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The Profits Of Martial Law

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Wo have a curious document, a vory curious document, considering that tor six long years and over the war drum ha ccascd to throb in this part ot' the grea world's federation, said documcat being an account currunt of the expenses of a late scoundrel pioce of martini law in Toxas. To explain, itmust be remeinbered that in tho fate of one of the four Republican candidates for Congress from that State in the election held thêre Octobcr 3 - 6 last, the high-tariffand Protoction intercst8 of Ponnsylvania and Massachusetts wore much concerned. Tho individual in question is a little carpetbag croature ftom Hartford, Conn., a most unflinching friend of the "White House and a suro vott; for any tariff swindle. The district in which this boing ran was tho Third Texas, and tho vote theroiii atood gome tour thonaand majority for the Democratie candidato. This majerity hinging on two counties tho liepublioan Executivo, Govornor Davis, proinptly doclared uiartial law thorein on tlio 9th of Ootober, three days after the election, ordered his standing army to take poseeasion thereóf and ordorod a lovy oi 190,000 thoreon to pay the expenses 0Í tliu foray. November (ththe Legislatura adopted reaolutions disapproving tliese peiformanctis, " as being unuecessary to the -iLils oí jmblic justico md uncallod for," and soon theroaftur the Uoviü'iior issned his proolamation revoking his dtjelution of in;n ti:il law and instructing his blood-honnds to make rport of thuir collections of tax so fur as prooeeded in. The I eport made in accordanco hero with is the account curront of seoundrelism to which bi the beginning of this articlc wo rot'er. It appears that the Exeontive henohmen before stopping in their neforioui prooeedings, oolleoted tho sam of $23,746.16 wheroof somo 22,O00 woro distributud among oortain major aml brigadier generáis, oolonols, and majors in the State standing army kupt on fopt by tho Kepubliean Qovernoi of Texas, i;i a time of profound p ace, in oontempt of the Ftderal Coastitution. The; mansar of the oolleoüon of the tas we learn otherwüe than froai the official report in ono caso, for instance, a ptóof finemules, for whioh the owne had just paid 300 in go'.d, w.!S iaken on', and tho same evetting, after dark, put up at auotion and knooked down to gome friend of the State idministration at $103 in greenbaoks, Iu jther casca liko personal property, fino saddle horses, plough mules, earriages, ie., w m taken off und jmt up it vendne vitli only just enoiifh notiOe to let the tfi.;Í!il hsTpíes in. As ono of Un; m:]ijorhood papurs says: "Seoitíg tfieit jroperty tlius liablu to sactinoO, ilml faere being (great beaTens!)no app .1, na citázens, with rare exceptiona, comtlied with tlio demaud, whatever it ni'Utbo, to escapo witli lifu and hoiae


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