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i luroupon lt 18 onlureil, tlmt Monilaj tfci-jduy of Febroary noxt, at ton u'clook ii thi noun, he assigned for the hcnrins: of said. wtir thüliciiHiit liiwof ailld dcuciucj, .rt?" ptsrt'.w intort-sfed in siiiil ostate, nre wi"iirJé u 1 eur il :i sussionul iul Court, then tu beUlí ite Offioe, iii tliu .út) of Aun Art"r dü? cause, if uy Hiero bc, the prayci of thé ií? cr jliouldnotbegranted: And it i f urUiet SS that wiul llkjwicrtjñ-e notice t the perx estol in s:iúl eatatcj if tho pondeney of mH,S' imd the hem'úu? thereof, by cnusing a m Tlf?' order tobe puBUahad in tli Iic.iy.m ArnS " pujxjr printed nnd circulatinK i id ñnn -T K e weeki prrvious t :.i ay of iM„„u (A truccopy.) JILlLiVSt J. DKAKt?' l-il Judxe of KJ Estáte of Caroline D. Frëcr " DTATH Oí MICIII(AN,f:(níiitjof Wtihini C M a 8con of the l'robntc Conrt for -h (■„ uf WiuthtiMintY, holden at tlie Piubnte OJir. ■ ? Cilj o Albor, on lloaday. íhe fllleeti'tk Ü' (if JaniLiry. in tlic year one tboosaudeirttk dreú andsevcuty-two. "''"' FYcseBt, Hiríiin J. líeakcc.Jade of Probttt Iu the mntiet oí th íjilatc oí i uroüne D i,,. dci-c-i-i-il. "■ Oiueiulinfrnníl BU r,c tc peUmB,duh,.W tíeorgii A. Krcer. prylDg tht ür u Hlï Biiituble permn, muy be nppuinked Adroioii'á'of tilo c-wtc of unid dcceriíttl. Tlv-rcupou it la ortltrwi, thnt Tat.lIT. th, ,i, leenth tkijr cf Fxlxmry uext. tu ten ü'd'ofk ■„ asslgned for the i tion, nnd thni the heirn ut luw of iftfZ cr&.tiii and all otht-r üeraonsiuterrtteriinnidtiliii. iereci:iired to sppeiir al :i pession i tbo tí) bc holdeu at the Probate Ofilfr 1D ' (Mty ol Aun Arbor, and shvw cuAptiK auy thrt why thc príiyor at-'Jn petitioiitr shonld m gruited : Andlt ittfunhcr ordert-d, thkt iiíijkk tioner ive noie to the períons interesttd itV estáte, of the pendeney of said petltloa tmi tw . thrreof, liy caasiny a eo.j of thi, oidfri, be pnbllvhed in ths Michigan Argvt,t utiium printed and circuiuiiiij; io satd t'ounlj.ihnt-' cesoive wi'Cks FLik)a So a:l dr.j ofhciritt (Atrae copy.j HtKAM i. HKAK. '-■■ JtuliCofProhiii. Estáte of Hausera - minors. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, Coiinty orWnshteiMj. O At i semloD oí the Probate Court for thf Cotia of Waohienaw, aoldeo at thc ProbalcrOfflce.iBU í Aun Arbor, on Frid'iy, the it day 0.Ï .?iuujiry, in the yeai olió kiioosand tiii hunitred and sevtMily-two. PrOMDt, iliraw J jíciikcí. Judijeof Prolnr In the matter of tbe Esü'.ti' uf . n-cb Biw. Caroline Hutvcraod Klizabcih Hflnser, mino. On readlDganl lyáestl pjtiil, dolj mthlM Fr-i ciick Albir., prajiág that' he oij, ., lieenaed lo íell curta,iu real catate btlonit'r - oajd minor. ThereBAWi Lt i wdred thnt Vnníit , twclftu di5' of fVbrnftry nuxt. at ten o'clixk'h Ui fo-renoon , be as.sijrnt'íl for tlie hrnrin? oí unid w liim. and that the next of kin of said n aad all other persone iuterested iu jiid mV, I are reqnirt-d to. apyenr ni a scnsimi ol gaid (W then t be holtten Bt the PiJe Oúl-. I Aun Arbor, and show causex rf anv ttiere be.wbj':i; prsyer of thc petitloïer AwH oot be rruM And il isfurthtr ontfr.ú. thais:iifl prtitiooíir'f notice to the bc', of kfr. ttL í:i'1 niuon tndii other personfi Intereated in said etnte. oí ría pendeney of said petition.and theha6witíihfrwl.lj ■ ireopy of this order to Mi'-li i-imi A rju.y a ncwpptiprr prir.i-'i} nnd cimrli".rt to sid Connty . t tu sncccsslve tVëekt prerionu ■ snicidsvo.flioiriii. UIRAM J. BKASts. Atrnccopy. Judgtof Proíi 135T!d Estáte of íéonard Feil. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couflty of Washirai, ■ At a'aeuionoi the Probate Wit forthrfltirrf Wii-hUTiii-. balden at Ihe Probate OttnatkGsf oí Aiin Art.:', o, :-.:'.i. ;.::y, the thirtoillí dar lí Januo-ry, in the yeitr oae tuousand eitfktknktíui -two. Presout li . .ru'l'eof FnÍMk. In the uiuttcr of the ebtute oí" JLconftri ïtE, 4e' ceased. OomadfaH and ftüns th ititm, diiIrnrieUl Isabella Fc-'.l, praying that MiloCraig, or aowtíiíf imitable person, inay be ajipointed adini&btnur (á tte of hnil dea :n' ít s MilcTCd, that Monclay, tlie hna, day t' L't.v.iiry iw.vt. at ton oVloclc intbeímnoon. be a-mgned for the hearing ofsaid : tli.i'. ÜMheira at law of naid deoeosed, und tü otíar persona mtt-rosted in sa' estáte, are reijflini ü appcar if a sension jí ;iiil ('■ntrt. tilinto líe Iküi it the Trobaie Office, in ( rty of Ann Aibw.ui Bhow ciiurto, is rj.? tkere be, wby thc prnyer oí thr titioncr shoulii ni bp ptnntcd : And it is furtlmè dred, that siiid petitiouur tdve notiwto theiwwi intcresttd in sutil raíale, of thc pemlency of eud IÁ tioii, .