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Xi:w YoiiK, Jan. lGth. The dry goods trade is daily gcttiwg fl&oiv xcited. The crisis wns not p;tssctl the othcr d;iy, tho leading jobbers conti nued, tnxlur u penalty of $5,000 Mcb, not to ' cut" pricea, etc. Now, prrces ar&being tulTsnced r;pitlly on the ttrength of that "union and the cjutttlion to be decided ïb, will buyera all war the country meckly submit to "union" prices, or will they scek jobbers not Ín tlio 'l anion,'" ariJ got tbc btft tTim tltny can!1 It retuiler will buy onty íwthey actually nced, the abuses which tlio conibination are likcly to nuikti of their power will be letwened. Since the date of laat letter, iron, i".w mcl miwnnftifturcd, has ndranced niatcrilly. Bif jutstu fTs qnwt. White western &w, 7 J5iv7.05. White wheat, 1.6S I.7;ï; amber, 1.671.70. Oat, M0O6X. UowpOrk, firmer, new, #14 25 ; old, $13.25. Lard, ftrm, t WúA Di-esaed hog, 5.62K5-87. "Western buttei . Eggs, S6938. AU kinds of coffee, tinn; Rio, 10210-, gold. Refiuedsugar, llC Gold closed at 1 JDETnorr, Jan. 17. The past han fecen a quiet week, conwidered trom a business standpoint. The absence of anow is quite ;i ili;Lvb;ick, for there snot hing that facilitates trado likc seasouable wout her. The outlook, however. i nattering. If lumber dealer aro not far astray in. their guesses, 1872 is to be a busy season in. tiierr re-, spective lin"8. T.umbcc ha" been stx'ady in price smee the close of navigation. That prices havo not iidvaic'-l v iittïiltitod lo tlie cfirlj start which the men in the pinery obtahwd, d1 the extraordinary, and to, a consid,erable degrw tceussful, rfffortinnting to ge out a Iiirgo erop of logs. In live stock we have had an irregular week. Cattle were plenty, but the prices unsutisfactory to sollexs. Bütclier's stock id worth f i@50, B3Ete#dA0Öi Sheep were good iu quality, but not extra, common to extra, 44,;5i$5.75. Hogs closed wrak at $4@4.20. DreAsetl hog have been rery W6ak for some duys ; closed this afternoon at .'), with few buyers. Olovor sf.:l % flna t &L& per bu. Flour ki Again dull, best country brauíls díTerod tt 77.2 ". AVheat haa been on tlie deeline for a eek, and the end is not yet. The reoeipta, rare light, but the 8h#i)meota.tiQthing, ho tlwthe stock ia eicïar far has increased toabout ÏS'J.OCM) bu. We quote trura tninsaetions at board this noem : K.xtra, 155 X ; N(X. 1 whiíe, Í1. 4!) ; Trendwell WBt otfered at 1.47 i; am-ber, nominal :■, i-V'. (itfn.doll itS2@i2'i. State oat heavy at 42@43 ; western, 4041. Prime barley commands 1.60#i.6S; ordiaary, very dull. Rye isoflercd at 7Sc. per bu ; Applcs iirc in shipping dt-rnand at $3.25 per bbl. Beans, weak at 2.20 por bu. for priuie. Butter flopwed, frfsii roD t;:"; f.rkiii, l"vl.v. Ohsatnuts, $S per bu. Cwnlicrries, $3@4 per bu. ('heuse, 15@l0c pur lb. Eggs, quick at 32@M. Uried applua, 8 'tö. Feed, in fair demand, except önemiddlings: bran,$20 porton; co.u-se nuddlius, L20 o: BlMlllt ft l.anl, uity, ; countrr, S. Country hanw, 10. lic; ahonlde, 6(810. Toultiy, flrm; chiokciw, lOAUo tiirfceys, 1Ï541 li ; geose.S; ducks, 100. Taltow, 7 V 1'oUtoos, lirm at 83.!)u. A si'ur, 12,dC12.lí Ann AnBon, TiirnsDAT, Jan. 11. ArpLF.s- i"'0e per bu., with littlo doing. i'.iittL 0a7c Bottke- Pncea re üclimncr, 18@20c bcing paid. '.vhkat -Romatins atcody at $1 per bu. Beans -$1.8 perbu. ispwidlorgoodquality. üriT!- Mc 1"'V bu. CmoiiBH- Sroaaeo .sc.9o. i . vn _y and eouiniand most a.nv ■ ..u. Uiv .:;■ l'i ]rt.i ■ f i;u:.tiTy. 1 u -in. IS 't 200. Lakd Tho murket stania at 78c. (Ia is i.l i.Mc. PoiATOSi- ro no::iu latrer, 25c. bcing the payillï prioa. P. In Diened hogs tbs raarket reuiains quite arm at W.7S 5.00. IV (KKVS- 130. tt'iiï.-.i Tbnwrketunot very active. White tc quota at il.jy'tSlï, kJ. reJ í'.M;a,í,:.


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Michigan Argus