Illustrations Of Scripture

torday I saw a camol go, in Cairo, through the oye of a noBtllo, that is, tho low-arontd door of an inclosure. Ho must knoei and bow his noad to croep tlirough, and thus the rich man must humble himcolf. Seo liow a falso tran-slation spoils a gjo.1 mutaphor, and turns a familiar smile into a fon elf uíly communist sentiment Old Jacob's ipeech to Pbaraoh rcally made me laugli - doa't bj shockcd- bcoauseit is so oxactly like wliat ftPellah fays to aPasha: "Few and cvil havo been my days," etc. (Jacob b;:ing a most potnpous man) ; but, it is m.inners to say nll tint. I feel quito kindly now tow; r l Jaco wliom I used to thiuk ungratjful and diacóntented. l-'n.teoich, with pledty of buttor, is wliat tbe three men whocame to Abraham ato, and the way in whioh, Abraliam's ohief mcmlook, acting as irrl,;,!, manag93 Isaac 's njani-igo with Ehubecca, is pvec'isely wl at a man in lus position would do
Old News
Michigan Argus