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INSURANCE AGENCY. líis Cómpaiile8 Aro Sonixl. pHOiNIX IN3ÜRANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL AND ASSJBT8, .Trtv t,18Tl ....$I,t8C,OO0 CHICAGO LOSSJÍS 750,OIW THE I'IItn.MX i-, thcbest rniuiif. (t-il Flxe Inaóramce Cuinpnnjiíi i'nitcd States. Always prmlrnt aitit toinu!. ;tud ulways proiupt a pa) mout of los tes. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE' CO., NEW VOKK CITY. Tlio (lr?t Company to iüits Iho ordi bf t Tork Insurance Commlfeioncre aloco the chcat;o Pire, coming out fro th severo tost TRITJMPHANT ! Associated Press Dispatch, November 2, 1S71, tui; ixiki.xatton ai, msUBAXOK company. The Superintendent of tbc New York State Ine Department, who is mnkinj; acarefDl oilinéfontton of Itfe Nc-,v Vork City Companlea fo-day, certtflei that the International Company1 atsotgof (1,500)000 are Mcnrty [nvested, and is capital oí (600,1 ( 0, after proTldlng for all lmbiiuh g, Incladlng the Chicago flre, lswholl; Dnimpaired Tliis Company - piyinfi all is (Jincho losses and is sound and rellable. i'óliciesissuedut fair ratcs at my office. Ho. 11 KatL liaron strect, Aun Arbor. J. q. X. Si:sSI0., Agent. IMTtf. JELIABLB INSURANCE ï North Iirïtïsli and Mercantile Insimmce Co. OF LONDON A1VD EDINBUEGH. CHABTERED 1SOO. Capital $10,000,000. 'in Gold! The American Managers of tlio .iliove Company siveathefollowlDgtelogram froin theLoouon lioard : "Subscribe Fivc ThousaiMl Dollars torCUcago uHcer- lotile il ■■■ proüiptly- Draw at Ubree sieli(- Ani i - lean as.sütH ill nat be toached." Springfleld Fire Ins. Co., OF SPKIXGFIELD, MASS. Capital $500.000. TheloisesofthlïCompany, Ijy t li o Chicago lire wlll ba promptlj BetUd bj eoah paymenta mado h theatockholdcM, !eatnK tl.c Company wiih thelr mpltajuairapalred, large aaseti, and an uniuterrn[trd lniHe88. Companlea are sound and reUable beyond i -ibt. lü-ks taken iji theabovc Compontes at ndemiati' rat is, IMttf H" D 1{J:XX1:TT' Alli' gAM. B. REVEJVAUÜH KEEPS ON nAWD .JL. LARGE STOCK OF OYAL AND SQÜAEE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT FRAMES ! OT ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST Go to R. W.ELLIS & (JO's i for choiceWines and Liqunr for Modical Purposes . j UST KECE1YEDL FÍSVILEY LEW83 hivc receivwl a lurge and well-selected Stock of ÏTew Fall Goods ! BOUGHT POR CASH, All of which must !ip soUI insid'e of sfstf d;iys to inukc room for oui' Üeuonij Fall stock. Wc can sbow our customcrs the Cest Kip I3oots ever ln-ouirlit to tl, is uiurkct, botli for men and boy. CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. Wc have thé exclusive sale of J. M. Bnrt's liiii; band-made work - conceded to bc the best work to wc.