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The Home Market For The Home Producer

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mere is i udonly onc way, liy whiob thu home maiket can bu oKcctually Beoured to the homo producer and manafacturer. Tarxffg woirt do it ; duty may bo pilod UTJon duty, and prohibition apon pro i, but thcy only increnso the incentive 1 "', and logitimately or illegitimately, tho onteida iirticle will be introduce 1, evea at muob rilc, whenevorit oaa be so with ]irofit. Our home producers, however, by tho cxorciso ot' superior iwbilit.y and tact, by omploying tho bcst head.s and best hands, at luir , and thus secimng tho best work, st goods at the lowost cost, eau efibotoally keep the b ithem!■ riu( it impossible foï the i'oi-eignüvto coute in and solí inferior goods trofit, Thatia the genuino Amarioan way of keeping tho homo market to in ïnany dopartments, a toreign-produced ivlicloisnot to uttouncl i ivi.'l, whilo in othorg, with a b wall of tarifís tokoeptheni out, : ro found thick au Leaves in Valkuncottons, and woolens, linens, and iron, : bui whewia the ploWi tlio reaper, tho printing-prees, the weighing-ecales, tiio suwing-machine, or tho Bftfe, not of home mako'r our Hoes, Howes, Fairbanks, llorrings, Marvins, ajld nthcrs, havo provod more terrible thnn i och f ara the truc protcol n ■■■. Vmerican hoino industry ; the men whose brains and entorpriso secure tho homo mariiet dr own produota moro effoctnally ot aota of Congiess. Xhis 'y putting in practico that which is constantly urgcd on all hands as right, and good and bost - and by nono moro poisistontly than by thoso who, in pructice, refuse to trust to it for l - that tho botter .cducatod and higher skillcd workei will do moro work, anddoit lmttor, than the lasa sdnoated skilled. Wo have fucilitie3 and resources for most industries such as no otli , whos wo ie our great pre-egience in labor-saving machines tö aid%ui most e:;oollc-nt rorkors in turning out largo Httlocost, t ! i. ;■ 'y no end of the success and snrieriority we mny attain to in our industrial progresa; and artionthat with all thesu a-lvuntugos it i imposaible forus to compoto with ceigner or that foreigncr, with Briton, or ' ■ or Frenohman, at any y in which we may desite to exceï, il that ouv Bup irior abilitie.?, intolligence, and skill do give ua ad■ that our uniivalluti l'ucilities and appüances avail to.-give as pro-ominonce - a denial which evory ouü kuow.s to bo untrue. This way of socuring tho home market has this other gi'eat advantago, that while enabling us to keep out fcroigners at hom", it al l as, Efectually, to secure a goöd ahare of the trade in Bupplying the markets abroad, enabling us to gurmount arery Burmountable tariflE that may bar tho way, and sell with prottt. Undersuch a plan of proteotion to nativo induatrv. tho striiírírle would be. not who could afford to pile up the highest tariff, to koop tlieir neighbora out, but who 03uld show the ■ niu, and bost work, and tlius make it impossiblo for inferiora profitalily to oome ; not who could skulk most i i ml tarift' i other devices to liido fcbeir deficionce3, but who could most snfully go forth conqueringand to oonquer, bythe superiority of thoir ■ and tho excellence of their work. The skulking plan is cortainly not t'n:ii. which bcnat- iiial rei ■ l fucilities, great in its itapeople to atl Glorióos in it hi glorioUB in the achievementa it is destined to ao oomplish. It is not for ua to skulk amd play the craven : but it is foi as to throw down tho gamitlut, and challenge tho world to the contest for superior ability in arts and industrial aohioveiuents. Who darea to say it is not f Who darea to sny to American citizons that thoj ouglit to skulk and screen themselves, lest i imobody shouid whip them i Üamen oftho white feathtr, afraid of toe d;iv thcy ñevor Baw, when Americane were nüt able to huid their own with all corners, who in fear and treinbling cry out for protoction from English skill, Geruian braina, or Froncb. csthetics, aro . un tho wrong continent. Thoy ure out of placo among a people -who industrially haveno fesr, and wkere ono universal spuit o paaá self-confidencu is paramount, and wtete, resources raid facilities being so unequiiled, tho whole nation, as ouo man, bolievcs that we ought to bo able to do ovory light and good thing as well, if not bettcr, than othcrs, and are detorniined that ve shall do it. Thus nativo alnlity, perseverance, and entèrprise, and faol legislativo enactments, that havo no power to aiJ, bring tho


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