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Important Railway Conference

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The ariivals iu lUis city of ropresentaliv, s ui' the inariagera int of the ronnsylvahia, tho Tolo lo, 'fiffin and Eastern, tho Mansfi.'M. Coldwator and Lako Michiirtm, the Flint & Pere Marquette, and the Toledo. Ann Arbor and Northern Railwuv Companies, for the purpose of Conforöuoe with tho '.Toledo Railroad Trus toos and with eaoh othor in regard to impon ling and pvojooted conncctious at this point, were announccd in yestcrday's CotnmfirciaL Th ■ buñnoss of tho visit was ontcred upon at the Oliver IIouso on Wednesday evoning, and oontinued through the forenoim ot' yestotday. Tho main points souglit tü be sottlcd by the eonferenoe wero - 1. The routo to bo finally adopted for tho Toledo, Tiffin & Eastern from t;he tangent of the Dayton & Michigan trtick on the oast side, to the proposod bridge across the rivor to tho dopot on Ash stroet. 2. The ternla on whieh tho new roads ft-om Michigan símil uso the track of the T., T. & Ü. Eottd from thë Michigan line to the city. 3. connections and relations with referenoe to tratlic shall bo ostabüshjd betwecn tho gimo roads. Without stopping to detail the process by which the conclusión of this oonferonco won; roaohed, wo may stato tliem ■ubstantially as follows: 1. Mr. Thomae A. Scott, speaking for tho Pennsylvania Company, which is to oontrol tho new Eastern Road, approves, fully, the location of the bridge, depot giounds, &O-, in the north part of the city ; and in that connection is in doubt only whethor tho route from tho tangent of tho D:iyton & Michigan Road to the bridge shall be the ouo selected by the Board oí' Trustees, approaching tho river from the roar of tho sixth ward, or the ono along the oast bank of the river. Ilis present inclination is cloarly in favor of tho lattcr line ; but for the moro ready dotermiuation of thfl question, he has directed tho preparation of tho requisito engineering data. '.!. It was agreed, by Mr. Soott and the officers of the Toledo, Tiffin cV Eastorn Eoad- (1) that the Plint & Toro Marquetto and tho Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Koads Bhall iu coinmon nse and jontrol tho trnnk between the depot at Ash stropt, and the Michigan State line; (2) that depot acoommodations shall be furnishod for said roada at the former point; and (3) that thoy Bhall havo the froe and common use of tho bridge and the main track to the oommon point of transfer with tho Lulco Slioro, the D.vyton & Michigan, and the Atlantic & Lake Erio Koads, on the east side of tho river, the latter privileges to be subject, of course, to an equitable rental. These points seem to dispose of all questions liküly to interiore with mutual, amicable aml ad-vantageous arrangemonts betweon the Eastern and Northern Koads, and to settlo a matter of the gravest concern for the peoplc ot' Toledo. It will bo borne in mind that a conneution between the East and South and the Nörth, such as is thus arranged for, has from the flrst been a leading and chcrishod object of tho peoplc of Toledo in tho expenditure l which thoy aro now making ; and the prospect of so happy a result will be rerj gratifyingto them. Tho only gröund for doutt in the caso rested on somo uncertainty as to Mr. Scott's views in the premisos ; but when hc so frcely declared his policy to be "Free Trade in Raüway traffic," and that ho was willing to takc his chances of commanding business on equal torms, the wny to a satisfactory arrangement soomod open. We nnderetand that W. Ii. Webber, Esq., Director, upon behalf of tho Flint & Tere Marquette, aml Dr, S. H. Douglass, l'rosidcnt, on i of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Nortnern Koads, werc entirely satisfiod with tho basis agroed upon. In addition to tho conclusions above meutioned, Mr. Scott gave some indications of his policy in regard to his Toledo connection, which will interest our citizens. Ho suid ho oontemplated tho construction of a bridge ocrosa tho river above tho present Lake Shqpe bridge less he should unitc with uie Dayton & Michigan Koad in tho one proposcd by it), with a view of a conncetion with tb e Eoads on the Middlo Ground and the establishment of a passenger depot in that vicinity. Should this be found practicable, he would tlieu like to connect euch depot with tho ono on Ash street by tho means of a track to be luid in the bed of the oíd Manhattan Canal Though not yet decided upon, Mr. Scott expressod a 8trong inclination for this arrangement. He says his plans aro to be with referenc,not toany trado that may nowbe in Toledo, but to that which is so oertain to be found here in the future for which Bailroads are being built. The data requinte for deciding and arranging tho details of tho matters here nauied will at once bo prepared, and it is expeutcd that within ten days or thereabouts we shall know more about them. In this conncotion we aio glad to be able to stato, on tuthority of Dr. Doug lass, that the Toledo, Ann Albor & Northern Company wiÜbepreparedto pontract for tho construction, t'umishmg and running of its road, within ten days from tho time at which the arrangenionts abovo namod are definitely made. The sibscription of stock requisito to this has been made, and the parties prepared to close the contract. Not only so, but the same partios pvopose to couünue the road nortli to 0wo9O.


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