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Beal Estáte for Sale. ST TF. ni' IICIUUÁK, countj uf % Im thf; matter of the estáte 01 i'hz.i Jane Osgood, % ,.:ivy -ji'h, luittin purauunco o nted to the imderslgtftd, Aanfhmtrac tor of the catate of tmid decea:d, by tbs Hou. Jude o of i'robato for the county of WaShtenaw. on the fl ty ot Jamiary, A. i. 1858, ■ en will I o vendue, to the higbest biddr, nfc tho dwellíut-r house on tlie premiaes nereináltér deseribed, tu the d nowityot Winhttuawf in said State, on Wcd ñenday 'li rliiy of Fobruary, A. I). 1872, atten c 'i-Iih]í ín b' forenoon of that day, (subject to olí en. ambraau ra 01 otherwfa ■ tí im of thedeathof asid deoeased), the foüowtng rtecribed n ■■. ir . : Tbe Houtheaet qimrtcr of d of -iiii'-ti six, in townahrptwo 1 outh if ruagesti easti&said State, ooxrtttiliing fort y 1 January 8th, A. I). H72. CASSIÜtí SI ORGOOI, l 1356W A.lniiniatratot. ( ■ _ f Real listatü for Sale. ITATE OF MICHIG N, .-ouuty of Washten.i ite of Charies A. k ninor: tíotí pursuance of Lidian of the j state of s;iid minor, by the (fon. deftige of Probate ( qt theconnty oJ Waehtonaw. on the eighth day of i . . D, I8í ', fchej triÜDesold ;ii pnblicvenLuo, to the highest bidder, nt thr Bfonohester Hotel, d tij'1 viUage of Manchester, in tliu county of Woshtw t #en1 1 -seventh iaypf february. A. D. 18VÏ, at thrce o'clock inthe ifternoon of thi ■ ' i" ,ill Piicumbriinccs by ■ i or othei 9 ■ ig at the time of . to v. i t : Lota rlurt'í-n and íourtí en in block twen1y-nim in the vilUanchestcr, aceording io the recorded plat : l.i ! i of. líated, January 8th, A. 1). 1872 JOHN OO0DYE 1'. 'iu-nlian. Real Estáte tor Salo. OTATE OF -I LCHIGAN, county of Waihtenair. w. Tu the matter of the estáte of Jacob Maehí ■ ■ in nu'sn aja ui Ier g ranted to ; lae a i .'. iil anaexeaof aaiddeoea . Judge of Probate fur the oounty o] VS naw, on the fcwenty-flfth day of Jury. A. D.1871, ] i v. ill : nl.l ;it public vendue, tu tho higheat biddor, ut tho direlling doom on the premises hereinafter deserilxd. in the oounty of Woshfeatfw, te Mid Btate, y-ivcnth day of l'ebruary. A. . at one o'clock in the afiernoon of that day ■ to all enmambtanco by mortgage orol oí aaid '■■ ■ il ettato, to wit: Tho west half ottbeau on ten, in townahip fout Booth ui range tour easi oontaining -i 1 j more oor tesa Au-i atoo ;ill thai p i mtbeati quarter of the uouthweul quartei of aeotion three. ovnshici and range, tying south of tb ontlei of Columbia LukOf (exoept timt part formerly wild to John Armbvust;, oontaining eight iicres of land, bouuded on the south by u ditth, and on tbc west by ;i pond of w i'i i1. Dntcd, Jonnary Bth, isr?. JACOB HAUKH. Administrator 13TiG de bonis non fith the will ann Beal Estáte for Bi STATEOF M LCHIOAN. oounty of Waabtem In Öie matter of the estáte 0A Samae) B. Thorn, Bmeline ü. 'i born, Lowto J. Xhorn, Eibenes i i.. Thorn, Mury 'rimrn, Saphemlii 'i hom, Alice Thoni, and i'riik (;. Xbom, mi nors; Nu . given, that in pursuiuioe oían order ranted toth ■ he wtate i raid ininon by the iion Jinie of l'robate lor th: ouisty ot Uaflhienaw, on .tho ele venüi day of December, A. . 1871, tbere sold ar public vrM'liiM. in Ue highest bidder, at the . od iïm1 preiaiisefl )ti inuiter defleribed, ín tüfl county of AVnahtennw, in s;iiti St;ito, on .