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Eslate of Corfielius kaughljn TATE QT MICmOAN, County pf U;u ' AtaatssSjnof the Probato Coiff f1P t,tt,i. f Washtenaw, holtden nt tho l'ruí.ft , T 'w :ty of Ann Arbor." on Snturday „, ".it2 r Febtuary, in'tRé year one UioSíand ,Lw? A Ca and s.v.-nly-t(.. 0lSht Ijj'Present, llirnni ,T. lirailics, JudROof p-v I the matter óf the estfteofttmJZÍ'Onrciuhngandnlingthe pet.üon, duly „. BurEé, Adrmnktrator, pruvini. "H ny bc licensed tó ■■■)! 0.' -itale k """ ü leceaaed died seuted f ■ the purpS? JJüÜ J ;he proceeds of nuch kIB ,.moni{ Se rwf"rilllii ted in BKid eattJ K P"0" it? Thercupon it is ,.,.:... ;, ...... „ ■ ■ mt.h duy of Murch ncxt, ut U.- o'eloek l! ! ''"■ jood, be aasigncd lor the hearing ,? ., 5" fcn. ind thnt the h.-irs l law of 3 dweiucd , ■Jtl ■r persons bltiu&tod in said estáte, re íei JJ Í peur at u sosnion of imid Cuurt 'I Vt-.pW. the Probate Office, in the City or AmTS ihow cause, it my there bc-, wliy ti " J petitioner should not be granted: indni ■■?' ' U ordcred, that suid petitioner give iioiiwt ti'"'"i Intcrcsted in suid estáte, of the pcndeiiCTnfíífi1' tion, and tbc hearing thereof, by cauai. L "''' tbia order to bc puUiahcd in the ,,2 "ij? newspaper printed ;n.l cireulating in 4d ?":'' four Bucctsivc weeïs previou to ii,i ,].,,, , (Atruecopy.) " HÍBÁS3j.1Syyaí 11160 Ju'U:c Uf i? Estáte of Charles StmJ k STATE OP. MICHIGAN, At a sesslou of the Probate Cuurt forïh ,!' of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate oOlr i"' eity of Auu Arbor, on Satnrday, ihe fij 't ofFbruary, iu the yeur one Ihoiuam! t",l .ili dred and seveuty-two. ' ' '' l'reaciit,IIIramI.Beakei,JudgeofPro,t' In the matter of the célate of Cliirin . deceased. , Charlea Stiicr, Admhilstrator of tM comes into Court and represents tlim Q. f"1 prepared to renfier hls flrst account as uch 1 1 ïbtrator. Thoreupon it t Ordcrcd, that Moid fourth dny of March, next, at ten oviock f' l forenoou, beaasigncd for oxamiuing ndiluJ, auch account, and that the heir atlawofuuj ccacd,aiid all otherp(;r8ODí(iiiieretediiiiijJl re required to appearatasosBionofííldCoiutHl!!1 to bc holden at the ProbateOflloc.Tn Uit CHtÓi, Arbor insaidOounty.andshowcauseifaajibBr? wby thu saidaccgjtiutshould not be allowed aSÍ furlher ordered, that nuid Adminitrtors,JJ to the persons intereitcd in aid pMate, olihf doncy of said uocount, and the hi ar nj; thfrwif?' caiisiug copy of this order to publlihtdii'.' .Vi':hivuu.iryn.,:i uewspaper lrintcuaui,i.rll " in aid County, three uccesslve weck pretlnni!' sai'l day of hearing. " (Atrue copy.j H1KAM J. BEAHs 13O JndaeofPtoSii Estato of Philip Eidi OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WnsM-., f Atasejwionot the Probuto ('ourt for tbc Cou, V■alihtenaw holden nt the Probate Oflite, ia tj, ' of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the sevtnth fal l Jiebruary, in the year oue thousand eigbt hnabJ j! seventy-tvo. Present lliram J. Beaket), Judgc of Prr.U-itf in thu rnattcr of the estáte of Philip KmIJd h. ecufecd. (in vi m' lint' and filing the petition, dul; Toittl i Johu üeorge Eiding, praying tliut John KJ eome other suiUible peraon, may be appuiiiT uiiniHtrntof Í the estáte ot nid dtctuwd Theruupon it is ordered, that Moudsy, thefwr' i dfty of Match next, at ten o'duck in Üm hv r noon, be aMtigncd for the hearing of Huid pctitiMnt ï that the lu'iid ut law of said decensed, nnd iÏTkW pui-sons interested in said cstatc, are ituf appear at a seraion of said ('ourt, tln-ntol kdin at the Probate Ortiee, in the City of ADnAibTj . show cnuse, if any there be, why the pmyej cf (il. titioner should not be RTanted : And it w furtinn! derevl, that ■■mid potitioner give noticeto tben intt-rested iu sjiid etnte, of tbc pendency of srmi , tion, und the hcarinr' thereof, by cïvusiug tamj, f order to be publishi d in the .Uirfc'jgo Jrnt, s !