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DANCING Ai WALTZING SCHOOL. Prof. N'. J. announoe to nis fopI A.nn Arbor and vicinity, thnt ho vil] open a School of Dos altura] Hall. Uire3 beforo joinin; the ; - ,'v: dolloisfoi tWClVC loSJODB, ]i:iyal)lo in on diug, trom 3 toC . trova O to 10 i m. iwstf HOW IS TÜI.S FOB HHÜU $5 TALL HATS l'erry !■;■;)■ (Itrjn. Anti 'i'crrj' can't bc beat O3i tfooil goeds und low priecs. -■Vo. 16 Soulb -lïiiin Street. IiryESTMENT, KORTSIEKX PACIFIC T--3O OOI.S) BOXDS. Eiemft trom V, S.Tox, Interest 7 3-lOner reut. ín f;ull. i:rj :iIïc SMiii-aciunill;. Equivalent to 8 1-2 per cent. in Coxrency, Interest Capona bouIit by all Banks nl Banken, tlu rame m en Government Bonda pon money lo inveit Í Northern Taciflc h eoraLmc n pioiitublc late of iuwjth absolute wcarity. H-ivc yoü ,')-2iMiuvt innr i:i: Boildsl Convcr! them nto Northern Paciflc Sevcn ïhinics. Tou will n:ili.c thsreby Die proneal ', ■ ' ■ ■ ti reet. .i givcn liOcBnilioad Compo . .'i in tecomm Bonda to uil peruMiu'v to uvest, (r Govenmient Boads to conTert Into other 8ec I For Komis or Information apply at the E I3unk, to ast, Agonl foi Í : riciai . HATS! Tuat's whsit SO. 3. JOSIiVSi' offer ttie Hat public. Jt'irst QnalÜly und Faabionable. Silk Hut ïor s.ï. -cj. 7 South üuin strooi, cjijsI Bnrllngton. Ioavincr the Enst nn;l arrlvlng t Chicago or Indlanapolli, how Bhall wo reoch the West f The best Line is aekaotrledgcd to lo thoC'. !!. ,t Q., Jolnodtog thcr irltt the IJ. & M. Rilro:-J bv the Fron Bri.lgoat Barllngton, ;m! callad che B l':i Route. The malo line of t!iu 7{onta raBnlhg to Omaha, connects with tho gnit Paciflc Etoads, and f.rm todajthe leadlufl roate to Oalirórnla, Tho Mlddlfl : :uich. epteriii; N'ebruka at Plattsmoath, passes throngh Lincoln, Ih C fi.;v!, und wü! irbeflnlshed toïort Kearnoj, fonnlngthe shortost rou;e acrota the Continent by over 100 miles. Another branchof the B. M , divorRiiii; t Red Onk, bllslnto a line rum ,,. Miusonrl - Ki(uii8 Chy, und all li Illinois, Southlowa, o . aua,bya sllght diversence, oan aee Nebraska .:!.-.. Lovers of iinc vlowa thoold remembei the Bnri Route, foriutowm hlghleamlng f rom afar1'- Iti tree-frln ;■ ltn . , ,eh blnffl and iiuairien- Itscorn-oceuns strotohtng over th lea furthor ünn nyc can reach. . Land bnyers will be surc to romomber It, foi thoy navefrieBdsan .. , th iu and who haToal■ ".hi farnnfrom Ooo. 8. Harri, the I. ad CommUiloner of the B. &M.R. B rit Burlington, ■ amona th tour thonsand homo-Bti io lastyear aied claims i the land office, where ■ i nele Sam ís riet onoofc-htogiTeusaitararm," Boont; o Suldiiiï. e whoenlUtedln 18S1 on the lirstcall of Pres Uucoln,and who were honorabl; dischaiod boforethe oiplrotion of the term of their eulTstre eutitled to (H Oo ich, as bonnty. Andsoldlereoallitlag ander act of.Iuly h, i orotobeallowadthe nupald InstalmenU ofbonnty lfthev wcre dlscharged by oxplrntton ol Iheabovo clasosslioi:!d mabe application to the jned. March24th,lST0 l26Vtf .TOHN' N. QOTT, mtyand Claim Auent, Soldiere of 1 510, who Borvad dar, are . o Pension, and ahopld api ly mmedlatelj to Johu N. Gott, Boamy urn! Pension Agaat, tnn Arbor.Mich. ITEAR YE! - E. J. JOHNSON HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! . l.'OU FALL AND WINTER. Also a large stock of Ladles' and. Gents' Furs ! Hls 8TYL.ES A-RjEJ THE Xj-A-TEST. H1S fc!OOI.j4 THE BESTi AND HIS TRICES THE a3 SÍSC S2 ,tl !■? JHKISS TST Also a full line ol Gents' Furnishing Qoods 7 South Maia St., Ann Arboi. lovejoyT TOBACCONIST ! I). ■:;' .; ín hotli FINE CÜT AND SMOKÍXO TOBACCO, Sïllff, Pipes, &c, AÏ .0. 7 E AST HUBOS STItï'ET, Koxt to the Express Office, ANN ARBOK, .13IH5. i:: tur Srf ?A rrií)c-rs to 1' 8 9 i - HMas! i M ■ ■ ..!-. nrecetv 'W llng tlieir ' ít rorless , M iIi:uí two contra fj Thosfl who lüi'' i i-t Beon i shonld --■mi 3(1 ceul - fur -i ni ■ !uï-i'i'i]j.v' E P I hy íl::ys. Ï í 8 I B 0 kl1' PersleT ail; otlie JJtAV popular writere. 