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Mortgage Sale. I KI-U'I,T having been made in Uc coridition of a w oertHin mortgag cetuted by CntharfaeWall. oí Northfll 1, in the inuuty oCWüsïitriiiiwnnd Stutc of Michigan, on the 27th tey oí April, A. D. 167, to Sally Aun l'riy, of Superior, ín snid oounty and Htato, andreoordedin theltagfater't ofltcedT tfae county of Washtcnaw, thethirddayof May, A D. 1867, at9U o'cloek a. m., in líber :ï(ï oí' mortgagea, on page 479 Vhioh wiiiil mortgage was duly tusaigned by George 8. Whoeler, Administrntor of the estato of Bally Aun Pray, late of Superior, Wiwhtcnaw county, deoeaaed, to Nnthun H. Fray, on the nth day of Janmiiy, a. i). 1K71, and recorded tbfl INth day of.Jauu;u y .. d. 1871, ni liber 2 i f aasjgrunenta of morton ■ i díiuiK'd to be due opon said ■ and note at this date, the Hum áfono lumdrodand forty.two dolían and thirtyecnt?, 1ho arav Bonaue Sulicitur' or Attoruey's lee, bhould nny proocodingsbe taken to fon-do thismnrtgagc, and furthor InstaUmenta to beconiuduc on suid mort. no proceodingB at law or in equity btmngbeenhad to n_i iivrr the same ot any parí thereof; NotioeiB bereby giren, thatbyrirtiM of the power lontained in raid mortgage, i dtaU nU at public auction, to Üte húrhrst HiMeion the ninth day of Uarch next, at 2 o'clock i i. ofaaid the Court Home, in the city of Ann Arbor, in wud wrantr, that being the place of holding tli; Circuit Court fur thc County ofwashtenaw, au thut oertaJn (not or par cel of land known, H&d deasribed ns follows, to wit: Thenortheaat auarter of tbe outheut qnarter of H'i'{(jn dimití-i threo in town&Mp noznber one aotith in ntnifi' nomber tx east, lyine In Northfleld, in the county of Wiiahtuuaw, in the State oí Michigan. December Vth, 1871. KATHAN H. PRAT. Jonw J. . Gott, Aaaignea of Mortgagcc. Attorney for Aasignee of Mortgngce. Mortgage Salo. DEFATTLT haring been mode in the oonditioM of a oertain mortgage axecuted by Belden SCurvin and Aun J. M.uvi:i to Miluii (lover (now deceancd), hearIng date the twenty-thirtlday of Norember, one thouaind eight hun 're' an I s xty-e;i;ht, and reconiod in tho otfiro oí the Rcgirter of Tïcexïs for Wnshtmaw county, Michigan, on the third day of December, A. i, in hber 39 of mort gages, on page 410, on whioh mortgage tbera ii daimed to be dne the nuo i flve hundrua and twenty-iwo doUart ($622), aleo an Attorney'g fee oi twenty-Uve dollars as pmvided in Müirl iriortgage, nnd no suit or proceoding at law or in chauctTvhavjnpUen iiiatituted to recover tlie debt aecured by H;iid mortnge. or any purt thereof ; Notice ia therefore hereby giv'en, thnt by virtuc of the powerof s.-ili' . in.taiinil in sniil nortgaop, and o ■ the atatnte in mcb c;se made and proTided, I sliall se fit jju)lirtuc1ifi, t'i til1 liL-ht si bnder, at the wmth door of the Wnahtenaw Cuunty Court Ilou&e, in the city of Aun Arbor, in suid coonty [that bêuig the : place of holding the Circuit Ouri tor MJd oonnty),on Batnxday.thenxtoenthday ofUaicb, A. i. L872, al eleven o'clock a. m. of s:ud day. the premiaea i insaid mortgajie, to-wit : A stiip of Uadoneohaiu and fourteen links wide, nnd extendinp aonwfl tbe horthfiMt ijuarter of neet ion twenty-one, in townsbip tlirte outh of range ftve e;wtf in Wiiï-htenaw county, Michignn, the wesi side eCwMefa ïf parallel to nnd seven rod est i the west iide of Mld quarter mirflnn, and the Bant side is rixteen chaina and ■ ren links west of the east huif oontter line, eoataining tour and (i2-10' ucres, more or uu; aUo ;i pieoa on V -- tion twenty-two, same town and ranfro, to wit : 'i'ht'south visteen obuni and ■erenty-one links wide, and the east serenteen chaina nnd ninety-nine links along the aonth ailc, and aeventeen ohaina and nlnetyeix Unkaalong thenorth si-lc; of the pJAoe, In the west haU of the soutliwiMt quartcr of m-ctiiio twenty-two, con(aiinny thirty acres, nnd beinjr all tho iamf onncl 1 th( wiid Selaen Marvin and Ann J. Uarvin iu n county of "Washtonaw ut the Urne said xuortgage was mudfl and exeouteda Dated, Aan Arbor Dec. llth, IS71 AU LAN (il.' vkiï. ICortngee. CELIXDA OLOVEB, AlminisD. CfcOfSB, trafrix of said Alortgngec. Attorney for snid Adminiati-atrix. 