„,, q pajier printed ni.d circulating in aaid (.ounlj.U;,, e successive weekb previous to wiid day of henhít f (A true cipy.) IIIliAM .1. HF..VKÜ 3M eiofPnli. ,, ■ Estáte of Luther Boyden. e O TATE OF MICHIGAPT, County of Wnsltm., y O Ata sessioaaf -the Pinbatc C'onrt fort., f of Wiisljtenaw, hoMen at the VwbiiteOffice.iiil s of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the secoiid dny tf [,■. ruary w the year one thousiind ei-ht 1 ,t awlauTuatjr-tvo. Iresent Hiïam.J. lieak, Judge of Probete. In the nt-jtter of the estáte of Luthtt Iqte, deceased . On retiúámtf m-A HUng ttw petition, duly nnM, i Edward L. hoyden, irnyiiB tlut n ceruin inatnaa; now ou tile in this Court, parporting to be Ue k " will and testament of snid deeeust.'d, may beafcÉM K to probate, and that he iu;ty be appointednteb ' to thereof. . Theseupoo, ft i ordered, thut Monday, Ük km 'l dij f Mnrch ñext, at ten o'clsck in toe ftma, i' be uMlgned for the hearin;; of said petitkni, indtkt'it Í' legatees, Sevisa t and heura :it law of nniddeccwiiad ' all other persons inttrested iu snid estáte, are mjicrl to üppear at n session of said cuurt, then to leMlin, at the Probate OtHee, in the cit) of Ano L' show cause, if any there be, why the pnyn H V petitioner should not snoited : And H u IBtVt ordered, tht sail TttwnT give notiec to the pn sons VBttitBteA in said estáte, of the peafaq rf " said fietition, und the hearing thocof, br onéi Y copy of thw order to puolished in the Jftán Argutta newspuper printftl Bnd cirruiatmj imü county, tiiree sueecssive weeks previoiu to uu èrf ; liearmtf. )f (A true coÁy.) HIKAM .1. BKAtff, j I 13130 JudgcoiPmttó. ! Estáte of Williain A. ííowlud. STATK OF MICHIGAN, county of Wirtttii,. At u session of the Probut Court furtbfreutjrf ' Wsshtenaw, holtlt-n at the l'roliate iMtt, mlltriir " of Ann Arlw, on Hatunla} , tlie Uini iir tTiiruary, in the yeaï one tkousaud iniitdiid n seventy-t-wo. iPresent, Hiruin J. Benkes, Judgc of PwaU. h In the luivttcT of the estnte of Williain A.Siai, ie dccedsetl. C Ou rertdinp and filinp the petition, duly thíIm.oi ;, Frank Nowhnd, praying that a certnin ratnnt snow on lilg in this court, purpoiling toketkeljMin y and testntneqt of sïiid deeeiiised. may be dmíltMii I. inobute, and ht acUoinüirution uf said uteur 1 be "ranted t o suuie susl:iblc rx;rson as admmnaiw r, witii the will tmnrced. . . J n Thereupon it is onlered, that Mondnj, tbeMK d day of March next, at ten o'tluck in tbe Vuh uoon, be isit;nod lor the hearing of snidpehtmK ie that the legatees. devisee nul heirs at 1' m " e coasod, and all other perseas uiteresHii in mm b. )- areretjuired to ajik;ar at AMttion of sumí Court.tyi it to be holden at the l'rotmtc OtBce, in the city M ■'- ■r A rïor, and show cause, if any tlierc be. whj Ui ■- pniyer of the yotitionershould not be grantíd: i e it is f urther oniercd, that said petitioncr giic notwl' d the persona intci-ested iu said catate, of the pwn? d of skkI j;tituiii ml the hearini? thereof, y wo ' ■- copy of this order to be published in the Xichtgnfr sjat, a narapaper printed and circulatinfr in "■ I ■t ty, three sucoessive weeks pnrious to said dy ol (Ji" l "'(A truc copy.) HIKAM J. BKAKE, .: 1360 JudgeofPrci B Estáte of Albort Sonnewald. j VTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte,, ' At a session of the lbute Court (orthe Comí ; of Washtenaw, liolden at the Probati Oiü, , City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, thetenty-61tb"" ñ af Janunr}-, in tlwyearone thousund eight huw' i. and seventy-two. ü lrescnt, lliram J. Boake, Jodpe of Probet. 