-mil tho henriiw t!-of, by rnusinK'RCopyrfii oirlcr to bo pnblj&ba in the .Virnymi Ariitii, a BffH paper printod and pirculntini? iw Huir] CoiinlT, tku k Tneinus to s:;irKhiv ol hcuruf. ;-A truc ,py.) HJRAM J. BEAKB, (tf) Judjíc of Prohtt E5tato of John Shaughness; STATE OF MI' 'HIOAN', couutyof Wiuhtenw. At n acuion of tho Probate Courtfor thewW of Washtenaw, holden t thc Probata city of Ann Arlwr, un JóiirsiLiy. tbe .:ightcíiitblI .Tanuiiry, ij. the jraai: utJi thuusand eight huw itnd scvont' two. l'r-i Ot, tÜHWiyJ. I:. .,!.... .TiMiffc of i'iobstt. ir iLkttcr ui' tht MtatO of John bhaopart dcoeascii. . Ou rciitiitiR and'SÜBg the petition, duly totI. Bfiehael Oovun, praying that a cerUiD imoï' ment now on Ulo in, thia coiirt, rwpf"'1 t0 r T lust will iuuI testaiqent of uii censcA ■? ff mittod t probate and tlit he mhy bc ppointM ■ eootot thereofi .. . 'n, Tbereunon itisordcrcd.UintTuesdny. thetbirw day of Fobrunxy next. at Umi o'elock n tbc ionMj (br the liiïiny of saiu P0''1'0?" isna and hfira at lawof snoaei and ;i!l u'i.r-r pcraoxM inlereeted in said estáte, w"" qaired to appêar at a sossion of sjtid court, thci holden al Probate Oüicc, in tho city of Am is bor, and sbow causo, if any thote be. whvtMF1!'' of the petit ionor should not be pniuted : A " " further oi.U-rod that sai .' i1 r'"T ifirc notm tt"J ds interested in said eatate, of thc peiKl said petiüou, and the hearing tlicreof, by ?"!} oopyof this order to bo publiahod in the frj ii nesptiv píiuttíl iul circubilin? ""J eounty, thi'v.e'succedsive Weolu nrevious to m ( A true oopy.) UI RA M J. Bt AK Bberiff'e Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of 'w'Mllell7'í Iiy virtne of one execution, issued out of . dei the tm,l of the Circuit Court for the I Washtenëniv State of Michigan, dated " "".ï of Septembef, A. D. tae, and to me directed i" ÜTered, atmlnstthegdoóta, ehattles, land o'1 . menu of Daniel I.. Gatea, I did, on the """."."L. November, A. D. 1871, for want of ítood uní ' "J levy apon all tho ripht. title and inte rost y?5 ! .. Oatn has in the lollowins describedreiuw wit; The east ttentjr-seven mis in '"''?, 5 gi socith ixty-one rods fn lcnuth of the wt w southwost qunrtcr of sri'tion numbtr twi "B BhipNo. twosouth n range tdx cast. """Ïjji aom "Í land, be tlie sanie moro or les.' aboTodeaoribedland being in tho townshi"" Arlior, countyof Wivihteti.-nt. nnlHltf of " which land I shall exposé for snle. at Pw't,íj2 to the bighest bidder, ut the south door of', House, in tli.' c-ii y of Ann Arbor, on the om "" -March, A. 1). 18TÍ _ „., Dated, Ann Arbo, J14nut.1v I7th. A . P. ''■■.. MYROJJ WKIiB. Pheni l;:.7 By Jobtiw Fokue, l'ndur-M PARM FOK SALJ5. Thc nntiersiened offers for Ml "" S.W. ViofS. W. '.i ofsction 2, lnDeite'S K. , fS . ', or Sectln 3. N B. .; of N E. orSectlon 10. do Comprisina; ISO Acres of LamK Known a the M1LLMAN Wljfft ownnd oecspied by s. vnflcc(-ly W :m rnilc n rthwesi. Irom the Onver Mil, an yp ■ ,ntb rrom tM TBlagn of l'mckney. ■ ■ 1)10 "nil OU taiti (Jood Farm, Handsomely Sit"1 Gnod for Wht, Corn and othor ""'"'„tiSl [Ion Yard of aevera] acres on it. m 'ern; STfi AM OF WATKR,Vrhc ouüet of y;;1 ja ninnlD(rroMlt. A good 1 ttle w.l be f it 111 be wld ehe..i. and liberal term. rcU1, ..-iv,..n tif dosirodj lor two tblrds of toe l money. _ c sKAV!1' Ann Arbor, Jany loth ISIi. ...!f_- tVüTc. a. lëitek " continúes to put up and Physiciaiis PrescriptioBj At all hours, at Na. CO. Ann Arbor, Be. Kiit1871. , - , - The ubBcrlbctB aro at mt sli fm" Hou to furnish partics wlth money In epm llm-dred to Flvc Thousand PolUrs on 'I bercd Jarrn. colman. KOOT KlSf " Ann Arbor, Jiaü. Ut. 1812.


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Michigan Argus