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1. Wxr.Ksií, TroprUior. K. 11. MrpMiin A Co., Druggfou A Gou. Afi-nu, Kn Knuiciiw, ChL, mxi 34 Oinniereo tlrcet. N, Y. BIIIiLIpNS ear Teatlmany i thelf Wond er rol Curativo KfFccieu Tlicy wc not avile Fnncy Drink, Made of Poor Kuin, Vliifkiy Proof Bplritfl n ml K liisc IjI(iuoim doctoree!, splcod find iwflfttenod to pliaifi 1 1 : . t tOBtCOallod "'l'unii;," "Appctizers," "itcstorers,''&c.t tliatlead ihetipplerontoiinmkenncRsniídniin.buturn a truc Mpdicitie.mmlc fromtheNntivc Rootfl and Jfcrhs of CuliforTiia. free from nll AlrolioUi: StiimiIiuils. Thoy rxretheCKEAT ISI.OO!) ri'KIFfERnnO A MFE UITING l'ltINCH'lE, a perfect lïcnovator nmt Inviiiorutnr of. tltu BystolD, curry ing off all poisonons nmttor ntid rcntoriiiK theblootl td ft heult hy conüiioii. No person enn tftkc tliOM Uittcis acoording to dlrectlony ami remaln long nnwoll, provldod tin ii bones are not Uestroyed by minMB] potaoti nr othor mc:ins, and tlio vitul orcftns wnstcd bojond the mint of repnir. Tliey ii re n Gentío I'ttrantivr nu wolf nm Touit', . bIso, tbO pecutfar ment of octlng as a poweiful npent in li-lirvin Üutigeatlon ur Infiummntton of tlic I.iver, nml all theVisccral OrRans. FOK PEMAI'E COMPJ-AINTS, Inyonngor old, itwiTlad or singlo, n.L the tlawn of wonianhood orat Uic Lurn of lifc, Uiesc Tonic Bitters have no eqtud. Foi Indainnintory mul t'lnouic Klieittnatin in n ml ïnti, DypepKin ur 1 1 1 I Ju est iou lïiHous, Kt'tnitteut nixl Intornill trut Fcvt'is, DÏNcnscn of lln lilood, Uvor, Kiliirys mul lïlacUler, liiUci'H liave been most Biicccssful. Surii DÏMonncM nrc cuiisod by V it iiitcd Jllootl, w"hlc1i isjjencrally protluccit by der anc;c ment of the Difirntivr Orcrnni. PVSPLPSIA OK INDIGESTIÓN, Hcadnclic, Pain in tbchouhlcrs, CoiiRhs, Tiglitness of tlio Ohi -'. Dizzincss, Sour Eructatioos of the Stnmncb, Bad Taste In the Moutb, líílious Attacks, Palpltatlon of iho Hcart, IiiÚaminatíon of tbc hungs, Pain in tbe reeions of Ibc Riüneys, and a huudrod othcr painful nyuiptom, aro tho ofïspriiiffi; of Dispepsia. Tbey inviorato the itomach atul sïimnlatc tho tori'fd Liver and Uuvrels, which reodcr thera of uncquiillud efllcacy in cleansine tlic blooj of all impurltics. and impartfuf new life and vigor to tho whole F.ystem. POR &tL TS IISEASEí5,Í3riiptions, Tetter, Satt Rhoum, Blotchcs, Spots, Pimples, Pust ules, Boils, Carbiiocles, Rin-Worms, ScnUt 11 end. Sorc Eyea, Erysipolas. Iich.Hcurfn, Discolorations of tho .Skin. Il u mors nml Discases of tho ík in, of whatov'r name or nature, aro litcraUv dug up and carriod out of the system In a short time by the uneot tltese Bitters. One bottle in such caaes willconvioco the most incrodulous of thcir curativ: cffects. Cleauso the TltUtod Blood whenever you find its !mpuritiea buretijis throughtho akin in Pimples, Eruptlons or Sores; cloanse it whon you fiud it obstructed and slugffish in tho veins ; cleanso ít when it is foul, and ymir fcc-llnss will teil you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the hcalth of the BYBtem will follow. Pin, Tnpc, nud oihei' Wornis, hirkin? in tho system of so inany thousands, aro elToctually dostroyeii and removed. Says a - distiniruifihed phyaioloeist, there ib acarcely an imlividual upon the face of tho earth whose body i exsmpi Trom the presence of wormp. It is not upon the healthy element s of tho body th at wornm exist, but upon the diseatifd humora and slïmy deposita that breed these living monsters of diseane. No System of Medicine, no Termifugres, no ajitheltnintica will freo the flystem from woniis liko these BiTtors. J. WALKEK, Proprietor. R. n. McDOXALD & CO., Druirpiists and Oen. Aconta, San Francisco, California, anti 32 aml 34 Commerce Street, New York. U3T30LD BY ALL DRUUGISTS AWD DEALERS, $25KX) "WOETH OF" FALL AND WINTER CLOTÏIUNTG Tí dm Away ! FC" QHEtNIACCS. S. SONDHEIM HAS RKCEIVEO THE LARGEST AND BESTSELEGTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS LVT'S Fl'KISHiL! GOODS, IIIDREX AND WW CL0TBIK6 L'RÜNKS, VALISES, SATGHELS, &c, &c, &c, T1IAT TI AS EVER HEEN nimnoHTTOTHIS CITy, WIIICH II li WILL SELL Jheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A_F1NE ASSORTMENT OP CASS1MERES, CO ATI N GS, and VESTINGS, WHICH UË WILL 5IAKE UP TO OKDER [N THE BEST ,'STYLE, AND WARRANTED A FIT Olt ÍÍO SALEi T UMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, Has íi large and wcii otockod Lamber Tardón iefferson Street, In the eouth part oi i '"■ pitv, .-iii.l vill ki-c]-fi)!ist:iiiL!y on baad :;n oïceilefit rarlely 0 LUMBLR,SHINGLES,LATH&C vhirii wlllbeioldaslowwcar be abrjed iu2llúe m.'irhet. (u:iliiy iind prlccssnch NO ONE NEED GO TO LETEOITC, KB A FF. Aun Arlicr,,T:uniaryaoth, 18T1 966 GotpR."W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and MGdieineÊ,Paints,Oils.&c.


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