'í'wu back nambcra lor A New School Weent s. Pourbacknnmi. . rsBKiNs. i rsget 7.60 per anzee pontains ■ nrnnrT iTortwohnnilrednowandlT 1 1' j ; V c:iuïifnl i-"oníst dueí8Tt'tc. I 11.' i ly Wlll S. Hnye. Web" H ter, Thomas, efe. Ever; T (H !iní is new, freíh, tindJL I CoDtcut? :ind wii w ■ 1% lieclm d pagel Bonl free lltll lili ampie coplea malled frec SE ' ! B 8 i U ol postagí i" teachers for i) vIj'JíS 9, rJ' 85 cents. Libera] term brintrodaotlon. Wortb ofttasifoi S3. AddreBSi J. L. TETEUS, 5!!) Broiuhvny, Tí. V. Teacherfl sondïnff n theirorrfftra fot $1 0 irortb o mi?ic can claim a ycais aDbacrlptlou to 1'ctooJ Musical Montuly. IB26II g A M . B . È. Ë Vim A L (H KHKPS ON. HAND A 3LARQE STOCK OVAL ÁXD SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT MAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CEEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST MIL [ES [ tobesnppllea wlth IHII,K regnlarly, will pl im i. :ivc il-, ir otders for tbe same at my office, cor. llurouniKl Fil'ih Btrceto 131Ctf N. n. Cill: . pJBOPLE'S ÜIUIG STOi.ü.1 R. W.ELÜS& CO, A-KriST ABECR JEAD THIS ! I AM NOW l'REPARED FOR TUE FALL TRADE ! I HAVE T 'JE LARdESI A3VD Finest Assortment OF OF BTFRT PESCRIPTION EVER BROUGHT ÏU TUIS MARKET. KVERYTHING 3VEW, AMJ STYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A LINE OP GEÏÏS' FLBXÏSlïliXG GOODS ! EVERYBODY WXSHING FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING WILL FIND IT TO TI1BIR INTEREST TO CALL ON JAMES BOYD, lS'.Stf 2 t .Utiin Street. yyrgft. WAONER IS NOW RBADÏ FOR TUE FALL TRADE Haring Kcccivcd a Large Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ÏNCLUDING OLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C. of the LEST STYLES and GUALITIES, WHICH IIE W1LI. MANÜPAOTURE on terina to suit. Also a full line of REA.DY.MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FüENISHING Goods. 33 353 S3 1? STTLE, ALSO LADIES1 AND GENTS' M0ROCCO SATOHELS No. 21 South Maia Street,- East Side: CALL AND SEE THEM. M'II.I.IAITI WAGIVKK. AsnAibor,Spt,,1871. YYHNYüU WAiNT FINE PIIÜT06KAPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, No. 30 II il ron Street. GotoE.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Modicines.Paints.Oiit,&c. C. H. MILLEN OPENS PALL TRADE WITH A LARGE Al COMPLETE STOCK O F1 FASHIONABLE GOODS ! EMBRAGINQ AÏX THE Ñ3WEST STYLES FOUND IM TUE EASTEUN AND EUROPEAN MARKETS. I Offer trong Inducements to Purchascrs of Dry (joods. 500 Yards of Black Alpaca at 25 and 30 t't-iils. Best (oods for the tfoney Ever OHered In tb!s City. 400 Yards All Wool Empress Cloths and French Merinos at ïnuch Lower Pricos than one Year Ago. -AI.S3Plaids, Satteens, Casmieres, Poplins, Plain and Fancy Silks, Ladies AND ClIII.UItKN's FuitXI3lll.N0 GOODS, HoslEKY, &C, &C. IN ADDITI0N TO MY LARGE STOCK I OFFER SOME K0VELTIE8 IN LADIES' CASHMERE, BEAVER AND CLOTH SACKSAND BASQUES WUICH ARE The Most Stylish Garments Ever Brought to this Market Alune, Formina the Richest Collcction of oods Ever !SFiri;l lu tilia (il) , are to bc sold at Vrices Lowcr (iiun tbe l.ou'i-Hl, C. H, MILLEN. ANX ARBOK, S2PT. 15, 18T1. 1330ra3 $25,000 WOETH OS1 FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Tl Giïi Al! ! S. SONDIIEIM IÏAS RECEIVED THE LARGEST AND BEST SSLECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS fiEHT's nnanuftukv ;oois, C1ÍILDREN AE YOITIIS' CLOTHIXG THUNKS, VALISES, SATCHF.LS, &o., &c, &c, TUAT HAS EVER BEKN BROUGnT TO THIS CITY, WUICH UK WILL SELL Cheaper than the Gheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE ASSURTMENT OF CASSIMEJiKS, CO ATI NOS, and YESTINGS, WHI0H UE WILL MAKE VP TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE, AND WARRAKTED A FIT OR NO SALi:;


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Michigan Argus