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The December Magazines

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- The D'tcember uumber of the ff Is at hand, ani brlngs tho year to a clos( wltta : lengihy and vcry Interestlng tablc if contenta. There Is a i'ue portralt 01 teel of Professor TyhcUll, and In the let ter prees is au appreclative Sketch of hls llffc umi woik. Amoog the notable artlck'S ie one on " Arlal Voyages," glvlng : eowplcte record of the attertipts hitherto mad at " navlgatlus: the air." 'l'liis is fbüowed ly A Malioroetnn Revival" in India) ; Somc Auieiicaa Booka Prospecte of tho New Germán Ucforinatlon ; News from Her schel's Planct ; The Lcgeud of Frcdertck Biibarosaj Cuntcuarlaulsm ; Ai fprnlu ; Shakespeare aod Hls Times [freucii Fiuance L'terary Reunineratlon ; ind a varlety ol others, togclhur uith coius editorial notes on'LiMturc, Science iiid Art. Thf time has tome uow lor reudera to de( Ide whut magaz ne thdf vvill tuke I uring 1878, aiul be ore tlolny s, look over i cupy of the ÏS&eoUc. E. i. Par.TON, pun '.slier, 108 Faltón strtet, N. V. Terms G peryear; two copies, f 9 ; single copies 45 ceuls. - The GtilitMe World for December bas a table of contenta of inoro tban ordinarv leugth and Interest, and can lu re:il by ;iii wlth profit, Amonf; other artlclus aje : riic liodi-.:. Evcnta In Prance; A Memorj ; 'IV.e House of Yorke- cliaps xvn., xvm.: A.n Engllshnun In China'; Tlie Islind of Saluts; The Lejfcmis of Olsln, Bard o! Erin -ii ; Ihe Flaco Vendóme and Lj Roquetto: Qod isour Aid Calhoücity and Panthetem ; Tlie Llqoi 'uctlon of the lilood of St. JanuarlUS- IV.; Tlie ' Princeton Review " on Dr. Faoer Modero Opera; The Btudjr of Öacred Hlstory, clc:. Lawrekcg Kehok, General .gent, 9 Warren Street, New ÜToik. $3 a year. - Tbe Atlunilc .Vonitli brlngs the year and volume toa close tvlib ;v well flltcd and eatertalning nuinbsr. Llglitaud Darku --, by John Kiske, is the opening paper, followcd byThe Legend Beautiful, ;i poem, by LoDglellow. Tho -erial storles, Kate Bcaamoiit, W.i'.i'ii aii'.l W.ii 1. and Their Weddiojï Journí-y, are brought to v close. A Jap&nese Doctor and llis Works ; General Butler'8 Campal'gu in Maasachuscts; TUe Princesa Bob and lier Frtenda ; Our Whlspering Galier.v; and Chicago, are all by popular wr.U-rs, ïii'l of ll Por the coming year tlie Atlantic offers rare attruceqnallng if not excelling the past Thls magazine stands apon its own inerits, umi needs r.o pufBug to keep t in popular favor. Jamks II. Osgcod & Co., publlshers, 124 Preinont Street, isoatoii. 54 per year; two copies, $7 : live copies, $lfi, etc. From the s:iiiie publislicra -av bave Our Toung Folk, just the magazine our young folks go inU) ec8taclea over, and whluh blenda wisdoun uud wit in a very agreeasle i w:iy tor thelr benefit. Among otlier papen thecurrent issue coiitalns: the conclusión oí Jack lazare! and his Fortunes; A Trip to the Big Trees Ilow Tommy Rode the Horse to Water ; Major Nash and hls Bear Stories; A Storiny Day's Pastiine; Story of the Pansy, Snbcrlbe lor it, it is a good iuvestmeut. -íá per yèar. Addruss as above. - The current issue of LippincolCs Mag azine coiiurns i.wo more chaptere of Bcrambles Amuug ihe Alpa In the ïears 1860-69, by JSdward Whymper, IllustratPfl ; The Cold ii;i!nl, a tale o: Xew Euglaud life, by Clara P. ÜHH'iisi-y ; Montü'l a Bplrlted poem, by T. Bucbauan Uead ; Phantom Liinbs, a curlons sketch descriptivo of the Dervous pheiiomena ezperieuced by tiiose whose Urubs hare bee 1 amputated, by S. Welr MItcliell, M. D ; Ti'lps to the Rlver Platte, by R. M. Wulsh; My Long-Losl Brother; Bal%acasan Artlst and Moralist; A Stroll In Virginl.( ; A Brancli of bilac, :i story, by '■ ütii 1 1 ;" Sonnet, by P. II. 1! yne : Tl - Crayon?, and read .ble anieles. T y immber coiniucnces a uew volume, consequently uu' i t!ie time to subscribe. Two serial 1 are to commence in the next 11 u 111ber, and otlier attraclions are annonoced. }í a year. AfUlrcss, J, B. Lifiuícott & Oo , - From JoiiN L. Shorey & Co , 86 Broomfleld street, Boston, comes tliat capitil li!l!e inolitlily, 'Ihe Snrn ry, devo'a-d to the interest and entertainment of' o'.:r youugesl readers, and over the pictuits and stories ui whlch t.he wee people shout witii dellght. y. year, it ?ho;iid be in the liunds ut all the ittle oues. Trie Ar..