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- Nast Iets up on the "Tamniany Ring" for once, and goea for the freo-lovers in liarper' Weelly for the l'th inst. His full-pago picture, entitled " Get thee behind me, (Jiirs.) Satan," representa a weary and saddened wifo, hearing over a rough mid rocky road hor three children and a drunkon husband. Sho moets an angel ofdarkncss, garbudas a woman but havinj a bat's wings and horns on her head, who holds up before her a scroll inscribed, "Be Sa ved by Froe Love," to which the burdened wife replies, " I'd rather travel tho hardest path of matrimony than folloV your footsteps." On anothcr page an extract from the Steinway Hall speech of Mr.'Woodhull indicates that the picturo is not a fancy sketch. - Colfax has written a letter to tho Indianapolis Journal, protesting against the réported movement to mako him a candidate in the Philadelphia Convention for Preaidont. He is for Grant. If tho protest is off tho sanie pieco as his successivo declinations of a ro-nomination for tho Vice Presidency, the public will easily underitand its meaning, and construo it to say ' Barkis is willin'." - The editor of a London " Communist" journal has seen Zack Chandler's last " blood-letting " proposition, and " goes him better " Zack thirsted for the lives of thirty Ku-Klux, while his Communist rival wants "thirty thousand heads." ïry again, old Zack, it will ucver do to be worstod thusly. - Terwilliger, clerk of the N. Y. Senato, chargcd with altering printing bilis and bagging a large per cent. of tho spoils, has resigned. He was Tom Murphy's confidential clerk : Grant has cerftod to Tom's character ; Tom can certify to Terwilliger's, and then the whitowashing will be complete. - London cable-graras of the 12th inst., announced that Earl Mayo, Governor - General of India, was assassinated on the evoning of tho 8th, by a Mohanimcdan nonvict, and soon after expirod. And now London dispatches of tho llth say that the assassin bas been tried, convicted, and sentencod to bo hung. Quick work. - Stoughton and Waldron, of this State, voted' against tho educational bill which passed the House on the 8th inst. Tho bill appropriates the net. procceds of the sale of the public lands, to be distributed among the upon certuiu prescribod conditioiM. - Eight Repwblican Senators: Boroman, Hill, Logan, Morrill of Me., Scott, Tipton, Trumbull and Wright, votod against the Anuiesty bill, becansoof Sumuer's Civil llights attachment, four were paired, and several decliuod to voto for various roasons. - John W. Forney has resigned the collectorship of Philadelphia, his rosignation to take effect March lst. Ho assigns as his rcason that holding office cenflicts with " independent journalism." Is Forney getting ready foranother " turn ?" - Tho St. Louis Bqiubliean'givea the number of explosiona on tho Mississippi and its tributarios frora 1815 to 1871, inclusive, as 89 ; resulting in 3,809 deaths, an average of 43 to each accident. - The Detroit Tribune charges tho Domocracy with being opposed to auinesty, because the Democratie Senators voted against the over-loaded House bilí. A littlo too thin, that. - Hon. Jas. F. Wilson, of Iowa, is now the favorito nag pitted against Grant for the Bcrub race over tho Philadelphia course. It is said that ho is groomed by Greeley, Forney & Co. - Tho telegraph again has Sccratary Fish resign : this time at the desire of the President. Sicklcs and Banks aro spoken of its wanting tho shed soales. "What a fall, iny contrymen ! " - Word comes f rom Salt Lako that the apáñese enibassy propose to wait the aising of the blockade of the Union Paine, and aro having a good time with the Hormon lasses. - The Ohio State Journal loads a vigoous movement in favor of making exGovernor and ox-Secrctary Dennison the tepublican oandidate for Vice President. The House, on Friday last, disposod f the Arkansas contestad eleetion case by a unaniínous voto : unseating Edwards and seating Boles. -Soven passenger trains headod westward wé!"i reportad at Crestón, 737 miles west of Omaha, on the 14th, the oldest being twonty-eigtt days out. Parliamont has proclaimed tho 27th inst-, ogpointod as a day of Thanksgiving for tha iecovery of the Prince of Walefs as a, legal holiday. Ex-Senator Grimes, of Iowa, died af. bis residonce in Burlington, on the evoning of tho 7th inst., of paralysis,. agcd ö-l yoars. - Reed, carpet-bag Govemor of Florida, lias been impeached. Tb? Lieutenant-Goyernor is offiinating as Governor. - Bixtoen Republicana votodagainst the educationaïbill which passed the Ilouse on the 8th inst., and fivo Domocrats for it. - Mrs. Stanton bas subseribod $5 to the Greeloy statuo fund, conditioned tlmt tho "job" shall bo given to awoman. - M. Drouyn de 1' Huya Í8 reported as tho coming representativo of tho French Republic at Washington. - The firo Iosscb in Brooklyn, Jf. TT., for 1871 are reported : on buildings, $498,340 ; on stock, $682,860. - Tho Union Pacific railroad is still " snow-bound," and stago coaches are boing songht after. - Gen. Banks protests that ho has no do8r8 to go to St. Petersburg and relieve Ministor Curtin. - The fathor of Will M. Carleton died near Iludson, on the 9th inst., aged 70 years. - An English expedition has loft London in search of the long-lost Livingstone. - ■ John Burns, hero of Gotty sburg, died on the 7th inst., of pneumonía. - Election day in Wisconsiu has been legislated a legal holiday. - Gen. Shcrman was reported at Rome on tho 12th inst.


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Michigan Argus