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A Night On Vesuvius

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Tho JJouisvilJe Journal has a Naples cörroapondent who writos ; I spent the niglit with sotuc frionds on tho top of VeaUvius, i'reezing on ono side tnil boiling ou tho othor. Wo kept ourselvos awnke by the amusement of dodging tho fallin? stones. About onco in tou minutes tho old mountain gave a shiver - fhon a bui-st ikc forty thousand muiliod cannon, it' over thero was Buch a thing. At eaoh mrst, a cloud of black snioke, in the form of an invertod hay-stack, and thirtecn tiinos the sizc of tho Guit House, was driviiu Luto tho air, followed by a tanta of liria flamo thtit lighted the country for oagues around. Thon look out fbr stoues. liillions of tons aro thrown hundreds of Viutinto thoair, inost oftheiu fallingback into the erator, but many, varying iu size from a pigeon's v%g to a tobáceo hogshoad, laiuled outside, and you must dudgo - gonerally easy enough, a9 thoy are ot' a white heat, and show as plain as a rooküt star. They tuiuble down the thü steep oonc, lüssiug aud stoamiug iu the snow - tho big oiioo 'weaking into ii'iigmonts and Üying liko a bnrsting sholl. Xow is the ime - ton unuutoa iuturval. Wo rush up a the veny edto of tho and look ; !or further particulars see " D.mto's Liferno ; " but you apoü yuur boots ; I did. You singo your nionsttcho : I did. And rou wish you wur.) sni'ely out of it ; I did. You turn away snowiug as if you had icu Jij iguitüd a box of luoifurs undexyour nosu ; for a moment all is dark ; thon he long, twiukliiu; rows of gas lampa in hei streets of Naples aeoux to spring oui of he ground uud-r youx foet, though milos away ; thon you seo tho ligUts iu tlic litio town ab jve thu base of tho niountuin, u all saro ouj, aiL.l tlüit cue the lurgest. 'oapoii, witU its gioat old tomplc, uiagnificent theutor, cioso-built sti'oots, and vast aroua, i dark ; the grim skolotons ly&g in thetir asheu Uuds, alono k&i'p their vigil thoro; thoir oyeluss sookets nood no ight. Xo uight that over I witnossd can quol a oloar suui'isü fi'otn Vesuviuj. No ono eau iiuagiue its grandeur; but you must try to, lor I daré not attompt a docriptiou. As wo utood gazing down on Uu r.juti.'s.-, housttü oí l'onipoü, tho suul ightiug its gray-ooiored wall - Torre de Greco, with its uaitfeauako-shakou vt alia - I said ; " I ain glad of it." Says ono ftbe party. " It's awful shabby; don't hink itpays." That young man was fioiu Icury County, Indiana. With a pretty general destruetion of boot and clothiug, and the aforyiúd loss ot' ono of the handlúmost mouBtachüg iu NapU's by your ïumblo servant, we got down safly. Not j o with anothoi' party who asoundod froui he Ñola sido. Une of tueiu had an arm irokon by a talling stono ; another a leg, n gottiug down. - i


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