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DETROIT ADVERTISEKENTS IA !JJiA MACHINEttY DEPOT. a. s. vvoeSer & son, Dealfers :n all liinda of Wood aud [ron Woiking Machinery. 99, 101 & 103 JEFFEESON AVE-, IHTiiOlT, Slliil. GDOELIZ IIROXHi:, [mpoi : : s juni I)e:llei ill :FV5LB3"O"sr aooDs, TOYS, YANKEE NOïIONS H0SÏEKY, LACES AKD XE1MHINGS, .'.N1 MNXTPAOTlRBIt8 OP Children'g Caniages, EaskeU & öleighs. No. 80 and 82 Woodward Ave., Detroit. QIHP YIB Plour ctxica "Vrtaent TO GILLETT Sz ü-A-ILIj DKTIíi rr. Wo i;ii;ir:i]ií;'f higheat pnce?, inimedíatc salee, and prompt returns. C. " .i.' al Cash advanecs. nptí Sllll'PEKS OF WHEA.T ! UVarc pre'pared to offer iiiduccmenls to shippers of whc:í DOt surpa! ! by thoae of any other houec. liberal advnuccs, prompt ni tcntioD aud qníck reJACOB BEESON & CO., 60 Worulbride Street, Wost, Detroit I ' :; IN BÜYEKS OONST(. JOHN H. WENDELL & CO., DETEorr. Wo gntradtoe prompt silen and Immodiate reunís We '.Ne ut ni! times to place car lots oí 'tn ■■}■ w.'iitf or K -1 Whoat to adráatgaG if shipped n througb Une 8ars. Wc rufci to kIí Bankfi and Commercial Agencies. tUtlilAGES AND SLEIGHS. HTJGH JOHlTS,O]Sr, MANlFAÍTtmER AND DEAI.KR IN Car)'iujes, Jiuggies and Sleighs9 Cor. hamert Se C'ass streets. A large aíJrtment of KAsTKUN and Homeíade Buggles. Oarriagefi and SleigiiB on band, or nish(d t i order. An Exa;niiiatioc of Stock andPrices Solicited. JOIIN PaTTON & SON, Manufauturcrs and Dealers n Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, &c, The flnest aesortmviit in Michigan. Established in 1942, :v ,'OUNER W00PBBID01 ANH BBUSH STRKKT8. licp sitory, 520 Jefferfou Avenue, Detroit. P. IWFÍf AGE & CO,, Vo9 213, & 217 Vood-nrd Avenue Detroit. Wo hnve ííoraplote Msortméat of ího finest 'di uituru, and other srades. A cal] froxo-buyeis la ullcited. Wc arefuily ab!e to snit all as to qti:iliy nil prici's. ' manofactare inosi of our lurniture, mí c:in gnarantea Batiefactlon. T AM S-I.L1XG ALL STYI.KS i OF HOUSEHOLD FURlSriTTJIlIC; ftvñ ier cont les1 thati any othr honlBe in Detroit: Do uot fail to vísíl my Fnrnltuie W:iri:rooms. J0S1I. W. SMIÍH, 50, 252 and 254 East Sido Woodward Avenue ! , I FAIIy A1V1 WINTE11 S'-Oí:K OK VlXK ! U'UITJ: AND I30RDERKÜ China Dinner and Tea Sets, Some ve. -y Snc n colors ; also fine Cut Glass : 'rnith &, Cci's. iuk! Flated Qoods; Ivory nd Rubber Haodlod Cutlcry, Lare stock of Staud. racket and Hauging Lamps,&c, &e.. for sale at ow pricea by I. DtcCORniCK, in Ive.. QppoeiteÑew City Hall, Detroit. '(Twlíár7Ñ'sEWING MACHINESIA lhe New Wilton Peed Schíuct Ma tes t!ni taille atitch a the SiiiLfr, Howe, iDdaJl other hlghjrice Lock-Slltch Machines, It '. (uul iu 11, aud superior in many rcgpects. :.■ proiniam jn The SLale Fairs of 1871 over ' lloihers, Sold.$S01eaa thnu any otner flrst-class macuince. Warranti . Send for circulara, i Ji. CHENBY & SON, Gon'l A'is IT2 'oodvard A%., Detroit, Mirh. Ttll. II. DCrUHEHTY, Slauufacturers of PICTURE & MIRROK FRAME CUromos, riifriuiris, and Pilotos. At .WUoIesile. 287 JEFFERSO AVCÏIX, DETROIT, Mlfll THEODOBB SKil.KIÍ. Míimifucturei of L00KIX(;-(LASS & PHTÜBE FRAMES Gilt, Rcsewood, Walniit añd Ornameotal Monldiugs, Importor of Lookinf; (Jlass Platee, Chromos, and nngravljQL8. 3-t Atwaler strcot, Detroit. i LAY & AÜAMI8, Mutiufacturers of and Wholesale dealers in ruuii wiun; wine, ciduk and malt r:-j:MH'M VINEPtAES 11 AUvatcr street, "West, l.;u Detroit, Michigan pOTjlS MXi'TÍ'S 1!YAM Stritton BrsvFixkrsUniv::)- i.. !m: boit - Bostnesa praclirully tanght al'ter tho QoontipK House BysteiDi the ouly ■ practical syatem foí IHustratlng real Ijusineas, reqniriiiy Banks, torep, Boalneafl IIouspíi, Offices, Hoard "f Trade. etc. No Institptlon c-ver took a premium for Bookkeeplng and Basineea Practico over tiiisi institution, and any nasertloa to ilic-oüiriiryis i'.-ils,-. Fleaseaddreaa au above for papera aud documento. I 111 place $609 in (he i oandfl ol an le party irhenever ■■my lí:llijtrd Tiible maunracturer u willinsr to test the Dierlta of bis Billiard Tables, as t i'rahii'.y, tei ■■■'■ and qntrknerr; of , he venturiog a like amount on the decisión. 4nd I furiher p'opose tbat the winder ehnll dispose ■ i ney vn u by jívílü it for uome charitable uqrposo. C. SCHULF.NHUI::, BlUltrd Table Manijfjcturer, Detroit, Mlch. I ;t UOODS, WIIIILESALE. ALIiERT ]). P1ÍHCE & CO-, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, SS VVOODWARD AVKNUE, DETROIT, MICHIGAN fjAiHi'itF.ï.r,, Knfn & co., PEALi DRY GOODS and MILLINERY 111 & 1 13 wodwartl Avenue, corner (."outrress St Detroit, Mich, v MAKINQ .1 SPBOIAttTT. ÏXI. C. A. L1SITEK C0NTINCK3 TO TUT ÜP AND FII.L Physicians Prescriptions, At al! hours, at No. 1 Oregory Block. f' A. LEITBR & CO. Aun Arbor, DcC. 22d, I871i IPLE'H DRUG STOivr,.' R. W.ELLIS& CO. _.r-.--.-: l rT .._ r : -- ' ' ' ' 1


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Michigan Argus