-ir In the mauket.. Our stock of LAMES' AND HISSES' WORK IS COMPLETE. CW Wc have the exdmivc sülo of (lic flne goods of E, C. Bart, of tlew York, ond Hejmolds Btost, oí Utlea. W: guai cutiré satisftctlon 011 tliis work. 1884 READ THIS I I AM NOW TKEPARED FOK THE FALL TRADE ! r HAVE TME Í.AIlGKSr AX9 Finest Assortment OW GLOTÏÏS OP EVFRY nrcsORIPTION EVER BROUCJ1IT TO TUIS MARKET. EVERYTHrNU NEW, AXU STYLISH FÍT? WARRANTED. AXSÖ A LINE OB1 GENTS' FURXISHIXG GOODS ! wismsa FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING WILL VISO IT TO TI1UTR INTEREST JAKSES BOYD, isistf 24 naln stree PAINTS PAINTS PAIiïTS Oils Of is Oils Varnish Tarnish Varnjsh Brushes Brushes Bruhea MINERAL PAIWÏ8, &c, LOOIC fO YOU1! INTÉREST AND CALL ON E. W. ÈLLIS & CO., BJBFORB PURGHAÖINQ MEAR YE! E. J. JOHNSON HAS A FULL STOCK. OF HATS & CAPS 1 FOK FALL AND WINTER. Also n largo stock of Ltttffes' aiul öents' Fürs! II is STYLES uA.B.E THE LATEST. II i S GOOD8 TITTï: BEST! AND niS PRTCES 'HIE mZ2 IF-aC BK3 m. - BE3tS TT Also a fnll Une ol Genis' Furnislilng Good 7 South Main St.,.Ánn Arboi. A l'Al.öKliEPi RT! ÏIIAT A. A. TERRY ItASGONEOÜTOF TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AKD HAS A LAEGE AND COM PLETE STOCK F HATS & CAPS ! JÜST THE STYLE, ANDAT l'EICF.3 TO SIIT TIIK TIMES. ALSO ;.I. LINK O1;' GKNTS PUftWSHIfTG GOODS! DO.VT rUKCIIASE TOÜB SPHING ANDSÜMMER OUTFITS ÜIJTIL YOU GS-I VE T-IIIvr ACALL. 15 South Main St., Ann Aibci. ísm-tf. AM. B, REVENAUGH, PHOTOGRAPÍÍER RETOUCHES ALL 1ÍIS NEGATI VES BEFOftE PRIKTING, SO THAT iFBECKLE8,M0ïHSANDTAN Do not show in any of his Picturcs. No Extra Charges. TJUY YOUR ClilLDKEX Something Usefal for Christinas, at O. MillenV OiSOPLE'S DKUG STOxvjí R. W.ELLIS& CO. BOIT APVEBTISEKENTF MICHIGAN l.H!i:iE4 BlilOÏ. Ó. S. WOHMER & BON, Dealere :n all kinds of Wood and tion Woiking Machincry. 99, 101 & ÍOÍlFFFlBSÚlfAVE. DETROIT, ML H. 1 OOEXiTZ .V BROTHKR, ■' ii ;; lor In TOYS, YAKKFl' NOXIOWg HOSÏrKY. LACES ANB TElMMIfGS, A]t]9 v B (nr Chüdren's Caniagcs. Batkets & Sleighs No. 8üaud 82 Woodward Ave., Uotroli. C1II1' YOÏJK ÏT'loTa.x fxixcfl "VETlieat roa GILLETT fe lïa.X.L I ;ci'uorr. W ( ii:irnnte hiphcst prlcea, immocüstfl salos.nnil prompt returue. ï& Lilxrral C'nih sdvances. rpo SHIPPERS e WHRAT t ffTesre pt ■■ ■ ' :, Inceflïctïfr Eb h hippers r whoat not srffphfteefl bj Chofeof itny ot&or house, Liberni ad vanees, prompt atteotion and qnlck retuins. JACOB 15EES0N 8c CO., 6(1 V(K) ibTldffe Street, W.t. Detroit f lw'JOHN H. W8NDFLL & CO., XB7TBCXCXi W gimrfttee prompt witna nnd Immedlste retorne VPj ro ablf at nll tiraen to piacd car Lota oí ïiito or Red WIio-iL Lu advjuit uu if shipped in fhronarb line cars. t rclcr to all Bmfefl :ini Comineri-ial Agencies, MUOtl G 18 INB ' ktígke-i jömrsoisr, MA NI EW'ÏTmrr. AXD PEALKft IN Cfirrhtfrs, Huggles anti Hlciijhs, Cor. Iíiruel & Cinx-trcrtx. lal i . t r EASTKKN nnl Home mudo Corriisflfl ftBd Slfilghfl on hand, ot ílnÍ!