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Coro STATE OF M li II LQAN. County of Waahtanair. aa The i :. havwg been appoünttd by the ■ Conri ror, aid oounty, 'onuniaafonera toretamine and ndjuat all elaime and d:m;inds of ■ .t liv(ciirkll. Lyon, late f give notico that sis '1.1:11 dnte :■. iillowo I, by order ol . bate I . 1 (daim niii!;.. .: ; her will Snier, io Ypsihinii tnnty, on öuturday, the thh'i 1 nth April, :ml ■ ! day of July 1 . s;iiú daya, to lid claims. i ..: i, Jonuary :M, A. D - U i:IÏY HIIIEIÏ, IllIwVM E I 1 V'vi Commiaafonen Chancery Sale Notice. IR8UANCE and by rirtueof thedeerco of tlic 1Í1 Court for the oounty of Waahtenaw, ba ■ wherefn Mai-garet MoNamnra. linant. and RoeeConaty ;nd James .M-, !!:■■ QnSenágtned, one of the ■ [01 he County of Waahtenaw, will aell al i . te ili; scheet Mdof the Oourl Ronae. in the dty 01 Atim Ai bor, in iii'J couuly, on the 2Öth day of Janu-u y p , the following deeciibed tanda and ■ , ■■■■.. '! be ■ crol !i pai 1 of the northea tional q ■ ion I lm ty-fi . and thf north 1 ai northeast quarter oi theaoutheaat quartox of thirty-t and the northeast quarter ai ')■ KXtth,weai quartei uf aection 1 hirt y-flve, 1 rty aean - huw all in townanip Xo. one aontt) of range n all the bed Itmát being in the otranty of and State of Michigan, 01 ;- mucb of said bínete aa may be nuftictent :■■ 'A decreo, wi(h intereal and costs. Dated, December ;t, I8TI. LHAH, One oí the Circurl W aahtenov A. J. s w. County, ;.-.. Sulicïtor lor Compli l ,.. l meer? Bale Nol IN' I1; ■deerceoftne rt for the ('lui.';, oi Washtenaw, in t ïhancery, in the case wherein ESliza Chandli 1 nlaiuant and Char] adant, the unaerstgned, ene of the Circuit Cou ■ ncn for btcnaw, will scll dt public to the highest bidder, at the front door of Ü of Ann Arbor, in anld county, on , the tenth iluy of rebruary next, at noon, tho fuilow mgdeacribed lands and premiaea, viz: All th.-i! tract 1 01 parcel of laad attnatoand being in the townof water, iü the mmity of Washtenaw, and State of Mii'iii;:.!', and tumi-.1 pexticularly known nnd de[ scribcd na follows: 31iinif the Kouthoas't (juurtov of n thirty-tliree (33), in (ownahip number four [ Bouth of range nuv I , ctmtaining one Imn dr.-!, and ixty acres, lx: the aonu more I Datcd. Ann Arbor. December 26th. 1871. : kRD BEAHAK, On f of the Circuit Cour t Commiasioni for the County ot Washte&aw, Michigan. IIiiïam J. I. ak::s, ioitec tot 'ompluiuunt. 1354U1 Mortgage S.-ilc. TSBPAtTLT havïiiif been made in tbe conetlonn of wlJ a mort i Lby John WBenHey, and Sa rahBentley 10 Peter Sbal daU the b:h day of Aonst om; tliousand elffht íiundTRd aad .: - tyelgbt, and recordedla the offlee of the 1 , of 1 eede for Washfenaw County, Bflcblgan, ca ; ■ eloventh day of Angnat A f. 18R8, anc reoordv d , liln-r ;;'i of mortageA,oo page 230, on I gage there U claimed tn ba ane nino huur Bty onedollftasMid thirty-four cenia and th - y dollars as un attorney ree Aa provlded in Bnid mort- ut luw haring been LoBtltuted to n cover the ■ f gage, r auy part thoreof ; Nutke is thurefore horcLflt by virtae of the power of sale coutatned Inaatd niortfrnjze. aadof the stvutc In such nd prorldedi tho snid mortgage will be fon-fi'jsi'd by a peüu of the aotd mortgaged premtsea, to-witi Alïthat plece or