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- On Friday last, at Washington, tfie woman suffrago women then gatherei? in the city, ïnudi! a raid on SsnaCc Judiciary Comiuittcc. The hall loading to the committee room was so densly poekcl that the Senators coüló! hardly edge their way through, and tho corniniUeo found a ïnass meeting where a delegated hearing had only been expected or arrunged for. The scène as described by tho ï-eporfers eclipsad the late KepublicanState Convention at Sjrraeusc, New Yurk, anti leaves nÜing to hope froet woman as a purifying or refining element i politics. - Grant let Tom Murphy retire froin tbs Xew York Colloctorahip with worda of praise and commendation ; and now, in face of the oiposures of the extortion-t of Lofit & Co. - of Grant's staff, and because of Grant's staff givon a monopoly of the "general order bu3in83s"in New York, - this doeluration cornos over tho wires from Washington: " Tbo White House peoplo take every occasion to express tlieir conftdence iu Qeneral Order Leet, of this city, as a mas of integrity." - A suit has been cominnnced against ex-Collector Turn Murphy to recover tbo amount of a political assessinent foreed out of an unwilling Custom House erupJoyo. If the j)laiutiff is Bucoaasful, tho language of tho boy to his mother when kicked over by the musket wil! need but little chango thus : " Kun, Murpiiy, run, there's lots more to come." - Don. Henderson, of tho Allegan Journal, publishcs a lottor, datcd " U. S. Sonate Chamber" ana sigxted " Araor. Camevoiiy" exonerating Senator Cameron from the jharge of " stupidity " in making public tho "Catacazy correspondonco," and laying the blaine upon tho Senatu.- Who is " Amon Oameron 'f " - A bilí is pending in tho New Tori; Legislaturo providing that tho prcvious fonnafi&n or expressian of au opinión shali not disquilify juersons froiu jury service. If that bill passos into a law the occupation of ignoramuscs and blockhoads, and of thoso who can noither read nor boar, will bc sidly interfered with. - An article in another cohimii h jaúed, " Politkal Sjjeculation," is certaiuly not confirmatory of the opinión gonerally current in Republioan oircles that " the Democratie party is dead." Noither the N. YMveniny Post, iVom which it is copie J, nor the Nation, froux which tho Post gots its figures, is a Democratie journal. - The Omah llerald haviTig guid : u Xixt to that of the Territory of Utah th )iirest and most coonomical governraent in Amerio twloiigs to the State of Michigan," the Republican press is shouting itself hoarse with sulf-cougratulation and self-glorification.. - The Allegan Journal is still rod-hot for tho renoinination of Grant, and for making Col. Stookbridgc Governor. Our Journal friend be.onged to the samo regi ment we did, the " Home Guands," which accounts for his preferenco for military dignitaries. - We don't beliove that the Allegan Journal is in high favor with the metropolitan press of it3 ovu faith, for it gives them the cut direct in this wiso : " The Z'Vív l'ress is by all odds tbo veri best newspaper in Michigan, butits politics arooxecrably bad." - Thn new Illinois liquor Lnv authorizes any porson to suo liquor-sellers in tho narae of tha State for damageg suffured by third persons. The Stato receives tho mouoys as trusteu and turus thom over to tho injured parties. - If the new liquor lrvw enacted by the Illinois Legislatura is enrforcedr sellers will concludo that thero is no monoy - there never has boon auy honor - in tho traffic, and chooso same othor oceupation. - . A Grand Rapids wuman is roportod as reueiítly mívking a saloon-koopcr como dowa with a liberal supply of " stamps " by thrcatening him with a prosocution for solling liquor to her kusband. It is now roportod that whon thp debts of the lato Col. James Fisk, Jr. are paid his estáte will not excoed $100,000 Not so " fat a wootlcliuek," oonsidering tho blow that has been madte abouí it. - $2,500. That's thc figuro tho landlord of the Grand Central Hotel put on the room whúih Col. Jas. Fisk, Jr. diod in. üno uuïdu.'t afEord the pleasure of dying often at that prrco. - Allison, tho Senator eïeot from Iowa, is roported opposod to tho re-noiaination of Grant. - Tho Iiupublican National tion is to bc held Juue úth, at Philadelphia. - Stokes has. boon indictcdfgr tho murdor ofFisk.


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Michigan Argus