-]) fl to t)r:liT. An Examination of Stock and Pnce3 Sollcited. TOHN PATTOX ,- R(TN } MannfactQn ra and Dealen in Carriles, líugícies, Sleighs, &c, The finost atsortmrnt !n Michigan, Ksiabií.-lu-d in 1S42. fjotorv OBrn wminiiRiixsi: anti nis' :oiv. '..ri Ji ,TrrMin Aveu .ip , Detroit. 1. H IJ Wf A KL & CO., Nos. 31S". 1 & 217 Wooiiwarti Aver.ue Detroit We 6Ter"eomirote assortmrót "f i ■ Fut nilurr. ! dl-i' i.i-jul'S. A CliU fr( ni bnj soticitod. Wc ar6 inlly .ililc to snit: ;ili J18 to qitillicy 'Uní j'-ii't's. 'e i.ninu'r.a-lr.rc iiiul ui i.ur lüi'uUure, iiitce satUfucttoh. ÏAM SKLLIXG ALI. ÖTTLE8 IIOXJSJKTTOIjr) BTJRTTrrXTRÏl ! u -ii'Y-flTtt! pe? cent les' than any otlier house ín : Dvttoït. l)o nat fall t visit my Snrnltare Wnreroonis. JO8H. W. SMITII, .25(1, 252 anl 2S-1 Kast Si. Ie Woodward Avcnne. F AM., AND WIIfTFIÏ STOCK OP FINJO WHITK AND BORDERED China Dinner and Tea 3ets, Sonic very fine in colors; nlso fino CntGTass: Rogers. Sm''li & Co'8. line l'lnted Goods ! Ivoiy and Rnbber Handled Cntlury, Larje stock of Rtana, Bracfcet and Efanging taups, Ac, &c.. for sak at low pricae bj B. itícCOKIiriK, j i Michigan Ave., opposite New City lïnl!, Detroit. VTETO E?i IN SF.WII7G M&CHTNE8. il The New Wileoo CFnderPeed Sewloe Uchine m:ik's ttic wmne Ktitch as the s'nr-.1:-. Qowo. KT nother higbprice Lock-Stltch Machines, II i.rir, ■■]'!!■! in : II. -iiiil superior In many respecta taking twb premlnm In the State Faira oflS71 over al] othc ■ ' ■ het !ir-t-elns8 machines, Warrañted Bvb vean, ocnd for circulara, B. ('II]Ni:v SON'. Q ïïï WondwMd Av., Detroit, Mlrh. TOH9I II. IOï;HEKÏV. Ifnnnfactareia of PICTURE & HIR110K FRAMES Chromos, KnprraviUKS and l'lioios. At Wholwala. S7JEíTERSO AVEWE, -DETROIT, ITiïfH 111lli0lÜIUi SJtiLEU. UAoatacturei of LOOXING-GLAS8 & PICTÜBE FRAMES G.Ii, Raewoad, Walsol and Ornamental MwHiiigs, mpOEten of Looking Glose Platcs, Chromoa, and ivines. 31 Atwater streot, lïctroit. A' Sc ADAMS, Muiüifact'irers o{ nad wfioleaale rimlera in rUHK WHITE W1NE, ( DBR AN MALT !■:: Kim VINEa ABS II Atwalir strect, West, 1043 i trolt, Michigan, OOTAl'ri Mr:T!'S Bbtant A Steatto . Hkiroit - ic.-tlly taught aftertheüonntlntfHoJBe 8tm, llieonly rneUDd practical ystem for illnstratlng real bosflen, reanlring li.mlis. flores. Business Bonte, Board i' Trade.etc. No lustttutioc over ïookaprimlnm Tor Book-keeplng and Bnslnera fractice aTer this iustltutioo, ncd acy :issertior. to he conti Please addresa as aboye for Mpers and docnmcnU. flHALIJCNG-F I wlll place .iO'J in the v hands ofanj r pnslble party wheuever any BUIIard Table mannfacturcr Is wïlllngto test thu merite r liis BUIIard TaMes, as to duraiilün. exact cuthinns, ]:t: venturing .