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True To Love And Home

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Un a cortain dny ín 18ü3, a young man whose noticeable points woro a fashionable coat. pantaloons with wide cheeks, and a niussiw gold watch ohain, nt Ofl cnd of which danglod a soul, walked into a largo hardware; store in Bonton andasked for eniployment. Mr. Peter 13utler, une of the proprietore, inquirid if he had ever worked ut tin.' business. Sohadnot. What had be beendoing? Htudying law at Cambridge. Where did lie belongV Hkfamily livrd in Maryland. The Krm wern not in need of help, and the sorvices ot' the applicant wero civilly declined. On the CoUowing day ha addressed a note to Mr. Butler, saying that he feored he had not made hiuuelf quite underatood Mini would cali again on the morrow to ezplain t'urther. At the BOcOnd interview ho said In; Iiinl lirailuated at Harvard University, and oommeuoad readiug law; that he had bocomi; aoquainted with a young lady in Cambridge whóin he proposed to niarry ; that bis iatluT had written tollim forbidding him to wed a Northern girl on penalty of uttcr disinlioritante and banishment from hume. Ho intended, however, to keep faitli with bis bctrothed ; and as he must, pad die bis pwn canoe in the futuro, he was looking for cmploymcnt. Mr. Butler i ngaged him at );-lüü a yoar, and gave him oertain dutiestoperforra. Next morning the young man, whose name wc. m;iy aa well say was John l'aca, walked in trom Cambridge with bis dinner paofced in a tin pail and went stoutly to work. II j kept steadily at this for a year, cloing all that hc was told to do, and more bosides ; for his comrades, of whom there were moro than sixty, finding him ablc and willing, set him all tho menial tasks of tho establishment, until the proprietor discovered and stopped the imposition. At tho end of the year Jobn's salary was inoroasod $100, and heimmed an early day for his wedding. When that day canii! SEr. Butler gave him a n rw suit of clothes (he presents everybody he takcs a Hking to with a tip toj suit once in a while) and a holiilay. Mr. and Mrs. John Paca went to live with tho brido's fathcr and mother, and John continued to walk to business, tin pail in hand, Among all tin; merchante and tradesmen who rode in f rom ol Cambridge to the banks and counting rooms of Boston, there ws not ono whoso heart was lighter and happier ;han that of John Paca, a clerk on $600 u ■ar, He was always on hand whon tho rarshoose was openud, and stuck by it tut il it was closed. Dtring tho socond rear of bis service ne received a letter 'rom )iis sisters, who were at school 111 Jrooklyn, asking him to got leave to make hem a short visit. Hu did so, aud returnd to his duties. Not long afterward anotlicr letter camc. lis father wuntvd him to come home tor few days and bring his wifo witb. him. Mr. Butler famishea the neceasary funda 'or a comfortable trip to the old homo and ack again. During their stay in Maryand tlie young poople won the lovu of ;he old folks, if indeed thej' had ever forbitcd it, and John had not been long ack at thi! store in Hoston when his lacher desired hiin to tke charge of pne of lis plantations. lic should havt: a living ff it, one thousand a yoar besides, and wi) saddlo horses, and his wifc should lave oarriage and pair. His employars lurricd liiin iway and bado him Godpeed. At tho death of his fathur, John 'oll hcir to an immonso t:state. Every car hu writes to Peter Butler, whoiu hé ustly thinks ono of tho best men in Bos;ou, to come out and joiu him in a fox ïunt.


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