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VÍTTtf J. Wai.krr,!tor. R. II. McDavai. A Ca., DtiBbH A Un. AnU, Snti FrunrU-o, Cnl.,'""l 34 Comnwrw ilrwt, N. Y, ÏMIM'IONS IScnr Tcrthnony to Hielt WomleiTiil Cmutive Elfocts. They aro iiot a vilo Fancy Drink. Made of Poor Ruin, WhUkey, l'rnnl Spirits and Re fit o Iilquorn dootOMd, Fpiced and swertcncd to please tho t ante, orU led "Tomen," "Appotizcrs," "Hcstorcrs'ito., thrtt Ifii'l the tippler on tod run kennen and ruin, out are a truc Medicine, made fromtha Nntive lïoots and Ilcrba of Culifoiniit, free froni nll Alcohollc Stintn luiiis. Thoy aro tlie ; REA T Hl, OOI) IM'UIFIKRnml A LIFE GIVING PUINCiri.E, a perfect Ilunovator and In vijf orator of tho System, curr ying oiT all poisonous matter and restoring tlieblood to ft hcalthy condition, Ko person can tuke these Bitters nccordintf to direct ions and remaiu long unwell, provldcd tlicir bones are not destroyed by mineral polRonor otlicr nienns, and the vlud organa wastcd bcyond the pointof repfvir. ■ Tliey are n iüentlo l'iirantlvc ns well na Toiilc posBessinc, :l1ko, the pci-ullftr merit of uctinft as a power ful aont in relievinR Cungestion or Innaniniution of the Liver, and nll thcVisccrn] Organa. FOR FKWAIjB COMri.AINTS, inyonngor Old, nmrrietl or Ingle, at tticdawnof womanliood orat Uie turn oF life. UicscTonic Bitters have no equal. For Iiiflnnimntory mul Chroulc Rhcuma lism nul otitf DyNpepMta or IucliffCMtloii, HilioiiR, Remitleiit and Intcrinliuni IVvci'.i, Dlncnsrs of i lic Hlood l.ivi-r, Iv Hiieyn and Itltiddor, tlieso Blltoi'fi ha%e been most sucecssfu). H uc h DÏNcnsrN are caiiscd ly V i t inlcd lïlood, whicli ispenerally producccl by derangement of the l)i m-hi i Ortrnnn. DYBPEPSIA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Headache. Pain in theShoulders, Conffhs, Tiffbtness of the Chest, Dizzines, Sour Lructationa of the Stnmach, Bad Taste in the Motith. liilious Attacks, l'alpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of tbe Lunes, Pain inthercfions of tho RiilncyK, aud a huudred uthcr painful syniploms, ure the oflsprinisr.t of Dispepsia. ThcT invigorato tho Stomach and stirnulato tho torpld Lfver and BoweU. whicti rentier them of unequailcd cfücacy in the bloocl of all tmpurities, aud lmpartiiiff new life and viffor to tho nvbole system. FOR SK I N I) I SEA SES, Ëruptions, Tettcr, Kalt Rhcum, Blotcbes, Spot, Pimple, Pustulcs, itoils. Carbuncles, Rin-Worms. Scald Head. Sore Lfe,s, lïrysipi1lan, Uch.Scurfs, Discotorations of the Skin. Ilumors and Disensos of tho Skin. of whativ?r name or nature, aro literallv diig up and rarried out of tlie system in a short time by the une ut these Bitters. Une bottlc in nuch cases will couvioco the inost increduioua of their curativc eITeciB. Cleanso tlie Titiatcd Blood whenever rou find lts impurities burstin.T througrhthe ekin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; cícanse it wlien you find it obstructed aod sluegish in the veins; clcanse itwhen ft is foul, and your feelings witl tcllyouwhen. Keep the lïlood pure, and the hcalth of tho svstem will follow. Pin, Tnpc, nnd other Wnnnn. lurkinffïntho ysteni of eo raany thousands, aro eflectuaUy destroyed and removed. Saya a difltinjruisbed physiologist, tbero is searcely an Individual upon the face oftlie carth whoso body is oxempt froro tho prosenco of worm. It is not upon the hoaithy elementa of the body that worrns exist, but upon the diseaaed htimors Jii't Klim v depositn that bred these living monsters of iitease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuea, no anthflmintica will freo tho systcm from worms liko theao Bitters. 3. WALKER, Proprletor. B. n. McDONALD & CO Druecfsts and den. Acents. San Francisco. California. and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York. lÖ-SOLU BV ALL DRÜUGI8TS AD DBALfiRS. $S5XX) ;- WORTH OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHIlSra Tl Giïi Alï ! S. SONDHEIM UAS RECEIVKD THE LARCEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS GEVT'S KI ltlSHI; COODS, DIÏILDREN AND YÖÜTflS' CLOTHIKG TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHKLS, &c, &c, &c, THAT HAS EVER BEEN BROUQHT TO THIS CITY, WniCH HE WILL SELL Oheaper than the Oheapest for Cash. ALSO A.F1NE ASSORTMENT OP CASS1MERES, CO ATI NOS, and VESTINGS, WHICH HE WILL MAKE UP TO ORDER ÍN THE BESTÍSTYLE, AND WARRANTED A PIT OR NO SALEi T UMBER YARD, C. IÍRAPF, fian a large and wel] stocketl Lnmber Tardón Jeffersou Street, in the fouth pnrt of tho ('lty, and will kccijcoustantly on hund an excellent variety of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH &C wliich willbo sold aslow as car be affordcd injthle miirket. Qiiality and priecssuch that NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KRAPF. Ann Arbor,.Iannary20th, 1871 996 pEOPLE'S DRUG STOülfii R. W.ELÜS& CO.


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Michigan Argus