-i llko amonnt n too decisión, bid 1 fnrther propoe thal the winner ehal if the money w. n by glvlns it Tor some charitable pnrpoee, C. SCHtn-ENBURG, BillUrd Table Mrmufacturer, Detroit, Mlch. rvttï OODS, WHOLESALE. ALBEHT D. P1HUCE & CO., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, ::.. WOOPWARD AVEïtUF, DKTROIT MICHIGAN. A.MPïiKI.I, UHN ft J.r DEAi.rns in DRY GOODS and M1LLINERY 111 & 118 Wnodwftrd Avenue, corner Confirees St Detroltf Mlcb, UltESK HilKINQ .1 SPEOIAiXT. AT 50 Main Street ! HOTTIS WA LZ, GROCER &C0NFECTÍ0iEH nAS A LI, STOCK IX 1IÏS UNE, ANH WILL PBOHFTLT BBRTE THB PUULIC WITII 8ÜGARS, ÏEAS, COFPEJBS BPI0B8, SYR'jrs, CAXDIKS, ETC. Partios Suppliecl WITH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTKIí, OF TUE BEST QUAUTV, VNl) AT TUK MOSTL1ÜKRU, TBBM8, CA.LX. ATSTID S"E13 DHTZlVr BEFORE PTTOSHASINÖ. 1330 inO. OR RENT" A IJESIRABLE STOK E ! And CELI.AR. Alo ono Fino Pron4 Room over ow Store, Nu. 18 Main 8t..frum ist ;?:, 1 5T1. iSnouii f isso-tr 8. w. n a -i -i.sui.t. - s Finest Assortmeni of Toilsi ïoods iji the City,hy 8 S á j i H j j fe ; . 3 a Sí" 1 ? J a SSfSí. V ,y hbs J rfp a ta id s n o fl s oh L 5 - h a N , $b3 O cl, To any pereon produclng anj HwUcise able to showone-thirdaa many livina, permanent cures af Dr . ];Vi -i.!; -' VCQKTARLB ':ii:i'MA'[in RbmXQI ana caso ofChrontc or [nflamntatory Ethenmatism , neuralgia, iï! Al'üi:, Si; ati'Vi. and lí :: :i m.'il !m of i wül nrt cuy. 'Vliis Rh o ma tic S ■ pleasant to the taste and ruaran te frora Lujurloua Droga ir fa nol Qn ick M but the on f '■ t. p. Pltler, Bf. , ])., Professor of Toxlcology and Cbemletry, grndn'atoofthocelobrated ünlvoralty f iVíinviVanin, a i. i B63, whosfl en tire profeseloDal II fc bas been de voted apcclally to thie dheaso. fhla preparation ander solcmu oath Is conscl ntlonsjy lelfeved tobe tbe ocly itooaltïve, rellable, lnfelllblc speclflc cyer d'scovercd, The proof thnt no othet Bpe foüDd in evory comrminity lo persona nffilcted ff irlug. Ifphysiciam YcohM tiv. it, H' ' iro, - afact that ramít be ai ■ ■ Imltted. The oft deceived snffcrer tnay wleely ask, wfaat aecarltj ■■■ncf has he thiit Dr. P!tlerfa Rhenmntic Syrnp wIHcnrobtscasO' Th offerodtotatloa is In h !e[aHj sigued con. tract wnich will be Fbrwarded v. : ■ ;() :.,JV Baffèrer eendlns y letter ;i descrlptfon of affli 'lion; tlii.s gn i motee ivlll stilte ihi' exacl uombr r bötiic.-i warcaatod to care, aod Ln ca e offaUnre the poney pafd wffl b ■ Atlent, No otherremedy haa over boen offerod on ancb 11 bom] nml honoi oble ii-rnis Kfedh al advli i wil h ■ ■ ■ ;ymeo, lic have been cured sftor all oi her trea traen ts have faili'fi, scui by letter. griUe. Aniicted cordiallytnvlted towriíefo ha pitnclual oflice tóSontn Pon Pa. Dr. Fitler's RheumaiicSyrup Is sol.; by Di n : R. w. Elite fe Co%, So-le fr:t:-, nJiArbor, Mlch. SÏmT B. KEVENAÜGiï PHÖTOGRAPHSR MAKES ALL KINDS OF PICTÜRES FEO HE SMALLEST LOCXET TO TUE LIFE SIZE, AND mHSHBSTBEM IN INDIA INK I WTAT-EH COLOBs ! IH A SÜPPERIOR MANNKR. 