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The Woman-suffrage Women Have

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ceived asevere-set back. Wo bave btieily noted th fooi that they recently jnade a raid on tho Judiciary Comniitteo of the Boriate. bíingíng smilea and jokes mul n.iguinont.s(?) and donunciations to bear upon the heada of tho unfortunate member.s cf tho committee, in tho hope of compolling a report in favor of the rigbi of ramen to voteunder the Fourtoonth and Fifteenth constitutional amenamente. Uut neither the narao and family relations ot .Mis. Is U1ELLA BeECUER HoOKEE, thr logic of Mrs. BTANTON, the tartnoss of Miss ANTHONY, the nuvnly demonstvations of Mrs. Dr. Makv Wat.keu, the Ioquenco of LEM08THENES Wooimri.L, nor all combinod, proved sufficient foï the work, and tho ield was lost - so fai :is the oommittee was conoemed. The oommitteo unanimoualy reports that tho Pourteenth Ainondment in dftolaring all persons citizens did not declare all eitizens voters; that tho Fiftocnth Aiuonilnnii! wou! 1 have been wholly unnecessary had the Fourteenth-secnred such right, and it is in fact dirootly ojtposed to' tho claim, and " innt bc regarded as recogni"zing the right of .eveiy State undei the " Constitution, as it preriously stood, to "dony or abridg.; the right ot' tho citizen " io vote olí any acnount. in the pleasure " of the State ; " and that by the Pifteenth Amendment ",tho righta of States in this ' respeat aro only so far aífected that' no " íátato can base sucli exclusión upon race, " eolor, or provioua condition of servitude ! i' With this single oxeoption," the coiuniittte proceods, " of race, color, and prcvious '' condition of servitude, the powors ot' a ' Stato to mako such exclusión is left un" touched, and, indeed, is actually recaa" nized lnj the Fiftcaith Ammdmmt t$ e.iis" ting." In the faco of this report thero is nothing left to the woman-suffragers oxoept a 16th Amendment abolishiog the listinction of pex as the Pifteenth did of " raco or color," oran attack upon tho f.ont and roar and ilank of the sevciii! Stato Legislatares separatoly. lx the Suiiatc, onMonday, theoommitbee's substituto for the Housu apportionjnciit bill was-jtfjeated, and thu House bill, with uniniportant amendinents, passed, with only soven negativo votes. Ün Tuesday tlio House concurred ia tbc Euaendments, and sent the bill to tho President forhia signatura. Th bill as passed makea the House consist of 283 meinbers, tobo increascd. from time to time by the adtnission of now States. It provides, howevor, that no new Biste shall be adinitted without the requisite population to entitle it to a niember. The bill increasiw tho representation of Michigan froin six to niño tnembers! G Bld win will probably mnko an early cali for an extra session, and then will come the contest betwqen tho thousand and ono dietinguished Hopnblicnns auxious to servo their country in Congress, - twoor threo being locatocl in each county, - to havohe ciitting and oarving done in their individual interest. - Zack Ch.vïdlek mudo a speech in tho fSenate on Wednoèday. Tlie speech Zack CirASDLEU male was in opposition to general amnesty. Z.vck Chandler is n't in fuvor of amnesty, he isn't, and believes in shooting a few rebels, just by way of diversión. lio said "Godmight forgive an unrepentant rebel, butho (CüANDLER) never would. The caso oí' General LonoBTREBT had lieen cited as a procedent for amncstying tho leading rebels ; but LOJTGsteeet has furuished the highest iiossiblc evidenoo of repeniauoe, loyalty, and general pooil eharacter, by joining the Kopublicah party." That's it. "Children and fools spoak tho truth." Jeff. Davis has only to join tho Kopublic 111 party to get pardon. Sueh is amnesty. The following paragraph, tho meaning of which is definito and pointed, was found iu tliü Now York nows tclegrams u' W'üdnesday : " llorace Greeley, in tho Trihiiic, says that tlnm;;h lic does not oxalt tho oue torm principio above every other consid(knition, yet he has ivdhcrcd to it for ovor 50 years, nevor supporting a President f or Te-eleotion but once: and that ha has roason for bolieving that (nint issented to than a ycar ago. He does not suy fchat Grant will not, if nominated, bo ulocU d, but lic will not support him ; and tlutt his nomination rendurs doubtful a Republicaii tiiumijh, whioh a candidate pledged to thoone term would mako oert.iin." The Detroit Tribune protesta againsi the admission of Aübott, of North Carolina, to tho scat hu claims in the United States Sonate, and to which ho was nol decletl. Of tho pretenso tfiat ABBOTT, who reccived the niinority vote, was elccted becauso VAJÏCB, who reccivod tho major - ity vote, was ineligible, it siiys : " Suoh absurd roasoning as this noeds no gefiouis answer." Truu, nojLoubt, but thea the Iladicul majority ín the Senato nceds no roason for knowing no law ; and it matters not whuther Ahuott was electcd or not, it is more than likoly to admithim. "Van," writing from Washington to the Fren Prcas, says: "Itis said horo by cortain Michigan Iiuüinls tliat OHANnr.Kit and Ferry have agreed on some old party hack in Allegan County for jovernor, and oxpect to siloncc tho clamr against Detroit having all tlio offices." Doos "party hack" mean th o Allegan TournaVt protege, Col. Stookbridoe, or the Kalamazoo relio, II G. Wells ï Will Don " ïise to explaih i " Gon. Sigcl, tlio iiuwly-ulcc'odj Segia:[■ ot New York City, is tilready at logcvlieads with the "Cominitteo of Seveny " which secured him his olection. The jommittce calis for a reform ia tho office md a largo reduction - over ono hunctred er cent. - in the feos oharged, and illeijal1 dtarged, but the " Reform " Register [on't 8ee it. " Reform " befare election md "reform" nf,r eloction don't mean he saine tiniig. Gen. Sigcl thinks. loy prei'ors bómg a "rotoctionist" to boing President'. Hopkins' choico.


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