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BUSINESS DIRECTORY, I '.es & WlinDEN, -20 outh Main rtrect, V igp r or, Mlcli-, wholesfllc and retail doalQonilft. Carpeta an:l (rocertes. I ""' !J5Uf "",. ijk ), AL'i'iit for the Pinkie & I.yon I 'viriur" Sewhij Machine Tl)j nrii tilnit, ''., ruJ1e -vandm ko the lock tltrtl No. 7 CïfaSWee AnnArbor. i?-(y ■VírKÜrsCH-MIO, Déniers In Ooods. iXieertea.Croekery.ic. No. 5 ïuuth Main 1(TBmsllM 1.. 11. B., Kesidrnccniid Office lis,) is corner Willianïs and Thompso. i Strcets. lL-'' oflicc liours l to 3 v. k. I11" 1264 luíaME'' niKKAY, Roofer Pire nd I II ï(cr Pn'. Wt ?1 lAomposIlloii Gravel o ;o order siadéirranted. Bcsidenceon ;reet, Ann Arbor. 'iTvr7v:t.L.lS & CK, Drucpista un? dealers 1 H, ;n P. lots, oüs, etc. No. ■! South Main í tret. Iplrtwr. bt H. JACKS(( Denttot MiecessortoC. ü. II Poner. OfflYe coroer Main aid Huron slir-cts, ,,( rtnre of H. W. tailn ft , Anu Arbor, j,j. ,nctllictScii adminislrrid if reufred. „ f. HHEAKEY, SI. ., Physicían fcd IfiilBreeou. ülHc t realdenco corner of lluiloa8treeta first door just of Prcsbyr.uCbarcta . Ann Arbor, Mich. p . JOIIXSOX, Dculcr in Hntn and Caps, r;nv íimis Gente' Furnnhin; Oooilg, Ho ; outii Main treet. Ann Arbor, Mich. ITHKIM.AND WMEDON, Lir.' umi Qfto Iiïkurauc' Asenta :d (lfa)er?in Jical Esiaic. ij.on Hnröfi Ltroot. rÊwWcrisiW, Delr in Hd,viie, Uonae liiug Ooodis 1iuWare,&c. . Maiu Blrcet. jufH 1ABEL, Dealer In Dry Goods GroDetrici. ie fcc.Xo J Saaik Muúi ííreot, Ajm 1MT. UtfMük A SH!, Gr"cers, Provisión and ? tiramtaion McrcVants, and dealers in Water tit.Unil Piaster, aud IMaslcr Paris. No. 10 Eat l;wuirei't. SOXUIIEIJI hoSeta'c .ed Hetail Dealer 'o Hedi' Mde ('lüthius;, l.'lotds, Cussinien-s, iíi:u;a.aiilGüal'8 Furuishiiis' Go.ds. No.9Soutn fia Sirect. U i.KR, Dealer in Ready JUde(3othII iug,' l'ith. Cualmeres, Vestlosa, Bats, Caps, !,-ink?,t'arpet Bas, fcc. l outh BlaiD street. il.MOItl í. iJSKK, Ho.ikíclliT nurtSta- M'dcciti irfMpr and College Text BoolUt WmltaMom ttf4u. No. 3 Jíortü Main pttl. Grrgorj fííock, Ann Albor. raSLEV c I.F.W ÍS fteo)ejvn Boots, Shoe, V Utcrn, S ippers, tc No. ' Bast Hjtron ttrect, IMbor. i WOAH W. CHEEYEK, ArrORNET AT LAW ! 01 wiüi E. W. Morgan , Knet slde or Conrt Honsc tfm. 1331 Í.P. SCHAEBEBLË, Teacher f Mude. G' insiiut-lioii im the PIANO, ViCÜN AND QUITAR, cii oficc, K. 7 South Main street, CMoorc Wdiog),orat the reiidcncc of the pupil. PIANO TUNINfir, fcliíispeoialiiy ftird ealiefaciiou guárante ed; 1324jl MEOCKEK Y. ' M.ASSWARE & GROCERIES, j. & Donnelly? Httein atore alargcstock f Crockury, Glnppwarc, flt!dWare,rutlery Grocenen, &cM ce., all tobe íoMiíannsnally kw prices. Uo i Eabl If'jrou Street, Ann Arbor. fftt J, & I. 0OIVNKLLY. ÍOUN' G. GALL, DEAEJl I3ST fim AND SALT MEATS, I.AUIJ, SAISAGES, EU„ Ordcrtsolïcited and promptly flllod with thcbcst wil in the msrktt. 31 Kast Washington street. laAtbor, Sept. 16th, 18Ü3.. 13?;.tf Mnnufacturcr of 'WtUCES, BltCIF.S. M.UBF.R WAC0R8, SFK1 U U.N. llhUS, Sl.tK,US, kt. All vnrk wuriantrdnniie bc-it matcriar. Repair :-one promptly and rc3ton,tl)!o. AM work wnrWíítogiTeptrfectsati.fíCliol]. 6i S uth Main Manatactnrcrof Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, "OSLEUJHSof every Btyle, made ortin: best Vul, and warranicd. Horse shocinf; and Rer"J! done promptly and prices rensonablt. """Sireet, ue.-ir It. K. Depot, Aun Arbor, Mlch. D&C B. PORTÊ7 ÖENTIST. lliutheS4VIN0S BAHKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. 111 Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMKÜ WITH CARE. "SURPASSED PACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE IK ÍHTIib ARTIFICIAL TEETH, TO GIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL; lr"ftkc proper Mire, thapt !, color, firmntnand n.a al ezpretsion. 1244 Q# C JENKINS & HRANDOLPII WHITE, M. D. DENTI8T8. C5SEK OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. AU Operations peiformed in the Most ThorougU and Scientific marnier. "Itrous Oxide (Jas constantly on band, ''lmlnlsterecl with perfect safety. _ IWM.jl. YHEN YOU WANT FINE PIIOTOGRAPHS, no to HM. B. REVENAUGH, N. 30 lluroii Street IIVE ÖBB8B FEATHERS ""yon hand and for aleby


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