1 o In the matter of the estáte oí Albert bonnti, „ minor. u Christian Mack, Onaitliao of said cs(te, ■""" eourtand represents that 1 is aeu prcpliM "■ der bis final account s surh Uuanuan. a ïhereupon it is ordei-ed, that Mondny, e."jr teenth day of Fuary next, at ten o'ckx "■ foreooon, be assoed for exiiniinine mm J01; iua sueh uceauut, and that the ncït of ro " siil minor, and all other persons inwiw f in said estatf, are requinxi ' to appeM ■i]. f sion of said Court, then to bcholden I"; 0 bote Office, in the City of Ann Arlr, i 't County, and show cause, 'f ' ny therebe.,1!" f said account should not be allowed : And rt""" I ■i oi.lrrtil ili;it savl (roiinli..ii give notice to t"IT interesled in sid esttite, of the pendency _m " r eount, and the hcarine therrof, by enuáií f of this ordei to be published in the Mi:1 .T 1 a newspape printwl and cirt-ulatinp i laJlvT' three suceessivc weeksprevious t said ilay "."r1 ' (A truc copy.) IIIKA 34 -I. l1" l 1558 Judgeof rWt Estáte of Daniel B. Green. ■ ' OTATB OF MICHIOAN, County of WaiihliW'" ■ O At a session of tho Probate Court for th IW I of Washtenaw, holden at the lrobati O?" ' City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, toe fw?'j of January, in the ycux oae thttusaai gnt"11 ' and seventy-twoi. Present Hiram J. Iiikes, Jud(;c of Probate. In the matter of the Estnte of Daniel " ' deceased. ... jt On rcading and filing the petition, duly ""■',; Ebert P. llnrier, Administrator, praying 'S! I may be licensed to sell certain real estáte "Ljj, decensed died sei.l, for the puipose of dwJlWW the proceeds of auch sale amon? hls hcir t i Thei-oupon it is ordered, that Mnndny,thinm?J day uf February next, at tan o'clock in the .'j be ORsigncd for the hearing uf s:d petil ,, „ that the heirs at law of snkl daacd, W& aU W' persons interested in said estáte, ;.re rtquirea toflll'T at a ffHf-"" of said Conrt, the tobe holde," Probate Offlae, in tho CUy of Ann Arbor, oauae, U any mere be, why the prayer of L.Pj ithit should not be lanted : And it is f urther o, j, said petitioner give notice to the persons mere?ai said estato, of the pendency of said petition. hearing thoreof , by causa) eepy of th """"ui published in the Michipr Argüí, a neuspi'PWF, and cireulating in smd county, four succesM " previoua to suid day of hearing. „.■ P,Atr.eeopy, 1 Estato of John L. Shearl OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of W'? Ö At a aession of the Ptoliite (,'aurt for tM_ , of Washteaaw, holden at the Probate """Jjj, city of Ann Arbor, on Thursdny, the twty-mw of January, in the ycar ono thousand eit,'" "" and seventy-two. . Present, lliram J. Beakes, Judge of ProbateIn the matter of the catate of John I" =" Abram Shear, Administrator of said 'ivÏÏ"! . into Court arx refatcsents that he is now prfl" reniei liis. nnul acwunt as sueh Adxuinif 'iut";;( -,(! Thwupon it is ordered, that Mcuiiisy. W "'."Lm, day of Februry oext, at ten u'elock m ttie. 'jji. be assigned for cxamiuing and allnw '"P "'l rí? nthei and that the heirs at law of said deceased, awlu, persons interested in said estáte, are requireüt w r at a session of soid Court, then to bc 'Aelli' i: Probate Ofllce, in tho city of Ann Ar&or, ' County, and show cause, if any there ?',, forlhaccount should not be allowed : And it tt, erordeivd, that said Aó!minitratorriye nut A persons mtcrested tnm wtU, ! l""w( said uectwnt, ad the heii tVt-. hTc'uMj copy of tft t te published in tlie Couoty, thrce sucoessfvo. weeks previuas "" ÏTV'ÈöËfiSE FEATHiSBS PIBSTQUAMTt ftonstantlyon hand and for salcby BACE & ABEL - "GotoR.W.ELLlS&CO'i for choice Wines and Liquw{ . , forMedü&l Purposes .


Old News
Michigan Argus