13AS Chanccry 8ale Notico. IN PURStTANCB and by virtueoi" tbedeqrwof the i'irctiit Court for the County of Washfenav, in Chancery, in thf c:as wluirin EbaaChandltV is compkñMDt and Cliarít'H I). Cottíng ia dofendant, the undersigned, one of the Oircuit Conrt ('oiijiniswionerR for the County of Wnulitcnuw, wili il t puhiic aootion, tothehighearKdüez,a tfie front door of the ('otirt House, in tho city of Ann Aibor, in said oonnty, on the tent ii day of Pebnuiry nest ai noon, the fullowingdesoribed Utnda and prcmiseB, vi: All tiiat imet or parei-1 of land pttnate and being in the town of Bi curewater, in the county of Wa-shtenaw, and Btate of Mifthigan, and more piirticularly known and deacribed m follows: Heing the southeaet qnartcr of eection thirty-tbree (33), in township nnmtKT foïir tBouthuif nníc-niimberfaT ntst, contaming ouo huufe;d txt táaJtj mrea, be Ëhe-smae more or teas. Dotcd. Anat Arfccjr, Diocmher 26th, 1S7L BrCHAHD BEAHJWT, One of the Circuit Court Comnmsiuners for the County of Woahtenaw, Michtgin. UlItAM .1. IÏFAKKS, Bolicitor for Complainant. 13Mtd Estáte of James Mooro, Sen. . STATE Off MICirHiAN, county of Woahtenav, 3a. At v nession of the l'robate t'ourt for the oounty uf Waabètoav, holden at the rrobate Omce, in tlie cityof An-ar Arlwr, oa Batncdogr tlw thirteenth day of January, in theycar one ihou&uml oightliundred nnd scveuty-two. Present Hiram -i. Benkeaj Judge of Probate. In the niutter of the estáte of Juiurs Mooit', Sen., deeeaeed Un reading rmdftlÍBír the petiiion, duly verified, oi Jaile M. Cooley. praying1 tht WHhrm KngHih or some other suitaMe penon may be appointedacuniniatrator of the e.stiite of aid deceen. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twclfth fUiy üf Ftbruriiy next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assignetl fo? the hearing of said petition, and that the befare at law of Mtd deeemrd, umi all other penosa interested in said estáte, aro reiiuired to nppear at a seeaton of eaul Court, uien to l.' holden at the Probate Office, in the cit of Ann Arbor, nnd nhow tamo, if any tíujiv be, wliy uu prayer oí the petition■rshfivldnotbegranted: Andit ia fm-ther ordered, Hint nmd jwlÜlfti ntiiu imUuo to the persons interested in aaid aetate. otf the pendenoy of saéd petition, and the hearing thereof, oy oaoaing a copy of this order tobe pnbluhed In the Michigan ArptUj a newspaperprintëd and oireolatlng in said eoonty, thirae nr treeka pferiona to said day of hearing. (A trueoupy.J 1I1UAM J. BEAKES, 1353 Judüe of rrobate. Estáte of Daniel B. Green. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Ötrantyof Washtennw, s.. At u session of thc l'robnte Coiirt for the ('ounly ot Vaahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the flfteenth uay of Jüiiuary, in the ycwr one thouiund. eiyht hundred auil .scvtnty-lwo. l're.sont liiram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Kstnte of Daniel B. Green, deoeased. Onreadinffand fiiingthp petiikm, dulv verified, of Ebert l1. flarper, Amnlnmrator, prayiug tkut he muy be Iieiwel t& sell eertain real estáte whí-reci tai ■í diedseized, for the purpose of distributing the proceeds of such sale among lus hein nt law. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monduy,thenineteenth day of l'obruary next, at ten o'clo-k in thc foreuonn, be aatigned for the hearing of said pttition, uid that the hehs at law of auid deeenxed, and all othei persons intereyted in sañl estiite, are requirefl to apneal at a sesaion of said Court, then to be holden, at the Probate Ottico, in the City of Ann Arbor, nnd show cause, if niiy thetebe, why the prayer of tbe petítioaei sJwjoldimt U' nuttnl :■ Aml it is fiiithupordered, that saidpetítíonergiie notice to thc persons interested m siiid estáte, of the pendency of sid pt.titio, and the hd&ring thereof , by oaoaing a eopy oí this onler to he publishcd in the Michigan Arffut, a nevapaper printed and circuhiting in wtid county, Ibursuccessive weeks previous to sjtid dny of hearing. [A truecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, iiJ7 JtjUueuf Probate. Estáte of Caroline D. Freer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntyof Wnahtenaw,. O At a session of thc Probate Court for the County of WnshtiMiaw, holden at ibe Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, OU Monday, the fiftuenth da of Janufiry, iu the year one thousaud eight hnn'Jrvd and aeventytwo. Present, lllram J. neakep.