prce] oFland lylngand bet 11 L in the twnahipof Northfield. in the ol washtenaw, and Utto of Mtehtgan knowni dcd nnd described aa follows, to wv : th north:east runrter of i' .! quurttr of pection number fff teen, township No, one sonth of rante N'a alz eaat acoordtngco tnooriginal aorrey, con trtiniiiL' forty aeree of land, more or loss; which sale will be at public auction, to thé hihest bidder. , nt the eouth door of ' Uoaniy Curt ' C! y of AiHi Ar bot, iu fid Cojinty, (timt lu-turf tfro bui ; g tiïo CtrcaM Qoort ■ mïy) n Saturday, the twerty ,. reventhdayof Janwary, A.D, one fhoasand eïght i liiimlrert flod SflVcïity-tW, at teno'clockin ihc furc:i Gay. ííoveiubci' 2d, IWt, ■.a ftlfirt.TffR. Mor ïfti.-ee. l vaxxb, for Mortgngce. l' Movtgage S;ile. f I"' I ■■ oondllion of a J oertaü] cuted by Cathartne Wall, ot X ;!■ '' ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ 2th (livy oí' April, A. I). im;;. i.i Sally AmtPsagr, of Sttperiörj m Baut oounty and State, and recordad in the Registers otliceof tho oounty oí Wnshtenaw, the tbirá day of Bfay, A 1). is;.:, ut ü' ; a. K i:i líber 30 of mortgages, on j whioh f-::ii(i mortgage waa auly a& oinintratox af . 1 Saiiy Ann Pray. lal . w ■ ttenaw eounty, 1. to Nathan l.y, Onthe 17th 03 i. d. 1871, and ftttorded the ïüth cUy January a.d. 1871, in líber 2 1 ■.' of mortgnres, mi ■ ■i: -mi :.' ' ■ ■ ::i i-i one htlli. ■ I jr-two dollars and thirtycente, alao a rea1 Bonab] ■ ce, bliouid iny pro■ ' ther ins ■ n luid to ; thïM by virtue of tlic power . 1 lic :.:: iio:i. to the highetrt bidder, op the nintn day of ■ -i-k r. h. of Baid day, tí I :i m e, bi th dö of Ann Albor, in soid county, that I iicuil Court ior the j vi' Washtenaw, :.'■". tht covtaln traci or par , wil : Thtí D I .. ; :■ ■ ■ couuty oi Waahtenaw, ia tho Statu of SXichi1 . ■ ml r7tn, 1B71. ; ïfATHAN Tl. riïAY. Johx X. 1 .V I ■ ge., Dl certain mo Marvin uul ; . Marvin to Miliiti ' ■ I liirtlday of November, one thous■ nidetl Ín I fh Keri'.T oL 1 '■ for Washteaow thWd dy c)t Decembei, A. , 1. I8tt8, in Ji ', on which 1 min ol - n i( olían ol twenty-üve dollars ae pityvidMl in ■ " at lav or in n instátated to reeovn the d$bt t :: by ÏXtilO Of e, nd of the b al I shall sell ion, t-t tliv hij : be aouth :..iw County ' 1 o, in the city of Ann hol lieing i-hc place of '■ l etiri foi Baid cow nlli rtny of Mnrch, A. ' '. eleven o'ciocli k, u ai aai I day, i3:li pivuvuea deseribiN in noid mo . ;,,... ■ r ■ ■ - a rwi nl y-one, in I 1 wa hti navi Uiohigan, the wi il side ii whjoh ia parallel 1 tl uf the wcsi ■ section and the cas' ;i chttiras anñ Hfty-aeyei links west of the Osi bulf q ttAininf ■ tl 63-U) aoses, atOKiW wo, saine town nnd range, m wit : Thi ika wido, an . the aoath sidOi and tnd ninoty-nii ■ ; the i'i.. ■■■, i;i !,lic v. ■ ol 1 he aoalhw) -; qn irterof neoUon twentar-two, ron : . : r..i jiiüi.'jiii Mi ï-'uui owned )■ . Solueu UtMTifl ñá Ai! .K Siarvuiifu.aaJb ttmnty of W.i time Bodd mortgage "nns made n tcd, Anu Arbor Dec. Utli, 1S71 ragee. CELJNDA iii; tVI R, D. Obaïtbb, tFiitrix of aaid Mxa Al :■■;■■ foi - lid Ali. -i r--itrutïïx. L362 !. STAT1'. O!