13tO-ly. NO. 30HIKOSTK1vI:t, T UMB6.JR YARD. C. KRAPF, Ha a afgt and woll utocfced Lnmber Tnri on I ■ heeoatli pari of ''"■'■ ■"■' . üt "i band an excellent variet; f LUMBER,SH!NGLE.S,LATH&C hloh wülbe ■"'! nslow as car be afforded inlthl Qnalltyandprlccnnch that NO OTïE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KBAPF. Ann Arbot.JanuarjïOt, I8T1 986 " PHYSICÏAKV PRESGRIPTIOVS ni.víKi.'i CARBFULLV PREPABED BY R. W.BZLIS é OO.jDBÏtOGI&tJB, glTY YOUR WIFE A HAND3OMB 14WL, SACK OR.DRBSS FOF 4 Christmas Present At V. K. MILLEN'S Chani i-, v Noties. 'Mm [IlCUIT i 'il i;t r,.,r ; Wash■ t li:i . I j[ ' 'm. MAKY PBAVEY, ( , PEATEY, Dcfondnnt. f ■ penringto lii Cotlrtby ! 'l:'vi1 "' innnt, and Lv thcrelio ubove cun e ''■ UTI jr, Die . 1 ■ "'i motton of D. Crnnn r.oi rthi bat tbedefi ndnnt, Mnrtin ■ to 1 ■ enttred . ublrcalion of this order, and in ense of his ■ is ftnv,vtr to the coninlüiriüiiCs 1 -„. 'i..1 ana neo I r! ■ ""'1 I'i i a id ín di; ■ i-l, (u n.v'. aonipluiuunl, within ■ etiryi e ín tho Michigan A rgui, und t'i;. Eutulpul tiuuo for the tam i1 tí irteen Bocee iívi "i each i i iraplmnnnl i copj ni thia ord ir '■ be pemonally bbtVi - . lufti tetón th i! 1 i ï - appeai Oct. i;üi, 1871. R. DBAHAN, Circuit C'oiirt Commi-si r, Washtmm ( 911X11 .Micl.iv;;,!. i. Cahob, J f'rr Compl.iiiiant. fTiiüiicpiy S.'ilo Notico. IN" T' ■ "fthe Circuit Coortfoi the county oí Wiwbtonew, in McNamarn, ■ Conaty n I .. Qi l i ■- en i, one o{ tbe ■ ioners fut i U'nsli' lisell rI pu . ■ oat hid tho citj . Ann ■ . ■ ■ he l'Dll.i-.vJu'j ■ ■ .■i.ii'1 is i:i:.y be müicientü . ; ilucreu, Da;.'. isa. uf tho ii! naw A. -T :;tt. 1 ;., I tito for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CoontyofTVí ■ ■ Til fh' mal ' ■ im pnraonnee oí' ;iu order gnintod ín tht; an adminl . i] Probate for the County of vfc the sixlli díiy oí Nov ;■ . . ot lli; ■ luntyof WnshteniiK insaid Statoon W layof Janvnry, A. I). 1872 o'clook ■ iioón ofthnl .: ■■■ cumbrancw by ot thu timo "f I he doal i oí ■■id dec tin; ríffht of do' . . t: ■ . half r ttte si gaarterof Beetion ñxteen, ta township two mtli of r i! ■■ timr aat, oontAining cighty aci. pr 1' ss. -i . il. NovemberSth, A. 1). 1871. Jonas FU JA Aill:iillitr:lfovs. Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT been m ide 'm the concUttons of aiïMvtcjiiii cxecnted byJ ttra K, Beul ley, jndSa rah beiulcy to I ter the Sth day of Aifju-t. onfl ■ . ttndred ind.;;í of tMe i: . HtcUgan, ti ce ist, A i', i1 . anc recordé ' n i whlch mrt ■ : til bo ame oïne hnndred ■- d i ; --. and th.T y (I "H irr :)■ rti) ;■ ---pr Tldèd In WlW [Dort :ini' :ir law ■ j said - ier of; Notïce itaévefore here -. by vlriae of tbe power of siri taloed Insaid mortacc. nnd of the etatnte En sach cnpo raade and provlaed, thcpstdmorl ■ il liy ;i snit1 cif tho a'u mortgag : AH l'in. pii o! land tl boiuLr In thé townsntpof Nortbffeld. fn tnc Connty of Wflshtenaw, and tate of Michigan kin m d, bonnded Apd described as íollows to vtV : thé northfitbt qnartcr 01 the Bouthenet qaarter f Diimber fifteen, townahlp No. one south of rang Xo bx ■ ■■-'iijül ?nrv.