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Signs of the time - seen in ctn hoür's ,lroil: Grinn & Burrutt, barbors; & Tuokc, tailora ; Timon Ede, locomotivo or (ha waita for toman); Hayos, Straw & Sweet, livery; Shoate & Haiu mili, bntohors; C. Lively, undertaker IlowIanJ Bill, auctioneer. A bacholoi is politily d iscribcd u.s ; man who ha i negleoted liis opportunity of making sonte poor woman miaeruble, "Fit you wilh a tin car" is tho succcssor of " put ;i beUd on yoii. Barr'i ■ '-.i of twenty jréoia study by u si atific ohemiat. . ■ ... i. WASN'l' 1T (0U, TIIOÜGIt vi I E veryfociily bundlod up so tl at you oaxúá hardly teil who wat win, and TsitBf bad n gieft'.er oall for fchoee afee, wunn Sata, O.ipé, Fnxs, and OlOTQSi tl. a n hos 1' ■ .1 known before bíuoq AjQam was n. ■hTeüUi is havi&g such gro;it o he sells everythiiig oq jjluugtry oheap lï you ... .- , jnt step ín and ask liis prices iL al'.vuys ready iiml willing to show liia gooUs. Invest ono döllai in Boxia Aguo AUdidne, and cure jour Chüls. Special Notlce. It becoinos absolatK foi the Pnbliaheroi hc Aiuius to inuliu ünmediote collcction of all Hiims lne him, whether for subscription, advci'ti&iiiK' or job,:.-v', and na i ís madv to imitaioiw, notioe is here y pivon, fehat if imn ■ ; ij qf "! bult m-o's than viv B not im;kU', the assisiano of OU official QptHt will l:u ailiil in. "A word lo thr wiae." P. 8. Payment will oot be refused on any bilí Usa hun a y( :ir old. Dated, Deo. 6th, 1871. tf E. B. POND. líavi's Agne Medicine pr ■veni.s a ícíuiu of the chili aud extenninatea the dispuse. $." SIï.K HATSt Thatfl ivinit E. J. JOHNSOTf offers lus Uut wcuriiiï pciülic ï'iisi tluul ilj' nul Faahlonable. Silk lï-.u for $5. Vu. T s„mli .lluiu streel, cast sile. DruggUts all scll Bmr'sAgus Medicino, and have uv i' l;iiled to recommeud ït. Boür.fy (o So!!irr4 Thoscwhoeulistedin ISSloutlie first c:ill ofPreeent Liucolu, aml who woro honoral)!y dlschargod cfonithc expiration of the term of thcir enlistment, are entilled to $100 ench, as bounty. Andsoldicrs cnlistin; uuder act of .Tuly 4tïi, 1SC4 reto bc illowed the aapatd inst.ihncnts of bounty they vrere dlscharged 'oy expiratton of service 'heabovo classes should make applicution to the Ddertlgned. J!arc!i-Mth,lS70, IXCStf JOHN N. GOTT, BonntyanJ Claim Ayeut. Roldiers of 1S12, ho served sixty day. are en lied to l'ensioa, and ohould apply immediatcly to obo X. ttott, liouuty auU Pension A'cut, Ann rbor, Midi. i ! '■ irr'.s Agüe Medicine to cuiv a billioua attack, Qd vraxd off :i i' r. co mIvTë r c i a l . llETROIT, UCC. 0. Exccpt in holklay track we have luid athcr a quict. week in all departments of rade. But tüe activity of tbc (levotees oí ianta C'aus is enoagd to sliow tlint vory iard times do not pruvuil. lt la doubtful f even dar i Dg the war so inucb moaey vas quaudcreil ut the same siason. Il' tl.e cople had nut abuudancc of the "ueedful'' hey would not show such libcrality. In ogltlmate trade, however, tbere is llttle aase lor complalat. Thcrc is not a large ggrtjgate of business dsing, to be sure, lor inucli of the competí tl ve spirit inaii!esieil i bul w'.xa w.' realize tliat it is m.d viiilor, and tiiat cvery irticle of' wrae production is over abaudaut, the vonder lg thut tblnge, are so '.l. Sinco onr lust letter applcs h ive ni ule a dccldud mprovcuicut, boyera oCferiug facly er bb . for pilme fruit. Butter ia diiller :au ever- the market is completely do noiallzed. A roaixt lot of fintui wanld lardly iii.d a buyer at any priee. Datilera are auxious to Bell, but ílnrf it Impossible t.) close out uoüsigimients at any