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Local And Other Brevities

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„ 'i ucii or two more snow won ld put jojtlsin sool sliiliiis condltloa, at the University, in tho ie partment, cioiied on Wohiesilay .,::,! -iy vacation. „Charles Behr, for many years in ujimfg Iiiti', died last Tuesday morning, {üe Jaundice, after a somewhat pro Bttoi illness. The city sclioola close to-diy, to re ion MtMMlay, Janaary 8th. A " Mrry (jtmss'' aiiii a Happy Xow Year," rsaad scholarg. „Tbc eorvlvlng Pllgr'.ina nm thelr de BniliiH'. celébrate tha clay they didii't riou Pllgrlui Koek, foy a BDpper ihis the üocifc Ronse. Sa is to cross tlie lr.ciuilor toji-cording to the Almanac ; to wliicli oía the part of the ÍS tin : will exer áeile'' passivc policy," and let 'er cross. -A horse belonging toT. F. Leonahd : to run away ftroni btm la.-; fthndiy, and was stopped just in time nare the front glass in the sewlug njstote, Grcgory IIousu block. -TbeCliristmas tree business has been nitt i livcly oiie for tlio past ev days. jjrold Kris Krinyiü load the branches kUu1 rEiueuiber those whom fortune ired wlth a plethoric said the thermometer stood at ftilo' zero yesterday mornlDg, otUers risttditwas 18, while a few were will;to takc oath lliat il. ran down to 22 tr Now it isu't oor purpose to disfeioy of them. We will bellere almosi ftiins: that is said upon tlie subject, BMingthat no ono attcuipts to convlnce ktotit Hiisubove lero. i! ilic atuni il meeting of the Washtenaw [rjr Agriculttirul and Horticultura!'.il ua llie 19 til iust., al Fireinue's ü,tlie iiillowing offlcera wuro eiuctüd fot j e i i' : fraüii--ISAAO M. WlUTT.VKEIi, oí te ■Unte - Ueo. C. Arras, Webster; IT.I.Gregory, Dexter ; James J. ParArjjr; i). .vil L', I'i'.-.slloM Uhl, Vpsllaati. -l).uid M. Flnley, í i irbor. ürrapoiuHng Sccrctary - Lorenzo Darte, l-mrirer- Stephen M. Webster, Aun llKütóí Cmnmtüee - Lewis C. Risdon, I Ar'jur Cuy ; Jj!i;i Kui1j:i, A.:h .Vrbjr Yn, Juniu Short, Bridgewater ; J. D. I .'.:, Augusta ; W. H. Arnoid, Dexter; -- ■■.!-■.' . 1. 1 i : C,';i!el) Aiulr-jivs, Lima ; I', líoise, Lyulun; IJyroa K. inchestcr; Patrick Wall, Nortba Bootli, Pittsfleld ; Win. II. ; Wm. Bowers, Sii.irou ; P !t)iy, Sc; J. V. Campbell, Superior; i'-5 G. Kalnihacli, Frcedom ; Wftllei' pwb,3;lran; Q.S. B. Heawlck, BaRarrlson Pbelps, ■ Webster ; Ilariy 'r, Yi.rk ; A. H. Noble, Tpsllantl Ion Cr ttenden, Ypsllantl Towu üt repon of he Treasarer gbowed au tótedness of atioiit $1,03. ilileutannoiinced a listof life and ■Imembcn who were detected at the 'íiirin transferring thcir tickets to '■■')'. i-ntitleil to use them, wiiich ík ii up. He state.1 tliat in liis itlie Society lost from #300 to $400 wronsfui ase of tickets. It is, therc"iNuWe tliat liereafter more stiliigeut ■'■■ill be adopte 1. lance was not largo, the vote only ubout fifty. bscription pappr bnsJbcen clrculated y and liberal!; subscriben! pledgplnl material aid to the munici: tieso! tlie city n their attempt ;md restrain the liqnor and l)il ' a'Wis. Tlie saloon keepers of all hökiving baiided tugetber and made j'WUitock in resisting the ordinances aud laws of the State, it is but ■ ! lovers of law aud order should """ytheoffleers who have to stand the f the battle. The list of names ap■ to the subscrlptlon guarantees ''Icompany " to nuy citizen who may Otearon his aame thereon. 'ƒ turren ly reportad that the liqnor '' a making out a ticket Tor the 'dection ia April. Well, tbc earlier ick Uieir stakes aud luauguratc 'rtï the sooner the two political II bs cut from a very enSalliance. ir a man is not to be toed as a Democrat or Republlcan ''sclls üquor or impoverishes him imUy by drinking lt, or gastal ns 1 tugajed n selling in the violation of rad all othur laws, State statute L ' y rdinauces, it is timo the fact was l Occcinbcr report of the Super lntenY! Ws au enrollinent iu the lligb 'ildiiig of ,-r3 piipils, against 510 tor report last year. The saiu In 1 U cl'u"' Department, over last I. t ' f Wl'ÍCh 'S rrO111 "Ol1 rCSi' M-a, "Ul"')er of sltllngs in the whlch shows that the enal Wa made none too soou. y 'IKUlr week sball hare rolled tat"a8,WitbltoJoy8andfestIvV,r, Passcd. We wishevcry Knen - "y ontl. and trust that as much W lbeMPerienced In giving as "MT'[ U'Ul Ull"e !ll""8 "s "'"' uñate Wends.