-. . f.iiiiinL' forty acres of !;u;i, DBore or less . whlch ■ ' '.jc at public nu( tïoii, to the highest bMd' r. at tho ïMth door of tho Washtenaw Conuiy Conrt House, In ttre C'ï y i . io'nnty, ftltat bclng the iiacfl ■ the Circnli in the aforesald Cotmtyi jj rfatnrday, tho tweity . day bf Jannary, A. Dí i ':■■ tho fand pïgn hnndred iind sevonty-twOi at ten o'd'iufcin tnc ftnrnoo;i of that day. November 2d, 1871, (]: PER SHTTI.TER3, Mortníree. LawbeokA Fimzk, Atty'ft. for Uortffagee. Bfortgage Salo. D.. lt nn-.-iiifr díh n maac ni the conditlon oí a ■ ■■ rtain mortgtif ■ ..... w 0 Nnrtl fleldj 1:1 tbc county oí WiisJ Michigan, r, the 27th day of April, A. J). l-"(7, t. .-.ill y Arm ! 'ny, uf Superior, 111 Bala COHJlty un i Statt ■ nity o " ishtenuw, thc third uny of May, A D. 186! , 01 ! ■■ k a. ■'. " . on pnge 179 uhi'-li BOÍd mCU I '-■■:.:: WÍW iluly i-iu-ü"! li s. IVheeler, AaniiniKtratox al Bally Ann Pray. lab ■ , Washtciuro I .■..- the I7th 'i;i ■ uary, a. d. 1871 andi he 18th day t' Januari Bï L, in lili 1 _ ■■ ■ ■ note ni thia ■■ I d sonable Solicil nnd t'ur ■ ■ ■■ nt law or :u □ hacl f un ■ ox aiiy :n-! theíeol ; Notice ia lu '■i' snle ■ 1! Btíl t pb M ni 'i next. nt 2 oN Eocli p. m. o ■ . at (Ik1 Cour 1 ii f -e, tn tbc city of Ann Albor, in snii county , thai beplaceof holdins thfl Cttoaü Oonrt í'or tlu Cownty of "Wnshteunw, ftÜ thai certain trad 1 tnnd known, nul 1 1 follows, t wit: ' h 80uthea&1 'ürttr tn towDship iiumocr am Routh in range . lyina ín NortltfielA in the county of Wo8htenawin thc Btato of SÜchi:.,m. Deoemhor 7th, W7I, ITATHA3T IL TRAY. John X. (íott, Igneeoi Uortgngee Attorui ;. tor Aesnee ot ÍIoj . Qíortgage Sale. DEKV Eonsof 1 eert üiti mo ttod by Bolden Mfwin nnt] Ann ■'. M u . i 1 tngdate i!i" third day of m, mber, on and ''i :lit bundred --md ixty-cÍL'lilt am ihc office oí thO Register of Be a tot w . BCichigan, on I tie I D beri -. ; '. 1 ■ , Ín .;!. ■■ ;■' ii, m a I ■' ■ -. m 1 1 ■■ i 1 , on ■s liich murtaige thorc i-- clalmed to be dne tho smn J Attorney's fee oi twenty-Üvo '■ ovided in :■ ysooeeding it la m instituted ti recover tho debt by BAid moi : Notioe thereC ■[■'■ tioreby fíiveii, thut by viríue oí thepowci mtainea in said mortgngpi :1I(1 oi te and pro idea, BhaU sIi o ouction, trt tíie higheat bidder, at the eouth I i he Washton . in thc ■■ ing the holdine the CireuU Cout 1 fiorsnid ootmt HatnrdaT, tln autteenth day of Haxch, A. 1). eleven oclock k.h of said day, tho pïem in aaid mortfage, to-wit : A strip of tandoni and foorteon links vide, and extosdjng acrosa the northeast quartoi oJ seotion twenty-ono, in tovnship tutnof r:uijic iive t'ast. in waahtmaw connty, -ilo of whieh scven rode ensi i the nul the BÓde ■.