Qgure ibove prlces, Fresh roil oll'ored at IO@22 Cncete :s (jtiiut but linn at 15@10. ressed hofts 8old this forenoou at $4.95 J5.0 I, bat at the closj of tii o.r 1 #490 vas tile lat i:d. A'viiv Yot reported (Uili mei at Toledo hogs were oflfered at $4.80. : !.: supply is largé aml buyers are indifferent. Packera are deallug almost ex clusively in live ho, and the prospect for ilgh prlces oi dressed is ratber slim. (ruil quict : apples SuSJó' aml ieaches S0:i22. Ëlggs very scarce; fresh vouid sell for ;i0o. Feed also scarce - irau n demand at (19, and coaree tulddllngs at siO.iil per ton. Live hogs are steady at i -i 1.25. Orion stiii ilu'ii - bbl lot oflered u fl.75aa.00. Potatoes dall at 73i8üc for ar loods. Poultry is In goud demand at ialüc for cbickens, 13al3 for turkeys, Sul) br geese, aud üilO lor ducks. Wlieat is neglectcd. Extra, f 1.49; No. 1 white 1.45; Ti-ead wel!, f 1.48 ; Amber, $1.401 41. Oom steady at Oiö-t. Oats qulet but linn ut 4U43 for No. i State. Barley dnll, No. 1 Blow at $1.60 ; No.2 $1.47al 50 percental. Kye active at 7ÖBÖ0 per ba. Flour dnll but holdera not teeklng to realizo, choice to fancy $0 75a7.20 medium and amber, Ga 6.00: Spring, $(i.5ja7.S0. Moucy iirm at 10 per cent. Ni w York, Dtc. 19. The near approasb of t!ie holldays has largely swelloil tiie aggregate of busiücss, and althoogh the hearter simples are ne.?lected for the time, tliere are fjv articles outside of breadsttill's to whlcb the term "dull" can be well applied. Dry goods are rarely so fl.rm In December. Cotton has agai ralücl, closlug at 10JÍ, whlle printing cloths are selllng at very handsoine prodts to holders, and there is som?what of a Sïarcity in the more seasouable fabrica.' The well knowo ghortage oi wool and devonring nature of the niarket, also helps to give a Iirm tune to dry gooda In general Ttio Irou dealers are talklng hlgher pr!ce6. Grocerlea :ire a simde inner than last week: Jüo cöflee, 18. gold. Bngar is Brm, and syrnps ami molasses favor hol.lors. Provlsions (Inner. Mess pork $18.50 @13.G3spot; Iard 9!)%, ootsldepald for kettle rendered. Western butter, good to prime, K(H'Z3 ; clicese uuchanged Dressed 1io.l;s rnled dull at 5J@ ö. Flour Is dnll at former rates, white western $7f? 25 ; St. Louis $8@9. Wheat Is more active at a decline: red western, $1.50@l.Ö8; white $1.60@1.73. Coru In ialr export demand at 77@78. Oats flrmer; western 55@56. Whisky has rallléd (rom 92 to 94, and market steady. The money market is very stringent. Borrowi rs pald as liigli as c per day for loans on Governments. Large amouuts ofcurrency are oíhíí westward to pay Insurance lones. Bonds and stocks dnll. Gold is stlll aoing In the njht directio i - tonched ÏOS7 today. Sterling 1 I Ank Aitnoit, Thuiisoay, Deo. 31. Tli -re io littlo chungo (o noto in anything bom laai Trado isqulte briak ai tunal at ihis time d y ■■''. Eng fu I fore tho holídays, Tle wenther is í'.iv.jraMc totho filiippinj,' of ili-, .-iil hog, nnd thcy meet wiih roody iale. Wequoto oafollowa: Ari'LES- 50c ]er bu., wiih littlo dotag. Tï-ttf.r -Triulft is ffood, 22c betng pald for roll. WHEAT- Comma&dB $1 per bu. wlth n t.u.lency apwtud r:itlit?r ilian otbem -#1.68 par bu. is pold tor good (jDiüity. Gobh- Bring Dn fOOd (l'.-manil at 2C(f$? ín. Hay $18(3 W per ton, uccoiiling to quality. ï -In cup, lH(2Oc. Laï d I b quite at 9c. Oats 88850. Potatoes Bring roadflyOOo Pobh EnD : rices have aga'ft fallen, and i.Tü b the Mgheel paid to day, agtdost $6 Uisi til as gceat. . . :i loo. Wmtii Thcnaariwi ■ ï.f; Teryaottve, ffliito we quote at L861.40, ;uid red fl.80@1.35.


Old News
Michigan Argus