words every form that capital aconmiilated from intorent (■! bonds can not be by ■ ld na Ier BI d i iaws 'i Is the bolder of Umted Bbutea soouritiesto be told thatho ï'.iy Bet ap irt foral] timo the interest reooived from Uttitod Status bands, and keep B'aoh fund occumrtUting f ree of taxation V U most mean thia tl' anythi'ig, and if it humus this ís n.,i limo tkat tlu eyes of tho poople wen; opcni'vl '1 A Paris pr.pcr has ;;: aooount of au interview grao tod by tho Popo to a Large body of porsoDs. One of the number askutg how long tho oppression ot' tho (■lunch would continue, the Pope replied thal are !l:'ll resigo oura lves ti the will of the Mos! High, .11 1 pray without ceaaing for the wltole world, fore whero ovil is makiag fedrfnl prof In Pranoo impiety i now again lifting itshoad. In Qennany herasy is ra I great offorta i oppress tho Christian rofigion and to establish íík ovn greatness upon its riüns ; bat wh il is still more lamentable is, tHat tbis iuipiou8 movcmeut U countonanced by the government. In Eusaia, Spain, Bwitzerlanil, [reland, Bverywhero revolution to triumph irid to drag (!i)wn sooiety to üh abyss á evü. i


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Michigan Argus