-es and tbc JYinci'!,' i . "fostcning down forevor." MaiiJ I the ohest, bat thoy heedod aot the hiding place ot' tbo lost bride, whicb, alas! w i to la hei o, watered by the tears of thoso thai fovod her. lier late was long a mystery ■■■,, when Beatrice, ono of tin once young and giiythrong thai searchc for the bri Qg through the garret, hor attmition was atta by an old oaken obest, half eaten byworins, an i ïichly carvcl. rod her attandanta to lift the monldoriiig covcv, and ihun bt'nt eitgerly i'oiwuiil to look at the contenta. A skeleton mei her eye, ■ ; . peazl. un emoruld tone, A goljïsi cíaAp, claBpioK s Bht6 i ot suld." A'l else ha I perished - savo a wed ring, a ma acy, ennravon v.ilh the name ■-t' b th - " Ginovra." Thisold legend waa faithfullv told eveninir, at Op ira Hall, ander the title of ■Misletoo Baugh.? Tho ladies weie belongiug to tbo 16th oontury, and wore cattern. '!'. . up Tb, and a Bofe b graceful sompapy wi J i . v Tl ■■ ■■■ itlen i were diessed : auted, and were easy and graceful, The minuet, with i(s swaying1, pulsenusic, v.'iis pertectly prj lenti d. The rmers were, for the timo, oonrtly high 1 om ft unes, stepping ,hrough tho stately, measured dance, obsei'ving minutely that kinzly courtesy of ho old sohnol v f whioh we delight to read. ' kbleau in the garden, whore the childii-n gather round the mouming ridegroom, was the m dng of all. The trial of the Eorace Hawes contcsted v.ül case is progressing in the Probnto Oourt at San Francisco. The testatoi practically disiuheritod lus wife and daughter, giving a oonnidorable gum to his son, and the bulk of the remaindei to fottnd Mount Eden University, uudur which .renders the projeot iniprac[e. The widow contesta the wil i on round oí' insanity f the testator. fcimony shows that the testator for yciir.-: was a mocoiuaniac on the subject of monoy, and his wife accusrs him of the infüinous -i!:;ics and attompts to poison hei without tin: slightest n eomparing himself to JeSus Christ, and tlio rv ti'si benefactor of the human race. ii is the general opinión thut the will will bo broken. A wedding lately took placo at Newliury, Ohio, which has been a good whilo maturing. Thirty-soven ycais ago tlie grooai took n license io marry his . brid s, lut for somo roos "i tho nefotial not at that time carried ::i effl ot. Biooe then the bride lost tw; husbands and tin; groom one wife, before reaching ;i point where they could u-e the oi gel :i new one. Mail advioes from África saya that on the west coast, tho poople re dying off from smull pox liki rotten sheep. The deatha werg over -O percent, ofthose attacked. ïhe Juju uien, priest, are very busy instilling inrto tho minds of the iuorant natives, that tho disyaso is ;: judgmemt of their Juju or gods, on tho ■lor so laany of theiu Ciubracing uhnstianity. A contemporary complains that the raost discour,aging feature of American society at the present time is tin; abandonmpnt of young men to the fopperies and foolishness of dress and fashion. The stundard of the American youth, it thinks, is "f ast deteriorating from the standard of the men to that of the popiujay." Georgo Selwyn once affirmed in company thatno woman everwrote a letter without a postscript. "Mynext letter Bhall refute you!" aaid Lady ii. Selwyn Boon after recemug a letter from her ladyship, when after her signatura stood : ' P. S. - Who is right now, you or I 'f' Thefirsi Boman Catholic mission that ever was dispntched from England to the l nited States saüed from Liverpool on Saturday. They are to labor exclusively amoug tlio colored peo] Lieutenant-Goveno . T):um, of rille, died i ■ ing at Ki v i neo in New Orleans breedays' illuois of congestión of uu and lungs, aged fifty one years.


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