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Matrimony Extraordinary

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An entertaimng articlo entitlod "Tony Wellor's Widows " appears in the Chester [Pb-) Repullican, froni which tho following is an extract : " Another very courtable widow was a young lady of Washington, Pa. 8he becarue ongaged to a young man named Robert , in 1846. Her father, however, objected to this match with one of bis olerks, and when tho young lady roceived a tempting proposal trom a very wealthy suitor tho paternal influenco soon ■ eü'ected a marriagc, dospite tho fbrnier engagement. In loss than three months her husband was killed by a kick from a torso. Robert was a second time then a suitor, but delayed tho important ques tion until fifteen months had elapsod, when to his horror sho ïnformed liim that sho was In three months thoréafter she was married. Two years elapsed, when the marriod couplo removed to Syracuse, N. T , whero aniong tho victims of the cholera, when the postilonce swept that city, was the second husband. Robert againsoughtherhand.and, when a year had elapsed, was on the evo of a doclaration, whon lo ! he received an iuvitation to hor wedding. Her lato husband's business was found in such a state that to avoid immense losses sho married tho surviving partner. Shortly after, she reniovod with her third husband to Detroit, Michigan. A few years olapsod whonherself and husband wore on a steaiuer that was wrecked near Buffalo. Xho husband perished, and the wife escaped solely through tho exertkms of a friend who was on board. His gallantry inspirod such Sftntiments in hor broast that she married her brave proserver a few months after her third widowhood. Tho happy pair removed to Pittsburg, whore tho husband was engaged in meroantile business. Thither Robort, still cherishing his first love, followed them. One day as he was passing tho husband's store he saw a terriblo commotion. Rushing in, he beheld tho mangled corpse of that gentlemen on tho floor. A tiercé of rice, in be:ng hoisted to an upper story, had fallen through the traps, killitig him instantly. Anxiously Robert inquired if any one had been soat to inform his wife, and was told that tho book-keeper had just gone. Robert starled tbr Alleghany City, where thedeceasod had resided, at the top of his spetd. The book-keeper was just ahead of him, and from past experience knowing the value of prompt action, and approhending that tho clerk had designs on the widow, he ran for doar Ufe, sido-by-sido. The race continuod until they roached Hand stroot bridge, when the clerk was obliged to stop and pay tho tolls, while Robert, a commutor, passod over without stopping. Reaohing the house of the widow firat, Robert told tho heart-rending news, and in the samo breath made a proposal of marnage. He was accopted. Truo to hor promise, aftor a yoar of mourning she becamo his wifo. As all her husbands had died wealthy, Robort was oomfortably fixed after all. The case is a remarkablo oxainplo of What pluck and porseverance will do for a man, whilo at the same timo it teaches a lesson on the danger of delay."


Old News
Michigan Argus