-, the BtfODOd day of A pi il, A. I. 1372, ;it ten oelock In the rorenoon of tbat dy, -abject to rdl enoumbi anoes by moi .mlt orothervnse existing at tu time of tale, and ajao nubject to the right of dower of the vndcTfsigned oa widow of Chm-lcb Thorn, de. tiu' futlowis i io it : The undivided eight-ninths (8-fl) of eachof thefollowing doacribed poTeela of land, vis.: l'art of lot A or ubdivtsion t tbo southwest fiactionul qnartd: ■; -■ tion w ■'■l). beginning ut the northeuit cornoi1 of A, xuuuing soatb one degree and thirty minutes oost tnirteen chaina and tmo link-i to a stake in theeaAt lineol said lot Af. thence south eiglity-nine landtbirtj i twenty chaina and thirty-eight II i -(■,■: ]ijï sí; vi mi, thonce along iii lino north one degree west , thirteen chaina and two lmks to aquarteraection corner, thwuw olomg the qnarter line Dortheighty-nine land thirty muiutis east twenty onains and thirty-one links to tlie plnce of briinninf?, contflining 1 venty-six and 60-tOO acre. AW lot A, or wtt subilivi-iion of tlio DOrthwest fractjonal quaftez of snid q, eontainin eigbtr-ooe aud 5A-100 acres. An-i also ot the Bouth jwrt of the ve.-t pact of the BonUrtresi fractïonal quurterof section six, eoi fottyacFoa; all in township four south of range three 1 easï, in ,-;iiil State. Dad, Februory I6tb, A. 1. 1873. 1361 SAItAll C. THORN, Guardián. Real Eatóte for Sale. STATE OÍ' AJ [CHIOAN, county of Waahtonaw, bbL In the muttcr of Uu: estnte of Polly I ■ ï : Notiee is hezoby given, that in pursnance of ■ I. Adlninifltratpr of the öötate of said deceased, by the Hon. Jadgt baCefor the county of washtenaw, on tbe fcirelfth day of Pehniary, A. n. 1872, there will be sold ;■', public vendue, to the hÍgÍt6aÍDÍdder4 at the dweil i mr houseonthe premises he crib 1, in the ' eoanty of Washtenaw, in Baid State, on Baturany, the thtrtieth day of hfazoh A. 1. 187Í, ut om o'clocli inthe . afternoon of that dny (subject to all cncumhrances torotbenrise exíatíng at the time of the ■ ■- follpving desenbed ronl . tcwit; Theeasi holf of the sbuthwi ti i umi the tn ii ihv.- -' ijinrler ut fiotion twcnty-throe, ' contAining two hundrea and foi t y aerea mojre or less; ■ i jtitvt of tb; west huif of the s ter of said seotion twentjuthree, containing thirty ; : he ca.-st half of the northwt st qnart ' tion twenty bïx, eontaining eighty aerea more ov lea ; and íiIm'p the west hall of toe northwest quarter of h iction twenty-nine. contoining eighty acres more r I in towoahip three aoath oí muge thi in Mii! Dated. Febuary 12th, A. D. 172. JOliN J. aOBlSON, 1361 Adimni3trutor. te f Leonaard Feil. STAT! DEW.M. is hereby giren, tíi;it by an order of t bate Court for the County of WawhtenaTT, made on the twelfth diiy of February, A. D. 17, six montlis from, that date wei e al) o wed for creilitors to theii claims againat the estáte of IODnrd Feil, late of síiid eounty.diToasi'U, and tbat all oredifon of said deoeaacd are róq,uired to ]njseiit '.: BAid Probate Conrt, at the Probate.Offlce, ín the City of 1 nu Arbor, far exaraination and aUowam b, on or before fche twelfth day of Augurt nest, and tl ïriÜ be heard before said Probate i Batiirday, tl ponth day of A i ril, and on Monday, the twflfth day of Angust next, at ten o'clock i:i the forenoor) ofench i I lJjttcd, Aiui Arbor, Febriun y tftb, A. IX1873. H1RAM ,1 BEAKK8, 1361w4 Judge of Probafe. Connnissioïhii' Xotioe. CTATE OF MICHIGA N , i teunty of Woshtenaw, n, v The underawued, having been appointed by the Probate Court tor aaid oounty, ComniissionersToreoeive, examine and ndjastal] claimj and demnnds of ill persons agaiñsl tl;e estáte of Caroline D. I'i of Baid oonnty, deoeoaed, hereby gjve notioei montbs t'iom dato are ollowed, by order of said i'm■ onxt, fox orediton : preaent their elaiioi hé estáte of said deoeased, oud tibal theywill the office of the County Clerit, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said connty, on Saturday, Öie 1 1 -. i i-- teenth day of April, and Tuesduy, tho thirteenth day of Auffust next, at ten u'eloek a. u, of eaoh of said Laya, to i eeeiTöi examina, and adjust aaid olaíxnQ. Dated, February ISth. A. D 1871 JOHN J. lioHTSOX,BDWABD R. BLAWBON, 13fil w4 Commisaionen Estáte of Michael Keamey. QTATKOP MICHIGAN, Coanty of Waantena-fl, as. O Notiee is horeby given, that