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Special $mitt&, tTIIE CAUSE AND CURÏÏ OF CONSUMPTION. - Tho priinary causo oí Consumption Ís derangement of the digestivo orails. This dcrangcment produces dcAclcnt nutrition nntl asimilation. By assíinilation, I mean that procc?s by which tho nutriment oí I be foud is converted into blood, and thenciï Into the solids of tho body. PVrBOBI with digestión thus impaired, ha ving tho pllghtest predieposition to pulmón nry diacape, or if thcy take cold, will bc very Iiablo to havo Consumption of the Lungs in somc of lis fbnnfl ; and I hold, that lt will be impossiblo to euro nny cas"C of Consumption wUbMt first reatotfllg a good digestión and healthy as? i Ion. Tho very llrst thing to be dono Is to clcanse the stomach and l)owcls from all discascd inncus and slimc which is clogging these organa eo that thoy cannot perfonn thoir fnnctions, and then rousc up and restore the liver to a healthy act ion. For this purpoc, the snrest and best remcdy is Schenck'e Mandrakc PtUs. Theso Pilis clean tho Btomach and bowol of all the and morbid elimo that iscauginj disease and decay iu tho wholo Fystcm. Tliey will cler out tho llver tif ail discascd bile that has accumulatcd there, and arono it ïip to a ncw and healthy actiou, by which natural and hcnlthy bilc is peercted. Tho ptomach, bowcl?, and livcr nro thus cleaneed by tho uso of Schenclc's Mandrakc IJill9; but thcro remains in the stomach an eicess of acid, tho organ ia torpid and tho appctlto poor. In the bowcls, the lacteals are wcak, and roqalrtng itnagth nnd support. It Ís in a condition like this that Schcnck's Scawood Tbníc provea to bc tho moet vnluablo remcdy ever discovercd. It is alkaline, and Itfl usa wïll neutralizo all excess of acid, making the fltomaeh swect and fresh ; it will givc permanent tono to this important organ, and creato a good, hcarty appct i te, and preparo the pystcm for tho flrst process of a good digestión, and ultiinately makc goodt healthy, living MöoA. Afterthis preparatory treatment, wlmt retnnins to ctrr most cases of Consumption H tho freo and persevering n?c of Pchenck'ö Tulmonlc Syrup. Tho Pulmóníc Svrnp nourishes tho System, puriftes the blood, and ís readily absorbed Into tho circulntion, and thenco dietributed to tho dlsoaaed lungs. There it ripens all morbid matter!, whethcr in the form of absceese or tubcrclcs.and then uMfl U Nature to expe] all thedïsetacA matter in tho form of froe expectoratlon, when once itripens. It is then by the great healing and fiurlfying properties of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, hat all úlcera and cavitiea aro healed up Botina, and mv patiënt is curcd. e ' The csscntial thing to ho done in curing Consump-' tion is .o getup a good appetit canda good digeption, po that the body wilt prow in flesh and get strong. If a person has discascd lang, acavity orabecess tnerc, tho cavity cannot henl, Oio matter cannot ripen, eo long as the sy?tem (s boiow par. What is necessary to cuic is a ncw order of Uiiiii, a good appetite, a good nutrition, the body to grow in flesh and get Fat; then Naton l hdpod, lbo cavities will heal, tlie matter will ripen and 6e torown otr iu largo quantltles, and tho person regain hcalth and ptrength. Tliis is the true nnd only plan to euro Conaumption, and if a persou is very bad, If the lungs are not entirely dcitroyed, or even if one hmg is entirely gonev if thcra ie enough vitality left In the other to hcal up, thoro Is hope. ■ ■ I have seen many perrons cured wilh only one eound lung live and enjoy Ufa to Ag'iod oltl age. Thle a what ychcncU'i Medicines will do to curo ConsumpÜpn. Tliev will clean out the rtomach, sweetea anti atrenerthea it, get tip a good digestión, and give Kature the assistance ehe nceds to clear tho tjrvtcm of all the diseasc that is in the lungs, wuatevur the form may be. .. . . - - . y It is important that, while nsing Schcnck's Medicines, care buouUI bccxerclscrt not totake cold: keepin-doora in cool and damp wt-ather; tTOld nicht-air, and take out-dour exercise only iu a genial and warm sunshine. . ■ . & I wibh it distinctly nndcretood that when I recommend a patiënt to be careful in regard to taklng cold while using my mcdicinct, I do o fora special reapon. A man who has but pariially recovcred from tho effect b of abadcoldisfur moreJiablc to a relapso thaa one who has been entirely curcd, nnd it is precisely