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San FbanoisOO, Dec. 2. I.OW CU1ME ÍK UlOli LEFE. Einrou Anous: - Thi! M ii-niinj Chronirfe of this city ia a . paper, giveu I" the sensational in a large degree, and also viiy severe upon Buoh public ofliccrs as do not mect its approval. A i'cvv ínonths sinco, in a sonsational report oí' a ball, it made an (;xcceclingly indelicatc allusion ti tlio wifo of ono oí our Distvici Judgos, and tlio next day the Jiidge, notwithstanding hú liigli i 'ti, took occasion to cuno tlio editor on most fasbionable streefe. la tkat tho universal verdict of tlie poojilo "sorved him viglit." But jiow i.iKiir has OOCttrred, wherein Uio sympathy is all on the sido oí' the paper. Judge DÉLOS Lake, of jíunicipal Cíhninal Court, has boen ui eic odingjy vacillating poli tician, and not tbc most popular of men. llis court is comparatively a uew onc, and he was appointed to his present position. Iüs sucoeswr was cleoted at the recont judicial t'lection, at which I Judgo was n, candidato befoíe the poople for the pos'tion, bat was beatan. Among others tho (7 'itter in ita opposition to hini. Tn Ji.'g: tei m is abo ït to cx pire, and his court is now adjoumed sine die. Tho last trial boforo hiin was ono of an indictm ;t tho publishcr oí' the Glironidt for libel, in eharging an activo Radical politiciiin with selling inflnenoe for gain. While the Judgc unnecessurily threw a lirgo calendar ovor into the term of his Bnccessor, lic made sonio very sharp rulings to foiv to trial bofoi-o himself, and on thü trial was equally figorous i:i Kis rulings against tho dofendanta ; but tlic trial endcd on tho 2!)th uit. in acquittal. On tho first inst. tho Judgo, who is a large and p ful man, niet Cjias. 1)e Touko, ono of the proprieton of the paper, and a siuall man, on üontgomory Stroot, and iminodiately assaulted him with a hoavy eane. De YouifO rctreatud, but liis honor folIcved him up, when DeTocno soized him by tho loga and attcuiptcd to tlirow him down, whereupon the Judgc dxow a pistol, and either by accident or desigu the same was discharged in unplc: p-Lüxiuiity to De ToüHO.'s head. Tho partios woro then aeparated witliout oither huving rojoived any serious iujury, but tho sorvices of x surgeon ware iinm - diatüly i'oquired to extract tho bullet that carao from tho judicial pistol, from tho thigh of Ilcm. E. D. Wheeler, a lawyer, who htippcncd to como up at tho moment. Tho moving causo to this disgraceful broach of the pcaco, wore tho commcuts of tho Chranicle on the rulings of the Jadge at tho trial. Saturday afternoon is a sort of half holiday witb us hi-i-o- no oourts, and by agroement law olfloea aie all olosed. On such occasions I sometimea sit and loolc from niy v.-indow into those of the Alta 'ornia acrossthe way, and watch tho typos as they ply thoir trade. The bringa back tlio days of " Auld I Syne," when in tho Ahgus office I plied the samo mystio art. And it is not unplcasant to. dweil in memory ujion thoso times, and recall tho fatjeaold :n young who were then familiar around the office. How tho men who wero connected in one way or n-notlicr with the offioo twenty o&A years r.go are scattered now. How many of thenj have finished thoir lifo work, and goac to " that undiscovcred country" whence " no traveler i ver yet returned." Gav.dtxer gono to liis rest. I know not tho history of his last years, but whon I know him, I lovod hira, and his memoryis still dear to mu. liis wife ■ iBoond mother to me. and I oftcn wondi.'i' how, if sho bo stül living, sho woars lier ngo, und whetlier the world deals kindly wiUi her. Cole, the"jolly old soul," I suppose is still "king" oí' a newspapor office. I cannot f:mcy him as growing old, but in this I uiay be telrpn. TTis lnviflinr .T. M. I sui")T)OSO is still at Aun Arbor. üf tho boys, severa 1 whoni' I remombcr havo "ceascd froui their labora,!' and olbors, likc myself, havo bctakon themselves to othor lands. I sometimos thiuk tho Argus office must liavo a repro senttitive in every land on carth. Thero is ono of wliom I have lost all trace, 'tía MORTON, alias II.vvkeye. I am ofton reminded of him by the motions of a man across the way. In thoso oldi n times he was tho ehampion types.'tt. ■!■ of tho town, if not of the State, an 1 I wpuld give Bometliing now to soo him pitted against that f ello w over the way i whosc arm moves with tho rcgularity of a ponduluni, who nover sceins to make a mistako or to havo to stop to " spaoa out a line." Perhaps these dreams are not inl ing to thosè of your readers who havo always remained whore they were born, but let thom put a continent botwe :n themselves and tho scones of their youth, and if they havo no pleasaut memories ot' tbc past, then that past was not an cnviablo ono. An Augus boy does not oftou turn up in these quarters, but tliu boys from Aun Arborstill have u special chasm tor me. I most alwavs ïiavu one or luore avound me. Moshbb remained with me tül lie went into otlior business, and Kellogg is now in my oilici1, i faithful student anda woithy nr.iii. ÏSTEB. How different are the winters here and tliere. With you no doubt the car;]; ín frozen hard, perbapa buried is snow. II, iv winter briaga but weloome rain, and in tliirf city the season is tho most ttt of the ycar, tbr as the ruin comes the wiuds die Out, :uul we aro rclieved Erom the cold blasts Uiat come froni off old ocean's breast. Tho season has oponod most propitiously, and if' tho ttinter only keeps good its present promiee, you may set down the coming scason as tho most prospci-ous ono California lias ever scon, either in farming or niining. Bu don'tlct anyoody bo misled by thu prom Ise of a Favorable ycar for mining. Min ing 110 w don't mean what it did twent; years ago. Then men minod on tVo surt tin paus, but now the work is done daep down in the earth, ;mi 1 1 1 1 1 metáis are taken Erom the solid rook by procesaos that requiro largo capital. If il poor mrm mines now, lio must do it for somobody elso and not for liimsolf. He can't piek tip a fortune lying arouud loose, as not a few did in tho early Tours, C.UILOS.


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