- ñteon chaina and weet of thc east I10W qaarter lino, ooninining foor and 63-400 aeres, mor'1 oí tena : atoo i tion twenty-two, same town and 1 : The S')i' h BJxteeo cliiiins : ■ T11 1 ; ■■■', k-v.' y-nii" iinka wi . 1 ninety-nine links along the aouth aide, and seventeen chaina and nin og the north sideof the pieoe, In theiresl hÜ ! thesouthwestquarter of scetion twonty-two, coni.iii,;:i tl u Marin and Ajm f. Kfarvfninuid ■uusty of Washt naw at the time sald n mode and ex cuted. Dated,Ann A MILÁN GL0VER, Mort) CELINDA &LOVER, AdminiftI), Cb '■ tratrix of aai Attorney forsniil A bc, tSAS TpAMILTES W Iphing ui besnppired wlth ITirïjiv tpí;u];iH ivill Bamfl :it my oiïïco, ■or Ihiroi, :nnl i'iTtfl Ktri-uts. N. B. 00L3. A NN AK15O11 AND LOÜI PLANK KOAD COMPANY. The annml meeting of the he Ano [cetion ■ r . 1 '1 !a day of J;mii,iiy, ■ ' (lny. JOfl irer. NovcmhtT 2(h, 1S71. Wd ld GotoR,W.ELLr?& CO's fortrictiy Pure Drugs and WedicmeÊ.Paints Oils,&c. _. , .. ,- í Estáte of Priscilla i , STATE OFMUHHi ., "■ ■■'■ nnw, uoldi n al ll,e i . ' ' ' ti,,,' Yvw' i.JndmifB . i.. "a ' $ ing the petiüon, fla, ■ ' ■ Allen, praj Ing ii,.,t '"f Ihw, 1 ... ',' i üi ordertd, u,;,( ym „1 c-xt, atieno'olocñl modfortheli ,„ ■ ' & ■ Sas ■■ i"Wj.BJ1 WXCHIOAN, ConmT ofv WMhtennw, ■ Lrlw on ■ i ini . ., ocvc-nt] uding and fllins thepetitioo.írt, Jl W.lli,,, II.. 1 ■ ■ ! " uktl, ilim Moidm ti Jaunnry 1. " ■''%. n.,,,n, I iiiulth . mi ol kikI C'ouri Uim ïiB?. ■llOWCIlMC, if :iuy lluro lie. ■■■■- uiint , ■ : iind cinmrating .,: ' . ! Conunins OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Counl U At (.(■■A;. '" '!-■ '■■!■ 0111 Uiuúsanfl 2?! I u'l and Beventy-onc. I the matter of 1! state „, , ... ing and aiiüR tho petition ilnlv,. Ciu.mliaa, tlm'ff"1! " - ■ ie i otJcred, tl..: ■ 111 Xt Ml Tin J , ! ! : ' A11.I I ■-'' iW I to ihe i'T-i.n.intaaufa ut o{ wid ]■ nf," tlii'H of, 1 y cuimi - -t ,.,,,n i j ■ : ■ (■■- .x-l-j-.j HIKAMJ.BlAns '"'- I Estáte of Eliza Janu üsgol i. 1 - ■ i.m.,: ■:., L'r„l,i:L.( ot Washtenaw, holden it tlij X-1..I ■■■ ■ A1111 ArUir. on Hatimluy, tUctiSik da, ot November, in the rear ono ore -iti'l ueventj -one. (. !!■ ikos, JudgcotFl ii the mntl -.■ ■ I tlie Ëatrtto of tlira.Jm'fcj I eadinKand filingtho i.'liiiun, dulrioélil '.n.l, AdminUtntor, jnjnfu ma, be liccn „S " il u ordered, Tb:it Mffir, fc 'llly "■ ' -t. iit ten o'tlfxk in Ibe (tron ing of süic ■ thal il e hcirs al lai .'ihIíaI !-i;-4 iin: n-iuin'lvvir. ' ilt il sc -:.,n ut --lid 1 ui. ,1, sp.,L ii, hollB.S e inlir... in City of Ann Arbw aÍ4 be, why the j.-.yiTf the'vBK I should not bc gr.mtcd : Ai :'.iimifc il 1. '■ to tllC ] ' ■'■■o, Mi rte xu I ifl in the Mi-!ny:i I 1 ■■ r lisas I Clllatinp ir: ,-.ii.l i 'iy. i' 111 miuMHIuL I 1 I daj 1.1 beiiring. A trueenpy.) 11ÍKAHJ.B1 1SS] Eatate of Gottleib : ■ OTAT ■ ■ : A N , ( „iiiity nf WUMr,E 17 Al :l ■ i'f 1 . City ut 1 -i 'ibA ldcerier. ,;lfeIiii[ttii uf eaid decetued, oom nul ivuamht I ho wnowpr pared to render his flnal uxntá Adminitiitov. apon mi!' r. -i, íH.t Taeaclay, tt w it .l;inu:H next, at 1 nining nnd dn1:1!. ;ind ! 