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The Eccentricities Of Congressmen

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A oonatituency whioh sonds a bufioon to Congress, doliberately and with knowlodg', ioes a most thoughtlrss, üi.-L'usting and huvU'ul uet. It WM very íuiiny tu seo and Mullens of TennwM e get uj and bawl out : " Mr. Speaker, I want a pint of order just hero ; " oí to hear him speaking of an Arkansas inember who had been killed bv the Ku Klux, as ho did speak in my hearing about tlie latí; Mr. Hiñes, in the most BOrtowful and bewuiling manner; "Mister Speaker, he has gone down to hit last gravo, wrapped Ín the peav!'u' goliloquyof bis blood." It may be i'u:iny for tho boys in the galloiy to seo a niember put his big dirty boota upon his de3k, slide down on his chair nntil hesits on a spot betwéen the sniall of bis buck and his ni k, and go to sleep and inore during the proeeodings i' the House, as an Illinois uiember usod to do in the Pórty-first Congresê. Perhapa it was amusing tu tlij colorad gallery to seo a member get to ii.í feet by the Btronget efforts and tlie help uf his lieighbors, so drunk t he eould not stand, and in.sist upon quarroling in au incoherent manner with the speaker, nntil his voiee was dro wned by the deafeniiig stroke of the mallet. The exhibition wusgiven about a jrear ago by a Penneylvaniau, who is still a membr of the House. Perhapa the sight ofthree or four uiembera during tho session stretched out ut f uil length u)ou the sotas in tlie i;icf baot oi' the oircle of seats, all BOund aaleep and sweating Jiko a bull's nose in winter, is an inipning view froux the reporters' gallery. Perhaps it looks well to seo a Congressnian squirting tobáceo juico in quantities ranging from a teaspoonfn! to B quart all over the snow-white ïuarble of the stuirway and besuieuriug eostly cárpete. It may bo among tho proprieties to smoko a uve cent oigai in a grand hundred thousand dollar room, as I havo sneu Hamlin do in the uneqaaled and supeib marble room of the Sonate. And it may be tho right 't-hiiig to do tor two momburs of tho present House, who pay about twenty or :hirty dollars a munth fur boord in the Washington haah house, to bring lunch of some kind at a certain hour of the day, jo into the room markcd "exclunivrly :br membeis," and Dat their luncheons iii ïappiness. I may say, howevor, that this room, iiotwithstundiug its eharacter, is ;he cloanest, purest and brightest room n thu capítol, but I submiL tliat it ishaiily tho place to eat a greasy sandwich, l'he things I have desoribed may be funïy, amusing and Jnughable to tho witless who go through lite for no othur purpose han to find things to luugh at, but huch congrcssinen as 1 have aliuded to are a losilive injury to any district. Thoy .,ii'. no inÜuenoo horo, and no acquiimtance ; they coiuu here witli the same narrow notions thoy had at homo, serve out heir terin, draw theirpay, their mileage nul stationery, and ko hamo to tho same


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