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Winter Boots For Horses

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During the winter ïnonths horses' legs often receive injuries from whioh they nover recover ; these injuries aro most comnion in the country where the roads aro nut pared, and whero the feil of snow is much groa ter than it is in tho citios. ïhc greater part of theso aro rathor the result ot' carel. ssn,:ss on the part of tho owners and grooms than from any natural causes. Tho disoaso, if it may be callcd such, known ris tho ' scratoho3 " in this country und tho " greaso "in England, is most prevalent, partioularlyamong farmers' hoi-scs; ii" dcivon tbroiigh the mud and wot, and iiamediately altor his haraess is oiF, is turned into the stablo and allowod to stand without lui ving his lcgs cleancd or driod. This causes the liecl to becoino t'everish and dry, and unloss immediately cleaned tho hair drops ofFand tho skin cracks. Once ftttoted thu itroquires niucli timo to rostoro tho logs to thoir fonnov healthy state. In this, a m any oth(;r case, au ounco of provention is botter than a pound of eitre. Careful cleaning will prevent all difficulty, bat the cue of loather boots lessens the labor ïn this respect, bcsides protecting the horses' legs t'roni injury by ice or the hard crust on the mud or snow. Theso boots can bo made by any harneas maker, and will, if properly eonstructeJ, prove a sourco of profit. Thoy sliould bo made of light, suft loather, and liued with soft feit or flannol ;. thoy noed net extend up more than half way betweeri the fetlook and the knee, but come well down over the top of the hoof. They rehuiré tobe woll fitted in order to keep them in tlïeir place but must not bo tight, particularly around the fütlock and below it. They fit much better and aro less Hable to oramp the lfcg ■whoii laeed than whon buckled on. Ia making up, allow tho outor edges to overlay about an inch, set on a welt half an inch wide and back ouo inch f rom tlie edgo ; pun -ii eyelot holes in tho wolt and the other edj ■■ of the boot. If these boots are well fittud they answer as a protection to the leg frora injury by the ice, nnd ako prevent it from being cut by tho A littlti practico in making ■up will enable any manufacturor to produce thom at a suíall líarntu Jounal. A bilí has paRsed both Houses of the Illinois Logislaturo which makes a radical chango ia regulating tho salo of liquor in tho State. It enaets thai no intoxicating liquor shall heroafter be sold in Illinois withoat a licenso, and no license shall bo issued unless tho party applying theirefor shall give a bond in tho peüal Butu of $l.,000, with two freohold Burc'.ii.'s, oonditioned that thcy shall pay all damages to any person, in pnrsou or property, hy reason of gelling liquor under said license, tho penalty tb be received in tlio name of the State for the ■use of any persona injured by th liquors sold by such licensed persQnq,


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