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Woman Suffrage In Wyoming

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UiiEYE.NNK, Dea 12.- In view of thcef fort just made by the Legislature of the Territory to ropoal the Woraan Suffrage Act, which failed on its final passage ovur tlie Goveruor's voto by one voto in the CounciT, a review of the practical workings of this institution in our Territory for the past two yeftrs will bc of interest at this timo to an ESastorn public, whoso knowlcdgu of Wom'an Suffrage is entirely one of theory. In December, 18BÍ), the Legislatura of Wyoming, consisting principally of singlo men, who were naturally admirers of the gentier sex, and in this cise entUusiastic on account of tlii; scurcity of femalea incident t frontier Ufe, passod a billoonferring the righv of sufin-ge upon women. This was truly a ïuaiden effort. The object was, first, to attract the fair ones to the country for thoir own good, of course ; and the second, to créate a society, and perhaps homes, for thomselves, lone bachelors of the pliihis, nul -.vinlually to inereaso the census of the Torritory. It is possible, however, the second was the weightier roason, although it has a flavor of the policy oi Brigham Young. The iirst actiou taken under this law was the appointment of a female Justico of the Poaef!, who qualifiod and enterad upon tho duties ot' tho office. For soiuo time the pcwition was somewhat embaí rasaing to the newly made Judge. Leaving law aside, slio had no 'tronóle in doli vering her 'charges and sentonces with graee and eleganco. But wlien led upon to ducido points of Uw, and the objootions, exceptions, demurren, and pleadj ings of attorneys, who sceiiiod to takc a malicious delightin confasingand befoggir.g the poor Justicc, slie was oxtremety embarrassed for law and law term to expreaS in teohnioal language het views of tho case. JTha lawyers woultl cite and submit aúthorities which tho Justiee would gravely examine bcfore rendcring deciaions that form an interesting study to tho student in search of the latest roíinga and préoedents. It is assorted by a maliciuus wag that tho lawyers wero in the habit of asking an adjournmont of eourt after the evidence was in, and costs all mude and feos received, and retiring to decide thesuit by a gamo of seven-up, as the Judge always agreed with the last speaker, and allowed an interminable debate between counsel, regardless of tho rules of opening and closiug of arguuients.. Ijoth could not :;pnk lust, and neither was willing to yield tho advantage of tho last word, so dear to women, and so powurful with this Judge. I will not vouoh for this, as I did not witnoss it, but it seems to illustrate the feeling, if not the tact. HEB IIUSBAND TRIED BY ATEMALÏ JUDGE. Howevor, the Judge wass winning golden opiuions from the hoart of the public. One thing only laoked test the Bopremacy in wonian's breast of justiee over love. Somo well-meaning, but nevertheLen hoartless, persons sought an occasion for this test, and after getting tho Justice's once liego lord drunk, had him arrestad and broughtbeforo her Honor on a ohárge of disorderly conduct. 'J'he sceno in the ! court was instructivo, pathetic and auras ing. ïhe husband was too druuk to , precinto the difference botween tho old and nèw state of things ; botween his wil-.: at home and her Honor upon tho bench. The prisonor domurred to tho authority , of the court, and sworc it had no diction in his case. Upon this verbal aifidavit he declarod l?cshould takc a chingo of venuo, and startod for tho door in contempt of the order of tho court. The offfcer was herc directed by her honor to ' lock tho prisoner up till morning. Ha ' sistcd, but the order was obeyed, and tho ' poor, disgracod husband was lelt iu the ' lock-up by the order of his wife to 1 der upon tho situation. Ho thought of his past, with his power, and contrasted ' it with his present and his weakneus. The occupation of Üthello was evidently gone. ] Imprisoned by the word of his onc ' dient wife ! On tho following morning he appoared in court an alterad man. He ( hunibly ontrented the Judge for mercy, 1 ploading in extenuation that it was his ] fírst offensG and under poculiarly trying ' oircumstiincos, when ne was not himselt', and tliought the eouit was not itself. The ! latter illusion had been forever dispelled ' from his mind, and he assured her Honor tbat it should never occur again, in public or private. ' Her honor said sho would not impose ' the fine for contempt of court, as