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New Yobk, Feb. 20. Tlie keeping up of cottnn to 22' and the axdtemM ia wool gives dry fjooil.s jobber ■ powcrful leve rage on values in their lins. ïhat thcy ure usinf? it oi uil andevery occasion is too wcll known. Their mos sueecasful elforta howcver, Hra conflnert to thu mor is'-i-souuble fabrica and new styles. As a wbolu, tl dry (joods trade does not show the volume it shoul under condition of such excitement. The yreat druw bnek is an over supply of woolcn fabrica, and now appear that retailers aro pretty well stocked wit both rottons and woolens for the spring triule. Heneo öince prieea can hardly bo higher, the absence of spec ulative purchases on their part. Groceries are quict ' soft retinod sudara, U9UX. Coffee, now that tl duty in almont sure to bn taken off, is dull and nom inal at 1'@,l2C decline. The toa dealers are gettin on the anxious seat, for 15c per tax off will be no ama item m thoir line. Mess pork has declined to $14' 14 25 for ribw. Lard is ilrm at tt) for ateaiu añil Ü, for ketllo. ('hoese quiot at 13917a' ISimt westor butter, 2-i. Vlour is steady, and il' anything tendii upword. Wheat is active 'and higher : red wwtet and amber, LHO1.73. Corn dull at 71í(á72, and oa at SI.', Si. Gold U0)iU0,V. Money easy at C per cent. Dktboit, Feb. 21. Sinco the dute of last letter there have been fe changos in the prices of general mcrchandise. I builden hardware it is cstimated tlmt there will b some important advancea ; bul the idea is put forl that the iron men have puahcd values ftir enoug] filantes in nails, tflass and tin havöjbrought these artiest) to the verge of irohibition. No fact is more certnin than that the hardware im portera and manu ttcturors will injure themstslves if thoy do not sto orovdiBg. Already we hear of restriuted business on acconnt of high pric;:s. The over production whic ïoilatei values alwnya stimulates, will in thw instance like all others, end in ruin. lt will be well for the re taflftN in hardware to keop their weather eyo open Dry good-s have received their weekly marking up. The past has been the most active week in llotir sinco summer, the sales somo days bcing from 1,5'jO to 2,000 bbls. The stook is heuvily redueed and the arrivals dropping off, as usual whun an arlicle goes up. Holdera in the interior will not be inuch comforted y luarniug that the eastern demand has, within a duy or two, almost ceasod, whilo speculatrs here are not so anxious ttince every grade is now held at fuil vnluoWe quote choico winter, $77.25; fuucy do. 7.5O(L 7.75; Minnesota spring, $7.507.70; medium white $6.5O@7.00 ; aeconds, $".506.00. Whent ia about 2c. higber than last Wudnesday, but fully lc lower sincc Monday. At tho bouitl this ufternoon few buyers could be found. The only salo was 3 cars No. 1 white at 1.53. Troadwcll wus nominal at 1.57, and amber at 1.43. Extra 1.03. Xo. l corn is ttteady at Wc. Oats are dull at 39$39. Barloy is activo at l.CQ@l.6o. llye unsaleable at 76. Green upplcs ñrm at 3.25 per bbl., and dried do. at 8jc per lb. Dried pcuchos plenty at 18@ 19. Clover seeil quiet at $5.60, and timothy flnn at f8.76. Dressed hour!, hdavr, $S.Í6 ; lijíht, íó.itt itj.7ó. lloney, dull at ls.2'i; in cumb. lotrtU)C-f , flrm at 9095 in aacks, and 8ÖC4iflc on stront. EgSSi v.T' M-;irce; Mdling at 3U;i'31. Tallow iaquiet at 1}+. Aloncy is easy at 1U per cent. Ann Aubor, Thursüat, Feb. M Api'LES- 50360c per bu. Beef- Brings 7@So. Bolxed Meal- $2.00. BoTTKH- Prices rumain at lfi'ai20c. Buckwheat- Prices have declined to 80c per bu Beanb- 1.Ï5 per bu. Upaid lor good quality. Conx- Brinjjs 5G@GOc pur bu. CniCKENs- Dressed 10c. EG8- Are very scarce, and command 23c. Flour- xxx. 3.75 par cwt. Hay- $1310 por ton, itecording to qnolity. Honkt- In eap, i3.ó20c. Lard -The markut stands at 7@8c. Oats- 33' 36c. l'OTATOEP- 95C. 1'ork- In Tirossed hogs Üie markftt i played out. TtlllKETB- HJC. W)Ieat- The market iaquiet. Whito we quote at $; amber, 1.36-1.40; rad $1.MA1.S8.


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