-Tndge of Probate. Tn thc ntiitter of thc Estáte of Caroline K Frecr, áeceatod. Ou rcatling and flllng the petition, dnljrerifed, of Gecrffo A. Freer, praylDg that he or'pume olher snltaole pt-rson, m.-iy be :iptKinhrd Admmietrator of thc e t!te of said deceaeed. Thorvupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the thlr teenth dayofFebrnary nest. at ten o'clóck in tho asslgned for the hearing of said peüh ti u and thm the heirs at law of 8aid and all otticrpcrsunsluterestedlnaldestatet are required to appeur at a eession of said Court, t!iin io be holden at the Probate Oñice.inthe City l Ann Arbor, and show cause if any therebev why tho prayer of the petitioner ehonld not be grantedi Audiilrtirthr ordered. that saidpetitionerivc notice to the persona interested in said estáte, ofthe pendency ofeaid petition, and the hearinir thereof, bycausing a copy of this order to bepublished in the Michigan Armx,n newspaper, printed and circuIaticK In (aid Couuty, threeeucceasive weeks previous to tmid da of heariuir. (Atruecopy.) IIIKAM J. BKAKES, 135T Judiie of Probate. Estáte of Hau sers - minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waehtenaw, e. O At ;i session oí thc Probate Court for thc County Of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, iu thc City of Ann Arbor, un Friday, thc twclfth day of January, in the year one thousund eight tiundred and eeventy-two. Present, Ilirnna J. Beakes, Jadgeof Probate. In the matter of the Éstate of Ja'.ob Ilanser, Caroline Hauserand Ell'abcth Hauser, minors. OnreadiDcand filing the petition, duly verified. oí Frccterick AÍber, Guardián, piaylng that he may be licensed to sell certaiu real estáte belougiug to uld nmiors. Thercnpon It is ordered that Monday, the :welfth day of February noxt, at ten oclock in the 'oronoon,be assigued for the hearing of said peti tion, and that the next of kin of said minore, aud all other persons Interested iu naid estáte, are rcqulred to appear at a session of said Court, then tobe holden at the Probate Office, In thcCityol Anu Arbor, and show cause, Ifanythere be, why the raycr of the petitioner should not be pranted: - And it isurther ordered tlmtsaid petitiouer give notice to the next of kiu of said minors, and al) other persons iuterested Ín said estáte, of the endency of said petition, and the hearing thei'eof,ny au&ingacopy of this order to be publlphed In the Ü:hinnt Argus, anewspa[er printed and cirenhtting n said County, throcsuccetitjive weeks previous to ftlddayofheartog. 1ÍIRAM J. itEAKKS, A truecopy. Judjceof Probate I357td Estáte of William Johnson. OTATE OF MICHIOAN, County of Washtcnaw, hl At a session af the Probate Court for the County oí Vashtcnaw, holden ut the Probate Office, iutht-Citj f Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eight h day of anuary, in the year one thousand eight hundred and Lwitty'-two. PMaenti Iliram J. IVakes, Jud(ieof Probate. In the niutter of thc wtate ol WuHam John&oa, eoeaasd. On readjng and Hlïnfr the petition, duly veritied, of Villiam H. -lohiisun, praying that wfUiam Wbod, or orno other snitul'lt' ju'ison, may be appoiuted atlinin Btratorof the estato of aawdDooaawi Xttevetnon it is oVdered, that Mondny, the flfth ay of Pebruary aext] al ten o'oloek in tb IbreiOon. lw asaijftied for the hearing of aid petitioUi ïul that the hrirs al law of laM dfloanaod, and uil othr peraons I&ti rasted tn said estáte, are raouirod to ap)cnr at a session of sjtid Court, tht-n to be hulden, at ,ho Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and how cuuse, if any there ba, why the prayer ofthe otitioner should not be granted : And it is further idared,that uid petitft Eer gire notíee to tlw peraoni : in aaid estáte ot Ha& pendenoy ot van pefci;ion, and the hearing tbexeoL by imiffirig a oopy ofthii order tobe publihhid in the dh'cAaii Ai#u$l A newslaper printt'd and rironlutinji in said fonnty, three aooeaaiTe weeks previoui to ;iil day of heai hur. v in:.oopy.ï HUlAi -r. BEAKES, 1358 Judge of Trubate. GotoR.W.ELLISA CO'b for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c.


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Michigan Argus