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The Capitol At Washington

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Thrí Capitol ia the superb and conclusivi- argument againet a romoval of the gövernraent. It is one "i tiie most imposinpr buildings in the world. In thora is nono for great national purposes to be comparad with it. Vast aun mom y, however, have been sqnan upon it. Itisthe monument of a thcnigand ahamelesa jobs. is :í mimóle of dspaoe ana ineonvenieuce. Inoongruity and í .: ■ and absurdity m i., . -is you drive ovei'the heighte, miles away froin the city, that marvelou8 domo is still the most im i ' ■ ssivo and niarveloua objeot thai you as you stand at night in lYont of the Capítol, when the inoon istV.ll, looking al tha of either end, you feel the truth of tho poct's Knes, '■ Ivnlh jiniiKÜy irena Uk: Pur . Aa tho gem ap The unblemished whitenessóf tho buill:n'_' is striking It sparklosin tho moon. 5To1 fn the fofiest nunshine it is novcr glaring to the distant eye. The neigh■d of Washington Ls so picturesquely rolling thai the dome is oonsttvntly sot in the linost landscape comlitions. lts effi-dt is liko that of the grattdest natural objeot - a mountain or the soa; and it givea a charaotei' to the entiro landwhieh would otüerwise be wanting. The asBocititiona of the city :w, modern and politie 1 ; but every geal v.ork of phisiic art th .t touches tho imagination bolongs to the common realm of poetry. On somc soft, 7-ich Ootoberday, when the warm h of tbe smi is ripe, not crudo, sweet as the juices of the fruit it mollowe, drive to the oemetery on ; I hts, a'buuutiful and sunny city of the dead. Then, pnshing out upon thoBockvillo pike, you wii' Bee the Potomao Valloy to the lefl and the shining line of tho stroam, and further round toward your right, as you turn, the .Capítol. Turning at a cnrtain point sharply to thn left, and winding round a narrow road, just upon the verge of the hill as yon begin to doscend, stop and look. On sueh a day, in such a liíjht and air, ftll things aro bcautiful. But hem, on this rough road, among these n n t i 1 1 1 ■ 1 fíelds, thia land of whose romaneo even Hawthorno despaired, you suddenly ïee at tho santé moment two of the most memorable views which your memory will bring back fronj Burope, or from -ill historie and romantic lands. What magie spell euthralls you - for you sec at once tho dome of St. Petc's from the Villa Doria, and thotowerod castlo of Chillón upon the Like of Geneva ! It is the Capitol dome, with tho long white line of the building ttself, and the pile of the ' : town College, whioh from thls point appears to stand apon tho edgo oí tho Potomac, that broadens, appareutly tandlooked, into a placid and gloaming lake. It is a view which adds to the charöa of the American landscape the fascinatiou of romantic and historie suggestion. It. is one of the pictures whioh memory nover losis, whioh givea us, in a certain sunse, all the beauty with notie of the sadness


Old News
Michigan Argus