-' MICH i ■ r ƒ W'ftahtenaw, sa. ■ aed rt of and L'ircort Coori for the oountv of rt'iíahtc'ñnw, Stutc of Miohigan, dated the twenty-fint 1 iy of Maren, A. lf. 1871, and tome directed and delivered, aguinat the goods, chattelB, landa and tcneoT WÜliam SC. Brown, defendant thorein namedj I did. on the twenty-ninth day of M;uch, A. I). 1871, fortnewantof gw ■ y ukhi all the riht, titlo and interest that WtUiam M. lïrown haa in Ü10 foU d roaleatate, to-wit : All i. four, tivr, s, aeren and eight, in blookone iger ie Morgan 's Addition to tlte Village of the BOuthweat qnarter of section eleven, ■ri('r nl nortnweat quarter of seëtion ölfiven, and 'souUwr.t iaartei oL noi qnarter of Beotioiiten, ollin town four eouth trf range iat,allofthe above deaoribed proptty being ; ín the townahip ánd vfllage of nancheater, eonntj ol WaahtenaWt and Btate of Michigan, whioh 1 1 shaïl exposé tbr siiïe, nt public iraoaon, to the hiaheat luditer, at the aouth door of the Couri HouBe.ilkthe.City of Ann Arbor, on the 20th day of Janiiary, A. 1. 1872, at 10 o'olook A. M. of Baid dajC D"tAnnAlliar'Dlgl6NWEBB, Sheriff, By Joktin L'ouBrs, Uiuk'r-ShpriiF. Sheriff'a Sale. STATE Oï IQCHIG4 (i.oouBtyof Wnshtcnaw, ss. l; i'i-M ni (xie exeation, issued out ot' and unilurtiie soai ot theCüronit Court for the County of ■■uw ind State of Michigan, againsttitegoods, ohattles, lands and tenausntooi JuUaSük, ml tome ;;'..■■! il. aod foi the oi rooda au liare, tb twenty-third day ol ww D. 1871, :iil tlu'Vfcjlit, titlf and Interest whioh sald Fulia sük has in the followini? described ptoperty, to wü : Commencing at lh'and thtaty-seven links west c.ï the eanter ofseotion ïumbcr twenty, thence wesl alonffoontar li tsnid section twochains omi sixty links. th. u oorth t hirty indono-halfd i oneenaínand bt links to a atake, tbenoe eastei I ■ ty-flve links, tthe ptine i!' b I property being in the recorded plat of , .,f Ann Arbor. county of Washtenaw, and j ïtate of Atichigan, wbioh above premisos l shall , mlilii' anotion to the bighest biader, , i!ic C!oart Hoase, inthecityof . -iitur.liiy. the twentiitl ilny of ! u y, A. IL l".'- it ten o'clock A. II. of said day. lliited, this Hh, day of Decentmr, A. D. 171. 1351 " UïfiON WMHU. Sheriff. Estáte of Wiltúun Johnson. ,AX.c.nnity of Washtenaw, s. At a Bession ui' the Probate Couri forthei ountroi iaw, holden at the Probate 'ïü' - t' Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eighth dny of ( anuary, i" the yeai wro thousgnd tihL nundrea and (; r ■ ui -IWI. ;. Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate, In fehe mattei oi I S'illi;un Johnsoni Om reading and ii' n,dulyverifledOf i]li:iin H. Johnson, pruying that william Wood, or T ,mo other luituble perjon, may be appointed admin , . f the estáte of said Therenpon it ia ordered, that Monday, the fifih ny of February next, il ton o'olook in the fon ïoon, be ossigned for the hearing of said potition! nd that the heixs at Ibm of saiddeoeasediand alloth '; r persons inteiested il lired to aj ! of sald finu-t, then to beholdent nl Ann Axhw, iry thrre bc, why the prayer of-the ï1. ■-■il : And it is t'urtlu-r ' ive notioe ti d in said estáte, oi tnependenej of sald. , ion, and the be u ins thi n of, !■ oausing a py ol this In the VteMgan ArfUt, a. vs. , aper printed and oii '"' '""ty, tLree ,. preïiouü lu said dal ia' hearing. ' v trneoopy.) lilHAM J. Bl.AKES, 1350 Judge of Ti-obate.


Old News
Michigan Argus