1 and ]u.-irs at law 1 DtOXtStOd II iliil 1 ■ . tbc lïiyoIJM Arl "i. i:i su;il County, iind 11 nlil not K-all if istii; '1 tho ] '.r'. ■■:■■■■■: il. ;iii) cauaing a copy of this onlci to ■ , iMichign ■'vvp.iiiev piintra ftd (iniif ,, three öikc uooilud .: :;::. copy.) HIUAM.T. 1 i'i.'il -: - : ■ Estáte of Alphen Wow CTATEOF MICHIGAN, County of msMWJ ■ Noticeia i ■i.'liy rivcn, thiii liy anonierlj Probiite Couxt for tnc County of Wiwlitnia." tweifth iluy of 1' montlu ttom tlwtdntcwere iillmi-fd fiireaBjJ present their ahuma ngaii 'e üï V ! , l;it i ■ Of SUÏd OUUI] . ii UW W m of suid cccoscil axx rr.iiiil tepjj their clulrau to nid ■■ut. ut the n1 a the Cityof Vim Arbor, t"m i-xai iu;. nul that such cluims will be liennl "? Coiirt, on E . mi V&dnosday, the Il"''f5j June next, at lOo'olöck in the foiwioun ola ■ . l'a.i il(Auu -Vrbur, l)(cri]il.(T Ulii.A. i UIl'.A.M ■■ IIEAKB 1-V JuilsCOfB" Conunissicmers' Xotico. STATE OF itlCHIO IN, i1 ry "t ht!'- I!.. tl, hoving Itecn :itrointpt'f lid county, ' ■ I jidjiisi :ill r!;lil pel ■ ■, !.-.;!. llVTubj 1-'V1' ""ïji mout lis from ilutr aílr. . -&l bnte Court, "' orediton to piwcni t"ífcj meel atthestoreoï ■' ...■■- n. V:illa',iiilL ïpsiloDti, ijl 8íiid oomity, on ituniay, .j d;iy oí February, and Tticalrtir, tbc imn-lh 'Wï a [■■vi. ai tan u'ckMk . %:. ol eiu-h ofs! receire. exomimc, mi I uJjnsi ;iiiï 1 1 imberbfA. D 1871. ,IAMI N.WA1 i.. Ii. .-!.. ISSbH Contó Commissioners' Xotico. STATEOF M [CHIGAN. cmin all ■ ■'-':'■ ■'■ lid countv dcoeased, hen by ti" 'fzTjfk I sixragnl 'Í4M ewliior tu j-u'-cnt I" j j agniosl tho esto hiuíi. ;:: . on S.itiirduy, the ü il:iy of February, nud mi Tucsday, l'!C a0É lay of .lulu1 ïuxt, at teno'olock . '■ ' j, Ijiy.. to n'i-'ivi'. exaininC] ;i"' . lSlh A. IX 1!. , VI..nE THOMAS Sllrrifi-.s S '].■. (NTATTC OF MICHIÖAN, County of '"''fju O By virtue f -i wiit "f executinn '"? ÍL(B na i Uw aenl of the Circuit Couit fn'.Mf W;,-li: , Stilte of Miphi ! i I . ,-ih, A. ]. 1871, imd to me diiw'w , „,. lliam M. Brown, (tefcn , .ii üic lwnty-nintlil:iv w J5 for tbc want. et' gtXKia nul ehilttclPi jm0 ■ 11 riirli!. and iutai -. '!nt Willis ■ ï:: tl0 :..i!nw :■:■- ■ 'kW 'vit' EID'8 AiMi'.ii'll to tlic 'rZjjf ,urter il ikh I Im't 5S3 I ,..!i. uu! sntHhi'.l-t ■ ■ marter of aection ten, all in ' L, ft I luv sl.ülliif . ituutcd üi the township l vilhi ■ ;;■ ' „ „ '■■ . [ shnllesgpooe i"i - iinuarj-, . D. 1872, i ■ ■ Dated,AanArbor, l o.ïil. ln. skcrill By ro ■ ' "'■',1 Sheriff 's Sale. ■ ity-tliircldij ' i.icb :_ hiisio tho folJowiiiir clcscrilcd . nlth!i-ty.-vi-ii links wsi 1 i! octiontv n I nnc-hiill rlctfiti ' ' ivod' dtwenty-Bvelink, totta plaoe " v i., n ii'i; ,;,,.; I ho citj , si.iturf.iy, the twcnl p, A. T). 1S72. '■ ■ ■


Old News
Michigan Argus