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Druin Commisyioncr's Notioe. NOTÏCE ÍB hereby yiveii that. t 1 r,iin Coimtjhsioner tr( Waaqteoow Oounty wül be at the houso of ivlwüid L. Borden, in the townabip oí Webster, io jtil OOWtty, on the thirty-tirst (iil) day of January, WJtt it one oYioch in the aftarnooa to meet partios to oontraci for tbe eoccavation and oonatruoean of a drain t" !■ khown aa the Boyden Drain, oonunenalng iklioutoilily rodseast oi the noïthweatooi nei oí i eoti i tliiri y-.Hix, in town oneeouth of ninge ilvo Bastí 11"' running entirely to tho west ide of the e:wt half of the nonbeavt quaorter of wcction 39, thenoa aoulh muí aoutheastexiy i flnd au outlet bcrt the mtddte nf the Baat half of tho southtast quarlcr of sec t ion :S5 in mld town. I will alaobe nt tlic house of Kdward I.. líoydtm, on the twi'nty-Kfvonth (27 th) day of Janvary aforasaid, atwhichume and placa I uill axbibit mapnof the above proposed druin, and (fracrlptJona of tb i I porcels of lanAdeexned by me bencflted theteby, and rhinmonnt aii'l h'sn ijifuui ly dmsiun and siAwlivisi:i, of the proposed druin by moapportloned to the owner of eacb deacrJptionof land to ounütruct, and to tl in townabip of Webetor to construct o aooonnt of surli drain licnetiliiip tho liitihwjiy, and to li#ur mi ons, jt ,i]iy ;i utt'iioi, whs ráeh apportionxnent shouM In rerioirod or cometed. Ann Arbor, January (th, 1872. IMfl DAVT1 M. PTNIitíí, Drein Conuoiasionei Ebi Waahtonav County. Eetate of Loammi Robinson. STATE Ol1 MICHIGAN, County oí Waahteaaw,. Efoiioeti hereby given, (hal Bj an atdaat of the Probate Oouri tor the ( 'ounty of Waahte&ftw, made on the sixth day of Jnnnnry, A. i. Í87S, rin mout ha from that date wort ullonxtl t'oi erednon to preaeut thetr elalma agatastf the eetate of Loammi bobinaon, late of aaid oounty, deceaaed, and tha1 all crediton of aaid deceaaed axe reqnJred t preeent tlieir claim to said 1'robnte Hoort, ui the Probate Office, in tho City of Ann Arbor, fr examinatíon and aUowanee, on at beton tlie sixth dny of July. iM'xt, and that auah elalsM will lm heard before bom PlDMte Omrt, Ol SntDTdoy, tbe txtfa day Of ApOffl, and on Saiuiday, tho sixth dtty of Jwly next, at 10 o'cloek in the forenoon of eaoh ofthOM days. Dated , Ann Albor, Jnnuary th, A. 1). 1872. HIltAM J. BEAKB8, 13"6wl# Judguof l'robate. Commissioncrs' Xotico. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wathtenaw, bh. The nndentenedi havrng been apnointcd ly the Trobute Couxl tor sai 1 rmuity, ('nmmisMnnurs toreOOÍto, examine and odjusi nU l:iiins and demanda of : all penosa nrainM theeatate-oi l'rodciickll. Lyon, late ut aaid Qoanty, deoeated, hereby gtn notioethatsbi montha trom date are allo wed, by of aaid Piobttto Court, lor creditors to present tlnir rlaims a-ainst theestate of aaM deoaaaed. and that tlu-y will meet at the resideuce of Henry Sliicr, in Ypauanti towngliip, in riü1 county, on ïnturduy( the Ihiitocnth day. oí Ajmt umi ïuesdny, the seeond day of July next, at ten o'clock a. m. of eaoh of áaiu days, to recoive, examine, and adjnst tald il;iiiuí-. Dated, January 2d, A. Il 1872. HENBT8HIER, HIItAM EATON, 1355w4 ('ominissioncra. Commissioners' N(tice. OTATE OF MICHTOAN, County of Vaahtesjnr, aa. 'O Tl oattoralgnedf having been appointed by the l'robute Court for iiid county, Conuttlasioiion to rtïceive, examine ttnd ul.just all eiainw and demands of all persons aainst the catate of ï ïmotby J.Tuorny, lato of said couiity, deceascï, hereby give nut loe bhai alx months from date are ;illowcdf by imlor of fiaid I'robute (,'ourt, for crediton to present KhafrtdaBinaagaSnat ■ ihc?state of s;'iil l-rt?ns'd, and that thcy will meot at the oiüoc of (jeorpe O. Jtuge, in tbt village of Dexter. in aaid couuty, on Batnrday, the thirteenth day of April, and Monduy, the eifjlitli day of July next, at ten o'clock a. m. of eacb of iaid duys, to receirrv fxaniine, and adjust said clainu Uutcd, Jauuary Öth, A. I. UU. eaofioE c. paos, PETEE Tl'ITR, 135Gw4 'ni'iuiüsioners. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county uf Waahnaw, s. I n. the laíitter of the estáte ot" BlünJmuMJsood, : tfecciowd" : fïotwe Í9-hcteÍMrf?rTCíif thnt at pnrMiance of hu order gran tod to the andetawned, Ac'miuistrntor of the estáte of said deóeasod. by the Hon. Jude of l'robate for tlie couuty of Waahtenaw. on the eightb day of Januarr, A. ï. 1872, fihero will Ik; sold at pübtío vendue, to the highest bidder, at Ü16 dv.i-llinK houtje ou tlue príHÚes herviimlíer iletcrihrd, in the county of Wafditijiiiiw, in iid State, on Welib)d.7, tin; iwonty-eifihtli day of Febroary, A. I). 1872, at ten o'clock iu the furenoou of that dny, (subject to aïl encumbrances by mortgoge or othcrwiso eodating at the tmit' ui" thedeathof bbw dooeaaod), the tollowing deBBrlbed real eetatA to wit: The aoútheaat qnarter of the southenst quattc of seetiiwi srar, in townhip two south of moge ix eaat iu auid Stataj eoutuining tbrty acres more oí lesa, Datwl, Jauiutry 8th, A. D. VftTi CABSIUtí M. OSGOOB. ISlBËd Administ rator. Kcal Estáte ffr Sri STATE OF MÏCUIGAN, county of Waehtenaw, ai I thü nuitter of the estáte of Charle A. Goodyear, minor : Notice is hereby gTVWT. tlrart in puisuance of an order granted to tho underAigiied, Ouardiun ot the oetate of aaid minor, by tlie Hon. Judge of Pivbiite tor the ooaaty of Waantenanr, on the ightli day of January, A p. 172, there will In sold at public venlue, to the highest bidder, at the Manchester Hotel, in the villaje of Manchester, iu tho oounty of Waak1 tcnaw, in said Ötote, on Tuesday, the twenty-aerenUi ■ I ;y r Pebruary, A_ D. ltli'i, at throe o'clock in the afternoon of that day, (subj'eet ttrtxïl neurabranres by mort{?ngü or othexwiae exiating at thu time of sale), the foUowing duscril)od real eetate, to wit : Lots thirteoii and fourtecn in block twenty-nino, in the village of Manchester, accordin tu tiio ix-corded plat thereof. Dated Janunxy 8Lb. A. J). 1 72. JOHX GODDYEAR, Guartlian. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, aa. M In tlie matter of the eetate of Jacob Maehrle, deceased : Noticc is hereby pivtn, that in jmisuance of mi order gmwttTl Ur the urxVirsigned, adniinlstralor í boni non with the will annexedof iid deeewed, hy tho Hun. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-tifth day of July. A. D. 1871 therc will be sold at publin vendue, to the hihist bid der, at the d welling nouae on the promises hoi-cinafte drsi-i-iU'd, intltu couuty of Wiwbtwww, i siül StuU on Tnoadoy. the twenty ovrentb day of Febniury, A l). 1 872, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day [anbjeel t all enonmbrance by mortgage or othorwis existüig at the timo of the death uf s;üd deeeaaed). th followinji dcscriUnl real eííet to wit : The wrk hal of the southeast quarter of sectïon ten, in towinbj] four souilï of range t'our eaat oontainlng eighty ncre moreorleaa. And also all that part of tlie southeas q,naxtar of the sou th west qualter of station threo s.iintj townahip and range, Iving soutli O4" the owtlet o Columbia Lake, (except tnat port foniierly sold to John Armbnist}, contnining usiht acres of land boundud ou the south by a ditch, aud ou the west by a pond üf water. l)ated, Januaiy th, IJ. jaooh itAT'ER, Adminiatrator li.'itï de boni's non witU tlic will nnnuxed Real Estáte for Sale. CtTATK OF MICH1GAX, County of WneMemnr, s In the matter ot the esrtat of Sernan 11, Gage deeeaaed. Noticc is hert-by given, that in pursuance Of an ordes grantod to the uudersigned, ad:ninistrator of the estáte of aaid deoeaaed, by the Hon. Judgc o; Probate for the; Couaty of Wnhtenaw, on the fourth day of September, A. D. 1871, thorc will bc ïold at l'ublic Vendue, to the highost hidder. at the late resïdouce of sak! eeaeed in the townsbip of Sha ron, in the county of "Washtenaw, in nid State, t Wednesdny tho twentv-tirst day of Februnry, A. T). 17 . at ten o'clock in the forenwn of that dny (subject to all eaenmbrances by inortjrafíeorotbcrwiucexistiiiírat the tiine-oí the death of aaid deoeaaed, and also subject to the riht of dower of the widow of said deeeaaed there in) the foDowinadaaoribed Real Kstate, to wit ; The outlicast qiiiutcr of the aontb weet quartox of section thirty-two, in townahip two, aouth of range Üiree eant, oontaining forty aorea nmrc orloss, in sjüd Btate, Dated, Jauuary 2d, A. D. 1871. RU8ÖELL WIIIFPLE, EUTHA.GAGE, Administra tors. Eoal Estáte for Sale. