
New York, Jan. 2. The past week has boen raainly occupiec in settling up affairs for 1871, consequentl; tratle lias received but partial attcntlon 'l'o-iluy the resnmptlon WS8 general ani active. Aliuost aii classes of dealers set on witli satlsfactlon ! -r the past mul hope ib the future, In Qnanclal circles thure is greiit actlvity on accunnt of the disburse ment of the half-yiuïy dlvidends aml In terest. Even C!iicao comes to time Money oponed easy bat elosed firm at 9 pc cent. Gold is weak at 109). Sterltoj exchauge lOOá. Cotton has advanced to '-'O's and wiiol contlnalng scarce and flrm all kinds of dry goods have an advincin tetuluncy. Breailstiill have an lmprove tone: in flour thcre Is more doluy and a fair inquirv whicll inilicatea that tlie lowest prlcM ure BappoMd to have been leached Wheat active and blgher: white western, $1 ö:J@l.Ta,i.j; red, $1.S71J(8; amber (1.60(1(1.64. Coro higher and active : new western TTMTD'Ó. Oats active t a allght ad vanee; western, in store, 55@55)j ; afloat, SS@rC. Provisions steady; me" pork, $18.3B'?18.8lW; neiv, 14 50 spot iud 10 April. Laraflrm; steain, !)■ kettle, 9W89%. Dressed hogs ciosed lieavy at 5%gt5Lf. Western butler 15@ JJ ; Èiijs, :ü(iJ3-l. Cl-eesedull at 11@U Hio coffee IJo, gold. Djstroit, Jan. '■'. li is not hazarding nmch to say that learly all classes of stapte joods touched )ottom beton the arrival of the holidays, uul that 80 days henee buyersofdry goods, ïardware, j;roceries, and perhaps other ar ticles, will have to pay more for their purcliases thao uow. Such, at least, appcars to be the opluion of tverybody and that iable person is generally correct. In I i-.occrles the uuost. uoticcable featuj-e ís thg j ftnneM of Hio coflee ; prime Is yet Jobbeil y sorac houües at 24c, but recent bttyer x iimili'.o totolear tlicmse'.ves at tliat ■Pirr iiml nsk 25. Bweets nrc morcsteady. ugHfii llave no particular Btrcngtli, but yrnps itti! molawKS, hoving gonc ihroagh !ic w som of specutatlon, "corners," iVc, re noW on a ateady basis, Rice and pico hnvo irpward tendencles, bnt fish oi)i ilmvn. A llttle marKlog tip lia tnken tlare on rnttoti ;"(5 gdftable for spring vi :i Iron "ooM-i, it. is saiil. must, np. {r'nisi nfï-i have eoDsWerably lm pro ved week air. Flour 's no htgber bot leid wlth more confldeoce. Clioice to :imy winter, f6.7ö@730; intcliuiu, 0a (!."(); 1 v irvade, $5a6.75 ; Wlscoiisin sprinfr, 660a7.00; Minnesota do $6.75a 7 25. Wheat took n jump tlils mornlng, the market oloslnt' bnoyant and wlth iree litivcrs ut ralos 2(?i3c botter tlian Inst Wednesdsy, l'xlr:i ■■ntcd at 91 62. No. 1 ivliite sold at $1.47J, and w virv etrong. Tïvmlwell solri at fl 46 For No 1 iiinber fl-41'í wiM bid. Coni n finn at B8o for mixed and 54a86 Tor ycllow. Oats nbont lc lower ; scller 42c, buyer 4Ic. No. 1 barlej 1 u 1 1 at $1.60 per cenüil. JJye stoarly at TÖabOc por bil. Applcs Ilrm at Y2 90 per bbl Benns finn at $2 '2ni2 üil per hu. Botter cxtrcinely dnll : fresh roll. 2Oa22c. Clover seeii lias toucheil $0 25 dnrlng the we?M ; to-day (5 was the bent offer. Drewed lio'rs : sales ofabcut 100 at iti; (5a690. Drled appTex seady ;t 8i8}c. Ente, 27a80c Polatocs lirin at$5by lood. Tallow 7}c, Ara Abbor, ThubadaTi Jim í. Ai'i'T,Efi--fnc per bu., with littlo doinp. Ji JXTF.n- Tr.ulí' i good, 20 t 22o beSng paM for mil. Büok WBAT- Commonda $1 pet bo.j witb 11 tendón ry npw.iiíl nthCT QmD olhi rwisi1. Iïkans - .l.fl por bu. i p-iM tor gtxxl quality. ( '■ ii:n - J'rinj?s flOn per bu : H0- Dresstd 7@Sc Kff;w- Tn good donand nt 30o. fl'l'i M pet fon, nccording to qoatity. IIoncy -Ín cap, i m;irküt staiuls ut 7(8c. O 98 Vo. I'. 1 1 1 ' ■■ Brinft rcadilv si. 00. P'MtK Tn ! IiuwmmI 1h"wïs thr markf is not fvs HveU as last wtxlí but the priees are öo botter, $4.75 beinj, paííl. TrilKETR- 9-10fl. Thn rnarkot is not vory acíive. White w quottí at $l.3'a 1.10, nnd rcl fl.SÜSX.W.
Old News
Michigan Argus