iu this case sho deemed ita contompt of the ' son, and not of tho authority of the court. She could pardon thig, but, as the charge on whirh'tho prisoncr had boen bronght beforo court was an oft'cnso against the the public, the court would be compelled to impose the usual fine. As the prisoner was out of funds, tho Judge offered to go upon his bond for the paynient 'of fine and costs. Thegrateful husband was about leaving the court, when hor Ilonor detained him " ono moment," while she applied the moral lesson, thus brought home, to the prisoner's mind. He stood before the bar in the presence of the court and an amused audience which crowded the room, while with bowed head and downcast eyes ho received a leoture on woman's rigute. THE JIUSBAXD ACCErXS THE SITUATION. The husbiuid of Ihut court was ever Hitar a sober man, and h unible, too, in public and at homo. Tho joke had been carried too far for him to recover from humiliatiou, and he avoided public resorts. He Eoon bec:.:no thuroughly domestk'ated, and, while his botter and greaterhalf was administcring tho law among men, ho contentud himself with training hishousahold and conducting tho domestic departments of the firm. It was rumored that the Judge sonietimes carao houie in an irritable mood, and found fault with the cook, and chided her housekeeper for latemeals; but this was soou reinedied, for he learned to keep eourt time. The only thiug uncompleted in this transfer of duties was the obstacle in nature. Bjt'tles and condensed milk werc finally substituted for judicial nourishment, and the children soon learned to accept the situution, and transferred their affectiona to their masculino nurso. In time, howevor, an event occurred which admitted of no substitution for maternal functions. Tlie court was compelled to adjourn. Couched in beautiful language, with a delicate blush overspivading her face, tho court announced thüt it was often peraitted in oidor comïnuiiiiics to judges to take a vacation during the heated term. Although the law of that Territory no provisión for such vacation, she trusted the good people of In r district would grciously accord her a threo weeks' rocoss, as tho duties of her office had boen laborious and trying during the fii'st term. Being now moro familiar with those duties, sho hoped hereafter not to bo compelled to ask such indulgenoe. Accordingly the court would adjourn till three weeks from date. During this vacatiun the jail was iillod to overflowing, and oriminala wero allowed to go unarrested, no other justico rtsiiling in that district. The viilage bocame disorderly, and riot ran mad. Finally a now jail was extomporized to meet tho domand untiT her Ilonor eould recover. A PIÏIM.VUV WITH WO.MK.V VOTEES. The iirst OXeroise of tho right of suffrugo by tlio uewly eiifiunohieod oceurrod at the primary callod to nominato deíegatus to the Territorial Convention for tho nomination of delegates to Congrosu ui 1870. This was held at McDaniel's rhcater in Choyonne. Tho United States Marahal and ono of the United States Judges wore candidatea for tho nomination of the Bcpublican party. Partisan spirit, engendercd by personal hatrod.ran wild, and noarly every male voter in the city had besn drawn into tho quarrel between the rival candidatos and thcir iriends. Tho result of this primary virtually decidod tho Torritorial election, and every eilbrt was niado by both partics to secure this delegation. The Demócrata had not ïuadu thcir nomination, and uscd the most active exertion to secure the Marshal's nomination, as ho was tho weaker of the Republican candidates, and his nomination would socure the electioa of'tho Dymooratio candidato. The Dömoorata consoquently promisnd tho Marshall aupport at tho polls, and that thc-y would not nominate a candidato il' be Secured the Kepublican nomination. lïy virtuo of this xrofession, tho Demoorate) haadod by the Marshal and his frienda, prepafed to lili the hall at an early hour and demanded to voto in tho caucus. The Judge's friends, anticipating this strategy, couuted noses and found they would be i the minority should they be unablo to include Demociatic voters. l'li iy at .nee and secrotly formed a female reserve, which was held in readiness Lor ..y. emergency. Ti-ue to expectation, the Demócrata and the Marshal's friends were on hand an hour before the timo fixcd. The Judge's friends, sceing they would be outvoted on tho qnestion of admitting Democrats as membors if compelled to subinit the decisión of the chair to the house, secrctly