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COMMERCIAL. Wkw V i, Díc. 20. Trade kccpfl quiet. On provlstons the ifiulcncv la to lowcr rutes and the w Ier is to uluii. Icvcl pork is !i'iin!i. Even at 914 60 for netv nicsa imd $5.50 for dn-ssed hog capltnllrtit lack conttdenco. Silcsof iiic-Ns lor March delivery rere midetortay at $14.(56. Lard sluw at, Np.i'r?!)'.,'. Tiercé beer, #16@17. Hutter zominne dull, with only cholea gelectlons niovinir to any cxtent. Western 18y23.' Ckoeaedull at 11 @14. Breactotnffig are rather inonotonouií. Low shipplng grades of floar have some Ufe, but tli! better graden uro heavy; white Michigan and Oblo, J;7íiiT.:0. Wlieat is in moderate di-ma ml at 1.S6'S1.G8 for red westerii, $1.60@ 1.0 for arabt-r, mid J1.00 (o U72 white. Barleyqn:c:t.;ii'.)0.-(f.!.(i0 pï hu c; ini ut 7i in store aud 78 afloat O its dull it 'ö4rt5O. Whisky lias advanced to 00 bnycr, and !)7 Beller. Kio coflfee Brm ai 21 ij gold. nnd :ill other rotfees gyniDithiziiig Reflned s'.i.'ir, 1 1 ■,; í 1 1 '., . nood qoiet bat lii'in. Ilolders ure nol looklog for business uil with co;ic,n np to 2 and wool ad vu u;: iiir. tlirv oII'tT Dobarwins. An active market and }{"od prlccs are lookcd for bofo re Febril:! rv. Money en tin nes stringent ; the nomina] rate is 7 per (.-ent. bat8aO spald. Ctirrenoy on westurn liutarance account stlll flows svestward. Gold. U heavy at 1O8!: Sterling exchange 10y. Two produce failures lo day, Dbtboit, Dec. 27. Wliilc force of h:bit coinpcls gome ol'our dealen) to go throngh the mottona of business tliis week, t is quite evident from tlie expreanïona heord hoe mul tliere, that a nnijority woald .lust as aoon ahat np shop unt'l after the lioüdnys. And how moch hettiT t wonlil l)i!, for mind and body, if we b-eathless, pnlling, tQgglng, cxc'ted Ainericnns, ccn!d only settle down to one week of inn and re unión and jolüty n the conme of the innc'ni; winter f Tbcra woald be m less money made n the agregate, whlle the liealth a;id moral inH amice resnltlne Irom such ennrne would be Imminpnr ble witli Wfft'tS. Praetleslly, busics-i this week s a mo"lirv Travers all kno v it Si roly tl:e eomtog generat on wlll be wiser thnn their aihers. In produce th'jre Is nothln of moment doin;. Applesare snlab!e at $8.5' 83.78 por bbl. Tien i's nn1 ve1 y active, at ?.l )td, 2 30 OUto'd ■ irice ft' sfo : ii'cked. Blltt-T la llterally ('emor i zed. Sales of frk'n liaveb-eo mndednrl iü the week at 10c', aiiil thla is n'v the i'fi'n ïinor o' the end. Fresli rol! or t.ub is dull at 20@23. Clieese Is steady at ISalO. Eis very soarc1 : fresh :i0. Drossed hoss havo range 1 Irotn H 75 t3 $5 00 sinoe last Wed icsdiiy : thl lüivnoon closlns; at iS.T.'at'JO. Drled apples qalet at 8aS'.(. Peachcs ln'l at 20i 23. Ouions un mproved - o.'lere I t (1.75a I 80 per bbl. Poultry is active. Turkevs RCarce at 13nl4c ptr 'b. ; chlckena at 8aflc. I'otatoes wanted at 80c ry car lood ; on Street. 85n90 paid. Provisionn quiet: mess pork $18.00; lard9i0',; ha ras, reen, 8a 8'2; smoked, 12al3. Tillow is :; little bet ter - 7';j ofTeivd by shiopers. Flour an:l ■_'r:iiu .show little or no cliainre daring the week mid the condition of the market re rnalns abont the same. Chotee winter from $0.75(37.00; fancy 7.06@7.25; med'nm and i.mbcr $63)6 50; sprins, $0 50:77 ."i. Wheat closed to-dnv ns fol'ows : extra, tl 50 No. 1 white tl.45al 4'i ; Troailwell, fl.44al.45: amber, 1.88al.89. Tlw sales are Irona 5 to 10 earn pet day. Corn steuiy at54a55 Oats 4243. Bartey $1.60. Rye 78a80. Qroceries ïpnerally steady. Standard A snar 13tóal2%. Rio 24c. Moncy flnn at 10 per cent. to customers. Ann Aiiuon, TiiunsnAY, I)cc. 28. Ai'ri.i:s- SUnpor bu., with UtOadoing. Botter - Trado is gfxwl, 2iXA22c being paid for roll. lii-cKwiiEAT- Commands il per bu., with a tendpney upwai-d rather than otliorw tec. l'.i i-.s -ii.w per ba. is paid for goud qualitj-. ( OHM - KriüiTS BOq ]K'r bu. Chickshs - Prowcd 7(3 kt'. Boot In good damand at 20c. ] 1 1 1 1.1 . 10 KT tOB, uecording to qualitj-, Homy- In cap. U I . ütn -Tlic market tonda t 7ffl.8c. Oats- 33.q;3;o. POIAIOm -lilinp rcinlily !.tfl. POXK' En DltiHMlfl h(íís the markot is not ai Hv-ly as last wwi but tbc piics aru Je botter, í 1.7J bcing paid. TUHKEYS - 9@100. Wiikm -The Duokst Ia nol m ry aottve. White vo quote at í!.35í,j 1.40, and ml $1.3(XSl.3S.


Old News
Michigan Argus