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss. 0 In tin matter of the estáte ot Samuel Jl. Thorn, Emolinc lï. Thorn, Lewis J. Thorn, Bbeneaer E. Ihurri, Mary Thorn, Kuphomia Thorn, AüceTbom, and Frank Ó. Thora, minors; Ñotiea Ia hereby giveQ, that in punuaneo oían ortlur grantcd totheunderigncd, (fiiardiitnof the catate of said minors by the ilun J odge of l'robate for tlic oonnty of Waahtenaw, on the clevcnth day of December, A. u. Wíl, thora will sold at public vendue, to the bJfieal liiildfr, at tïit' dwelliiK? house ou tho preuiiiscs heit-'inafter deftcribed, in tho county of Waantenaw, in said Htate, on Tuesday, tho twenticlh day of February, A. 1. 172, it tin iM-Ux-k in tlie forenoon of that day, (subject to nll encumbrances by mortgage orothcrwise existing at the tbne Of sülfi, and also fiubjt.'ct to the rfght of dower of the uudersigucd aa widow of Charles Thom, deceaaedi, the foLlowing daacribftd real estáte, to wit : l'ht! undiviiled cight-ninths (8-9) of eachof thefollowing describcd pareéis of land, viz.: Tart of lot A or weat subdivisión of tho hou th west fractional quartor of section w-ven, bcginning at the noi'theist corner of said lot A, nmning south one degreo and thirty minLtateaat tluTtCfiichains and two links to a stak v in the eaat line Óf aaid lot A, thence south eighty-nine degrees and thirty minutes weat twenty chaina and tlxirty-eifïht links to a atake on the west line of said section se ven, thence nlontr said line north one degree west, thirt-i'i'n cbainsand two links to aquaitcraection corner, thence alon the quurter line north eighty-nine dogrwjs nnd thirty mniutus twenty cluiim and ;hirty-ont' links to the place of tüginning, eontatning wenty-alx and 50-100 acres. Alao lot A, or west subdivisión of tibe northwt'Ht fractional qnartor f)f said ootion Mevcn, containing eighty-one nnd 55-100 acres. And also of the south pan of the west part of the nuthwest Ciaotiona] quarterof soction kix, oontaining 'orty acres ; all in township four south of range three iaat. In said State Dated. December llth, A. D. Wïl. 1351 8 Alt AJI C. TilORN, Guardian. Mortgage Sale. DKFAUT.Thavinír been made in thcconditiona of a mortirafce execoted by John A. Bentley, and Saah Beutley to Peter Shotten, hearing date the 8th lay of Aujust. owo thoii:ind eluht hundred andsiiy t'iirht. and rcorded In the ofnee of tlie Reyïgter uf l'tïMsfor Wshcnaw Cotnitv, Micliigan, en tho deventhday of Annst, A. ï. I888 ouc recordecyu Iber 3i of mortirnLT. on pagb 23ö, on whlch mortnge thcre 1é clalmed to be due ninc hundred rd rventy ouc dolhire and thirty-fnnr cent, und th rty 1 aliara ae an attorney fee as pruvided In said mort?a;e, aud no snit or proctnlinji at law havipi been DStitntcd to recover the debt sucured by saiil mortZñe. or any part thcrcoT; Nottce is thereforeherey given, tíiat by virtue of the power of enle con ;iiiiii In aaid mortgagVi nnd of the sta tute in stich ase made and provlded, the said mortgue will be ored-sed by n satfl of the said mortaed premisep, o-wit: All that picoe or ptnv] of land Iyinffnnd ehijrtn the t"wnhinof NorthfleliK Id the Couuty f vvaahtenaw, and state of Mtchtean known, ounded Jind dcffriliodas JoÜows, tt) wV the northast quarter of the sontheast quarter of scctlon umber flfteen,townshtp No. one south of rauste fo alat aivordingto tne original purvey, 0OOnir.iiiL' forty acres of land, more or less ; which ale will be at public auction, to the hlhest blddf r, t the 8futh door of the Washtcnaw Couuiy Ootirt louse, in the Cl y of Ann Arbor, in said County, that belng the pface of holding the Circuit Court n tb aforesaid County) on Saturday, the twerty eventhday of Jnnnary, A.I). one thoupand eïght nndred and srvi-uty-two, at ten oclock Iu the forcoon of that day. November 2d, 1871. PETER SnTTI.TERS.Mortgagee. LAwRBifoR & Frazbr, for Mortgagee. ; PHY8ICIAÍS1 PRESCRIPTIOKS! 10CCRATELY AND C ARBFTTLL Y PREPARES BY R. W.BtLLlS & OO.,DRUOOIS78.


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