introdueed thcir company of femalcsharpshooters through the dressing-rooui of the theater, and tilled the stage with ladies. TUE LAD1ES CARRY THE PRIMAR Y. At this luomont the Ohóirman of the BopabHcaa County Oommittee, wh u a Judge man, entored, and immediately callcd the house to order, when the curta:n rose and disclosed the stago fillcd with voters the Marshal men had not droamed of. Their surprise can be better imagined than deacribed. They were fciken completely off their fret, and befure they coukl rally the Jndge's men got the floorand kopt it until they had noiuiimted and olected thcir entire ticket by aclamation. Hure a scène ot' the wildest confusión arose, above the mad voices of the Marshal's friendS, dencun cing the rule of the (,', could Bcarcely bo beard. The Chafr oried oid. r, while the confending faotions fought for the floor. STells and crios now aioso frora every quartor oí the theater, and blows ware exchanged. ïho Judgu's inon suw n tri'i ;i-ht must onsue in front of tho ladies they had intróducèd, unless they yielded 6ho iloor: this was acoordiiigly clone, when the Maruhal'e men demandj ;L that the vote should be by ballot, as vote by aeolamation was not curried, Chair decided that it bad been èurrfÖd. Hele speakers on botlx sides ?pr;mg to thé1 floor in the most exoited nitmner, the Marshal'a men swearingthey would fight before they would subruit to gag law. Finally tho demand was acceded to. On ballot tho Judge's candidatos were elected by three majority. The ladies sayed the day for thu Jadge, and their presenco prevented a free fight, whichisCheyenin: knows too well, would have been no boy 's play. "When the voto was announoed the Judge uppeared xw the stage amlthankel tho luombers, and espucially the ladies, whose nrst'Vote he had the honor to receive, as he waí the first candidato for office who ever had tlio ploasuro of acknowledging indebtedaesa to tho ladtea fnr their support. Only after adjo:iiiinent did the ladies accept the Judge's invitation to refreshments. On the day of election the ladies all went to the polls and ratiiied their farmer iction. The Judge was elected, and to-day holds a soat in Congress as the first roprèsentatita of#female constituency. With one exception, so far as I know, tho ladies vofèd Che .- :nie party ticket ;is did tht-ir husConsequently the Judge has no' occasion to natter hiniself that he was above all others the choice of the ladies. On tho other hand many ladies refusod to vote for him. WOiTEX AT TUE POLLS. On election day the poll fornied the' ceuter of attraction for the curious and idle. Xo disturbances occurred during the entile day. A few shrewd politicians tried to foist tle wrong ticket oji some of the ladies as iiiey passed bitween the long linos of men to deposit their virgin ballots, but they failed in this game tliat workcd so succcssfully upon diiiuken men. The ladies1 heads ware clear, and they were not to bc cajoled or cheated. The roughs, even, were respect ful. Whenevor a lady dismounted from her carriage the crowd guvu way, forming a valí of men on eithor side, each onc eagerly peering over his neighbor's shoulder to see who was voting, how she votcd, and how she looked voting. Sensible men Wi re seen standing around tho polls all day, with no other apparent thaa toi watch the novel sceno. The ladies passed the trying ordeal, howevcr, and vindicated their equality among aud before tUo ' lords of oreation. Many voted eitSeï for the novelty's sake or at the solicitat iun of their husbands or f rieuds who wore iaterested in the result. l.atci, at the city election, few ladio? votad, ixcept in onc ward, as an ollsct, whero the contcst was close between a temporáneo suid n whisky candidato far which last tho fast woiüen ot th taw' turned out. Thü whisky man was dofeatod by the ladies' votos. Froni this timo till the impaneling of jurorsfor the springt term of court the ladies of Cheyenne wero allowed the ivtirt mint of private life.' The names of those aspiring to. sit on a jury of thcir coimfcrymen wcre placed in the list and drawn. The court convened on Monday morning, and the flutter caused by the sprinkling of ladies was apparent on the outside. Men were standing: curiously at tho doors and windows cf thocourt-room to get a glimpse of the j HrS in gowns. Mrs. A., Mis. B., Mrr. II., Mis. 1, Mis. W.i and Ii s. C. were seated inside the bar ; these only of tho married ladies ia towji Ueing at that time eligible to office. As the olerk callod the roll the ladies imswered to iliir