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O tí - s $ o cj a ÍN I z a h 3 8 5 ale & a S fes ■L i) 5 b üpï : o 3 OS g g _W O Ph __ BAM. B. IlliVENAUtíH Copies Oíd I1BB0TYPE8 & DAGUERBE0T1TES FIEST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DESIRED SI7E, To .'iny peraon protlucing any Uedichia ab) to showoDe-tblrdue mimy IWídb, 1 crmanenl carca as Dr PlTLBK'8 VSOKTABIJ iíl.n i 3,Tlc: RcilXDY J liíi A 1'nrllirr rtward of $Xuo Kxi ny case ofhronk or [gflammator; RhcumntleDi , Neuralgia, Kh?um:itie Asiie. Scaticu. and I(hoamaticm oi tliü Kidueysll tri'l naícure. Thie Eth amatic Syrnp f uted 1 to only.plesaanttotbs taste and Rnarnnteed lïee iujiuiiius Drnga Iti nut :i;icl; Medicine bat the acieatific prescriptlon afjos. P. Fltlír, U I).. Professor of To: SdChemlstry, ato i( tho et'h'brnted CJntreraltj of Pnr D.186K, lioso cutiré nrofeseional Ufe luis bee. (teto thla '■ ■■ ■ i, 1 !iis nreparatloij ander solemu oatti la conscicntlonitly belleva 1 the "i-!y positiva, relfablo, Infallible pcclflc ever d!acovred Tho pronl no otüer specifle exiis la Ccuuid in over; commnnttv In persona a foimanyyeai tíll sntTrins, Ifphyticiam canltt cure í', I' atj tí, tii. wwld . eo, - afací th;i) mast be Qntversatíy admití .1. 'i'i. olí deccived ínfferer may wiiel? mí, what e or evldence has he that [r.91Uer'a Rhenmat! ni) wlllcnre bis case. The protection offerod to patiento agaiostimpositloD isln n legally Bigned contr.-u.í whlch sviil be forwarded wltbont charge to any snfferer sendlog by li ttera deiption ií iiijli tioii; thla gnirantee wlfl state the exact nnmb r of bottlea irarranted to cure, and In case oí fallare the money pald wlll be returoed to tl ; patiënt. No other remedY has evor been o(Teredon sacfi llbcrnl and honorobte; terna. Medlcaritdvice, irtth certlflcates froia profloiaent lh'.slelans, Clers;yRien, ote "■ haw been cared after all other treatmenta have FaDedi sent by letter, gratis. Affllcted cordially Invlted to vrite foi advioe tu tlie pi bjtclpal office, ft Soath Foorth 8treot, Phll idelphla, I'a. Dr. Fitler'a Rhenmatlc Syrop la Boid bj Drogglsts. R. W. Kllis & Co,, Sule Agenta, ann Arbor, MicJi. SAM. B. REVENAUGH PH0T06RAPHSR MAKES ALL K1WDS OF PICTURES FROM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TO TBB LIFE SIZE, AND FINISnESTHEM IN tNDIA INKI OIL, OR WTATEB COLORs ! IN A SÜPPERIOR MANNKR. 1319-ly. No. 3O III KOS STREET. PflYSÏCIAKS PBESCRIPTIOSS LOCUBATELTT AND CAREFÜLLY PRBPAPED SY R. W.Kf'LlS & CO.,DRUGÜIS7S.


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Michigan Argus