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BïïjINESS DIRECTOBY. Wli;s A 'OMMEN, 20 outh Mainetreet, in.. u or, Mich-. whoU-iialc and rc-unl deali.Srf Cárpete and Grocerlea. ""' i351tf Tv iMt{. Axcnt tot the Finklo. I.yon I ,'v ior"8ew1ng Machine Tbey are eücnt. ;,iV,. rune ijandin kr tbe locketltch. Nu. T ,, i K iV s HtlID. Dealers in Dry Co. u's. ) l: , ,. , .. , , fcerj &c No. .-il Spnth Hatn TnBBIS il XH !W. J: KesMeoce and Office l[ N„ - c irncr WiUlam aud l'noniiwo . StreetB. g,-Ur „fflee tusira l tuSr k. um ÍÍICUAEC 1HIIRBAV, Roofer Firo in1 i ter Proo'. F.'lt suri Uompogltlou Jrnvel í ,:Tit od tci nrfler and warranteu. litsidtncoon JSEsoii Street, Ann Arl.r. n W BMIS Sr CO., Drogglsta and dealere K te Piiiii Oils, etc. No. - SontliMaln 3traet, inArtKir. 11. JACK. I!i-i;ilsi suocoBBortoC. B. ( . i'.irtT Ofllcc ciirnrr Molu Dd Buron t reets, of R. W. E1Ü8& i o , Aon Arbor, i admlnistercd U reqnlred. i. BHEAKEY, Mt. ., PhjleUi) and IT Surgcon. Oltliv. al resldence corBer of Huflijaj;. te Bret dooi c;isi of PreibyKrimChnrrb Aun Arbor, Mich. E"jrJOH.SO:V, Dealer in Hats and Caps, fon.Str&iv l tftdB. öentrf Pomlflhiiig Goodi, k, .Xo T s.mtii M.'iiu Mreot. Ann Arbor, ulch. ,-i IHKIÏI.AM VIi:n!', Life and N Inspronc iL-iit. umi dealer in Kcnl Estuitr. , , ... Buron Street. LKW1S C. 5{l'IM, Dealer in Hardware, - BimBe FnrnlUIng Goods, Tin Ware, &c. iutb Maiii ptrtjut. Btril & AIIKI, I)o:lors in Dry Goods Groerricê,c &c.,No. 26 Sonth Main street. Ann Ittor. SLAWSO. SOX, Grocers. Provisión and Commiieliin Morchaute, and dealers in Water 1 Piaster, and l'laslcr Parle. No. 16 East Haror. street. ü ,l )Ii:i 'I, Wholesale and Retail Dealer O. .a Keidy Made 'lothlne, Clotba, Casimeres, nt8 Furnishing Gouds. No.9fionth reet. HVA;i:;i. Dealer In Ready MadeClothIng, tlotlia -. Vesttom, Hat, Caps, fee, 1 SontJ Main street. GII.ÍIOHE .'. FISKE, JBookíellerí niulSta[iim i Medical Law and College TextBonks, ika. No. 8 North Main ■ igory Hlock, Ann Arbor. f ', Jcc So. ï Hnron streel, TÜAH W.CHEEVEK, -ATTORNET AT LAW ! Oïïiili 1;. W. Morgan, East .■idc ofOonrt House 1831 J. SCHAËBEÊLE, Teacher of MbbIc Q'es InstrucUoB mi the PIANO, ViOLIN AND GOiTAR, itliic office, y. M Bonth M.-ii streel, fMoore'e , or at lbo n eideace ! tbfi pnpll PIANO TUNING, nideappcciality niul Battafact.ion guanuilecdá WSiyl nitocKEüyr" GLASSWAKE & ROCEltlES, -T. fe Donnelly' Ojve in store ftlnrge stock ftfCrockerj, Qlaseware, nM Wre, Cp.tlery Grocenes, Ac., SC., all tobe MdiUnux'ially low ricos. Ko I! Basi Hnron str.'4, Ann Arbor. ll:sif j. & i. DOmVEULT. JOHN C.OALL,. FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Lar, sms ;ks. ui.-., UrterFsoiicltod and promptly Ulied wlHi thebest Mlrln toe market. :n Bast Washington street. or.aapl. ltíth, 1SC9. [ F. ÜRU8ÍS, Mannfactan (IKRM(;ks. DICCIES, IUIIÜH WM0R8, SfRII WA6OÜ8, Cl TTEB8. Sl.KK.IlS. &. Mjwkwarrantedoftho beul materlar. Repair Plione promptly and reasoiiab'e. A)l vork wir "Vmto glv perfect Bati-fHctlmi. i s mli Moln 184By! AlÍRSEy," 1% MainiifatotnrCT f Oirriages, Buggies, Wagons, DSLC: iHSofevery style, made pfthe best "nul, aod warranled. clorse ehoelu'g and Hcilone prompLly snil prices reanouablc. street,uear 11. K. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich , liiiïyl 1)R-C.j5. PORïEK, . )!:ea ïheSAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. 4 ' 3?erations on the Natural Teeth PSRPORUBD W1TH CARE. 'V3ÜRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCE WTTfih ABTÏFÏGÏAL TEETB, ( TO GtVK EAr:n I SDI VII. UAL; "■lolAt proper tizt, thaprf.oliir, firmnettond na al expre$ion. 1244 Qf CJENKINS& Ö. RANDOLPII WIIITP], M. D. BEvTISTS. C)ÏNER0F MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. All Operations peiformed in the Most Thorough and Scientifio marmer. ■Jitrous Oxido Gas constantly on hand, 'latlministerecl wlth perfect safety. VE GrEESB FEATHiiRS i,n, Fl;H.STcaxTA.x,i:T-5r, "nOyonhand androrialeby ___ R A CII 'e ABEL fine piiotographs iO TO 6M. B. REVENAUGH. Ho. 3U li n i uu Streel. A NN AU BOU BOARD OF CONTROI OF TUE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY FOK TiïE CITY Oí1 ArT AKnOE, AND ToniiK of Ann Arlir, Northfleld, We Nl-r. Si lo, Lima, Keiler, Sjlviiu and l.yndon, UCHSEMBEK CTSUBED FOK $5,000 on. Charlea Trlpp, Klilm It. Vond, i SVood, . m., .-. I.Ueury U. Bmasn, Vu. F. Breakey, M. b., Stepten M. Webster, . u. A. Bwionih l nhurd Gruner, 'aneo TremaJn, EUwunl Woud. usure wltb the Michigan Mutual becanse H inTCs,tB the fande of its Policy Holde of tlÜ3 District iu the District, underthe supervisión of the Boaid, THEREHY AKSI XXNQ T" I1EVE1.OP ofK UitóüüHCEiJ Policy IloldeM ocure W themseliei The EighectEates of Interest Tlicrc is a dlffercuce of fully 3 per cent betweeo ratea of interest East uud Mest. 1 ,000 invested annually for 50 ycori, ut 1') )i-v cenl . aninuute Vo l,ÏSl',!L0!J.4 l.oifl invected aimuslly tot íO yr's. al ; ier ceut., aiut'ë to 4 34,.Ol DiflVrcnce, %S4ö.31S.4 'he liiglier the ratcs of Interes reeeived ihe less will be th eost of lnsnrane ar-d tho ligger the divideuds. All Policios r JSTon-KorfeitaTJe after paywient of oue aanual JLremiviiii t pays Dividends on the First Premium. T BID OSE-TWELFTH F IX THE WSIHEM OftE IN THK STATE O 1S70, COMPETIISti W1TII 4 COHPAlilKS. T CAN FUKNISH UnDOUHTKD AsBüRANCK to Michigan Men at Lks Cost ï1ian asy 0tuek company. 'he Coinpany is Frohibitea by Law ftom Speculating in Keal Estáte or Otheiwisetdonls iuCASH ONLY. "Ttisan obvious princi ple of Life Annrance t!ut it eannot hu done oji credit. The rticle In whlcn the i ompany deulB must be paid for in Oah betore it ca be pnppUed." OFFHERS OF THE BOAKB : TRIPP, l'resldtnt. . B. POND. VicePrexIdeni. IEPHEN M. WER8TER. Treinnrar. W.V. BlIAKiï. H I).. Medical Eiamtoor. Q A. skssioxS Attorney ar.d Asrnt. KU. L. FuOÏK, Sccretary ard District Agent. OFFICERS OF TUE COBPAJiï : OHNJ BA OI-EY. President. v OB s f kBRAND, vice l'Mildent. )I]N T. LtGGETT.Sccretarj. AMKS C. WAT8ON, ictuary L. M. THAYER, General Agfnt. IStOwG JJOLIDAY PREBENTS. EVEBYTItn; IV THE 01Y GOOOS UNE ! Uscful and Ornamental FOTZ H0LIDAY GIFTP C. II. 3IILLENS. ' BOOKS. BOOKS J. R. WEBSTER & f'O. HEW ItOK STOBB SEAJB Tlli: " EXPKKSS OFFICE." LOOK T0 YOl'R INTEREST AM) CALL. BOOKS. jj Buy your Nlce Laces, Collars, líandkorcliieís, Gloves, Hosiery, For Presenta, at (',. II. Millen's. SAM. . ttEVENAOGH Copies Oíd AMBIOTYPÏS & DAGUERRFOTYPEÍ IS FIKST CLASS SÏYLE TO ANY DESIRED SIZE,


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Michigan Argus