names and bluslied. The docket was calied, and a, murtter case selected for trial. Al tor a day spent in selecting, iiiüü. avoring, challenging, and passing i urora for cause, a jury waa iinally oomplcted, with three of these ladies in the list. Coursul was too gallant to challenge the ladies fróm a jury ; and thcir gallantry lias siucc betyniu oourt vi iquette in Wyonjing. WOJfEH AS JUKC1.S. Three daya were occupied in taking testiniony, and the evidence was iioarly in, when Mrs. H. was takea ill and pronouuced by her family phyaician too unwell to sit longer on tho ju y. ííaturo would assert itself, and Mis. II. had to be exnused and another juror ibwn in her stead. The testiniony WH all re-taken for the benefit ot' the aew juror, and when eomplcted a full week had been oceupied in hearing this one case, at au expenso to tho county of over $1,000. As to thejmsoner, sorious fears were enterinined that hc would die on the jury's hond-, rathor than wait tho verdict. It is still an opett (juestion -whether these jaron are not Hablo to indictment tor inÜietiag upan a fellow-being " cruel and urtusual punishmeut, contrary to the statnte in Bneh c;ir made aád provided." However, the pvis ouer survived a verdict of guilty in tho first degree. It was then for the flrst tiino disco vered that one of these jurors was nut a oitizen of the United Stat s. In thcir modesty the eonnsel for thé ; omiii'! not presume to aak sueh an inent qneetion. The only course iiow was for the oourttoorder anew trial. But tho prisonor voluntarily oti'er '1 I o plead guilty to murdor in the second i!i - gree, and aocept a sentencg of iniprigf. ment for lite, rather than enduro auotlicr tiial. This waa accopted by the court, and Noyes wout to prison for life, ratlwr than be tried a seoond timo by a f juiy. As to the husbands ind yliildrett vt these ambitious juro míwhswu) v -ronding, . Daring tho entine wri'k tiii'y could neithst spaak nor oonwiujiicato witli their lovod imd lost. At ïnorning tho döocways ot' the court room wen crowdud with disconsolato husbands and r.hildren, waitiug to catoh a KÜmpae oi their wivos and mothers as tho sherifl brought the jury into court. At nitriii they would linger to gaze at the tetünng fonns which onco gladdencd their lionu.s and their hcarts, as they marchud off to tho publio hotol to ent and spond tho night togotlicr. One liusband beoame uneontrollable, and asked tho Judgo to periuit his wifo to go homo and seo her childron and spend the nit;ht with thum once moro. Uiit the Judgo was inexorable, and the poor husbund returned alobe to his desolate fireside to indict iv withéring review ot' tho baucful result of Woinnu's llights, which ajpeared in an cvening paper on tho following day. His nrgument was basod upon the domcstio impracticability of tho system, and upon the divine innounccuioiit thitt it is not good for man to bBalone. During tho entiro week tho ladies and gentlemen of tho jury ate, drank and slopt under tho guard of tho Sheriff - the ladies all in one room and tho gentlemen iii another communicating. The day on which tho court dismissed tho jiit-y was ono of rejoicing on the part of tho altlicted. But homo had lost its charms for their wives and mothers, whoso hearts had been turned by tho fiattery of counsel and their heads filled with vain ambitiens. Tho following week was Bpent by these exemplary vromen upon the streets and in publio plaoe, tolling whathappened in the jury and what they knewabout criminal law and tho rules of evidonce. They reminded. ono of asohool-boy with his ttrst pair of rod-top boots, or Youiig America with his first eigar. Only ono case of a woraan ruiming for an electivo office has occurrod in the Torritory. The office was that of County Clork, and the lady was a but regpected widow of an early and estimable citizen of Cheyenne. But tbc men und womeu of Cheyenne proYed thcmsclvos neither gallant, lucrciful, nor just. Several ladies, vivos OÍ vcl-t■-do bueiness men, ued their utmost c?xertions to secure the nomination over hor head in a feniale caucus at which sho wasnominatod. l''oiled in this by thuir own sox, thoy helped elect a man put up ftgainst her by men of tho party to which her husband had belonged. The incidents above citod are selectcd from a large number, as those best illustrating tho working of the systeni in its difforont branches. Thov present a practical view of wom;ms sutï'rago. It is left to the reader toaskhiinself - haait proved a Buccess ?


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