the pame in regard to Consumption. tío long as tl lungs are not perfcctly healed, just po long is there imminent danger of ai nll return of the disease. Heneo it is that I so etrenuonslycautiou pulmonary patiënt against exposiug themsclvcstonn Jitmopherc that not genial aud pl casan t. Conflrmed ConenmptitcB lungs are a raass of eorcei, which tho least change of atmoephere will inflame. The grand eecretof my success with my medicines OODStra in my ability to subdue inílammation instead of provoking Ut as many of the faculty do. An infinmed lung cannot with pafety to the patiënt be exposed to tho uiting blasts of winter or the chilling winds of spring or Autumn. It fthould be carefully shicldcd frora all irritating influencee. The utmost caution shonld bo obsen-ed in this particular, as without it a cure under almoet any ei reu instan ces is an impossibility. ï The pereon should bc kept on a wholesome and nutritious diet, and all the medicines cuntinucd nutil the body bas restorcd to it the natural puautity oí flesh and strengt h. I was myself curcd by this treatment of tho worst kind of Consumption, and have livcd to get fat and hearty these many yeare, with one lung mostly eouc. I have cured thousands since, and very many nave been curcd by tuis treatment whom I havo liever seen. About the lst of October, I expect to tako possestlon of ray ncw building at tho northeast corner ol Sixth aoa! Arch Streets, wbcre I bIiaII bo plcased to give aclvici! to all who iuay n-miire it. F u 11 directions accorapany alï my remedies, bo thal peraon in any part of the world can bo ruadily cureii by a etrict obècrvuucc of the same. J. Il, SCÏIEXCK, M.D., Thiladelphla. HULBURT & EDSALL, 3 Lakíí Street, Chica; o, III., "Wholesale A:cMit. FAINTS PRINTS PAISÍTS Oils o;is Oils Varnish Varnish "Varnish Brushes Brushes Brushes MIN BK AL PAINTS. &e., LOOK TO YOÜB INTEKESÏ AND CALL ON R, W. ELLIS & 00., BEFOHE PUUCIIASING FALSE REPORT! THAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOP THADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A L AKOE AND COM PLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT l'RICES TO SUIT TITE TIMBO. AI.SO A FlILI. LINE OK GENTS' FUKMSHING (iOODS! DON'T PÜRCHASE YOUR SPRING ANDSÜMMER OUTFITS UNTIL YOU oi"ve üiavr a. o -a. ju. 15 South Main St., Aun Aiboi. 13Í1-U. JAM. B. REVENAUGH, PHOTÖGRAPHER I RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGATIVES BEFORE TRINTING, SO THAT FRECKLES,MOTHSANDTAN Do not show in any of his Pictures. No Extra Charges. A GOUD, FAITHFUL MAN With his Wifc, who nrcwUlIns to worlt, csn flnd stoafly emplovmcnt thcycur tlitoiiph, by Inqulriiif! at this otHoe A mail who understands nud liiucles OtrdenlDg. nd a woman who unileretsndedoiug HoiiBCwork, nd noac others nced npply. Utftf. H. Cohen's Column. AT THE 1STETW Mlflery sm ! 47 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Yon can now fliul a largo and complete assortinciit oT Ladies' and Children 's PAU AND WINTER HATS INT ALIÍSTYLES, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, Also a Full Lina of mBBOIMS, LACES, C0LLA.ES AND CUFFS, irpsiery for Ladics and Children, Gk ves for I odies and Children Ladies1 Modi Under-Garments, Ladies1 Knit Under-Garments, IL op SJdrts, Coi'sets, Madam Foy's Corsets and Skirt Supporter. HANDKERCHIEFS In plain Linen, Tlemstitch, Lace, Initial, Mourning, kc. Pluah for Clooking, Silk Velvitisor Clookinga, Velvefeen for Cloakings, Velvet on the Bias, all color, Yelveteen on the Bias, all shades, Ribbons, Velvets. Buttons and Dress Trimmings. Jaconet Edging and Inscrtion, Towels and Napkins, WJiite Trimniings of all kinds, EUFFLING8. Jaconet, plain, stripe and check, Namsook, plain, etripe and check, Soft Fi nislied Cambric, Swiss Muslin, India Twill, Victoria Lawn, Bishop Lawn, Linen for Shirting, Tarlatans, SHIRT BOSOMS. Germantown Wools of every color, Germantown Balmoral Yarn, Enitting Yarns, Genti' Collars, Suspendere, Ho6Íery, Keek Ties, and Ilandkerchiefs. PERFUMERY. ilair Oils. Colognes, Bay Rum, Soaps, Ilair, Tooth, and ííail Brushes, Pocket Books, Albutn6. Jet and Shell Jewelry. Bracelete, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Woolen Goods, NUBIA8. Worsted Slipper Patterns, Embroidered Cnshions, and in fact overything usually kept in a first-class Millinerj' and Fancy Goods Store. H. COHEN, 47 South Main St 1346 '


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