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IJ OíTITTaKSüNS The Advocate of Social and roüticnl Ttogtcta in Kul-IuihI umi !, will lecture befare ti. o STUDENT' LE(Ti:ilK ASSO( 'I.VTIOX, in tlie M.E. rhurch, SIONDAY EVENIXG, PK.1). 12tb. Hifl&ubjoct will be "liicbnrd !;- rwley SïieriI uu." Mr. 1 i-in Mi-f.iinei hi ■ ' inktoi I ri' !■!■ ', -,f xnx country, mu! 1 . . Hiuence w spokeu of in thr ui tei mi l.y WeadeU Phillips nnd John : JI. i. l.; fc jV"OTICE. Tbe notes und book ácroatita of M. Bonj. F. Kirc nrv iidw i:t my li:-ii'is for oollection, and Luncdiatê r1 ol i be ftj'mfí s rtemamied. It nut pnid moú Ann AiIkïi. .lanimry 'iot'i, 1S7'2. 13JiMf THA'Y W. ROOT, - r.TILIS OPERA HüUöE ftlïA COiVCKRT BV THE DETROIT OHÖEAL (UPWAEDS Or GO PEHrjïMESS) Prof. Edmund S. M.vtioo.v, Uikkctob. Friday Evening, Fcb. 9, 1872. TiCTtlu r with n i ronnmme of grenl inilliinm-, will be proiluceil " SterudaU i!. unett'a " l-vautilul i'iistoüil Cóht&tn of tho MAY ftUEEN ! General Ailmission, - - 3O ('en is. .'all;-r-, - . 25 (flits. h m ühout ox'rn rliiirfro. Ruto of ReBerved Seuts Acommenee at J. B. WEBSTEE &CO i!ook Store, Tueaday inorniiifr, Febroary Gtli. 8EE i'R(r.iUAMMi:.S IIERE.VFTER. Mortg&ge Bale. ' ' I .'!' 1 ivfngbeen made ijl the cottdftirxi ■( :i mol': 1 by David DeForest nwl Alari ann DeTorrst to Phüip Bach, bearlng dat tlie2Oth day of November, v. [. iv-;, and reeorrtert in the i Deeda for Waahteaaw countyj Michigan, oa the 22d day of Jiovember, A. I1 in lili '. and lmy astñgAed hy id Philip r:n'h to Bilna H. Doulajaa, by flssignment benring date the third dny of May, A. l. 'to, mul recordcd in the oülfu of the sold Bgister of Deola for W'oshtennw coimty, on the 71h day of Muy, A. 1 1. I8fft, Ín lihcr 2 ftf nsaijintnents of Owrtgu : , liy which defnult tho owpr of sale oontninei m, M;iiï mi'Tttr.ifíc has lujóme o]v?rntivi, on irbicl mortgage thero ia tdaimeu to be due at this dste thi Rum of ttiou.vuiul üvo huoilreU BAd thirty-tive i!oli:irs, and lü'ty dollars aflntl .ltuney H.v as providedm said moitgogGi and no suft or protoReding at l.'uv 'u in ohnncery hnving been institutetl to recover the debt sftcurcd by - - i - i mortgage, or ftny part theror ot ; Notico U theiefore horoby ffiven, that by rirtut of tbopoworol ..■ i in s;ii.l moitiiafre, am of fho st.íit tito in such casL matte nad pimiiltil, uid . i :j Mtunfny, tlio twi'iilyseveuth dny of príVnext, at ten odock in the forc aoon oí' t haf. day, al il'1 Bouth dooi of tho Cour :u the oiiyot'Aim Arbor, in said connty of Woshtenaw, aaid Court Qniu ■ being the nlaoe of holdinp the Cirrnit Courfc for said county of Washtor:iw , by bftla ut. public auotion, to the highest bidiler, of the premiaos describeI ín eaid mortgare, which s;iiil ntort:Lel premisos nro 1cscïiï1x1 in suid inoitfrutro a follows, viz : All tin; fbttowing doscribev pieces uf liiiid, situuïod in tha city of Arm Aïlm Wasïitenuw county, MIobífTaSt viz: commonoinS rit tljo intersi'ctiiin of tJw outh Üno of North stra ■ Uno of División Btrect, in paifl dtyot Atm Albor, anii rnnninpe-'wt on the toatti ií North strect atxjut two humlrcil feet to tho atholio Cburch lot, thcnív Botitn ftvo ronls, tfiènee #ert parallel to Vortli Street to División sti-ect, thence north to the t beginninjr. Aim Arbor, Téieh. Jan: 30th, 1S7'2. BILAfi II. DOUGIwUSS, Assignee. Fi;i.r H & (JHAxr, Attorneys for Assijfnee. KI50 'jPOLEDO, ANN AltliOIl AND NORTHEF N" BAILROAD. pnopo&iLS. Fmposnls nre inviteil for thoonstrurtinn of the above Toad from tho Stftto tino to Ann Aifmr. l'I;i:is ■' inultos nn'l pproiAoatiOQi can to ooonultcU at the olticc of tlu; comimiiy, in Aun 'rlior. S. U. D0UO1..VSS, rrosident. Janu.iry, 8th, 1S72. 1357ff rn. c. a.xeitek CONTINÚES TO TUT ÜP AND FILL Physicians Presoriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Grcgory THock. C. A. LEITEU A CO. Ann Arbor, Dec. 22.1 18T1. 1334 piSOPLE'B DRUG STOiSE R. W.ELLIS& CO. ANN ABBOK


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Michigan Argus