by an order of the Probnte Court for tne County of Waahtanaw, □ the lonth day of February, A. D. 1872. six montbs from that date vore oDowed forcreditorsto theix claims againat the estáte of Micha] v, Late t' said oounty, deoeaeed, and that all creditora of aald deceased are required to present d Ftobate i'üiirt, nt the Probate Aim Arbor. for exumination and allowonce, on or before the tenth day of Angruf ad that aaoh olaima v,-ill be heara bef rt on Satnxday ,the twentieth day of April, and on Wedneedayj Uu teuth day of August next, at rk in tbe forenoon ot c-ueh ofthoso daya. Dated, Ann Arbor, Febraary lftth, A. D. 1S72. H1UÁM J. BEAKE8, lCGlw-i Judge of Probate. Commissionerg' Ntice. STATE OV MICHIGAN, Oounty of "WaahtenaTr,aa, andersigned, haTing been appointed by the Probate ourl Col aaid county, Commissioners to reoeive, examiné and adjust all claims and demundsof all i rflOna :iu;iïiiHt tbc estáte of Jiuu&s Moorc, 8en., late of said oounty deoeased, hereby privo notiee tbat six niontiis tiom aote are ollowed, by order of said Probate Court, for ereditors to preyeut thcir elainii : ite of eaid deceasea, and that Uiey will meel al there idenoe of AVjliiumJ., in Manohester to uaid oouni -s , on Batiuxlay, the fourth day of M;i , and on Monrlay, the twelfth day of Augnsfnext, ar tano'olook a. U, of each of Raid dayd, to receive, examine, iind adjust said claims. iMted, Feb. Utb, A. J. 1872. JOHN BTTETIS, i:](llw4 THOMAS HOLH ES, Cumui issionerts . Commissioners Notiee. QTATB OF MICHIGAN, oounty rf Washtenaw, w. 0 The undersigned having boen appointed by the ]i"obalc Court tor Baid ooonty, ComuusaiQiiera to ï-eEomine and adjuat all claims and demanda of -ons agtünst the estáte of Charles Behr, Inte of said oonnty, deoeased, hereby give notiee that six months from date are allowed, by order of satd Probate ' i-uit, for oreditors t; present their claims againet the estufo ■{' s;iií deoeaoed, and }vt they will meet. at tbr htorr of Bach c Abel, in the oity of Ann Arbor, in aaidooontr, on Saturday, the fcwenty-oerenth day of A]ril, and Monday, the ilfth dny of Auvüst nxt, at ten o'clock a. m. of ench.of said days, to receivt', examine, and adjust said claims. Datod, February öth, A. D. 1872."" EM ANTJEL MANN, PJBTEB IJ. ABEL, 13fïlw4 Commissioners. Efltate af Thomns J. Brooks. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Vfaabtenaw, m. j At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washttíixuw, bolden nt the Probate Office, in tbe 'ity of Ann Arbor, on Paturday, the tenth day t Pebruary, in theyear ouc thousand eight hundred . mi -two. Present, ËRramJ. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In tho matter of the estáte of Thomas J. ürooks, eceased. lea Kempf, Administrator of aafd i (nm into oourt and represfljiita that he iu now ', Kired to render bis final aoopunt aa auch Administraor Thereupon it is ordoved, thnt Tuesday, the j welfth dav of March next, ut ten oVloe.k in the . orenoon, bo nsKipfned for rxiuniiiinii and allowii BUOQ airoimt, and that the heirs at law of üd decer=ed and all ot hor ] tam ma in I i 1 said eatatp, are required io appeai a on of said Court, then to be holden at tho ate Office, in the City o Ann Arbor, in snid 'ounty, and show oanBC, Lf ons there be, whj the unt shouM not be illowod : And it isfnrQier !.ti -;tiit Administrator give noUce tú the perma [nterwted in said estáte, oí the pendency ofwid ■.■mint, and the hearing then -of, by cAUsingaoopy ' tliis order 1" be published in the ttichfffem Argut newspaper printwd and, carojulatüig t& aaid Covaty, . iree successíve weeks prcvious t uid day oí heannir. " [A triM-copy.) HIRA K8, VihX Judge of Probate. í Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by


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Michigan Argus