
1 USX ltKCJÜ VHÜ! FIRILEY c LEWÏS have reccivcd a targc and well-seleetec Stock of New Fall Goeds ! BOÜGHT POR CALH, AU of whlch mast bc soUl tnslde of sixh days to niiikc room for our Öecond PftlJ stock. Wc can show our customers the J3est Iv i p Boots ever broiTght to tliis inarket, both for mcu and boys. CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. Wc have the exclusive sale of J. Af. rïnrt's flue band-made work - conceded to bu the best work to wear In the inarket. Our stock of LADIES' AND MISSES' WORK is coMPLBrrE. : KW We have the exclusive sale of the fine gooils of E. O. Hurt, of New York, and Reynolds Bros., ol Utica. We guaran tee cntlrc satisfaction on thls work. L384 READ THIS ! I AM NOW rREPRED FOR THE FALL TRADE ! I HAVE THE LAROEST AD Finest Assortmcnt CLOTHS OF EVERY PESCRrPTION EVER BROUGHT TO TI1IS MARKET. KVERYTIIINü NUW, AND STYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A LINE OP GENTS' mum GOODS ! EVEBYBOD"? WIsniNQ FALL AND WINTER CLOTIIING WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL ON JAMES BOYD, 13l3tf 24 Main Strcc FAINTS PAINTS PAIjITS Oils Olla Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushcs Brushes MINERAL PA13ITS, &c, LOOK TO YOÜK INTEREST AND CALL ON R. W. ELXIS & CO., BfiFüEE PUECSHASÍNQ
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